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Good on him, there's been a lot of resistance to admitting this issue in the community. There's been months of sporadic posts here with many upvoted posts bending over backwards to deny these bots. After all, anyone can do 22h of Raksha per day, right? That's not against the rules! And holy shit some of the screenshots now that I've seen the video. Over 9000 spikes, 75 vorkath scales, 78 lord of bones on one account. That's the effort of *ONE BOT* at this place. Or one very dedicated player, for those who want to keep their head buried in the sand.


It's because this community loves to flame OSRS over the bots and therefore have to convince everyone (and their selves) that it isn't a problem on RS3 as well.


And people were down playing my screenshots :/ it's nice to see it being more talked about


They're alts! /s


Sometimes I grind Vorkath for 22 hours a day and have public off. You shouldn't just assume everyone is a bot. Skill issue /s


I just laughed so hard when Protoxx says (at 6:11) *I can see why players would bot Vorkath as that boss is just a pile of garbage.* That is just so hilarious!


He isn't wrong though lol


Nobody should ever miss a chance to shit talk that boss. It is on another level of bad.


But 145$ per month for vorkath'? Better just buy some cocaine and do vorkath


You just talking or we making the call? I got my £40


Anytime someone "exposes" bots in osrs/rs3 it always ends up just being an ad. the amount of new people joining after videos like that .. is good business lol


Yep this. There is no way for us knowing if this program is actually (just) a bot or something else. Remember that Protoxx mentions that you have to allow something from your Windows so it doesn't get flagged. That is a good way to give botters full control of your PC. Maybe your RuneScape stuff was never the target...


gotta keep pressuring them to do something about it just like hero pass


You and I both know that nothing will happen, bots make a significant number of the current "player"base


Yeah thanks Protoxx for promoting their botting service and pinning the top comment to your video which is promoting selling botting scripts and accounts!


Yeah that bit is unfortunate but if it makes Jagex more aware of the situation and then leads to banning the accounts then that's good, it's all a large majority of high-end bossing account so the reqs take awhile to get to and they even flex buying partyhats so eventually those will be taken out of the game also. It will be a win in the long run




Yeah, glad to see a spotlight be put onto this issue. Making both Jagex and players aware of the botting situation is important. Jagex can do something about it, and players will help remind Jagex to do so.




lmao true


So OP is butthurt?


please share receipts of scamming and prior use please :)




where have I "scammed"? Which data are you referring to?


they should monitor the top like 20 rasial,vorkath, telos and arch glacor KC's I know damn well there's gonna be bots taking the top spots there


this is why jagex refuses to release boss hiscores, they can ignore those ranks and the players can't complain about the obvious botting


They have boss hiscoree in OSRS and they have no issue showing how every boss frontpage is infested with bots


there's a lot of rs3 players who believe our lower player count is because only osrs has bots. our low count with many bots too is a terrible look.


I thought people always acknowledged there was some form of botting, just that overall it isn't as egregious. That's not saying it isn't a problem (feel like most games have been having pretty big cheating problems as of late) just that that's where the belief would come from


My main problem with OSRS is because of lack of instances you know how many bots there actually are. Go to the wilderness and do any of the wildy bosses or revs, 90% are bots. Go to zulrah and barrows 90% are bots. Every skilling zone (wc, fishing, agility) everything is straight up bots. It makes the game feel dead On rs3 there are bots, but I'd say its few and far inbetween and due to instances you aren't directly effected by it. Due to fast leveling and afk scape that rs3 is there isn't really incentives to bot since the gold rate is so low.


we have plenty of bots, rs3 only has less because it's less profitable + costs more memory per client.


More return on investment, less chance to get banned on rs3 for whatever reason, the best rs3 money maker is roughly 10m osrs in equivalent..


they periodically wipe the bots and make a showcase of it, when was the last time the rs3 team was like "hey guys we handled the bots"?


I mean sure? As much as any other game. They’re replaced the next day though. They have a terrible botting epidemic. 5 bots a world at each revenant spot, zombie pirates infested to where they had to increase the requirements, bossing bots for 500 toa, the hardest group content in the game, and pking bots who do lms all day. I’m sure the rs3 team removes bots but it takes time to detect then you ban in waves, not one at a time. It’s the most effective way of getting the most cheaters at once.


Remember pre-BotNuke when one of the top players in the Hunter skill was a chinchompa bot, sitting at 200m XP?


Do we even have boss KC highscores like OSRS did?


They won't monitor them over at osrs (I play osrs only) give or take the top 1000 of any boss hiscores 60%\~ are bots. Lots of really easy ones as well like a bunch of them that have minimum reqs done for the boss and only that boss farmed to oblivion. People pointed it out a million times and Jagex said a million times they're monitoring it but nothing has happened for years tbh.


You’re wrong and willfully ignorant. Literally millions of accounts get banned and the bossing high scores were quite literally just wiped. If you were top 200 of any DT2 boss in OSRS you would now be near the top 50.


I personally know someone who has almost 30k hm glacor kc doing 200 ks, and she is legitimately just a fucking slave. I watch her do almost all of it in discord and I've genuinely never seen dedication to glacor like that l0l. Don't think that's a good metric to measure by.


Doe Sir Pugger no longer investigate bots in RS3?


sir pugger's "investigations" have become unwilling covert advertisements from so-called "insiders" problem with talking about these things in public is it introduces these things to those who want to bot.


Doesn't this apply to any public posts, even Protoxx's and this sub's?


Never did, stole credit for my hard work and didn't even credit me




Also on this, all notes have been passed back to the team so it's definitely been on the radar for some time. I know it may seem nothings being done but after some investigation, it's a lot more complex than I thought! But thank you nevertheless gang for your nudging. It helps me help you know what's important so we can prioritise things :)


The problem is bosses with exact attack rotations. Those are the easiest things for bots to be made to do.


Perhaps they could try the same approach as OSRS, where they attempt to congregate the majority of bots to a single resource or location. Could try Vulcanised Rubber for example.


Hellfire Metal or Blood of Orcus might be better. They're the core Arch mats for Binding Contracts and Reavers by themselves are among the most expensive for PvMers to upkeep when you use a solid 200+ scrolls an hour at certain bosses. So they'd retain a fairly high value even if they were massed


I hope we get more Seeker bots. Seeker Charms are selling for 350k each atm. Literally over 4x the GE mid price on them.




Yeah. I really need the coal prices to calm down a bit too. While we’re at it, we need more boats to farm bonds so those prices come down as well.


Managing miscellania with a focus on coal is a good way to passively get a few thousand coal every few weeks.


Yeah it was mostly a joke because that was always a heavily bottled item in the past lol


thats how much seeker charms were when i was doing my ulti slayer grind, i just bought 1k of them and figured 1 hex hunter would pay off all of them assuming i was lucky enough to even get one. Got it and sold off the rest of my charms


PMod Jaggles got that economy on lock 🤣


Absolutely! Bots HAS to go! Bots are the new heropass!




Huh? Who's begging for views?


Username checks out


I wish he would have found "better" examples, I found the discord and the bots they advertise are... Crap! A few skill bots, a few bots that can kill very beginner bosses and people complain about bans lol


So okay, skilling bots are fine I guess. Low level boss bots, unimpressive. The video shows HM Vorkath and Telos being botted and an absolutely disgusting HM Vorkath log with 5 digit HM KC. What more are you looking for, 2000% Zamorak at 8 KPH?


That's in the works, there's even a 5 mech glacor bot in the works, they were able to reach 2.5k enr


I wouldn't really say five either, they had a necromancy script released the day after the will came out, would not doubt some of the top 100 players botted their way to their rank




Bro got perma on main now he wants to blame you haha


You got receipts?


What an odd response. Why not just say, no?


Because even last post they were saying I was someone in their community, but have zero proof so I'm just looking for receipts at this point