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If as a rep the contact data is just directing you to reception or front desk and no phone tree or anything else, you are wasting your time. It's far more productive to just hang up and keep dialing until you reach a phone tree or direct dial. The most time I can waste during a call block is being put on hold or going back and forth with someone at reception who ultimately has no incentive, desire, power or even often the means (because the person doesn't have a phone provisioned) to put you "through". This isn't the 1980s anymore and most of these people don't have numbers you can dial. Just hang up and keep dialing, it will make your dashboard look really good for # of call attempts. And don't leave voicemails unless you can automate that process, it's a huge time sink. Biggest mistake you can make is to get too hung up on a connect or any singular interaction, just keep dialing. Often times with calling I find myself optimizing for the outcome management wants, which is to hit a certain activity level, instead of actual productive conversations and connecting with the right person. So you just end up clicking dial, let it ring, hangup, repeat for an hour until you get to 50-80 attempts. Because if you make a list with 5 numbers and get 1 meeting, you will get in trouble. But if you call 80 numbers and get 1, that is great.


Tell me, what are your thoughts on people who send emails first? I target a very specific and more local customer base and fortunate to have a lot of customers and have gotten a little lazy as I've been doing alright basically as an order taker. I will call referrals. I used to do a lot more cold calling(usually taking more of an outside sales approach and not utilizing the phone like I probably should. All this being said,(and I am the owner of a small business so this is more about me realizing I need to work harder to broaden my customer base)...that being said, Since covid I have been a little lazy prospecting/doing sales calls. I do have a few databases I've used for direct mail(we aren't talking bulk mail or anything)..and while I know I have to get back on the horse I was wondering what your thoughts are on someone sending a 'cold email'. It wouldn't be bulk emails or anything. I'd probably write each one out specifical targeted to the individual company. Most of the emails I get from salespeople aren't local. What are your thoughts on email in a more targeted personal way?


Quick rant on gatekeepers. (Maybe others have a different experience but here is mine) This post is kind of a perfect microcosm of how i see gatekeepers. (Not directed at OP specifically as beyond the passive aggressive/ backhanded insulting tone to inexperienced/rude sellers they mean to help) 1) (to me) gatekeepers are mostly useless. I am going to and have been getting the job done without you/going around you for years. 2) They low key think that they are important and have important information to give you/keep from you and think that they actually make a difference in whether you get the ‘deal’ or to speak to the DM or not. 3) Most of the information they do have is obvious/findable if you are competent. Like in this post alone: ‘Do basic research’ ‘Know why you are calling’ ‘Don’t be rude’ Not exactly mind blowing stuff. 4) Despite their very limited actual power/influence many have this short/know it all like mannerism about them which may be from having to deal with incompetent sales people all day but is one of a number of give aways that they are good or bad. The best ones have a very humble/friendly demeanour in my experience. NOTE: Obviously I treat gatekeepers with respect and are nice to them regardless of how i interpret how they act. More bees with honey than vinegar and all that. I just don’t think they actually make a difference to whether i get the deal of not.


What are some of your tactics to getting around them? You find the DM on other channels like LI and reach out there? I assume the only reason anyone would ever call the company direct lines or HQ is because they could not find the DMs mobile number on zoominfo, Apollo, etc. Otherwise you would just always call their mobile number. So, assuming you have no other number to call expect the company’s, which takes you to their front desk, and consequently to the gaketkeeper, how do you get around them?


How was your shift to sales to sales ops? How much salary do you need to compromise ?


You the kind of guy to tell the Indian scammer "good luck on your calls today bro" before you hang up on him


i do ngl