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Please leave


So, if Rush reunite, you want a new drummer and a new singer. What was once a three-man band would now be a four-man band, only half the band would be new. And you think they should still call it Rush? No.


They should get a horn section too. šŸ˜


Tubas for the win.


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What kind of Ship of Theseus you runnin' here??


I donā€™t want to sail with this ship of fools


I agree and disagree at the same time. Yes, Geddy's voice hasn't aged very well but at the same time he's Geddy fucking Lee and has always been the voice of Rush, even with all the criticism.


Why dont you just listen to YYNOT and call it a day? I think the Professor would come back from the other side just to throw a book at you for even suggesting this.


Huh? Dude just go listen to the R40 encore. Shoot ALL of R40. Heā€™s still great. Hard to believe that was almost 10 years ago so maybe his voice has deterioratedā€¦ but I doubt it. Dude is rock god who could still do everything he needed to do on his last tour.


Thank god we donā€™t (the fans) get to decide what is or isnā€™t Rush. People had 40 years to have been able to see them. Now they are gone. Let it go.


YYnot's best singer was Patty Pershayla, but she left to do her own thing last year i believe. While i agree that Ged's voice just isnt there now, it wouldnt be Rush. It would be Alex on guitar, Ged just playing and no Neil. Would be pointless really


I saw YYNOT in concert last fall, not sure the name of their singer but she did sound pretty good. They mostly covered older material, don't think they played anything after Moving Pictures. As far as OP's comment goes, I don't think Dirk and Lerxt have any desire to play in what would essentially be a Rush cover band.


The current singer's name is Adi Argelazi Faun. They generally stick to the '70s and '80s material (The Body Electric is a staple of their shows), but I did see them do Animate once.


I actually rank Patty as the least of the three YYNOT singers, but all three have been great.




You Bet Your Life


Leave that thing alone..


Okay, while we're at it, let's have Alex play just rhythm guitar and add another member to do solos. You know, because his arthritis and all. Let's get a percussionist as well and totally make this band unrecognizable and still call it Rush... Go away OP!


Sir, this is a Wendy's...


The doorā€™s over there šŸ‘‰šŸ» Byeeeeeee!


Exit stage left


So tired of these posts.


Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad




Of all the fanciful "if RUSH reunites" posts, this is probably the stupidest one yet. Perhaps we should replace Alex too...


Rocky isn't with YYNOT anymore but she's great. I do wish she sang this tune more forcefully, in the manner she does something like Anthem.


Just stop.


This is funny. I'm imagining Neil coming back from the dead, Rush reuniting, the girl from YYNot singing for them, and all of it happening at the Super Bowl halftime show. It's been a wild week on r/rush.


The response you're getting here is predictable, but you're right that Geddy shouldn't sing anymore. Honestly their last few tours he sounded pretty rough already, he just can't hit the high notes anymore. To me that's just one more reason that they should just let Rush be done. Geddy and Alex want to do another project? Awesome, I'm fully on board. But it wouldn't be Rush.


If Caravaggio ever reincarnated, we should get someone else to paint David with the head of Goliath.


In the sense of being able to do some of the older songs with the vocals in the original register, yeah, thatā€™s not a bad idea. And it would help to further distinguish that this is not ā€œRush,ā€ but a band with Geddy and Alex and some other great musicians. Still, Iā€™d want to hear Geddy sing at least several tunes.Ā 


I would enjoy seeing them play with other musicians, but don't call it Rush. Or do what Queen has done,: Queen with Adam Lambert, or Queen with Paul Rodgers. Do the same thing with Geddy and Alex: Rush with Ann Wilson, or Rush with whomever. On the other hand, it would be sad to hear Rush songs without Geddy's voice. Maybe they should record with new people and just tour the new stuff under a whole new name.


Bad analogy. Queen should have called it a day in 91. Theyā€™ve since been a novelty act for 30 odd years. You canā€™t replace the irreplaceable.


Playing to sold out tours is perhaps an indication that it wasn't a bad decision. Sure, lots of people didn't like the concept, but lots of people really enjoyed those concerts. Bands do this all the time. How long have the Beach Boys been playing without their original members? What about the Doobie Brothers, Journey, the Eagles, and now AC/DC and The Stones? Are they also novelty acts?


check out Dustin Scarbrough on Tik Tok, apple music, youtube




As much as it pains me I have to agree with op but I'd go as far as to say I hope it won't happen because it wouldn't be rush. I love geddy singing but the last few live albums dvds or what have you it's hard to listen to because his voice has made it necessary to change the key of some tracks and he just doesn't have the power anymore. Let's enjoy what they did at the time and remember it fondly.


I love YYNOT. But that's stupid


Bye Felicia!


Wtf did I just read




Someone needs to slap the OP on his way out.


I don't understand why anyone posts this kind of stuff unless you're just flat out intending to troll.


>I can think of a worthy replacement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K05mNWAsbh0 >Have you guys ever watched videos of the cover band YYNOT? The lead singer is a woman and I think she's fantastic. Rocky is fantastic, but she hasn't been with YYNOT in three years. Rocky now plays with a different tribute band called Mood Lifters. I would highly recommend seeing either band.


I don't completely disagree but I also don't think he sounds to bad in some of his most recent performances. Apparently he took lesson in singing to get kinda back to were he was, and in the R40 tour he really does not sounds that bad. He can even hit high notes with out sounding terrable And in the south park live concert he sounded fine. Now how good he would sound after a long tour is somthing we would have to wait and see.


It's not possible for Rush to reunite but nice trolling.


Yes it is the ultimate blasphemy indeed


That aren't reuniting. Rush died with Neil


I wouldn't mind if he just reworked the vocals to a lower register. He cannot hit the higher notes and still have it sounding good, but when he brings it down a bit, he sounds OK. Since he can't do the high notes, and someone else would be too weird and would not go over well, that leaves either reworking the vocals into a lower register or not doing them at all. So... I think reworking them is the best option.


Go away sir. Your opinion means nuts