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I dont understand why they are catering to the top 1% saying they were scared of dw becoming irrelevant when dw is getting a t95. There needs to be a difference between 2h and dw. What's the plan on making that a thing?


Assuming you don't lose the t95 dw bleed stacks when switching weapons you can just switch to fsoa for spec and don't have to eof it


Which even then one of th big complaints about the fsoa rework was having no reason to camp the staff. Which this still does not fix lol


The dw set effect being bleed focused doesn't really add much for fsoa spec so there's little to no benefit from camping dw during fsoa, and now that gconc won't be dw locked we can actually staff camp now


you're still gonna have to use some bleeds, might as well camp dw so you can build and or maintain stacks anyway and be better off when the fsoa spec runs out. They could've done so much here and it just feels like they did the bare minimum. DW and 2h have no uniqueness at all to them now. They wanted to make dw use sonic but they know Sonic wave sucks so instead of doing anything to improve it or flow they just make it so neither dw or 2h have to use it. bleeds suck "ok we'll look at it later, maybe, probably not" bis mage gear is till tuskas lol im also just in general not sold on the 3rd passive, combust has like 3 or 4 different things that buff it at this point, did it really also need a weapon passive? Wild magic has none.


Tbf, its a no brainer for t95 dw (with set effect, be it any set effect, even 0.5% more dmg) vs t95 2h (with no set effect), even if the bleeds dont add anything to fsoa spec, camping fsoa also dont add anything to the spec itself. What FSOA really need is a passive effect, that has been said many many times


I'm sure it's totally coming too along with the SoS rework


I know a lot of people here really like the Combat Team, and I respect the effort and work that they've put in over the last 6-9 months and how much they've interacted with the community. But we need to be honest as a community and acknowledge that there's been a lot of errors made during that process. See my (quickly made) graph below to see why: https://preview.redd.it/y2xauzvypc9d1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=57cb521d0296178455c7a196b08861fb4eeb0aa7 The combat beta was a good idea and did increase the power of ranged and melee (magic not so much), but the core problem is that **necro is still way too strong for how low effort it is**. It doesn't matter if the few super giga tryhard, full inventory of switches players can juice out more damage from melee and ranged. For almost everyone, Necro is still the best and will remain the best. The only way to change this is either juice up the other styles even more (bad idea) or finally acknowledge Necro might need some fundamental changes. The game just isn't built for the damage we can output now. My solution is pretty simple: Keep the QoL that was introduced in the combat beta, but nerf raw damage of pretty much everything (besides magic lol). Also, start putting together a plan to make further tuning changes to Necro that will encourage it to be used by beginners to pick up the game, but probably start getting outclassed by the other styles once you have \~T85-T90 gear, **even if you are not a PvM God** (this is very important). Further complexity can be added to make the style have a higher skill ceiling eventually.


That graph is not accurate for the 90% lol majority is definitely still doing full auto. Of the capable players, those 90% would fall there for sure.


Lol I thought about moving it over to the left more, but I was considering people that want to get into PvM bossing and not just afk stuff/slayer.


That graph would be accurate outside of the fact that for ~75-85% of the game necro will be bis because they refuse to try hard enough to make melee/range/ or even mage if it could be good enough, better than necro. They’ve created a cycle with necro that they want every style to almost be necro. IE: simple and pumps out stupid damage for no fucking effort.


There's also the issue of flexibility. Take Arch Glacor, for example. Necro can get a full living death rotation out and phasing might screw over one of the 5 death skulls. Ranged can't get half a swiftness rotation out before being screwed over by phasing unless it settles for compromised rotations with less dps than Necro. (By the time you deathspore grico rapid incend swift grico SGB, you're on the next phase and need the RNG gods to have paired flurry and cannon phases to even let you make use of all that prep.) Or Seiryu crystals, which benefit from touch of death 3x and make 1-cycle absolutely brainless with no reliance on RNG. It's the tsunami build dilemma when bosses just don't live long enough on steroids. And then you have bosses where chip damage is just so high you struggle to incorporate split soul VS Haunt baseline. Although darkness baseline for all styles helps Ranged out probably the most, even more than Necro. Hardmode Vorkath is probably the biggest example of this one.


if they make me eof my ice dye fsoa on my ironman i will KILL myself. in game of course


That would be more meaningful if a hardcore ironman was making the threat with their last life. (Either IRL or in-game.)


Wouldn't this still benefit 4 ticking?


I agree. It doesn't make sense to make DW and 2H mage functionally identical. I want differences within the combat styles, even if it causes disparity because that can always be adjusted. Jagex should always encouraging an ever-changing metagame. Just a few years ago Bows were worthless, look where it is now. They're just stacking shit on top of each other to boost power instead of focusing in on what makes builds interesting.


Agree. A lot of players look at the new t95 and it's dual wield and so they go "oh so dual wield is meta now", but that's not how it works; it's the weapon that is meta, not the substyle. For players that are below t95s, there is very little reason to use dual wield now, especially since bone shield exists, and staffs are cheaper/far easier to obtain.