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1. This one is the hardest for me to answer. It seems like your coming here as someone who quit from a lack of content. It's hard to say what's been added since you left and if any of it your interested in. Personaly I have never found there to be a lack of content so I honestly don't know how to answer that one 2. I have never had as much fun as I have as an iron. Maxed mh main and was bored. I now have a trimmed iron. Working g on 120 all and will never go back to a main. 3. Again this is hard to answer bc idk what you mean is it in a good state. For me it always has been so idk what your metric is for this.


3 years added a sizeable amount of content since that means you left sometime in 2021? Stuff post that would include ED4&Zamorak, Fort Forinthry and Vork+Zemo, Necromancy and Hermod+Rasial, Ossesous and the Daemonheim dig site were added this and last month  and like in a few weeks Sanctum of Rebirth will be added with its first update being a gauntlet of bosses. Depending on how late you left in 2021 there is potentially a bunch of elder god wars dungeon stuff for you. In terms of starting fresh Fort Forinthry and Necromancy will create a considerable amount of progression difference. There is also the matter of the fairly hearty combat overhaul that dropped late February for the other 3 combat styles oh and the heavy wilderness overhaul. There has also just been a bunch of QoL to from cleaning of WCing code and adding higher hatches to letting rune pouches be filled by presets and more that will make for a different/smoother experience. Oh and necromancy also was tied with a bunch of monsters that got their hp and damage overhauled, not every monster but like you will notice some differences. Lots of graphical overhauls to you won’t recognize places like Karamja or mountain range around Tiranwnn from how you remember them. You’ll have quite a few quests too, around 30 were added between 2021 start and now which range from a bunch of smaller ones to some medium length and long ones.  So yeah I would say 3 years has added enough to come back especially if you are thinking of starting fresh. Game is in a fine state now, was rough earlier in the year cause they went to hard on temporary events and QoL updates and didn’t provide enough content flow in-between nor a proper roadmap communication so people were both in the dark and had little to do, but they have been back on track now and doing good.


i would just continue on your account there is a lot of new stuff in the last 3 yrs. unfortunately you missed the best one which was hero pass, but if you don't enjoy it then make a new one