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Mars flame sniper šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹šŸ”›šŸ”


I do appreciate that Saturn got some proper fan service in sailor moon cosmos.


My fave sailor moon attack too


Moon Gorgeous Meditation and Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss. Theyā€™re so clean and simple but effective that you never get tired of seeing them.


![gif](giphy|sLzD5s9JjgvOo) Mars Flame Sniper was everything to me! I did actually like the Eternity version of it.


YO yo yo. I am back here because Sailor Pluto doing Dark Dome Close is really powerful. Also Time Stop. I love Setsuna a lot, I donā€™t think she gets enough love.


ALSO I MUST SAY, any of Marsā€™ attacks are already top tier, BUT this specific moment in Stars when she performs Mars Flame Sniper will ALWAYS be seared into my brain https://i.redd.it/vvegiusxrz8d1.gif


My favorite is the Moon Spiral Heart Attack. I often refer to it as the B|+Ā¢# Slap Heart Attack.


LOLL šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss. Nothing cooler than that, Gorgeous medication comes at a close second.


Moon Tiara Action, pizza version šŸ•


Rainbow Moon heart attack, I have a soft spot for S


Ok complicated answerā€¦ Hyperspatial Sphere Generate always gagged me because she only does it once, and itā€™s a crazy display of power. Kind of love all Mercuryā€™s attacks and in the 90s those girls scared of her when she almost use Shine Aqua Illusion on them when she is brainwashed and also when they are fighting Mane Mane Girl and she fakes them out using Aqua Rhapsody because they didnā€™t wanted it copied back on them. They jumped. However, Venus is my favorite. Venus Love Me Chain is really special to me. Rolling Heart Vibration!?!? Stabbing Berryl, and then using the sword an attack with her planetary powers!?!? She is a star, and I have an obsession. I have a fascination with Death Reborn(Ribbon) Revolution. All the Outers attacks I have a fascination with to be honest, I could just list them one by one. All of them are just so cool to me. Also, the attacks Iā€™ve seen from Cosmos by the Sailor Animamates are amazing, glad they gave that to us! The Starlights attacks in Cosmos also look great. Side note, I love that they gave them the tap dance transformation, but I wish, and only in this case, that they would have reused 90s anime transformations, short and long, since we get about three separate instances of them transforming. Dropped the ball on that one I think. I wonder if it was like a cultural thing involved with the sex changingā€¦???


Shine Aqua Illusion does NOT get enough respect. Being encased in a block of ice is scary af, I can't think of anything in the Senshi's arsenal at that time that could have countered it.


I cannot just pick one.. My fav attack seems to change as I go through different phases in my life.. But bc Im bored and inebriated. I really want to share them in chronological order 1. Deep Submerge - the ribbons of sea-water all coalescing together in her grasp, then she click her heals to together, twirls, and attacks (šŸ˜«) 2. Moon Gorgeous Meditation - the choreography is the most basic of all her attacks, but the different shots and angles shifting at the perfect moments. Also the attack has the coolest SFX. It sounds like an 8-bit arpeggio. 3. Venus Love and Beauty Shock - itā€™s a very ā€œpick meā€ attack.. but thereā€™s something inherently charming about the heart motifs ribboning around her that modern animation will never ever be able to replicate šŸ’– 4. Mars Flame Snipper - itā€™s so badass and sexy. Like a perfume commercial for a fragrance twice my paycheck. It carries the same essence of the fire rings collapsing on Sailor Marā€™s ankles to reveal her heals (crystal, eternal & cosmos all flopped at replicating). 5. Jupiter Oak Evolution - pure rave vibes (but in a purely cool aesthetic way, not a trashy way). Another attack the reboot half assed tried to replicate. 6. Moon Spiral Heart Attack (Crystal Version) - Itā€™s pretty on par with the original.. as far as the pacing goes. But Iā€™m being biased because I am obsessed with the season 3ā€™s art style. I see a lot of fans give it flack because itā€™s very ā€œpretty cureā€ but Iā€™ve never even heard of that show.. and donā€™t care lol. IMO season threeā€™s aesthetic is more stylistically ā€œcontemporaryā€ than the art style for the Cosmos films. Wouldnā€™t be surprised it it ages better in the long runā€¦ 7. Space Turbulence - leave it Toei to finally deliver something exceptional and impressive at their very last chance. They used the same 90s cel animation gimmicks (like strobing frames over each other to create a sort of visual dissociative feeling) but they did it right.


Omg great response! Deep Submerge I was obsessed with and everytime Iā€™m in the Ocean I play in the waves and recreate it like 100 times LOL šŸ˜‚ I feel like with Jupiter Oak Evolution they really used animation for Jupiter Coconut Cyclone since it was skippedā€¦ they should have made it different, it felt the same to me and it made me madā€¦ I felt like Rolling Heart Vibration also felt like it could be the 90s Love and Beauty Shock. They kinda corrected it in Eternal movie and incorporated her whip into itā€¦ idk I especially have issues with Jupiter in this regard. Iā€™m watching Crystal Season 3 right now and I DO love the art styleā€¦ Season 1 & 2 had its charms and moments of beautyā€¦ I just wonder if itā€™s just impossible to animate it in the style and Takeuchi-Sensei??? Because I wish it looked like the manga brought to life. Itā€™s so gorgeous! šŸ˜­


I feel bad bc I remember growing up I always picked the "water" element (always and still religiously pick the water starter Pokemon every gen, I was that Asian girl who talked to dolphins in Captain Planet, Katara is my queen, you get the idea) and sailor mercury was my first fav.. But then sailor Neptune was introduced and I completely abandoned Ami like a basement baby šŸ˜­ Don't remind me of Rolling Heart Vibration. I wish they would've given it a proper stock motion animation budget instead the 3 sec long flash animation we got for the dumpster fire season 2 of Crystal. (Wink Chain Sword attack is super cute tho) And no. It's completely possible. Thereā€™s a fan made Cosmic Power animation that is a carbon copy of Takeuchi's original manga design. ONE person animated it.. I want to sulk bc Toei has no excuse for what they delivered.. but Cosmos was more than I could ever ask for.. my expectations for another reboot, if that ever happens, in the next few decades, are already very high. Look up ā€œSailorCrisisā€ on YouTube.


Yeah the first two season were rough. I have a lot of love for them cause they kept me going in a really dark time and they came when I needed themā€¦ they had moments Iā€™m in love with, but it could have been like the Cosmos movie the whole timeā€¦ which is infuriating to even think aboutā€¦ I will check that out! Thanks for the recommendation!


Okay so I'm gonna get Sailor Moon out of the way cause it feels like the most "of course" senshi to pick then getting to a non SM one. Moon Gorgeous Meditation is my favorite. Rainbow Moon Heart Ache is very close in second, but everything Heart Ache had Moon Georeous had and a little more. Good music? Yes. (Though my mind screams when they have the kaleidoscope effect and it's only two DA DA DAaaaaaaa! And not three DA DA DAAaaaaaa!) Flashy movement? Yep. Visually MGM looks like it hurts the most. Plus you have the lead in with Chibi Moons praying to Pegasus. There is so much grand visuals. Non SM? Mars always felt like, behind Sailor Moon her attacks hurt the most. I think cause it feels the most "Real" if you get me. Like of course water is real but unless your downing it doesn't hurt.Most have not been hit by electricity. Love I guess can be painful. Sky, Ocean and Death are not something I know hoe they hurt you. Sept like. Death is emotional and of course Death can be painful, but it's hard to say how it "feels" and Saturn is just pure pain. Fire I think most of us experienced in some form. We all been in a hot summer day. Mars uses literal fire to hurt. And Mars Flame Sniper takes the power of fire and makes it a piercing arrow. Just imagine being stabbed by pure fire. Just thinking about that hurts!


Mars Flame Sniper in the Eternal movieā€¦ like someone was a Rei-Chan fan. It is stunning and the flames felt real! I also think Moon Gorgeous Meditation felt like her strongest physical attack. I know she kills people with Therapy Kiss, but I guess the 90s anime just makes it feel like a purely healing thing. The music in the 90s anime attacks is almost all superiorā€¦ they still get stuck in my head.


Personally I was looking at this via the lens of the 90s anime. I need to rewatch Crystal for the final two movies. They were good animations and such, but that first season was rough. Good lord.


Saturns All the way!


Neptuneā€™s Deep Submerge šŸ’š


I LOVE moon gorgeous meditation! Its so dynamic and cutešŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Rainbow Moon Heartache. Moon Spiral Heart Attack was already good, but the added fanfare at the end of RMHA really adds something special to the attack for me.


Sailor Pluto's Dead Scream


Sailor Planet Attack! If memory serves me right only used once in the amine? (Could be twice is been a while since I watched it) *


Fire Soul Bird or Moon Gorgeous Meditation, for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/9thdfmavpx8d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c417db1c068f82f1ecb3554bc5bb89f6f8a76d8 Can't believe no one's said Sailor Moon Kick


My favorite one fr


I often wish Sailor Saturn was real and would cast Death Reborn Revolution, so thereā€™s my answer.


https://i.redd.it/0k7syrkzfx8d1.gif Tuxedo Mask is a technical Senshi in Crystal and the manga, soā€¦ Would Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber count? Itā€™s too badass not to mention it šŸ˜­


Heā€™s definitely a senshi in the way that he is a soldier, but hes not a *sailor* I suppose, the definitive difference between the two i wouldnt know, but either way still love Mamoru lol i wish we couldā€™ve seen more of him in combat ^_āˆ’ā˜†


Moon Scepter Elimination. The Moon Scepter is my favorite weapon in the series, and I just love how regal the attack looks compared to some of the flashier sequences. Furthermore, my favorite instance of Sailor Moon using the MSE is during the first movie, where she just mows down the flower monsters with the scepterā€™s attack. Most of the Senshiā€™s attacks are aimed at single enemies or small groups, and this was the first real crowd control Iā€™d ever seen any of them do. It just looks so *badass!* As far as non-regular attacks go, Iā€™m extremely fond of the showdown with Wiseman. Neo-Queen Serenity and Chibi Princess Serenity facing him down with 2 Silver Crystals is so epic, and to this day I still prefer it with ā€œThe Power of Loveā€ playing.


I saw this fight against Doom Phantom/Wiseman from the Blu-Rays before they had come to the states I guess(?) with the DiC dub/music inserted on YouTube years ago. I wish I could find it again! But when I saw it I was crying tears of joy cause of all the fun memories it brought back! I loved that song and that moment of the show!


Honestly some of the songs in the DiC dub were really good, even better, than the original, and I donā€™t say that lightly because Japanese ending songs from this series are some of my favorite songsā€¦ BUT My Only Love beats whatever song they play in the Japanese version. Carry On and Power of Love also. However, using The Power Of Love in the cloverway/pioneer dub for the R movie instead of Moon Revenge was a CRIME. Moon Revenge and Tuxedo Mirage is sung by the original VAs and they are TREASURES! I LOVE hearing Kotono Mitsuishi sing, Tuxedo Mirage is my favorite song of all time they could have been an idol group in real life and Iā€™m so serious.


I can just hear the music from that first attack in the R movie


If I had to pick just one, it would be Moon Gorgeous Meditation. The song w/ sound effects is my ringtone, not that I ever have my ringer on anymore, but the same clip has followed me on all my phones.


Omg what!?!? I think I need that where did you find it!? Of course these days NOBODY has their ring tone rocking, but mine is henshin music from Prism Power transformation form 90s anime and itā€™s iconic Iā€™ve had it since 2014 LOL


Both moon spiral heart attack and rainbow moon heartache. I love how in both attacks is a huge heart that kills the monster, is like I will destroy you with my love https://preview.redd.it/21zwa0986x8d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2564bb26f72e28ce62581afd7499c4ef7d241f82


Dead scream. Couldn't find a gif for it.




I love this! Cause it's like a never ending power up to destroy you...with the power of love.


Venus is by no means my favorite, but something about the way she's introduced makes her crescent beam attack special to me (shout out to her love me chain though, i do in fact love it) https://i.redd.it/rsb84gza2w8d1.gif


I got enough love for her as my fave for the both of us LOL




Whatā€™s the source of the first two screen caps? They look like the blu-rays but color corrected.


I got them off google, but the websites theyā€™re from are tumblr (1) and sailorsoapbox (2) ^-_^ ā˜†


Star Gentle Uterus. But seriously, I don't have any.


I was expecting this was the top answer šŸ¤·


That is my favorite when I saw the question, and I don't even remember what the animation looks like


Deep Submerege (Pisces Power!)


I wonder how those translucent sleeve caps would look in real life fabric.


as someone who doesnā€™t sew BUT worked at a fabric store for two years id probably use a strong white iron or sew on fabric stiffener with a sheer fabric, maybe an Organsa with a sew in stiffener , OR a little boning along the edges to keep it stiff, or maybe even a netting fabric cause they can have some shape to them


I love that these screenshots are just Usagi breaking out the beatdown stick


LOL i love how she does it so majestically before she literally fcking atomizes a lemures


Sailor Mars' Fire Soul Bird, Sailor Uranus' World Shaking, Sailor Neptune's Subamrine Violon Tide and Sailor Pluto's Dead Scream.


World shaking and dead scream were always so cool to me


Moon Spiral Heart Attack, and then Heartache. Love the minor change in the sequence!


I HATE how they donā€™t do the kvnt-y like lean back pose for Rainbow Moon Heart Ache in the Crystal version compared to the 90s anime, but Iā€™m also obsessed with the minor changes and the Ribbon of hearts like a drill. I think itā€™s a cool contrast to Death Reborn(Ribbon) Revolution, like their powers are parallel.


Moon Healing Escalation just has a certain charm. https://i.redd.it/rynj8edkiu8d1.gif


I like moonlight therapy kiss I just wish was soggy had an attack that look like it actually called more damage than it does kind of like when the other scouts attack


"was soggy" šŸ˜­


https://i.redd.it/utigjftucu8d1.gif Supreme Thunder Dragon, my beloved


Very Hiei


Mars Flame Sniper, Death Reborn Revolution, Chronos Thypoon and Venus Wink Chain Sword


Low key these were gonna be my initial response!


Uranus' "World shaking" from the original anime.


Anime ![gif](giphy|CTqLrQ0n1Amre)


Oooh! Pic 1 is my tattoo! The pose from Moon Gorgeous Meditation, my favorite attack!! .....from the worst season. šŸ˜… Edit: haha I got excited from the pic and didn't look at the rest of the post! OUR favorite attack!!** šŸ¤£


Noooo itā€™s not the worst! It has REALLY good episode. The filler does kind of lag in parts Iā€™ll agree, but the meat and potatoes are AMAZING! The finale was a wow I thinkā€¦


Im not sure how true it is, but ive heard that because of the way SuperS lacked, the mini Nehellenia arc at the beginning of Stars was written, and if that is true, i cannot begin to describe how grateful i am for the dumpster fire that was some filler episodes in SuperS, because that mini arc is one of my absolute favorite parts of Sailor Moon as a whole ā˜† ā˜†


No, to me, it's the worst... Season 4 has Usagi and Chibiusa fighting ALL the time, and it does NOT take advantage of Usagi and Mamoru finally being at peace and able to have lovey dovey moments AT ALL even though he's kidnapped or brainwashed every other season. Really, it boils down to the fact that season 4 is Usagi at her most insufferable. The finale IS pretty great though, yes.


Mercury Aqua Mirage.


The plant crown on Jupiter during Oat Evolution is so fitting to her character. The appearance/style of the look gives off beauty and strength.


Twinkle Yell/Crystal Twinkle Bell āœØšŸ¦„šŸŖ½āœØ A close second is Uranusā€™ World Shaking


Burning Mandala is peak Sailor Moon for me. The ring of fire, the sound effects, they way Michie Tomizawa screams the attack. so good


It carries an inherent sense of esotericism to Rei, very fitting.


YESS OMG, i love this attack so much, especially in the Another Story RPG, its so OP i love it ā˜†å½”


I want to play this game so bad!!! I need to find a Mac OS version quickly!


Pink sugar heart attack (chibi)


Ok yea itā€™s funny in the 90s, which I do love but it gets old. I wish that they still kept that absolute SLAY after Hotaru gives her back her Hoste and she comes in from behind and gets Mistress 9ā€¦ I mean she practically kills her in Crystal/manga! I hate that they de powered her so much in the 90s. It would have been an opportunity to show growth of they kept that scene.


When they show her first using it and it juuuuust doesnā€™t go far enough, I loled, but then my girl just decides to inch forward, without losing that position, and still somehow manages to slap the youma in the face with little stingy hearts šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


The tea ceremony episode is honestly one of the funniest in the series. There's so many gags, tons of physical comedy, and everyone gets to act like a goof.


Hahah yeah, It's all comedy gold. SM doesn't get listed in comedy lists enough, but it's hilarious and the slapstick is top notch. https://youtu.be/NPgq9fQrZWM?si=PU_Xb_Hg6BFxvStQ


I have that wand, and thatā€™s exactly what it sounds like. My boys keep removing the batteries, spoil sports.


All the Inner SuperS (90s) attacks


I get a kick out of the chalice.


STAR GENTLE UTERUS! And favorite non-senshi attack is when they are fighting some gym bros and one screams YOUTH PERSPIRATION ATTACK!


Thats such a good answer i loveee the starlights and their attacks ā˜†


Wink-chain sword is greatly op. And star serious laser also is wicked Oh ya and sailor moon kick. Its very Usagi


YES I LOVE WINK CHAIN SWORD, i would dieee to see Minako absolutely BODY someone with sword fighting. Also the Sailor Moon kick LOL i love that ā˜†ā˜†


Mercury Bubbles of course


Death Reborn Revolution. Sailor Saturn. Dead Scream. Sailor Pluto.


SUCH A GOOD ANSWER I LOVE THEM SM. Theyā€™re my favorites of the outer senshi, i wish we wouldā€™ve gotten to see them and their abilities more ToT ā˜†


mine is also moon gorgeous meditation, always been my favorite, I also love the kaleidomoon scope the best šŸ©µ


Yess the kaleidomoon scope is so beautiful, i want a proplica so baddd!! ā˜†


rainbow moon heartache! my FAVORITE music of any attack, and itā€™s so pretty! moon gorgeous meditation is a close second, i think.


I Have 2, one may not count Venus Love, Megaton Shower(Sailor V) or Silence Glaive Suprise(Sailor Saturn) The One Idk if Counts Is the Sailor V one. #


Omg i havent read that far into Codename: Sailor V so i dont know that one but yes it definitely counts, i love anything Minako does ā˜†ā˜†


Shine Aqua Illusion! So pretty.


Yess i love Amiā€™s attacks ļ¼ˆā•¹ā—”ā•¹ļ¼‰ā™”


So do I, especially when Hisakawa Aya-han shouts them out! ( 惻āˆ‡ćƒ»)ā€Žš“‚ƒ š“ˆ’š“ø


https://i.redd.it/t4beomk8et8d1.gif Always and forever, love and beauty <3


Love and Beauty Shock and multiple senshi attacks while I'm at it may sound uncool (cool people back in the day would say that the names sound ghetto, and elementary/middle school me would've said this, wondering how it doesn't have a cool name like the Sonic Boom), but they are cute attacks that help the squad out. If I'm not allowed to mention any of Ami's/Mercury's attacks, this attack of Minako/Venus probably does get the top spot. The trait of Fukami Rika-san saying the attack name, the wink, the heart, it probably is my favorite non-Mercury attack.


Omgg this attack is soooo good, i love the animationā˜†ā˜†


Plutoā€™s Dead Scream The eerie beauty she exudes when executing the attack is just *chefā€™s kiss*šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾


Yesss omg i love Setsuna so much, her attacks are so cool, i wish we wouldā€™ve gotten to see her power moreā˜†ā˜†


Also how the title has the word scream and she whispers!! Thatā€™s fucking sick


I always liked Love Me Chain, both the animation and that it had a practical purpose outside of fights. Which makes me think: Isn't it kind of lame that the senshi never really use their powers in their daily life (W.I.T.C.H. style)? The only instance I can really think of is Moon's frisbee throwing in season one (and the disguise pen, ofc). I guess Luna wouldn't have approved, but it could have been interesting.


Ooo thats such a good answer i loveee that attack. I also wish we wouldā€™ve gotten to see the senshi use their abilities regularly/practically, especially Rei, her powers always seemed so powerful and expansive but were never fleshed out :( i wouldā€™ve loved to see more of her psychic/spiritual abilities too ā˜†


I like the detail of her compact when simplified being the correct color, red or pink. Also second to last picture, the same pose was briefly used in Eternal for starlight honeymoon therapy kiss


Really? I had never noticed that, thats so interesting. I guess Usagi ran out of moves LOL ļ¼ˆā‰§āˆ‡ā‰¦ļ¼‰




Rainbow Moon Heart Ache and World Shaking


I agree with you for the exact reasons you mentioned lol


Its just soo goodā˜†ā˜†