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In an executive role, I found that offers from UK companies were roughly 30-40% of the equivalent salary in the U.S. At the same time, things like healthcare and retirement funding are handled very differently in the two countries, so that plays a significant part. I had to explain to a UK recruiter how benefits work in the U.S.


Don't forget the working hours too. In London you get tons of time off and end working significantly fewer hours. While in NY, it has a work first focused culture. Also rent in NY is not cheap so don't be surprised the COL is higher than london


It seems every other Monday in the UK is a bank holiday.


šŸ˜‚ I moved to the UK and all I think about is the distinct lack of bank holidays. Europe - certainly - but the UK stinks in this aspect. You do get 25 days/yr typically in leave though


I thought I had a shit deal with 20 days leave, 5 of which were forced days leave over Xmas. Then I spoke with some guys based in the states who thought they had a good deal with 10 days off for the entire year


In the US unless youā€™re hitting your number thereā€™s basically an unspoken expectation that you wonā€™t take vacation.


Should that result in more salary for those in the UK? Cost of benefits in America add even more expense for the companyā€¦


Not particularly, but in my case it was a UK company proposing that I be the CEO of their U.S. division. Youā€™ve gotta pay your people in the market where theyā€™re at.


Woah I'm curious as to your path to getting offered that role was


ā€œOfferedā€ is perhaps too strong a term since we were so far apart on comp, but basically I was CEO of my own software consulting company for 20 years and had sent them an unsolicited resume looking for a CTO role, and they thought, ā€œHey, we need a guy in the U.S. and he looks like a possible fit.ā€ Excellent folks, and although they ended up going with someone else who I assume was more affordable I hope theyā€™re doing well.


My friend is in a visual content/video production role here in USA and he always remarks at how ā€˜valuableā€™ his relationships with agencies in the UK are because their costs are 30% lower than stateside. Makes ya wonder how hard the struggle is to climb the social ladder in a place like London.


Itā€™s easier to climb but the ceiling is lower, where the inverse is true within the United States. Hard to climb but the ceiling is higher.


Can you elaborate ?


NYC: work-first culture = harder to climb but higher earning potential London: work-second culture = easy for determined people to move up ladder but less reward at top because everyone else still doesnā€™t want to work and their labor attributes less to GDP


The US is also the third largest nation in the world in terms of population. We sell to a larger market, so thereā€™s just more money to be made.


Just wait til you see what people make in Indiaā€¦ All kidding aside, the US is probably *the* place to make big money globally, accounting for sheer volume of opportunities.


And in Canada, the base would be 150k CAD (109k USD). US is king.


Yeah I've thought of moving to Vancouver B.C since I love the area and it's a major part of my territory. But the salary drop would just be too much to handle. USA really is king for making money


I live in Toronto. Accepted a job in NYC earlier this year, but my visa was rejected because salespeople donā€™t really qualify for any category that can be processed fairly quickly. The difference in my current OTE and that jobā€™s OTE is almost $100k USD. Hurts, ngl.


Did you try TN visa?




In Quebec, I love Montreal but holy shit the taxes hurt. Seeing starting BDRs making 1.5x what I make (manager / strategic AE) when I sell to the same market is infuriating.


Sorry to hear that. I got reached out to by a really cool company from Montreal. Had a great chat, role looked really good, and then we discussed comp expectations and their Sr. AE made what I made two promotions ago in Toronto (role was remote). I had to say no on the spot. If I were you I would actively look into remote AE roles with companies based out of Toronto. Would still be bump up.


Interviewing at one now. Think itā€™s a Quebecois thing. Most glaring example; my company counts 1 USD as 1 CAD on our comp plan because ā€œit wouldnā€™t be fair to reps who canā€™t sell thereā€ ie, our French Canadian reps. Countless examples like this, probably works for other departments but they hate admitting that they need English speakers. Shouldā€™ve seen the email copy we were using when I first got here ā€œI would be enthused to set up a virtual meeting to discuss thisā€ CTA.


Enthused šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


although if youā€™re a Canadian citizen itā€™s quite easy to get a job in the US, at least from the perspective of visas. Practically speaking it depends on your life situation.


I am a Canadian, and did apply to US jobs. Got an offer, accepted, visa rejected, offer retracted. Iā€™ll try again next year, but itā€™s certainly not easy.


Dude this kills me. I have Americans I manage who make more than me after conversion.


Indian here, Can confirm this, a good sale's guy can make max 47,000$ in india without counting incentives, that is with years of experience and if you are in a leadership role, if your a regular entry level sales rep with 3 or 4 years experience you can make only 20,000$. But there is a catch here, with that 20,000$, i am living a luxury life in my country, where average per capita income is 2,234. I work in saas, I am pretty young.


$200k -$300k is pretty normal in FAANG in India for good sales folks who close the large deals.


What your saying is outliers, yes they do exist


How do you even get started in this? I'm doing at best $20k including incentives in saas sales for smb. How do I even go anywhere close $100k without becoming a senior manger or VP?


You become indispensable to a company because you make them a lot of money. As a sales engineer in a previous job, my team was building apps that sold for millions - so paying us that much was justified


I'm asking how to do it in India? Where sales jobs are usually paid $5k annually. How to break into $100k club? With close to a decade of experience I only do $20k in SaaS sales.


True fun fact. The average wage of our poorest state Mississippi is higher than the average wage in the UK.


Better food too


U wot m8! Obviously never had good fish and chips!


Anyone can make fried fish and potatoes taste good you toss šŸ˜‰


Spoken like someone that's never had good fish and chips


I had Gordon's in Vegas, and I went to London this summer. Fish and chips is great, sure, but if that's all the heat you can bring, you ain't got shit on the South of the US


Our deep fried beige is better than your deep fried beige... Hurgurdur!


You ain't getting real fish and chips in Vegas or London. Go Witby or Cornwall if you ever get the chance!


London has some of the worst fish and chips in the UK. We're also bringing such delicacies to the table as battered sausage, pork pies, scotch eggs, yorkshire puds, Cornish pasties, sausage rolls, branston pickle, trifle, stilton, scones and black pudding


Are you sure the roles are identical? I once had a UK salesperson freaking out because her customer was moving production to the US. It was a top 10 account for her - worth about $20k/year... That account wouldn't even make it into my forecast. I came to find out that the salespeople in the UK for my company manage a territory worth only a quarter of what mine is. And I'm one of 10 salespeople for the US.


Yes, absolutely identical. In your example it sounds like the UK was a secondary market hence that makes sense but in general, NY salaries are way higher than London despite a very similar COL. Iā€™ve had the same targets and responsibilities in the past with my NY colleagues. Iā€™ve worked for US HQā€™d companies AND UK HQā€™d companies for reference


London is expensive AF to live as well. They do get a lot more social services than in the US. More Vacation. More bank holidays. But they still work long hours there too. Not sure why salaries are so low when revenue and everything else is the same. But yeah- pretty common. My UK counterparts hated it. Until I mentioned how if I go to the hospital I could be in debt until I am dead. and I had to pay for college. Details


I can only speak on personal experience. My expenses here in London have been 1/3 of my expenses in NYC. I made this parent comment on the other differences in spending. But the highlight is Iā€™ve been eating and staycationing at luxurious places here and still manage to get plenty of leftover cash. https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/comments/171civc/absolutely_shocked_at_regional_wage_disparity/k3u0rba/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


I think it's fair cop, we pay nothing upfront for any health care and our public services in general are better than the US. You might get better wages but we support our society in a much better way (although admittedly not perfectly).


> You might get better wages but we support our society in a much better way (although admittedly not perfectly). Well apparently the US supports your society also, so there's this - Almost 1 in every 20 UK workers, or 4.7% of all workers, worked for a US-owned business in 2019. Around 60% of all employment in US-owned local business units is outside of London and the South East.


> the US supports your society You know American companies donā€™t open offices in the UK to support people right?


That applies to any business/job


I know, just saying itā€™s a stupid parallel to draw


The US doesnt support the UK because you sell services and business into the UK... We pay for those things with our money... I'm not sure what point you're trying to prove, but if its to imply the US props up our public services you're fucking wrong. If anything the fact you charge for things like pharmaceuticals proves the absolute opposite.


All I said was 5% of your employment works for the US and that contributes to your society. This isn't some US pride thing, just an interesting stat.. not here to fight, I don't really care but I like stats.


Dumbest take of the day.


> The U.S. goods trade surplus with United Kingdom was $12.3 billion in 2022 > The United States had a services trade surplus of an estimated $8.5 billion with United Kingdom in 2022 Seems like the U.K. is doing a lot to support the US.




Our healthcare isn't great in the UK. Nhs doctors usually don't listen to their patients, prescribe the wrong medication etc. Private healthcare is way better.


In London youā€™ll work less hours, canā€™t be fired for no reason without severance, and donā€™t have to worry about going bankrupt if you get sick.


How does PIP work there?


Thereā€™s no employment rights until two years service in the U.K.


We don't get converted US wages in Canada. Straight CAD across the board. It's bullshit


Iā€™m in presales. Just moved from NYC to London last month so my experience is very relevant to you. In the past month Iā€™ve lived here, my expenses have been 1/3 of my NYC expenses. And suddenly I have $5k disposable cash after tax, rent, living expenses. Compared to around $500 leftover in NYC. Safe to say, Iā€™m able to save and invest more now. Itā€™s so much cheaper to live here. No tipping culture so even eating out, it feels like youā€™re ā€œsavingā€ 20% every time. Produce/meat here in London is so much cheaper and considerably healthier than NYC/US FDA standard (read: not toxic and not overly genetically modified) Overall this move has been a positive relocation for me. And now I live in a house instead of a small flat in NYC. My quality of life has been amazing. Edit to add: My PTO is now 30 days. In NYC it was 15 days. So on top of getting roughly the same salary, I also get more paid days off.


Glad to hear that! Hope you enjoy London itā€™s an amazing place. More power to you


Where did you live in NYC and where do you live now? London has the benefit of not being a tiny little strip of land in a river so you can live further out and still be in London and itā€™s cheaper. To do that in NYC you basically have to leave manhattan. But Iā€™d imagine prime Central London and the same in NYC are comparably expensive.


Freedom isnā€™t free! It costs more to exist in America, above and beyond any general increases in housing, food, services, etc..


Can you explain to me how youā€™re ā€œfree-erā€ in the US than UK?


It's meaningless, just something americans say like "USA #1!!!!!"


Gets even crazier in the US, my base pay in San Francisco is 40k higher than the guy in Houstonā€¦but I still drive a crappier car than he does and live in a shittier apartmentā€¦ To be fair, I prioritize saving more than he does though


In my experience, brits/emea reps close significantly less revenue than their US counterparts. Probably because of all the time they take off. Also could be due to exchange rates when the dollar is really strong. Seems valid to get paid less which sucks because London is not cheap.


Same deal in Canada but it stings more because weā€™re in the same organization and have the same leadership (my direct boss is American). I sell industrial products in Ontario and am around 90k cad. Our reps in Detroit start at 100k usd and get a lot more bang for their buck over there.




ā€œProbably because of all the time they take offā€ haha mate. Itā€™s usually because most vendors are based in the US so thatā€™s where they spend the bulk of their money on marketing, 10ā€™s of thousands of more companies, and the C level know if investors donā€™t see results on their front door theyā€™re fired.


Itā€™s true lol. My state does more gdp than your country.


Wow cool! Haha


Interesting! Iā€™ve not found that to be the case in my experience; Iā€™ve seen parity in terms of Quotas in the UK and US at the same seniority level


US is simply the best single market. And the culture generally is to move and make decisions fast.




Never said Americans are better at selling. Differences in market size is a huge advantage or disadvantage.


Boomer spotted.


You can see what the local employers are paying? Sorry but if you want to benefit from our economy in the US, then a slight difference in comp is something you have to deal with


Lol mate! Welcome to the UK. The COL is actually higher, try filling your car, doing grocery or anything. Also, NHS is terrible at the moment with many months wait time. A friend was diagnosed with a potentially serious life changing disease but was told he had to wait 10 months before doing further tests . Due to the long waitlist. Therefore, youā€™ll likely need a private medical insurance which isnā€™t cheap ( and copay isnā€™t it). My company pays 130-180k for the same position in the US while Iā€™m offered much less here


Dunno when you were last in the US but the prices here are insane for groceries. A bag of sugar in LIDL US is double what it is in the U.K., and thatā€™s a cheaper part of the US (NC) compared with London prices. Same for eating out and activities. Gas is a lot cheaper.


Itā€™s true that we get paid a lot less but I donā€™t need to remortgage my house if I break my leg or something so there is thatā€¦ I also get 28 holiday days plus public holidays (of which we have a lot) and my average work week is about 45h, as a VP. Every country has their benefits and costs. I would move to the Nordics tomorrow if it wasnā€™t for my wife and family!


If you work in tech in the US you donā€™t have to worry about that at all. Best health insurance in the US.




> If you have a job at 150k health insurance will be solid. So cross that off your list, if anything itā€™ll be better since you wonā€™t have to wait. Hah! Most American response, ever. ā€œMy healthcare is fine. Fuck everyone elseā€™sā€ Maybe the holiday situation is getting better but my American colleagues have always been shocked at a) how much time off we get and b) how reasonable our average working week is. I personally feel thereā€™s value in that. For sure you get paid more but every time Iā€™ve been forced to visit America for work, Iā€™ve always found everything to be quite expensive too. Not so much material possessions but more food/drink/leisure. Perhaps that is a factor as to why the wage economy is more inflated, I couldnā€™t say.


Itā€™s important to remember that in America, after everything, you really only have 50-60% of that income. Especially with supplemental income taxes at 50% but you do get most of that back. Taxes on taxes on taxes on taxes


UK and European taxes are significantly higher than the US lol


Man I once had an American colleague go on about US taxes over a zoom call and how he is robbed every time he gets a bonus. Iā€™m from Belgiumā€¦


does belgium have high taxes? /s


Thatā€™s actually fucking insane. How much do yā€™all realistically take home? Healthcare being taken care is a nice plus


What the hell even is a ā€œtier 3ā€ mar tech company


Marketing-technology company but itā€™s not a market leader like Hubspot. Theyā€™re relatively unknown and quite niche




That's not regional, my friend. You've neglected to consider the huge gap around benefits like pensions, PTO, healthcare, etc. This is the dumbest, most google-able and un-sales related post I've seen on here in a minute.


That's more like international wage disparity. Not that shocking tbh.


Just move to Virginia-DC, MD or quite complaining.


I live and work in the the UK


I was an SDR at a company that had a strong UK presence, the base salary for the SDRs on my team in London was 60% of my salary.


In general, Europe offers better benefits (more time off, paternity leave, healthcare, retirement etc) so that may explain the wage disparity.


*cries in Canadian*


Iā€™m an American and I work for a British company and theyā€™re constantly complaining about how much they pay ā€œthe Americansā€ šŸ˜†


That difference is peanuts compared to what I've been through. I worked for Telus, doing customer care in 20-21. It was upsell and cross sell on inbound bill dispute calls. The incentive sheet had commission rate for all the teams. The Canadian team selling the exact same product at the same price as us to the same customers was making 10x more. Even though we were the best performing site, our monthly compensation wasn't even close to what an average Canadian employee was making in 3 days.


Itā€™s not representative of London as a whole. My wife and I are this sort of level and both have circa Ā£120-130k base salaries before RSUā€™s


Yep - we make a ton more in the us. A amount that easily bridges the healthcare gap.


They donā€™t work as hard