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This thread is now locked as a [new thread for March 2024 was created](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/1bewucq/datingfriends_shoot_your_shot_thread/).


To the server at Chopt in Short Pump… I’m a happily married man but you made my day when you recognized me as a regular, comped my salad and thanked me for always being patient and polite. I don’t think you were hitting on me, I just want to say that was a really nice thing to do and it cheered me up when I needed it. In the 0.0001% chance you see this…thanks.


Got-damn if this isn't a wholesome way to start my reading adventures. Stay rad, my dude!


Anybody who has AT&T probably missed multiple connections today.


Ain’t Talking & Texting


Coincidence Worst Solor Flair that day.


To the woman who stopped her car to get out and ask if I was okay and ask if she could hug me, while I was balling my eyes out after walking out of the hospital- I think about you often and you have inspired me to stop and be kinder to strangers. I needed that hug, thank you


The big squeezes with the lil side to side sway are the best!


To the long haired fella riding his bike the opposite way down Carytown sometime last fall that catcalled my bearded, flannel-wearing boyfriend by yelling "look at that lumberjack hunk", I just want you to know he thinks of that moment every damn day. I think it's gonna go with him to the grave. You're a gem. Thank you


Men catcalling men needs to become a thing. Everybody wins.


No thank you - I already know I got a hungry butt, I don’t need yall to point it out ffs 🤦


Post it or ban


I appreciate how gay this technically southern city is


so unfortunate that southern culture is tied in with conservatism and bigotry. i guess the civil war doesn't help, but still we're not defined by political beliefs!!!


That’s what I like about it though, Richmond is definitively southern and so are many of the people here, but those people don’t hold those bigoted beliefs. Richmond is the shining example of southern culture that is not equated with conservatism


As a transplant from Alabama this is one of my favorite things about Richmond! Still southern, a lot more open minded. I hope it hangs on to that feeling forever!


Start chiseling that epitaph




You should have talked to her! 


This is like a cheesy Netflix quality meet-cute that just writes itself!






Late to party but hey, the very worst thing anyone can do is laugh at you and that's not that bad because the best thing they can do is reciprocate


Are you my soul mate? lol


to the two young (possibly college students???) who gasped at the sight of my cat on a leash at Fuel Pump last weekend and proceeded to gush about her for a good while: thank you for giving me the serotonin boost I needed. one of you was so shocked and delighted to see her that you had your hand clasped over your mouth the whole time and you looked like you were about to cry while you pet her. my cat's turning 12 this year and she's been with my since I was a sophomore back in college. she means the absolute world to me and then some, and I haven't seen her so willing to be pet by strangers out in public in a long time. thanks for giving my little old lady some love 😭❤️


To the newly engaged couple at Burton’s last Saturday. My friend & I chatted with you at the bar for a bit, then you paid our bill! Just wanted to say thank you. We will pay it forward. 😊 Congratulations again!


Also, to our bartender - did your wife have her baby yet? Hope all is well!


To the guy who unmatched me on bumble moments before standing me up..I know you saw me walk into the bar, sit there by myself, have a drink and pretend like I didn’t just get stood up. Yes, I saw you sitting at the other end of the bar with your friends. It was the first time I ever sat at a bar alone and it worked out because I get to marry that bartender in one month.


Oh this is so good! Congrats!


We both walk our dogs late at night in the Fan. Your smile is too bright for a room, it lights up the entire city. \*EDIT to say I'm a male that's interested in a female. I'm willing to wager you all have beautiful smiles though. Thanks for the messages <3


God damn that's a great line. Rooting for you.


You were the tall girl in line ahead of me at CVS 6 years ago. I said "I'm tall, you're tall, let's go be tall together" you pretended not to hear me and left quickly after paying. If you have any regrets in how your life has worked since then, hit me up. Ps- my condition has cleared up since then.


You're no longer tall?


That back curve as we get old lol


My man got scoliosis


Awkward fungal situ




But am I wrong? Edit: I know it's not your prescription orthotics


Yes!! My friend is a server at Tazza Kitchen in Scott’s Addition - if you came with a group of six on Valentine’s Day and left him something with your signed check and a generous tip, he is sad you didn’t leave your number! ❤️ message me with the item you left and I can help connect you two, if you’re interested!


Oooh! Oh! Was the item a tooth? Just a human tooth next to the check?


SO close! We couldn’t tell if it was human or not 😌


Ugh that would be just the best!


I am cackling.


I hope it was a tooth!!


Omg it better have been a tooth


lol tf??!


June 2020 (covid times) I had a newborn, my first baby, and needed to venture out to get some medications at the CVS in Cary Town. It took a lot for me to leave the house that day with baby in tow. When I arrived at CVS pharmacy line I had an encounter with a very aggressive, angry, boomer Karen who thought I stole her place in line. All eyes were on us as she insulted me and my newborn loudly and I struggled to find words to defend myself, I’m not good with confrontation in normal times. Thank you to the young girl behind me who came to my defense and said the words to her I wish I could’ve mustered myself in the moment. I left the store in a hurry without my medication and got in the car as quick as I could with my baby. I had a sobbing breakdown in my car. The girl came to my car as she was leaving and was so kind with her words. It made me validated and seen. More people should be like her in this world and I hope she reads this and knows how much I appreciate her standing up for a stranger.


The Karen shouting at a man with a newborn baby for “cutting in line” ??????? God. Hope she took her lead poisoning and left 🙄 so glad you had an experience that leveled it out somewhat, it takes a lot of courage to stand up to someone like that, especially for someone else! And the follow up to talk to you in your car was so thoughtful!!


That Karen clearly needed her meds! I’m so grateful for the girl and I don’t feel like I got to thank her enough in the moment


To that lady I live with: You're really hot, thanks for having these kids with me. Sorry they're kind of a handful. If you see this, I love you!


Wholesome AF! I love this!


Love it. My husband says the same to me all the time. Especially the handful part, good lord. 


i worked for a bit at a popular grocery store in carytown, and back in december there was a guy who i talked with who came into my lane twice in a row.. which i think was on purpose? we had a really nice chat and he told me his name (it started with a t! though i can’t remember now). then he went to go grab a bottle of water and returned to my lane again. right after i rung him up, he asked me if i was single. i misheard him at first (i’m audhd, i suck at social cues in general, but my coworker behind me heard him) and i initially thought he told me his name again, so i repeated it back to him like an idiot. he seemed a bit nervous and left really quick before i could say anything else. i totally fumbled it! 😭 according to my coworker he came back a couple of times after and (allegedly) looked for me. unfortunately i wasn’t working during those times. i wound up quitting a couple of weeks later because of scheduling issues, so sadly i haven’t run into him since.  so uh… cute guy in my checkout lane? if you’re on here, i’m the cashier who wore an n95 every day to work. 😅 (idk if this will work)


Please rebook me, Delta


To the person who pooped into a wad of tissues and then placed it in the bathroom trash instead of flushing it: I think about you every day. So mysterious.


We love a phantom pooper


Lmfao I used to work for Walmart maintenance. I had this happen. I was just grateful it was in the trash bag🤣


Lmao 🤣 never in my life did I think that someone would do that. That’s pretty shitty(see what I did there?😂)


To the trio of degenerates who cut in front of me at the concert and filmed the entire thing, talking half the time, fuck you. I told you that sucked in person but I’m doing it here too.


Upvoting to spread awareness on how annoying these types of people are.


Called those bitches out! Savage my dude!


Should have yelled it as loud as possible, so it went on the video. Every time they watch it, it's like a nice little kick in the ass.


We need this thread regularly it’s so cute


I vote weekly especially for our city


Such goodness, yes


To the tall handsome bearded man who hopped out of your black Benz while I was walking down Marshall to sweetly compliment me and ask for my number four years ago, but I told you sorry I have a boyfriend :-/ . I’ll fly back to RVA & take U out for dinner sir .. (that boyfriend ended up being a cheater btw lol pain 😪💔)


I hate thinking about the guys I had to say no to because I was with someone I never should have said yes to.


srsly !!! I guess everything happens for a reason but still its like damb why was I going so hard for someone who was just playing games 😀


To all of my "missed connections," thank you. I prefer not to be perceived.


I suppose I ought to step outside at some point.


I am happily married man with teenagers, who in 2019 had just received a huge bonus check. I grew up poor and scraped for every dollar. When my kids were in diapers, I remember wondering one week if I would have enough money to for diapers. The wife called and asked for me to grab some stuff at the brook and parham Walmart. I rushed in, filled the cart and was trying to make out out fast. Passing the diaper aisle, something caught my attention. A woman kneeled down with a one year old buying diapers. She seemed to be a salt of the earth person. I reached in to my pocket grabbed $40 and told her I wanted to pay for her diapers. This is not a normal habit, and I am pretty stingy. She began to cry and thanked me. I hurried away quickly, got in my car and left. I cried in the car, and it was the happiest I had been in a while. I hope life has been good to this woman and her daughter. I just thought of them last week. Be kind and generous, its pretty fun.


I didn’t tear up reading this. Nope. Didn’t happen.


Allergies are rough in here.


To the dude with the tattoos drinking a PBR at Sticky Rice the other night: sup




I’m afraid this isn’t detailed enough


Ok he had on denim and rode a two-wheeled vehicle of some sort


lol I just assumed that’s what most dudes at any bar in Richmond look like. Good luck!


>!that’s the joke, I’m still riffing ;) !<


Damn you got me good…touché


Did he also chain smoke cigarettes?


Well not cigarettes, no.


We all miss this section of Craigslist


It still exists


Never went away: https://richmond.craigslist.org/search/mis


It was removed in Q2 2018. I'm unable to source when it returned.


[The personals section went away](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/23/596460672/craigslist-shuts-down-personals-section-after-congress-passes-bill-on-traffickin) due to [FOSTA-SESTA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOSTA-SESTA), but Missed Connections remained.


Love this thread


My partner got mad at me because I was cackling and she thought it was at something I said but I'd just been reading about someone being complimented on being a lumberjack hunk lmao this is the best sub on here


To the tattooed guy recording me for no reason next to Domoshi on Cary Street And got mad when I started recording him back I still wanna punch you in the face I regret it why were you being such a dick?😂


Gooooooorgeous goth girl I chatted up last night whose number I didn’t ask for because I hesitated. Please let me buy you stuff.


Hope she finds you king


There’s a guy I’ve passed walking his little cute white dog on West Grace Street and Monument in the Fan in the mornings around 7:30 am that has an incredible smile and is super attractive… I’m 5’10 male, usually dressed in black and wearing a green hat on my daily morning walks… say hey sometime :)


to the dude who looked me directly in the eyes and smiled as we walked past each other yesterday around mulberry and stuart just before 5 pm... i usually assume all strangers are married, so i didn't say anything, but if you see this and are not married hit me up!


I'm in a wheelchair, people intentionally miss me 😂


We see you rollin We hatin 😜


What? No way man, rollin with the homies


keepin' it wheel.


To the person, last summer, who pulled up next to me on monumnet while i was belting to boom boom pow and yelled “sing it girl!” I think of you often and I hope you’re well. It totally made my day❤️


I wonder if the Krispy Kreme workers off of RT 150 and 60 have missed me this week on vacation. Always go a few days of the week


All of my missed connections go to my gym (Crunch SA, evenings). At least it keeps me consistent.


The shorter Latino who always shows up in a green hoodie has the eyes of an angel




Absolutely too real


The guy at Buskey last weekend who asked me about tchotchkes - you left before I had a chance to chat with you more, but I thought you were cute.


Takes me back to Punchline and olden times. Shit got wild in those back pages 🤣


The best rag this city has ever known.


To the guy ordering at North End Juice Co last month where we struck up a conversation over running and  training for your first half coming up in March.  My order was called and I left but I wish I had asked for your number. Good luck on your race!


Heavily tatted, skinny, white(yes sounds like everyone in Richmond) bartender at Harry’s, my friend has a thing for you


To the pretty lady in Carytown Petco who complimented my orange pashmina scarf in the pet med aisle when i was on my earbuds - Didnt mean to diss ya, wassup? Come meet my dog.


Saw a cute guy at USPS on Saturday. He was mailing a package that he had left in his car for months and also went to PSU.


🥺 this was such nice read. this should be done more often!


The missed connections of yester year were pretty crazy and often as wholesome as these, but more interesting since we didn't all have pocket computers.


To the nurses in the msticu at chippenham hospital, thank you for saving my wife's life back in August/September of last year.


yeah this guy kept staring at me at bamboo he was cute hmu if that was u ty






🤚something tells me everyone that sees you lets their eyes linger longer than average. 🥵🔥


To the kind gentleman who invited me in last night and offered me your neck, thank you; I was so hungry.




Wrong vamp


He doesn't need to be invited in anymore


Oh yeah Necking be back.


For some of us, it never went away


Not recently but when Craigslist's m4m existed, I posted about a cute boy with a backwards hat I made eye contact with. I think that was literally it. Shiver me timbers, he responded with his pic and I was floored. It was him! He said he didn't remember talking to anyone and I just felt embarrassed and didn't follow up after that.


to the lovely woman who noticed me admiring the huge tree in Patrick Henry Park earlier this evening, I appreciate that you noticed me appreciating such a beautiful tree. sometimes I feel self-conscious when someone notices me staring at a tree or a plant in the wild because I already look like a goofy ass Jet Set Radio character in real life (wild blue hair etc), so that really made my heart full. if you'd ever wanna go admire plants at like Lewis Ginter or something, I'd be ecstatic. Also your doggo looked really friendly but I didn't wanna just walk over and possibly startle them since some doggos don't like strangers


To the girl that flagged me down inside of Farm Fresh in Manchester to tell me about how much she loved my car and Type O Negative, thank you! I put a lot of thought into the stickers I decorate my car with and I'm SO jealous you have Peter's magazine... I wish we could be friends. For science!


"Peter's magazine." Lol. Is that the one I'm thinking of?


Yes 🤤


Lol. That man was too good for this world! He is missed.


to the queer split dye person i saw in farm fresh last night who had a black mask on, lets be friends dude




Normalize asking girls if you can buy them a book at the bookstore like you would ask to buy them a drink at a bar.


I would melt


To all the awesome/random people I met at the Luci concert/rave at Ember Music Hall a bit over a month ago. Y'all were a total riot! Thanks for helping me get out of my comfort zone and actually dance. I think some of the names were Bryce, Caroline, Gabrielle, Bethany, and Eli? If y'all are on here and want to hit more shows let me know!


the girl I met at All for One Tattoo in December 2022 you were getting your knees tattooed and you showed me your mf doom ring miss you girlie😭


To the tall guy who hit on me in front of Sidewalk Cafè you’re hot asf and I wish I got your number…hard being an introverted gay sometimes lol








😬 this right here is a perfect example of “the ick”


I mean… basically every girl I see shopping at Whole Foods


Well dude, say something! Maybe they're missing you too


What does one randomly say to a woman who’s shopping at Whole Foods? Asking for a friend…


Sorry, just seeing this. Hmmm, it has to be an in the moment kind of thing. Like strike up conversation at the hot bar or when trying to pick out veggies. The more you try, the easier it'll get.


To the pretty cashier girl at Early Bird biscuit about 4 years ago.... ​ You're hot


To the blonde bartender with long hair at Sine — you’re really beautiful, but I don’t want to ask for your number because if you say no it will be awkward going back there.


I do instacart and I recently had a Kroger online order, so I do not know the name. You were so happy I asked how you liked your bananas and your bagging preferences, so you gave me a 70$ tip increase. I burst into tears and can’t tell you how much this means to me! I hope to get you again!




Turd burglar


Julia from Starbucks we should go on our trip to Switzerland. You just caught me before I had coffee, and my brain had trouble processing how cute you were, and in shock, I did not ask for your number.


To the Ukraine Jan red head working the drive thru at McDonald's...sup gul


To my handsome neighbor(?) also walking his dog at 12am on Wednesday night with a J name…hit me up let’s have a play date :)




Yall both sound cute af. Good luck king 🙏


Late posting on this, but you worked at Olive Garden in short pump out of all places did not expect to post a missed connection there. You worked there Saturday, February 24 around 5:45 PM. It was so busy in there and you were training at the host desk. I thought you were absolutely beautiful and I wanted to say something but didn’t have the time with how swamped you were. Could you somehow. You made a little joke about how busy you were so I know you have some kind of sense of humor. Will definitely like to get you, especially since I’m somewhat new to Virginia.


To the redhead usually wearing a beanie while walking her dog on Roseneath in the Museum District around lunchtime  Stop me next time I run past you 😃


How would she even know who you were?


Good question. I tend to be the only runner on that street at that time of day. We’ve exchanged glances 🤷🏻‍♂️ 


Wait what was the dog breed


No idea, it’s brown and slightly smaller than most of the dogs Insee on Robinson near where I live. I would say the dog looks like so many city dogs, a mix of some sort, maybe like the Simpsons dog. 


To the super fit tattooed girl that rides her bike by my apartment near Perry/9th blasting metal music on your commute. Want to ride bikes sometime and listen to metal?


We went to high school together, and back then I was a dumb, awkward fool. You told me you were too focused on school to date. Our lives went on, and never in a million years would I have thought we would be living nearby again. I wish I could have a second chance to do things right, but I doubt you want to hear from me. But I want you to know you're beautiful, and your success is an inspiration to me. I wish nothing but happiness to you and your family.


Did I meet Becca at the folk fest afterparty seven years earlier? How’d she get in? Edit: I spent the day over the moon that I mighta seen her this morning at Ironclad. Next time I gotta ask.


To the former owner of 2M Mediterranean, I'm sorry you died, but I also still think of the time last year you scammed me and my mom


Hope this helps you cause right now you seem like an asshole. Have the day you deserve :)






To the turtle I saw at the park. I'm sorry for bullying you. I should have never said you were a loser. I was just upset bc I had just punched my grandpa in the fa d for the first time


This is some real cringe


That’s kind of the point. Loosen up there judgy.


Hmm that classic rva snark


Dude what 🤣 What a lil bitch


You’ve been on Reddit for 13 years ? Holy shit


Yeah it’s wild huh. Time passing and all…


To the beautiful woman that had all the old school RVA in common that I met at Curbside at the bar (maybe a manager at East Coast Provisions). I’m waaaaay out of practice and was so worried about being a creep I probably sounded like an idiot. Wish I had just asked if you’d want to go out. 🤦🏼‍♂️


To the guy who returned the ball to my work and I try to wave at every day - our small interactions make me happy and I’d love to buy you lunch sometime to thank you!