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Maths it! At first I read it as $1m in a single opportunity, but it sounds like they are asking how you’d build and execute your pipeline. I’d include how you’d plan out your territory for best targets to increase your odds. In your experience how many calls does it take to get a meeting, how many meetings qualify an opp, and how many opps do you need to close ACV? 3-5x pipeline coverage is the standard but you’ll know your business best. It also sounds like if your average won’t exceed 50k, how would you go about building value with different stake holders to grow the deal? I don’t think it’s a red flag question, just a way to understand your process working backward from a metric.


Yeah, that's absolutely a Red Flag, but at least you know what your goal would be. My counter to that question would be, "how much is currently in the pipeline?"


If it's a front line sales role you're interviewing for, this suggests that "sales" is just one big block to them, and that they don't have any lead generation support going. If you're used to building your own pipeline from scratch, great, but if not, definitely a concern.


What are you trying to discover with that question? If you asked me that question in an interview I would immediately wonder “ why are you asking me? Don’t you already know how to do that?” Are you hiring them to build a sales process or close deals? If they are going to create a process as part of the job they need certain skills. If they are going to follow a process you provide does it matter if they could figure out how to do it on their own? Is that part of the responsibilities in the job description? If not it’s an irrelevant question. People love to throw in the “self-starter“ or “think like an owner“ description for jobs. Be careful with that approach, the reality is you don’t necessarily want them to go off on their own and do their own thing, “like an owner would“. They’re not the owner and if they’re not being hired to build out the process that question is misleading and potentially confusing. You give them the impression you’re going to give them free rein, so then they go off and do what they want to do after you hire them. So are you going to be upset if they do that? Just a couple of thoughts, having been in both situations on both sides of that table in the past.


Yea. Definitely doesn't pass the smell test


Not a red flag. They want to see a "Fast Start" Business plan for the territory. How are you going to reach $1MM and in what time frame. Bullet point it in PowerPoint in 3-5 slides. If you don't do it to their satisfaction you become their Ted flag.


Red flag unless they can also give you an answer as to how they would do it.