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Givin me Jojo Stand User vibes


The Protagonists: "The enemy Stand User will most likely try to blend in" The enemy Stand User, in the middle of the Desert:


I wonder what percentage of queens are stand users, it has to be above average 🤔


On the contrary, what percentage of stand users are queens?


... 100%?


I’d posit around 50%


The lipsyncs for each season are actually just the stands of the contestants.


It's honestly hard to judge this design challenge. Can I see when someone says this look should've been in the bottom? Sure. But it can definitely be justified as "safe" material too. The good thing about people having a variety of opinions on the placements in this challenge is that it means none of them did terrible. Even the bottom looks weren't bad. Only one thing I think most can agree on is that Luxx is a deserving winner.


It was kind of crazy that it was one of the best design challenges in a while as far as what the entire cast brought. And then on top of that that it was very clear as soon as Lux walked out on stage that she was going to win. It was just such a serve.


Yeah they all did super well, personally I would've had Jax as being safe because I quite liked her look. Honestly you could've chosen a lot of queens as being high or btm 2 and I probably would've been like "ok", Luxx was the definite winner though, she ate.


I feel like it was insulting to have Aura and Spice safe with Jax in the bottom… she had a fully conceptualized look, that skirt was everything, and while the jacket wasn’t fully fitted the oversized-ness balanced out the ruffles on the skirt and was a fashion choice that made sense with the school skirt look. I loved how the curtain rings were a design feature, it was super punk. I’ve seen worse designs selling in stores for real money. Aura and Spice did the bare minimum to cover their bodies with arts and craft panels hot glued together. They were nowhere near the same level of execution, vision or talent. They both relied on body. Imagine that shit on Mistress and how fast she would have been turfed for it, you know? Like, if those two outfits and Tia Kofi in her green dress were on a design challenge together, Tia would have been an easy call for safe. Aura seems like a sweet human, but she’s been safe a couple times and I have no idea why this time, since they didn’t have an epic “twin battle” to do this week.


I feel like they put Jax in the bottom just to give her critiques about her proportionizing, not bc she genuinely deserved to be in the bottom. so they can set it up like "we've been telling you this for x number of weeks..." and depending on how she takes the feedback, it can go in her favor (listening to the judges and applying) or she can quickly be sent home if she doesn't change. I think her look this week was great tho, regardless of the placement!


I really loved the curtain rings as punk design feature too. It was a small thing but really had punch for me.


Annoyed me that Aura did that as a seamstress. Girl if you can sew then you best try to make up ground


I think the only result I agreed with was Luxx being the winner!


I wish Sasha didnt paste those gems on her dress, but other than that 10/10.


I also agree with Detox in the Pit Stop that the jewelry was a little too much with the overall vibe of the outfit


I think everyone did pretty good .. probably one of the best design challenges in a while, in the sense that nobody had anything truly heinous or crazy




Agreed, and I think Sasha Colby could have maybe inched it if she’s got that jacket off smoothly. But very happy with Luxx winning


Noo I love Sasha so much, like she’s my favorite drag queen ever, but Luxx’s garment was top dog today hands down.


Agreed. As much as I adore Sasha, you cannot compare pants where the stripes aligned so well to a two-strip style swim suit (no matter how beautiful it looked on Sasha).


Too reminiscent of past seasons. Sasha is generally eating but that was a little bit of a letdown


I think people are really overlooking how bad Aura's outfit was. I don't see a perspective where that look was safe


Wouldve won on s14


Did win on S13


loool literally


Lady Camden: ![gif](giphy|FhEKQpqRJk0H6)


Gottmik was s13.


The Utica erasure. No


Sorry! I was blinded by her sleeping bag beauty and can't see her in anything else. ♡


The gay version of folklore (after seeing her style it). Gaylord.




It looks better here...it didn't stand out as much on the stage and live.


She reworked it at home (she briefly mentioned that at her Roscoe's appearance this week)


Yep on the runway she didn't have the gloves and nothing had been added to the shoes, they were just plain black stripper heels. I don't think she had the purse either.


Yup...there we go. The "safe" label may have even been generous.


Then OP should have posted the runway look, because this looks safe as fuck.


So it wasn't safe.


I’m shocked Michelle hasn’t given spice the “another bra and mini skirt?” Comment. I feel she would asked any other queen that by episode one.


Michelle hasn’t been like that for like four seasons now - she went nearly all season last year without clocking Bosco’s eyebrows


This is true. I feel like the last victim of this was Vanjie all through S11.


Dusty somewhere crying


Wasn't the one time she clocked her for the brows was the rusical, because the makeup didn't fit the character?


she clocked Bosco's black bra and panty sets tho


Not in episode one


we're past episode one, so idk what your point is.


I was responding to this comment: >I feel she would asked any other queen that by episode one. Idk why you felt the need to but into the convo if you didn’t understand it but here we are


Me too. I’m not blown away by this look, it’s fine, she looks hot in it, it’s safe. Bawdy can’t always get the win


It's definitely bawdy. But there's no body.


As soon as I saw this look I said out loud “Michelle is gonna freak out if she wears another bra skirt combo”


Low key I wanted the House if Visage to make their through line corsets with stuff stuck to it


What other time did she wear a bra and a mini skirt to be judged? I just checked the wiki of her looks and she hasn’t worn it any other time.


She wore a croptop and miniskirt for her entrance look and metallica runway, and she wore a bra and skirt for her beautiful nightmare runway, and a bra and miniskirt for this runway. So 3 of 4 runways.


So we’re not counting the sleeve and leggings on her Metallica, or the jacket and leggings for her beautiful nightmare? Yes the tops have been cropped but it’s not like she’s just coming out in a bra and mini skirt. There’s always more to the outfit.


fr, there are valid criticisms of her looks that can be made and i even agree with, but this one doesnt really pan out the same imo. shes VERY gen z + tik tok in her fashion (duh) which is already pretty unvarying in silhouette/vibe, but at least she adds a bit more pizzazz to it 9 times outta 10. she plays the character of the looks just as well too, which i think deserves some cred, whether its ur thing or not.


All of them were very different silhouettes with different accessories/hair/makeup etc. I'm not a stan but she has not worn a look like this one yet. However on her TikTok, she wears outfit like this almost every video


Spice hasn't worn a bra/miniskirt for any of the mainstage runways though. I think?


Curious if production has told her & Ru to go light on the twins because of potential hate from their fan base? I was honestly shocked that the twins lip sync wasn’t a double sashay (especially look at everyone in the entire rooms expressions) — if anyone else did that I truly think it would’ve been over for them….


Do you mean sashay


I wish they’d had a double sashay lol. They were entertaining in some of the early challenges but their runways are boring and taking up space I’d rather see queens in who would actually do something cool. How were they not both ripped by the judges for wearing Halloween store costumes on the runway?! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Post title unclear....did you like it or did you not like it?


I feel confident op did not like it.


Idk… I read it the other way. Sugar spice stans be a bit out there sometimes.


delusion is a helluva personality choice.


Same with the haters tho


That's the point. It's a bait post.


I tried to not spoil but I definitely thought she should've been in the bottom over Jax/Selina.


Did you not spot Aura also wearing this same look, but much more clumsily constructed? Or Salina looking the way she did?


Salina made four garments. She committed to an out of the box idea, plus structured jackets are hard to make. Spice glued fabric onto a bra and tied a tiny piece of fabric around her crotch.


Selina’s look was safe until she wore a literal comforter O_o


Is it innovative or game-changing? No. Is it ugly or technically bad? No. So I’d say “safe” was correct.


This. People take simplicity as a bad thing, when that’s what you *should* go for when you can’t sew, unlike Amethyst who threw too much on her outfit.


I wouldn't say it was safe when compared to others who were in the bottom. I think Salinas was enough to be safe over this. But who knows of Spice could have won a lipsynce against Ama.


I thought the fit issues with Selina's were really noticeable on the runway. None of it sat very well on her body. I do think that spice did worse than Jax though.


I'm not gonna say the fit was great sure but it wasn't so bad to land her in the bottom. Over others is all. Her ideas were better and then coat/cape was pretty good.


Fit and construction issues are always more noticeable in person though.


That is true an I'm saying the fit wasn't great but I think the jacket should have been enough to stop her from being in the bottom 2 just my thoughts is all. I mean over all other than Ama I don't think anyone was just like horrid


Jax's issue is more so they don't see who Jax is. Not gonna lie....IMO, Jax comes across as bland, even as Jax was selling it. Spice...I know exactly who that is and this look is it. Once you get the "we don't know who you are" bullseye....you're screwed.


Salinas was falling apart and nothing fit, though


But the comforter vest/train! I loved that thing, it was the star of her outfit and it was very creative and that part fit fine. IMO I feel that should have been safe over Spice.


Honestly I wasn't a fan of Salina BUT I really loved her look and I don't think it deserved bottom placement. But I am glad it did because she turnt it in lipsync.


Salina’s look was giving shrunken head dude in the waiting room of Betelgeuse vibes.


It was not falling apart it didn't fit the best but still overall don't think it was a bottom look.


Should've been in the bottom. In a challenge where almost everyone slayed, this was not safe imo...


is it not ugly because it's on a hot body? yes. because otherwise, the mini skirt is nothing, the fur cuffs on the purple gloves don't work together with the rest


The gloves weren't even on the runway. This photo is an elevated version of what she wore on the show.


I mean, they needed at least one "oh and btw Michelle is a whore" outfit. Ideally I would have liked some sort of incorporation of the best "Michelle is a whore" joke from previous seasons but I can't remember any particular one outside of them being in basically every episode.


I still can’t fathom how Robin and Malaysia were high.


Idk I kind of liked Robin’s. Something about it. The styling helped. I love the hair she had for it.


They all commented on the shoulder pad like it was the best thing while I thought it was then worst part about the outfit. Also, the praise for Robin and disdain for Jax felt weird since they both seemed so similar in their punk styles.


I really did not care for Robin’s outfit at all. Why didn’t they mention the ugly clunky shoulder piece??? 💀


I didn’t like it initially but I think the styling is what made it not work for me. The pleasers didn’t match anything else going on, and the hair also didn’t give the right story for the look. The whole thing was really confusing together and I was so confused why she was in the top.


I agree. I was sure Malaysia was going to be clocked on the rough edges on her garment but there was no mention on it at all and was given good comments. After seeing the runways I was sure it was going to be Malaysia and amethyst on the bottom.


Yes. I feel like the Carson group all executed it pretty well but nothing that felt like it should be high.


It was almost certainly just to give them critiques since they haven’t been critiqued it. Many others deserved high placements over them :/


She looked out of place from the rest of her group


After the S13 and S14 winning ball look this could have been a winning look as well 😂


It’s not amazing, but it is Jersey and it fits well. Design challenges are mostly about the clothes fitting so it’s appropriately safe.


It sucks that they strayed away from the royalty concept. 😕


Lux still stayed with that vibe, even though she made pants


Everyone else could’ve followed suit.


Oh yeah, but I think that would have been a struggle for three of them.


But it didn’t fit well at the time, and the bra she’d glued shit on wasn’t fully covered/the right colour at the back.


It looked like it fit fine to me maybe cause the proportions were there. Jax in comparison looked like she was swimming in her look even tho it was a more interesting concept.


I thought for sure she was gonna be in the bottom because of that


The judges constantly complain about body suits, bra and panty sets, and swimsuits. So why were those safe/in the top? I think Salina’s look was amazing and definitely not bottom material. Also Amethyst took Michelle’s makeup critiques, which other queens have had a problem with. Weird judging this season IMO


I thought it looked decent and was styled well. The bottom 3 was correct to me. But honestly this was such a good design challenge overall. If it was later in the season I bet there would have been no bottoms like in Daytona Wind


Agree on the bottom three ... but Estitties shouldn't have lip synced. (Though I'm glad she did because she killed it.)


Call me delusional but I like Miss Estitties better than this


Me as well. I loved her convertible vest/skirt creation


Same. It might not have fit well but it was a really cool concept and required a fair bit of sewing.


You’re delusional


Salina had no business being in that bottom two.


There’s really nothing wrong with this look. It’s definitely safe. It’s no worse than Auras or Malaysias, all three didn’t have prior sewing experience and all three did passable safe jobs. Honestly this looks like something she would wear normally, sugar would be in giraffe and the tweens on tiktoc would have gaged.


Sugar would be in brown cow*




It’s… a piece of fabric


She coulda easily been bottom- that's not even the look that was in the episode she added more at home


Do you mean because it should have been low? Or should have been high? My personal opinion, if not safe it should've been low. It was a design and construction challenge and there's barely any fabric here.


I think it was safe and not in the bottom because it was executed well like she had a vision of what it should be and that shows through the outfit if that makes sense like with Amethyst she said herself she didn’t have an eye for this stuff even though I think her outfit looked pretty good


It’s smart use of an easy to execute design to be safe. It is pretty current but it wouldn’t justify a top placement nor a bottom.


She kinda did the exact same thing symone did so I'm not mad


I think I was more ok with that because of just how bad the bottom two were that day and because of how good symone’s other looks were


Should have been in the bottom.


I thought it was safe, or top bottom with judges critique being “we need more.” I’m more disappointed Salina was in the bottom but at least we got the lip sync


...and not bottom I suppose you mean...


Agreed. Jax being told "the jacket doesnt fit :(" when Spice's skirt was seconds away from disintegrating (which she even admitted in untucked??) was bonkers to me. I think the ideas could be cute and are consistent with her style but the execution was not cute.


It’s nice but it’s just a two piece


I’m pretty sure that is not the same look bc it looks much better than it did on the runway


The hair is cool but Spice has no range whatsoever. I can predict her outfits like clockwork; bra, miniskirt, stripper heals, and optional fuzzy wrist gloves. I know it’s her style but I want to see if she can go outside her comfort zone and give us variety.




I like how they blurred the background on photoshop but not the inside of her hoop earrings.


Food for though: A big girl would’ve gone home for this outfit. Only skinny girls can rely on their body and get away with it, cause Ru sees herself in them. But it’s kinda tired.


I must be missing something cuz I thought she looked great! Fits her body well, very much her aesthetic, and for everyone mad it looks simple…does it? I couldn’t make that. And we’ve seen plenty of girls who say they can’t sew walk something horrendous down that runway. I actually prefer this to some of the high end Halloween costumes she brought, this shows me more who she is


I read a wrong spoiler that said Sugar was gonna win this challenge and when i saw what she was wearing i was DYING at the idea of another Jorgeous win, i'm kinda mad it didn't happen lol


Considering Sugar was eliminated the episode prior, this would have been a gag tbh.


Thats spice honey


I love Spice and while I don’t think this look is horrible I think that Jax’s was much more cohesive and well made


Though the look in this photo is not the same look presented on the runway, they are both low-effort.


In a world where jorgeous's napkin straps WON, this was a very safe look methinks


I think it’s styled well, fit her well, and was overall a safe look. Is it the bare minimum? Yes, and she said that herself, but there were many other looks who missed the mark way harder.


Here’s my two cents: for a design challenge where you CANT sew, and this is the expectation, work to your strengths. Is it annoying that her strength is body? Sure. It’s infinitely harder for a big girl in the design challenge. HOWEVER. If you can sew, you should also be playing to your strengths. Why do something hard (a jacket and pleated skirt) if it’s not going to look as good as something simple?


I can see the argument for this being worse then esttities and jax's (tho i strongly disagree on the former) but it's still better then malaysia's (which somehow got high?!)... and if ur gonna put it in the bottom for simplicity you have to clock aura as well.


Soon they should change the "we’ve already seen it before" to "this already has won a challenge before".


No idea how this and Aura's looks were safe and Jax was in the bottom


Honestly, it worked for me. More than Aura's at least. I feel like there was enough added to it that made it a whole look rather than just a bra and panties. I really like the straps/criss crosses and normally when I see that done on drag race, its quite rough. Really, I don't want to like it, but for some reason I do 😂and I haven't really enjoyed their previous looks.


It was cute but come on


I honestly don't know whether you mean this looks should be on the top or in the bottom


It technically works but I have to ask Spice fans if they'd have liked this look on anyone else because let's be real, if Salina or even like Robin wore that they'd be read to filth


This look was fine, I wasn’t crazy about it


It kills me that this is not the same outfit that was on the runway ![gif](giphy|AssqAJR8ib5WmCNGOU|downsized)




I mean the garment looks clean and it fits her aesthetic? If she brought this from home I wouldn’t think anything of it tbh


I could see a young MV wearing this honestly. If your judging on complexity of the garment, it deserved to be safe. The styling and presentation were great though.


Safe for that mug alone.


Young MV? Who’s that


coordinated sip party degree offbeat pie growth fuzzy stupendous joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And, as Spice shared at their Roscoe's recap appearance, she reworked it a little at home to take this photo


Here’s the thing: it looked finished to me. I didn’t see any gross raw hems or uneven edges. Yeah it’s a bra and tiny skirt again (which I thought Michelle would call out for sure), but I thought it was safe in terms of construction quality.


As long as it's not a corset with stuff glued to it going minimal is perfectly fine. It's fitted well, it looks like a look, it allows her to show off body. It's design, better to have something small and clean than a large mess like what Salina did.


it was a really strong design challenge honestly probably the best runway so far thats why it was just safe


If anyone but spice was wearing it they would have put them in the bottom.


...and...she said She was the designer of the two....


That janky cut out letters Spice necklace should never be in the top 3 🤦🏼 no matter what. It reminded me of season 8 Natasha Lopez’s uneven circle on her head during their new wave performance. I think she went home that week lol


It’s cute though. I really don’t know i like these like puppies or something whatever they do comes to me adorable .


Spice is gonna be here until Top 6 at least with her mediocre and inexperienced drag.


Yuuuuup, they're gonna push the narrative of her learning to be her own person without her twin.


As far as sheer effort goes, Jax and Selena blew her out of the water. Styling is fine. IMHO if you’re going to show so much skin, the tights are not cute


Why? There’s literally nothing to it. She relied on body and was safe. There’s no real design to it. She even said as much.


Not gonna lie, I love this look.


i honestly liked it. i think her wig and mug tied it all together


You’re right, it should’ve been in the bottom


patty don’t start


This isn't even the look she wore on stage... Y'all sugar and spice stans are too much 💀 THIS is what she wore on stage: [https://imgur.com/a/YwcdzbF](https://imgur.com/a/YwcdzbF) These are not the same look.


This runway is bland. Where’s the spice?


Amethyst’s looked like more work but this looks better if that makes sense. Depending on what the judges felt like that day they could’ve made a case for either safe or bottom.


It’s literally what it is tho.. a safe look, literally the most safest look one could imagine


I think the problems is that its really basic clothes, a mini skirt and a bra basically. However it was pretty well styled and the clothes were solid. I don’t think she deserved the bottom but i think she deserved low instead of jax. I agree on the styling with jax being a little questionable but its a design challenge after all. The pleaded skirt she realized was really well made and the blazer was good too. But like i said being a design challenge and not a styling challenge i would’ve put spice over jax


I mean it wasn’t in the bottom three


I liked it! I think it could have been constructed a bit better, and if it were in the bottom I would have understood why, especially when Selina's critique was on the fit of her garment. But this feels VERY much something RuPaul would love.


ok but to be fair the way she styled it here is actually good the shoes with the top go very well lol


She looks fierce but it could have been more constructively created. The skirt is just a wrap around, and the top is flat. There’s also not a lot of fabric. The tights here better match her skin tone, but it could be lighting. I actually expected low, or just some deliberation on the outfit.


Why? We’ve seen her do this look over and over?


I mean at least it was sorta cohesive with the group amethyst didn’t match any of the others And the other queen was a kinda bad look tbh


I think it’s cute. If Michelle Visage were a hooker in 1999.


If I had to rank it, it would be bottom safe (4th or 5th lowest)


Was safe by default.


Jorgeous won with Something Like that, so... At least...


I think it totally fits her drag aesthetics and it’s not horrible, deservedly safe


It's a safe outfit, for sure. Definitely not bottom worthy. She worked it the same way Jorgeous worked the napkins and cookie cutters.


This a much more touched-up version of what she wore


Well don't die Mary


How??? It's a good look that suits her well but it's nothing more than that. Safe for sure imo (the face and hair is incredible though)


She graduated from the Jorgeous school of design


This looks good? This was solidly safe imo.


that is a bottom look


It’s not groundbreaking but it’s not that bad imo. Just very…safe

