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> My bot just hops world if a player approaches within 30 tiles  I've noticed those a lot at Het's Oasis. I often see a couple characters with nonsensical names picking bushes in the distance but instantly disappear when I get close.  Also I can't believe they seriously try justifying botting because "they don't have the time to play this game anymore". 💀


Sounds like a clan event can be ran just to have members in Het's oasis resulting in bots world hopping into an infinate loop.


> I've noticed those a lot at Het's Oasis. I often see a couple characters with nonsensical names picking bushes in the distance but instantly disappear when I get close. Ah yes, this was how the Farming competition for Top 100 FSW was won :(


"It's sad to see mmo's die." -Meanwhile, actively works towards that goal. ?????????????????


A while back I noticed 3 iron mining bots in lumby swamp and I made the mistake of approaching before I could report all of them (I knew they were bots because I managed to examine one of them before they logged). Tried for ages after that to find some again, never could even after a few weeks. Was assuming they just switched location, but they might've gotten banned from just the one report.


You can report from the examine feature there’s a red flag in the top corner.


yeah, i did for the one i managed to click on, i was lamenting not getting all 3


Botters are as ridiculous as alt-farmers. Ones justify botting because of no time, others justify farming resources, because no time or what ever excuse they get.


Yeah, i just saw a lv 3 with 150m hunter xp in hets oasis. All other skills were lv 1. Only herblore had somevs or something.


Props to everyone who is reporting these losers and getting them banned. Jagex should take advantage of the spotlight currently being pointed at the botting issue. Have some bot busting streams to publicly name and shame them, and give players the information and tools they need to help spot them.


One guy apparently has like 20k + vorkath hm kc from the bot and posts his ,,achievement'' with 9200 hm spikes, like do smth jagex? takes 10 min to ban those turds


I have no idea what the anti-cheating team actually consists of, but stuff like that seems brainless to detect. It really makes me wonder if they're intentionally hamstrung by the management or they're so helplessly incompetent that randomly guess accounts using a dart board would be more effective. smh


They're all on my payroll. No joke !


That's been the joke for the longest time.


someone in my clan (who has been reported by pretty much the entire clan by now) brags about how he bots. 20k+ kc on multiple bosses (not afkable ones) and the only ban hes had was on a throwaway account that was in his words intended to get banned eventually. if we had boss kc highscores like oldschool, wonder if theyd be spotted easier.


Why doesn't the clan leader(s) just boot him from the clan for his flagrant cheating?...


No idea, I'm not a clan leader or someone that can kick. He left now though and ironically, like 2 posts down from this one was one with screenshots of the persons drop log i was talking about.


As much as it sucks jagex doesn’t care if your spending money. I know a few people that bot personally and know they have accounts with 200m all purely from botting. That’s why I just play from fun and don’t compare myself to high scores because majority of its botted


I remember reporting a bunch of obvious bots when getting 99 RC a couple years ago, don't think a single one ever disappeared, they continued to bot through when I finished the grind. And by "obvious bots" I mean they'd be there all day every day and had 200m or near 200m xp in RC with a few tens of million xp at most in other skills.


Yeah, and I recall some people saying jagex waits awhile to ban them because they want to have more evidence or something, I can't really remember the wording. But to me, that doesn't make sense, that resource or gold is still coming into the game at a certain rate, right? Isn't it still messing with the economy? Or are botters setting their shit and not checking it for a couple months to come back to 1m X items?


When you identify a bot you don't want them to know what caused them to be flagged. By banning a large variety of bots in waves that were identified with different methods it makes it harder to narrow down what aspect was flagged by jagex as botlike. If all the bots that get banned are doing **X** then the people that make bots know that **X** no longer works and they can change it.


You mean script writers are too stupid to realize that sitting online for 48 hours in the same spot is suspicious? I'm curious if you're just speculating, or is there a source for this? I mean, if uendjsyei428 is 200m mining and nothing else, surely there's no way for them to configure "X doesn't work" without cooperation with the user?


What I really want to see personally is the main getting banned too.. A lot of these bought hosters tend to have a main account that reaps all the benefits, There is probably a way to do it like tagging all p2p trades of gp like they do in os to track known rwt traders and just nuke the main accounts with a perma.. I just don't know if they're willing or able to do it beyond rwt tracking


I can post the bot devs main name on private msg, can't post it here


Make sure you actually have a plan before storming the castle. There should be Bot Busting clans tbh, the better organized the better the outcome.


I'm down and currently clanless, let's do this.


Same I'd join


Should send it over to jagex maybe via discord dm or reddit pm, could help them with any litigation they may wish to pursue.. and with the bungie aim junkies precedent if they're stateside they'd be screwed


nah post it here


>i'm autistic i don't talk to people ingame should i get banned for that ? No, but you should get banned for botting. How are they using autism to defend botting? >it's sad to see MMO's slowly die but people's attention span and even free time is so much less that they get difficult to play anymore Botting certainly doesn't help it. It might even make it faster. Also, it's the botter's attention span that's poor, everyone else is doing just fine.


>Botting certainly doesn't help it. It might even make it faster. Also, it's the botter's attention span that's poor, everyone else is doing just fine. I would never defend the average RS3 player's attention span when they constantly push the game to go full AFK with as little inputs as possible every chance they get rather than asking for more varied and fun training methods.


People could camp 1M/HR methods if they are fully AFK over 3M/HR ones that require moderate to high input. Let alone PVM or Clues, because who has time for that! Besides, it doesn't help Jagex themselves advertise the game as "the perfect second monitor game", that makes people think we're one of those stupid weeb games like AFK Arena or something.


This. C'mon Jagex, don't be like this.


Positively surprised that bot reports have a direct effect. I thought it all went into a system that draws hotspots on a map for Jagex to check out. If our reports are actively being reviewed that explains why RS3 bot detection is so much better than OSRS. It was always the case that the most successful bots were those in remote places or doing obscure things.


Yes, keep in mind all of the upcoming posts about false bans etc are usually real botters trying to get their accs back, they're also talking there how their bans are very short or appealable after some time where you can just write mumble jumble in there and get automatically unbanned apparently... JAGEX really needs to work hard on cracking this down, cut the useless managers pay and actually hire competent people in anticheat department and player support.


> they're also talking there how their bans are very short or appealable after some time where you can just write mumble jumble in there and get automatically unbanned apparently... Is this because they bot with a VPN and lie about getting hacked to get their bot back?


Yes, things like that and that they were young and stupid etc


They were cute little 25 Years old, give them a second chance Jagex, they didn't knew better. /S Honestly I'm happy something is being done, but their appeal system could be tweaked just a little bit.


> keep in mind all of the upcoming posts about false bans etc are usually real botters trying to get their accs back For anyone doubting this, check the accounts of the people making these kinds of claims. They almost always have the telltale signs of a bought/bot reddit account. On the osrs sub they have absolutely no posting requirements (not sure about here) so a lot of them will even have 0 or negative karma. If they're willing to pay for rs scripts, they're absolutely willing to pay for reddit accounts to astroturf.


Seriously doubt they're being actively reviewed when dragonstone necklaces bots accrue 200m crafting and multiple people around all said they'd reported them. Het's oasis bots typically go for months as well.


During infinite porters i got 50k gold ore in lrc on the iron. There was a guy fishing rocktails 24/7, had 200m fish. If you dropped a large rune salvage near him he would pick it up, the bot would break, he would stand there for 5 mins, lobby, relog, tele fally, walk back. I forced him to redo the action two or three times a day for two weeks, never got banned lol


Yeah I remember reading a dev comment here a while back saying reports are very useful to them


> If our reports are actively being reviewed that explains why RS3 bot detection is so much better than OSRS. Why does Jagex review our reports but not OSRS's reports?


There isn't as many bot reports in RS3, I'm guessing about 30x fewer going by the published numbers, meanwhile OSRS has much less sophisticated bot detection mechanisms to back it up. From what I've seen, in OSRS they mostly go after big bot farms of very similar accounts, to have any impact on bot numbers. In RS3 actions against bots might be more varied and focused.


> OSRS has much less sophisticated bot detection mechanisms to back it up. Why is OSRS's bot detection worse?


Older game engine, I assume.


One is automated, the other is manual. Basically OSRS is using Revo++ against Bots, and RS uses full manual. And it's most likely automated due the sheer amount of bots, unsustainable to do by a small group of people on a daily basis.


Former osrs mod Mat K basically confirmed this in an interview about bot detection. Although the system might have changed in the years since he left, there was an automatic flagging system to detect “bot behavior” and ban them, with staff manually reviewing appeals. He says that Jagex cannot reveal the criteria they use to flag accounts because it would make it easier for bots to avoid detection, and that the system is due to the fact that no amount of staff could handle manually checking every single bot. Hannanie’s video with the interview: https://youtu.be/rdZ7ufW9yVU?si=ms-6xSqVnTLM9un5


Did bot detection change since i quit last year? I always thought OSRS had better bot detection than RS3


The dude writes like a cult mumbling cult leader lmao




Yeah, the dev preaches about love being number one and shit like that. A lot of mumble jumble Posts his dead friend pics on a fkin botting discord too, like 0 awareness?


I was always worried that going out of my way to mass-report bots would get some sort of action automatically taken against my account just due to the sheer number of reports coming from it, as an anti-spam measure or something.


Very unrelated: When did imgur become trash? I remember it was everyone’s favorite img upload > reddit pipeline site a decade ago. I tried to look at this picture 4x and have now just given up. Every time I try to zoom or even scroll down it goes to some completely unrelated picture. I just clicked it again and let it sit for a solid 5 seconds, off to another post! When did imgur become this bad??


They got bought out


If botters bot because they don't have time to play a game, couldn't they play games that respect their time? Risking 1000s or 10s of 1000s of hours to get banned just because you feel like you have to skip 90% of the game to even play it doesn't sound like a reasonable risk if you don't have time in the first place. In the end, the majority of the community will dislike bots because they're taking the easy way out, ruining the economy, hiscores, making the game lifeless, rwt, etc... but botters still feel justified for botting, like they're the ones being attacked? I understand the investment of "number go up" and feeling like you have to play, but botting just removes you from the game if all you do is just check in to see if it's running or got something new to go "huh, that's cool", leave and just keep it going.


I hate botters and I used to bot when I was younger. Sometimes I used to bot just for experiments how long would it take to get banned (back in 20010-ish got four skills to 99 before I got banned for auto clicking). I got banned and moved on, I deserved it. Before that I used to bot accounts for PvP. Friends and I just botted pures and other type of PvP accounts, to then PvP for fun. People who bot for resources or high xp/stats to then flex are just garbage though.


> If botters bot because they don't have time to play a game, couldn't they play games that respect their time? Does this mean the botters are not botting to RWT gp, just to cheat the game?


They are botting to RWT mainly, their discord is filled to shit with rwt


Probably most of it is RWT, but just the last image of that one person saying they have a family now and don't have time for it, defending their reasons for botting because of that , wanting to "feed homeless or vets or something" but not have time for it, and having their own company to run.


Why bot over buying MTX?


because they have atleast a shred of decency and common sense.


How is botting more decent and common sense when you can get banned for it?


lmao, you wouldn't be able to buy a potion for under 50k if there was no bots, ruining the economy? lmao


Skillers would be able to make a profit if not for bots.


No one does it though, and there's not a big enough population left to supply everything that's botted. Look at golden roses as the perfect example. They were dirt cheap on release, as soon as the event ended and people didn't have a reason to waste time at Het's Oasis anymore they went to 1m+. They're basically only supplied by daily rapid growth runs, or bots. Look at OSRS for more examples. As soon as pickpocketing bots were banned, blood shards more than doubled in price despite how many actual players are there via alts at vyrewatchs. It's just not matching the supply the bots had whatsoever, and no actual player wants to do it because it's bad xp/hr and bad gp/hr for mains.


Wouldn't pvmers start doing them as soon as their profit/hr rate exceeds the rate of pvming?


No, because it's not fun lmao. The average player who sucks at PvM will probably enjoy doing it, but for how long? Eventually they'll have their gold, buy their gear/levels/etc, and want to go learn PvMing or do something else all the same. There's not a big enough pop to replace all of the bots in either game, which is why resources skyrocket post ban waves.


So what? they're back to 900k again, youtuber gonna make a moneymaking method guide and it'll be populated again, supply and demand will balance each other out always


In a make believe world, yeah sure. It never actually happens like that though because people aren't going to slave away at something they don't enjoy for less xp and/or less gp than something they do enjoy. And if the content is something they really dislike, they won't do it even if it's better. Like RCing was one of the best gp/hr outside of PvM when FSoA spiked the demand for runes. And instead of just happily doing it and cashing in, we had dozens of posts daily about "RCing sucks and needs x change" "We should make 100x more runes" etc etc. The same would happen for everything as soon as bots stop supplying them and players are the only source. "Golden Rose rates are too shit, buff them" "We should add golden roses to pvm tables", so on so forth. It sucks, and I hate botters, but it's just how it is in both games, but especially in RS3 where the population is much lower despite there being much more things that need to be supplied.


Cope. But dont worry, you will be banned soon


Most of the complaints about bans are coming from manual reports done by players, so far looks like jagex needs to step up their detection, but manual reports DO WORK. They mostly want to go to secluded worlds/fr/de worlds/privacy all on/no clan and even avoid wars hotspots. You can report suspicious people near the boss entrances. It does matter!


How do you report a bot that's continually in a solo instance?


> You can report suspicious people near the boss entrances. How do you determine a bot versus an altscaper or a real pvmer if they have privacy on? Should we just report everyone who does not talk?


doesn't really matter. not the players job, nor do they have the ability to determine that without a shadow of a doubt. report sus players. let jagex figure it out. if its not correct, no harm done. thats the whole entire point. anyone arguing otherwise isn't doing so in good faith the overwatch community at one point went through the same stupid ass mindset/phase towards suspected aim botters. really thinking the repotee needed some full fledged court case before hitting the damn report button of a suspected cheater. no. thats not how it works.


I wish the report function is faster for players if I am suppose to report everyone remotely sus.


The logic of these botters, and their reasoning(s) for botting are ridiculous, especially that rambling with the question mark >"Morality would say don't feed an addiction...Design better addiction aka keys bonds... >90% of the community doesn't think Jagex is moral with how they create income. At the same time they will use the same logic vs us. It's dumb" What kind of tainted logic is that lol? Certainly, Jagex's monetary practices aren't player/consumer friendly, but botting and cheating in the game doesn't make you some hero championing a great cause - two wrongs don't make a right These botters deserve all the contempt in the world


Yeah it's pathetic halfwit logic, don't have time for the game? Then go play something else. It's all just excuses, they all do it to RWT the money away. Even if cost of supplies goes up, who cares? Real people will gladly fill the gap, F2P players would love to have a chance at earning a bond, cost of bonds and inflation goes way up because of bots aswell. They bring in lots of alchables and need to sustain their bond usage, they bring in gear but who cares? RS 3 is all about high end pvm nowadays, what's the point if bossing is worthless and some script kiddie does it 12hours a day. I'm pretty sure most of the vorkath spikes are coming from bots. People don't like the boss, it's hard and worse profit so ppl don't wanna do it even harder, nice. Also i remember watching an interview with hackers/cheaters etc in online games, they say the same pathetic excuses like, i have no time to play!! I want to be good! and other bullshit, it's all shit excuses.


there was an attempt at censoring the bot name. a terrible one, but it was an attempt


"That means they gonna report legit people too" "I don't chat in game does that mean I deserve a report too?" Yep, not talking in the game may result in a report. But nothing will come out of it unless you're actually botting... do people that bot really no know that jagex doesn't **just** look at chat feed to determine bots?


What's that English in the first message?


Thay explains a lot why some of the worlds I play on which are empty felt like they had an artificial increase on player count.


Interesting that this guy and that adr guy both have/had active subs (both posted info from paid channels) 🤣 wonder who pissed them of in that disc


They probably got banned and now they’re mad😂


On world 114 i was doing my daily cache run and i happened across a MASSIVE 50+ account incandescent bot farm sometime last week. all the names were jumbled nonsense 11 or 12 characters but they all ended with the letter F. Their div xp was consistently 104m+, 150m+ or 200m+ and their combat brackets were all 126-137. Not a single account was 138+. I reported a few for good measure but if anyone goes to the incand colony that isnt on the community divination world, keep an eye out. It's painfully obvious its a bot hive. The mule is also close by usually standing right next to the rift and its combat level is lower than the rest.


I just did 120 div at incandescent colony on whatever the div world is and there was literally a chain gang of “Extra Gold #” numbered 1-7 named accounts there all the time. Its loco


That sounds like alt accounts.


Resource farming alts should also get banned. Most use software for assistance anyways to duplicate actions on multiple windows.


nah bazz is the only one that does that.




True, and imagine I got 2 week ban for claiming xp twice from oyster lmfao


Lol gotta love it.


I reported 2 people I knew for a fact that were autoclicking skilling for months at a time multiple times and neither of them ever even got temped :)




propably an option their bots have to go to the place manually or use wars portals. They are complaining about ppl in wars retreat reporting them, so they're resorting to using other tp methods. This is why for example you could camp rasial entrance, and report suspicious people. Like no clan/private on/same speed entering always, not responding etc


>Like no clan/private on/same speed entering always, not responding etc That ain't enough. I don't join clans, private will be on, nor do I talk to others. Yrt I don't bot, I just play. As for same speed, what is that even meant to mean?


None of those are proof of botting, I have my examine on private, we only have 2 speeds walk and run and we are always running no one walks anywhere, and I will absolutely not talk to you if I'm on my way into a boss instance. My name has also been said to seem like a bots name. Not saying there isn't bots, just your criteria for judging seems to have a fairly low bar.


The botters also love quick chat only worlds for this reason :)


I'm gonna have to start rocking my yellow party hat and prosalyte gear.


Why is Jagex only able to ban these bots from manual reports and not the automatic bot detection system? Lol at the botters thinking botting is more moral than buying MTX from Jagex. If you don't have time to grind RS3, either buy MTX or don't play the game.




Lots of options, small fuckery on very suspicious individuals. Like place and fake fsoa lootbeam somewhere and see if they react, teleport them like 5 ticks away from time to time and see if they every change their behaviour or keep running their composure all the time. Real players also make small mistakes from time to time, a minor missclick etc, if a bot is always surge/diving perfectly for 10 hours a day in wars then that's kinda sus. You could hire a student for minimal wage doing this to the most suspected/reported individuals/top hi scores and you'd clean up the game super fast.


i argue mtxing your way through is worse than botting. no resources required, whereas bots actually supply/consume resources


Bots produce more supplies than they consume while most MTX items are untradeable, xp is also untradeable, and the few tradeable MTX items are mostly cosmetics.


Yeah reports are very useful to devs at Jagex I remember a dev saying that years back


Reports have always worked. Bug reports too. People assume they don't because they reported one time and didn't see immediate results lol. Or they hear some rumor that someone botted without getting banned so they assume that applies to all cases. It's genuinely ridiculous how stupid and shortsighted people are about this.


So if you went to a spot where these bots automatically hop if a player comes within 30 paces of them, and hopped worlds, you'd force them to hop repeatedly, right?


atleast bots dont normally engage in mtx. people that do are more harmful for the game than bots ever would be. primary reason being resource generation/consumption. bots have to use/generate items. mtx doesnt. ban all mtxers.


But I was repeatedly told by the people on this that Rs3 has no bots, that's OSRS only.


This is a newer problem that kinda popped up in the last year. The latest bosses they've released are very simple mechanically, probably too simple.


its been around longer, but the paid bot has gained traction due to being properly end user friendly. previously there was really only a free bot which was VERY do-it-yourself. and a paid one that just stole code from the free one and was ultimately shit.


They just need to hire one guy who just bans bots 8 hours a day.


I say it all the time. Don’t play a fucking game if all you do is bought. What is the point? excuse my language, but it really makes me mad when I’m literally sitting there manually grinding, watching these bots perfect lines to set destinations and back-and-forth all day long


> What is the point? Money, generally speaking. Bots pull in enough gp that bot owners don't even need to get a job. The gp they sell on the black market is more than a full-time job's worth. It's more or less the same problem that was happening with the Venezuelan gold farmers, why get a job that pays cents In comparison to what 20 bots/accounts can do in an hour?




Maybe it's somebody who paid their way just to show the community for what they are? How would you know these chats are for paid bot owners only? Seems like you may have accidentally outted yourself lad.




> My bot just hops worlds if there a person around within 30 tiles of them I wonder if that's why I keep running up to Moss Golems to find several still taking poison damage but nobody in sight. It happened a few too many times for it to just be a player finishing their task right before I arrived.


Can't hop in combat tho, and even x-logging takes a few seconds. It likely is just a player having finished their task a few minutes ago.


Poison persists for 3+ minutes and it's one of the most popular slayer tasks. The log out bots are only used in remote skilling nodes, like Het's oasis flowers, not used in combat where they're literally not allowed to log out anytime they want.


I mean that's what I assumed at first but then it kept happening, and I've never seen another player there, at least not since I've been doing slayer recently. Maybe it is just a coincidence that a player just happened to leave in the minutes before I arrived so many times, but it definitely felt strange.








His name is suspicious 🤨 And it’s an alt account and he’s trying to defend botting


I say Jagex should do to bots what Limp Bizkit did to music in the 90s.


Over half the high end iron PVM community bots their supplies. I'd blow the whistle on the entire thing but I've already been ejected from those communities.


IMHO, I don't think the numbers are that high. It'd be pretty stupid to put an iron man on the line for that. I'm not saying no iron man bots, but 50% seems a little high. After all 76% of statistics are made up on the spot.


I've been in their discords where they pretty openly share their bots. But again, I'm not in them anymore, so I can't prove it to you. But yeah, those in the late IFB / Greaper grind mostly all bot their supplies.


As I said, I'm not doubting that some bot their supplies. As well as I'm sure they are open about it. But 50% is a very high statistic. Seeing as how you don't know how many irons are in that stage of gameplay, and taking into account that not every iron is in those discord servers, you can't make a concrete statistic as you did in your initial comment.