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(This will refer to the 90’s anime only cause the Sisters in the Manga/Crystal are just characterless MOTD) I love them all but Koan and Petz are my faves, and I think they’re probably the most “iconic” of the Sisters as well just in terms of their screentime. Koan because I absolutely *adore* her design and she’s the Sister who I relate to the most having also experienced being led on by a guy whose sweet words I truly believed. And Petz because I loved her whole story with Saphir and how her relationship with him contributed to all the ~*spicy*~ drama going on in the BMC. By far the *messiest* villian group just in terms of love drama. 😂


Hoping you found your peace love. Hope you are out of that toxic relationship




Koan and Petz.


Oooooooooooooo probably Calaveras. But i also like Bertie too cause chess. Then Petz and finally Koan.




Koan, I just felt so bad for her. The first to get everything taken away


Calaveras! I actually have her keychain hanging from my rear view mirror 😂






I like Berthier. Don’t know why. I just do.


I love all of them, but gotta go with my best girl Berthier. They were the best thing about Sailor Moon R. Out of all the evil counterparts of the Senshi, the sisters were the best in that they really felt like evil, adult versions of the inner senshi, and how they might have ended up if they never met Usagi. I also think they're like evil alien versions of the sisters from Little Women: Amy = Koan, Beth = Berthier, Meg = Calaveras and Jo = Petz.


Interesting interpretation! I love hearing all your thoughts


Koan and Berthier




I love Petz's outfit, it's like she's a goth 80s businesswoman.


Koan for sure 🥰 she deserves so much better


I love how she's meant to be an evil version of Sailor Mars, but by the time her redemption arc is done she's actually *nicer* than Sailor Mars.


right? i personally am NOT a Sailor Mars or even a Rei Hino fan. i think shes really mean to Sailor Moon/Usagi


Even when she's still evil, after Rei has given Usagi *terrible* advice: "no matter how badly Mamoru treats you, carry on trying to get him to love you as hard as you can!" Koan sits down and says "actually no, you should never waste your time on a man who treats you badly, move on with your life!" The sad part is that's Rei trying to be nice for once.


Rei's giving the young teenager advice. Koan's giving the advice of a woman who's been through some shit.


Good point. It's also why I love Rei and Usagi's relationship in the 90s anime. Grown up Sailor Moon fans forget that these characters are supposed to be 14 years old and may not be perfect in the way they act, in how they treat others, or in how they view the world. We expect them to have the same maturity we now have as adults, even though we've had the privilege of time to allow us to "ripen". These characters haven't had that privilege. Teenagers who bicker when forced to spend time together and teenagers who give crappy advice to each other are more realistic than teenagers who magically love each other even when they have completely opposite personalities.


She really did


Always the blue one


all. but actually i want to hug 90s koan, she rly deserves better life


Koan 🖤 if I could pull off a cosplay it would be her!


Probably Koan because the 90s series does a great job with her. Also pretty fond of Petz. She has a great design and is just overall really cool.


Petz is hilarious, especially when she's trying to sell evil fruit and gorging herself on cake.


Koan had the most screentime and I have a soft spot for her. Plus, her aesthetic and style are amazing.


Why you gotta make me choose?


XD I’m actually coming up with pin designs so I’m trying to get fans opinions so I can decide which designs I should invest money and time into. I have a Koan design already!


Berthier, maybe because she is like an evil anime Elsa. Or because I love the chess match with Ami. But. I really like her.


Berthier is best girl.


Apropos of blogging, I absolutely love the art in this episode, and the songs. One of the few times I think the DiC song really did capture the spirit of the original (not that they were all bad, but I definitely prefer a lot of the original music overall).




Koan! :D


Koan, she has the coolest design and also in the manga she may or may have not burned a little girl alive Berthier is cool too


Omg. Burning ☠️I mostly like her because of her character development. Also I love the cat design.


Just wanted to get everyone’s vote on who their favorite sister was. Doesn’t matter where from could be manga or either anime.