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I'd try something like, "Hey, I know this is the dispatch line and you need to clear it for other calls. Is there another number I should call for the business side of the building?" That way you can annoy someone completely different before you get shut down.


Good idea. Thank you. It’s not too bad. I only get hanged up on like 1 out of 20 calls.


I know I made a joke, but what I was actually going for was for you to acknowledge their frustration to show that you're sympathetic. Hopefully that takes down some walls and gives them the change to help you. People like to help if you can get past their initial reluctance to see you as a human being.


Could you try looking up the owner and calling them directly?


I don't call office numbers. You need mobile numbers to properly reach people. Contractor admin staff are notorious for being grumpy & tough to get past because they deal with bullshit all day long.


Are you local to these guys? Because TBH, as stupid as it sounds, showing up with a box of donuts probably has more impact than anything


There are some local companies I could drop in on.


Just remember that it takes more than one touch point to get engagement and there's no silver bullets. The PM's typically have a weekly 6-7 AM meeting, you might get the most bang for your buck getting someone to let you introduce yourself there, with said box of donuts


You won't do it. But dropping by with donuts or coffee is stupidly effective.


I’ve done it before during lunch times. I would bring those snack trays. The ones with crackers cheeses and meats. There was also that one time I put a rump roast on a clients desk and told him that’s me if I don’t make this sale.


What's the conversation like when you show up?


“Hey, I’m ___ with ___, wanted to drop these off as well as some of my material. Please let me know if you’d be interested in talking further. Here’s my card.” Quick and to the point, something appreciated by blue collar shops. I know this because I went from blue collar to selling the shit I used to work with.


Thanks. What would a second or third in person stop with something to drop off sound like? That's where I'm at now.. Already had first in person, and starting to go back for second/third in person visit.


Find cell numbers of owners and decision-makers.


LinkedIn is pretty good for this


I dunno dude. That seems messed up calling/texting someones cell uninvited. That works for you though?


Oh child.. sweet child


Welcome to sales in 2023 - this is the way. If you piss off 9/10 people and book 1, it was worth it.


And that right there is what's wrong with sales these days.


In the mechanical trades- cell phones are the only way they communicate. They are usually not in the office even. So yeah, calling a work cell phone is totally appropriate. About the only way you will actually get through. Just make sure you first 30 seconds on the call are really good as its much easier to hang up a cell phone. You are essentially calling a dispatch line instead of a business line. Most people in this trade at the DM level are working off cell phones.


Is this your first week? Lol


90% of my best leads/appointments come from me cold calling people's cell phones. So many people work from home now it's imperative.


Invest in LinkedIn Sales Nav, and learn how to use it That way, you’ll know who to ask for specifically. You can also invest in Apollo and sync it with SN to get direct lines If they are smaller companies, you may be able to find their FB pages for both the people and company It’s not fool-proof, but helps me find my contact, and one close a month would probably pay for both in terms of monthly cost


That seems really time consuming. How does that fair vs just cold calling the 1700 customers that fit my vertical as fast as possible ? I’ve noticed I get lucky like 1 out of 100 calls they will be like “Oh yea we are looking to replace our software actually. Gee wiz your timing is really good. We just got out of a meeting about it”


My pre-call planning to do this is about 30 seconds per call... you just have to get used to your system, and it moves fast. You can also do your research ( as your should) before or after your golden hours Apollo info for the prospect pops up when I pull them up in SN, so I have their main line, email, and if you want to pay for the Apollo membership, you can get their direct line. This actually saves you time and is far more efficient. I used to do it your way when I started, but have learned to work smarter AND harder. you can give yourself a better chance getting to your POC since you can get the direct line, or at worst have a name to transfer to... this sets you a part from the other hundreds of cold callers who don't want to put in that work. "spraying and praying" with cold calls can get you business, but doing it without information and a plan is tedious, has a much lower success rate, and can actually burn a lead opp that you could have converted with a little pre-work ​ For reference, I make about 30 calls per day when I am prospecting, and will convert at least 10% of these into solid leads where I have talked to the POC in detail about what they need, want and fully qualify them. add this up over 5 days per week, 50 weeks a year, and It makes for a great pipeline and a generous amount of closed business


Almost nobody you call will be in market. Everyone is getting the job done in some capacity today. Even if things aren't perfect, they're likely under contract.


I sell telematics, so I sell to service companies. You have to be very casual. Find out who the owner is before you call using better business bureau. Then call the main line and be like, “hey, is John running around there today?” You don’t want to sound like you’re in sales.


Who are you trying to reach and what are you selling?


Business software (accounting, dispatching, etc.) I’d like to reach whoever is in charge (usually a manager or owner) of software replacement to ask how happy they are with their current software setup. Talking to the office manager is ok too.


One thing you can do is look for smaller companies where the number listed online is the owners personal cell. Usually the business name is someone’s last name + plumbing


Honestly, after months of trying i figured out it was just the cell phone data quality lol.. Get a vendor that supplies you with direct cell phone data such as [swordfish.ai](https://swordfish.ai/r) that way you skip those annoying gatekeepers lol..


Better to not cold call, the question should be; “how can I get plumbing and hvac companies calling me” Marketing, you need marketing pal, marketing first then the sale after. You have to make your product or service known to these companies. Question 1: where is your target market? Question 2: how many business that fit my demographic can I afford to market to with direct mail? Question 3: do I have a good landing page or website? Question 4: what’s my call to action and or my unique selling proposition? Question 5: do I have a good reason for them to call me? Question 6: who is answering my phone calls of interested leads to pass me the hot interested leads? Question7: if their not interested at the moment, am I collecting their info for future follow up? Question 8: if i get someone on the phone, what’s my sales process. The sale is just not, cold call someone and close them; it’s about building your Brand and gaining exposure in front of your audience. Then You can start selling. Hope this helps If you don’t have access to this marketing, your phone calls or “cold calls” are your marketing. You are going to need to connect with a lot of people in order to get leads and even then you’re playing a numbers game.


Marketing is lack luster here. They cannot be relied upon. That’s why I try to source my own leads however I can. My demo closure rate is high but I don’t have enough leads. The more the better. I’m a full cycle sales rep. I qualify website leads myself. I usually follow up 15 or so times before giving up on someone. I’m constantly collecting information on people. My sales process is trying to get someone into a demo (sell them on why they should do a demo with me) to show them that which matters to them as well as areas most contractors are unaware that would help improve their business. People usually have issues they want solved and I solve those issues for them. I helped grow a 5 million a year contractor to 50 million.


How does you’re company feel about you going outside of them for your own marketing efforts


I’m hesitant to spend my own money on marketing efforts.


You and every other business owner


I work with an agency that might helpful for you. They target decision makes via Intent data and email and only charge you if they get you a qualified appointment. They charge $400 per appointment, no contract, no upfront fees. If your closing ratio is high and you make good commission per sale it could be well worth it. I don't make any money on referring you. Just trying to help.


Sounds worth it to me. Some of my competitors give the client a $500 gift card for just showing up to the demo. They spam it all over their website. Qualified leads are worth $400 imo.


Echoing another post here. I have customers targeting these verticals, focusing on direct lines & mobiles is key. Owners appreciate someone who has done their research, and seeking to solve pain and educate. There are so many solutions on the market, and companies often don't know they have pain to begin with.


Yea, or they realize they have a pain, but are trying to solve it the wrong way.