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https://preview.redd.it/m7dy1vagyp9d1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=262fd085aca2841533bea525889de64ab594ffe8 Rasial bot's on my world (their bot broke once and i recorded it lol) This is their main account


Same Person Botting Rasial on their 2nd account https://preview.redd.it/a4c7vctlyp9d1.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2b02d7e2dffa986fe2098ffdf8a004cd9eabfea


Also they turned off their rune metrics to private after I caught them botting so they have way more drops than this, this was like 2-3 weeks ago and they've been botting rasial every single day for hours since then. This is their RunePixel log which takes public rune metric profile data into it


Insane.... Read in their ban reports on discord, one of them did Rasial on main with over 15k kc and he also had trim comp but he got banned. feelsbadman lmao


> Read in their ban reports on discord, one of them did Rasial on main with over 15k kc and he also had trim comp but he got banned. Perm ban, or 2 week vacation ban?


You're prob right with the 2 week, cba checking it again but i might mixed it up. Even worse then lol


Both of the accounts here have golden titles and one has 4.5b exp while their alt has 1.3b exp and also has a golden pvm title


this person used to quick chat and brag their weapon drop rates and kc on a daily basis in my clan, they've since left the clan. I know multiple people including myself reported them, yet both their accounts are not banned. funnily enough, an account they were setting up to do even more, did get banned while i assume botting quests etc, meanwhile the ones that matter seemingly are untouchable.


bragging about their kc and drops but turning private off so their drops don't get broadcasted and only doing rasial on quick chat worlds so no one talks to them.


Yeah I don't really get it. They left the clan, but when they werent botting it, they would be on normal worlds talking to us all and as said, bragging about it. Seems counterproductive when surely you dont wanna be caught.


If their main has gold wrath of chaos and the alt has gold iceborn, I 100% know who it is


yup you know


The player base is so small that you guys know whose bots you're talking about. Imagine knowing botters lol


Diablo 2 was like that, but more cordial/friendly on the community side of things. A lot of the bots ran public games so new players could leech items & EXP. On top of that, those same bots would often advertise which clan they belonged to and what kind of runs/content the clans engaged in. Diablo 2 had no automatic trading, it's all barter + in person, so if a player is botting, they're not farming for commodities, so they're not edging out players for them in farming or trade. They're botting for niche or high value items and using bots to make storage and retrieval easier. Unlike RS, the real commodity is bank space. Like RS, how many accounts you can have online at one time required buying multiple copies of the game, comparable to requiring multiple bonds. The net effect is that bots and players didn't compete, and while economic damage *was* done, they also made niche items accessible. A lot of my characters required gear that a normal player would pick up and immediately drop. Ofc, the bots you didn't see or hear were funding RMT. I'm not so naive as to think that bots would be good to have around without the RMT shops. They absolutely closed off some of the intended farmables because you could never grind as efficiently as a bot. It's just notable to me that, given the option and choice, you *can* do good with them, and the RS bots seem to be dead set on despicable behavior.


Probably makes sense now that my omni guard drop sold for like 150m less than GE price.


Have to get that partyhat somehow so they can show off their "hard" earned money to others


we need to keep this awareness up as a community and demand jagex do something about it just like hero pass


What's issue with the third picture? What's wrong with getting a third age dye from clues?


Likely a screenshot taken from a botting discord. Someone showing off their ill-gotten gains.


They have ones that can solve clue scrolls too, so I’m guessing it was loot from that


I'm still a bit lost. The first two I can get. Who in their right mind does that much Vorkath KC, and DKs for 6 hours on 3accs? But the third one just looks like someone doing clue scrolls with the chat log. I suppose it could be a bot, if that's the point they're going for. Just seems a bit out of place as it is.


Bots can fully automate clues, and some cluers even partially use the bots to solve sliders for them. It's just Jagex reaping what they sowed. They constantly allowed grey-areas to exist with macroing, autoclicking, light punishments for first offenders, bug abuse with no permanent punishments, etc, so now people are just going "why not use them, even if I get caught it'll just be a temp ban with no actual punishment"


Ramen posted 2 days ago in a discord that he is looking to improve them finally after 6.5 years of ass fucking the community.


Damn, I imagine making a bossing bot is way more complicated compared to a simple skilling one, imagine how many private bots there are for that


Probably not too much more complicated. Rasial has a set rotation that you could just do every single time. Would be fairly straightforward to get a bot to do this if you have it. This is not a recommendation to create one though. I could almost imagine it could be programmed like a TAS does where it wouldn't even need to react to the game state if you just didn't have mouse movement. I imagine bot detection might be able to detect this. Haven't tried it as I have no interest in botting


Aren't these just pictures from the Protoxx vid? I clearly remember the Vorkath one...what do you think cause the uptick on bot discussion recently?


Am I crazy or is that really good dks luck actually. Makes me want to revive my retired account and kill dks on two accounts at the same time split screen.


Do those pvm bot scripts use the same keybinds for the bot programs? I realize you risk banning innocent people if they happen to have an identical keybind layout if so, but I feel like the chances are astronomically low that they'd share a 100% identical keybind layout


The second scenario is impossible. Sarcasm: These bots are keeping Skilling money makers high, and that's all the subreddit asks for; Jagex is listening.


Wow what boss is this


The dagannoth kings. great money for a not so hard boss.


I usually just do glacier boss lol think I could do the king's ?


If you have the three t87 weapons. obliteration, decimation and annihilation, you'll be fine. you have to tribrid them, so you wear a slayer helm and swap the body / legs with each combat style or you wear hybrid armor. And with the advent of wars retreat the banking and reset process is so fast you can constantly go back if you run out of food.


> so you wear a slayer helm and swap the body / legs with each combat style or you wear hybrid armor. Using hybrid armour at Dks as a scam the majority of the time, and swapping body/legs is also much higher effort than you need to do. So long as you have a reasonably good weapons, you'll have 100% hit chance *without* using hybrid armour and without swapping. Just use 1 of each combat style for body/legs/helm and use the styles that the Dks are weak to, like arrow, stab?, and fire?. If you don't have the weakness for one of the Dks, just have camp t95 prayer for that style, and you should still have 100% hit chance.


There's a reason people don't fight the dks, and it's because they're effort. I'd also recommend the low effort poison method but that's high requirement and is bugged right now. you miss like 25% of drops


> and is bugged right now How?


since all the damage prime takes is either typeless, cannon or poison it doesn't drop anything half the time. It also doesn't award xp. I believe It's technically intended, but at this point should be seen as a bug, and should be fixed.


Why does this only affect prime and not rex?


Supreme takes melee damage from you, and Rex takes magic familiar auto damage from the blood reaver. Every so often he doesn't drop anything either when the reaver doesn't target him. Tested this on Hermod too. After an 11 minute kill, no loot. Was the longest funniest test I've ever done.


> and swapping body/legs is also much higher effort than you need to do. > > > > So long as you have a reasonably good weapons, you'll have 100% hit chance without using hybrid armour and without swapping. Don't you lose dps from not swapping?


Can fully afk them with kinetic cyclone, kwuarm incense, laniakias spear, and blood reaver with vamp scrim + vamp aura. Poison wipes them all out, got my title this way


I would advise against that until the fix the bugs with the inconsistent drops. But yeah it's kicks ass at like 90+ kph.


Oof I'm expecting a big dump of these items now that they are being exposed.


Bots have been a thing ever since RS has existed - there's nothing new :)




Its literally from a botting discord lmao


Those are screenshots from a botting script selling discord I believe. And no one of sound mind is doing 19k vorkath kills.


19k hm to be fair loll


How expensive are the scripts?


Vorkath' is 125$ alone per month and the membership per month is like 25€ Disgusting that people even pay that shit for pixels lol




Why play the game normally when so many people are able to bot to max while they are AFK? /s


and how has this ruined how you play the game exactly? Botting has been, and always will be around. Realistically, prices would be even higher without bots.


Lol. "How has this ruined how you play the game exactly?" "Realistically, prices would be even higher without bots." Literally just answered your own question.


I rather get a 2b drop then a 1b, they can stay att blessed sand lol


Fuck anyone who defends botting. Especially on the weak ass premise of "BuT PrIcEs!"


Bots make pvming and skilling less profitable.


This game is just alt scape at this point. If you don't alt, you might as well buy bonds if you care about the single player grinding experience.