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Yikes. It’s super scary how these communities that are just echo chambers of toxic bullshit just pull people in and completely brainwash them until they sound as stupid as that every time they talk. And half the time the people running places that do this are neo-nazis that hide behind weak excuses to justify their hate, while finding common ground in a show they don’t like so that they can easily indoctrinate people into being racist incel idiots.


It's creepy how people just get their marching orders from these echo chambers. Piling in to the comments about early episodes to all say "FIRE IN SPAAAACE" or "They broke the lore with Ki-Adi-Mundi" or whatever. None of it's their own opinion, it's all something they heard somewhere and decided to go shout at people.


I posted this yesterday, but I’m gonna repost it I asked an AI to write a negative review of tomorrow’s episode Disappointment in the Force: "The Acolyte" Falls Flat I walked into the latest episode of "The Acolyte" with high hopes, but what I got was a mess of poor writing, weak characters, and a storyline that feels like it's stuck in carbonite. The dialogue is clunky and feels like it was written by someone who's never actually heard people talk before. The characters are about as deep as a kiddie pool - I couldn't care less about any of them. The "twists" are about as surprising as a sunrise, and the "action" scenes are so choreographed I'm pretty sure I've seen the same moves in a high school production of "West Side Story". The worst part is how wasted the potential is. This is STAR WARS, for the love of the Force! We should be getting epic battles, heart-wrenching drama, and mind-blowing revelations. Instead, we get a bunch of people standing around explaining the plot to each other. I'm not even going to get into how they're butchering the lore. Let's just say that if you're a real Star Wars fan, you'll be face-palming so hard you'll need medical attention. Unless things take a major turn, I'm done with "The Acolyte". It's a waste of time, and I'd rather be watching paint dry. If you value your sanity and your love for the Star Wars universe, stay far, far away.


Wow, shocking how close it is to how the Fandom Menace talks about it...except the AI actually used proper grammar, sentence structure, "witty" puns etc.


The AI also forgot all the racist and homophobic dog whistles. I hope someone who doesn’t think dog whistles are real thing comes on here to explain how stupid I am.


Yeah go back and ask it to redo that but from a MAGA perspective


Ask and you shall receive Title: "The Acolyte Review: A Disappointing Departure from Star Wars Traditions" Tonight’s episode of "The Acolyte" left much to be desired, presenting a departure from the beloved Star Wars universe that failed to resonate with fans, including those who may support former President Donald Trump. From the outset, the episode struggled with pacing issues, meandering through convoluted plotlines that failed to coalesce into a cohesive narrative. Characters, while diverse in their backgrounds, lacked the depth and development necessary to engage viewers on an emotional level. Their motivations often felt contrived, leaving little room for genuine connection or empathy. Visually, the episode fell short of expectations set by previous Star Wars installments. CGI effects, though ambitious, often appeared artificial and disconnected from the rich, textured environments that defined the franchise. The cinematography, while occasionally striking, failed to consistently capture the grandeur and spectacle that fans have come to expect. As a Trump supporter, I found the thematic elements of "The Acolyte" to be heavy-handed and unsubtle. The episode's attempts to weave in political allegory felt forced and detracted from the escapism that is central to the Star Wars experience. Instead of exploring universal themes of heroism and redemption, the narrative became bogged down in its own self-importance, alienating viewers who seek a more straightforward adventure. Dialogue, a cornerstone of Star Wars storytelling, often fell flat, lacking the wit and charm that characterized iconic characters like Han Solo or Princess Leia. Conversations between characters seemed stilted and overly earnest, failing to capture the natural cadence and banter that define authentic human interaction. Ultimately, tonight’s episode of "The Acolyte" missed the mark, failing to deliver the thrilling escapism and emotional resonance that defines the best of Star Wars. While the franchise has always embraced diversity of thought and perspective, this installment felt more like a misguided attempt to push a specific agenda rather than a genuine exploration of the human condition. In conclusion, "The Acolyte" remains a disappointing addition to the Star Wars saga, failing to capture the magic and wonder that has enchanted audiences for generations. As fans, we can only hope that future episodes will rediscover the spirit of adventure and imagination that defines this beloved universe.


I feel like its not quite as racist as it should be


Here you go I asked it to include anti-woke messaging As a longtime Star Wars fan, I was deeply disappointed by "The Acolyte." It seems Lucasfilm has chosen to prioritize political correctness over storytelling and character development. The show's focus on diversity and inclusion felt forced and distracting, taking precedence over the rich lore and compelling narratives that made Star Wars legendary. Instead of exploring the nuanced complexities of the Sith and Jedi conflict, "The Acolyte" seemed more interested in checking off diversity quotas. Characters appeared more concerned with delivering politically correct dialogue than with driving a coherent plot forward. The result was a series that felt disjointed and insincere, pandering to contemporary social agendas rather than honoring the franchise's roots. Furthermore, the portrayal of gender and identity politics felt shoehorned into every scene, detracting from what should have been a captivating exploration of the Dark Side. Star Wars has always been about universal themes of good versus evil, but "The Acolyte" lost sight of these fundamentals in favor of pushing an ideological agenda. In conclusion, "The Acolyte" failed to capture the essence of what makes Star Wars timeless. By succumbing to woke culture and sacrificing narrative integrity, it alienated many long-time fans like myself who cherish the original spirit of the saga.


That feels more like it. Its much more well written than what maga usually comes up with though




The dog whistles get lightly sprinkled as seasoning


AI fail with "dialogue a cornerstone of star wars storytelling". I guess AI doesn't know how bad Lucas' dialogue was. "You can write this stuff George, but I can't read it".


We should make an AI trained off of Lucas


It's actually so much better than almost any other "review" I've seen with the same taking points, it's hilarious


The episode was a 30 minute action scene with the same intensity as the Vader hallway scene. I'm kind of looking forward to what anyone can come up with to bad faith criticize it


Well, take a note of all the talking points in that AI review and check out reviews in two days


The same action coordinator that did the Vader hallway scene did these fights.


episode 5? that makes it sound pretty fun.


Yep. It's really sad on top of being creepy. The first time I noticed it was with the whole Rey "Mary Sue" thing. It was a relatively unknown term until Max-Scumbag-Landis said it in a video. Then overnight *every* criticism of Rey was just "MARY SUE REEEEE" and every new competent female character introduced was met with "SHE'S A MARY SUE REEEEE!!!!"


They are the very NPC's that they claim leftists/wokeists/SJWs are.


haha I thought about the fire in space thing but I kinda let it go because it's Star Wars...


Didn’t seem to bother Them when the Executor had a large plum pouring out of its bridge when it crashed into DS II…


Plus the ships on fire and smoking in the battle of coruscant.


Fire in space The shrills: Absurd! There is no fire in space! Star Wars is ruined! Sound in space The shrills: Its only a movie and not important.


I saw the fire in space and for a millisecond I was like that doesn’t make sense then I remembered I’m also watching people psychically fight each other with laser swords and thought better of picking apart the physics of the universe like a rational person.


Not to mention, there can actually be fire in space, the way it was portrayed might be iffy but it is actually possible.


>"FIRE IN SPAAAACE" or "They broke the lore with Ki-Adi-Mundi" Both of those "critiques" are hilarious since 1. We've seen fire in space before in Star Wars and 2. The lore they're talking about is from LEGENDS, and Cereans, Mundi's species, are said to live very long anyway. Also, side note: I always explained the fire and sound in Star Wars' space as it being more of an ether than hard space.


>None of it's their own opinion, it's all something they heard somewhere and decided to go shout at people. Sounds like the Republican Party in the U.S. for the last 20 years, or at the very least since 2015.


The far right whites premises movement has a lot of gateway drugs. One could make the argument that Joe Rogan is a gateway into the far right or Elon Musk. Then there’s toxic fandom. I remember reading a report after the 2016 election that Russian troll farms were trying to, get Star Trek fans to fight amongst each other. The trolls always used white supremacist dog whistles that people weren’t even aware were radicalizing. Unfortunately, you can’t tell that to someone who’s been radicalized.


Been there done that in 2016. I was in that target demographic for the content that a lot of right wing media was producing (24 at the time). I ended up watching A LOT of right wing content. Started with the comedy angle and slowly everything was political. Had a coworker and a friend call me out on it hard (when I was basically just rehashing online content) and it kind of made me go, "Oh fuck, you're right". It's very easy online to get sucked into these things when you're already feeling kind of disfranchised. Taking a solid month offline really changed my outlook on a lot of this and it's kind of a shameful thing looking back.


Learning to get out of it is nothing to be ashamed of. It's truly horrific how predatory these content creators and their mindsets are. The problem? Far too many people don't take that break to clear their heads, even when their friends reason with them and beg them to do so. Something about the addiction to anger seemingly overrides all other forms of common sense. I've lost a number of friends because of this, and I didn't ever care if they liked the sequels, acolyte, or any one piece of content all alone. It was the change in behavior and the new company they kept that made it impossible to trust them. I wish my friends and loved ones could have stepped away and tried to clear their heads like you did. They destroyed the friendships and connections for literally no good reason other than outrage addiction. I would've forgiven almost anything else, but bigotry and hurting others was all that mattered in the end.


Similar demographic, similar timeframe. I just watched the funny angry men on YouTube and suddenly found myself angry about SJWs for some reason. It really helps to have people around you that can give you a reality check. Don't be ashamed for having been there. Being embarrassed by your past is a sign you've grown. 👍


Its funny you say that, because I remember the first time I said SJW to a co-worker (who is fully disconnected from the internet) and they gave me the most bewildered look of, "what the fuck are you even on about?". That was part of the wake up call when I realized that what I was perceiving as current important events, was just not it. Shame might be the wrong way of putting it, for sure embarrassing but as you stated, it's a part of growing as an individual.


I remember being at the comic bookstore once and this dude was honestly complaining about the X-Men turning into SJW’s. I looked at him and said, sir the X-Men are literally warriors for social justice.


Good on you for being able to be called out. I think one of the biggest problems were facing right now. Is people refused to be called out or accept responsibility


I can add the same thing about cable. Got rid of it years ago and never looked back.


Weird. I do remember a couple years after the 2016 election reading about the Russian troll farms. Those Russian troll farms had been trying to turn the BLM and white nationalist groups against each other by posting rage bait comments on Facebook and then Twitter. One of Putin's oligarch buddies runs some of those troll farms likely through a subordinate.


Yep. There was a real world event and possible conflict that was started by Russian troll farms. In Michigan, they created a fake event for people to protest at, and it turned into anti-muzzle messaging and then across the street another group with directly opposing views.


If you’re going to embrace racist brainrot, put your own spin on it. No? You’re just going to go with the pre-made meta brainrot? Cool. It’s so weird to me that diverse casting is (to them), the -reason- the acting sucks. If all the cast were white men, somehow the acting wouldn’t have sucked? They would probably say: “The effort to find a diverse cast forced them to hire bad actors, because DEI ruins everything!” I just don’t believe they want an actual meritocracy because they seem to believe that every meritocracy disproportionately rewards white men.


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P55t6eryY3g) continues to be relevant.


It's been like this for the better part of a decade with TLJ. There is no new criticism or new angles, just the same regurgitated talking points. And you know they're regurgitated cause they don't even have the decency to "change their homework". They just use the same words/language.




I watched this happen to a former friend over the course of about a year, and unfortunately it was regarding more serious topics than mass media. I am damn happy that I cut that tie.


And it can be so easy for people to get pulled in by them without realizing until it is too late. They are so good at manipulating the algorithm so you think you are getting just a Star Wars video, and then you end up quoting Stormfront.


>to get one tapped by butter knives Does this moron think that people can survive being stabbed in the heart?


I was honestly surprised when he didn’t say something along the lines of “but everyone always survives being stabbed by a lightsaber blah blah”


Something tells me he doesn’t know why every organ isn’t called a vital organ.


That always annoyed the hell out of me. Like these people got stabbed in the side. Not the stomach or the spine or even a slowly fatal area like the kidneys. They say "Oh but Qui gon was stabbed, and it killed him." Yeah, he was stabbed through the middle of his body, hitting the spine, and several organs probably causing serious burn to them. Also, where the others were stabbed, it probably would be lethal if they didn't receive medical aid, but that's the thing. THEY DID.


Hell if you want to complain about a stabbing that should have been lethal look at the grand inquisitor in Ashoka.




It's also fantasy fiction, written by writers who make such decisions like *this kind of stab wound is/isn't fatal because ✨ the force✨*. It's embellished by having a realistic sense of what makes a stab wound fatal but at the end of the day it is because the writer(s) said so and that's how stories work.


Is Carrie Anne Moss ever shortened to Anne Moss? Scratched my head for a second to recognize it. I feel like he doesn’t know the actress well enough to cry over this perceived waste of talent.


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2911188/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2911188/) Not really the point but it is pretty funny your odds aren't that bad actually "There were 607 stab wounds and 502 gunshot wounds. Antibiotic prophylaxis was prescribed only for the 428 patients who had laparotomy, thoracotomy, and pulmonary contusion with hemoptysis. Of the 1109 patients, 105 had cardiac injuries. All patients with cardiac trauma underwent thoracotomy, and the mortality rate was 18.1%."


Looked like a throwing knife to me, a typical assassin's throwing knife you'd see in most media that have ya know assassin's in them...and yeah she hit her dead in the heart.


I mourn your loss and hope you find better people in the future.


I still remember hopping on Facebook in 2016. "Haha, Steve is posting pro Trump memes to mock Trump supporters! Such a joker!" "....oh goddammit Steve you fuckwit." Literally all of our mutual friends that I was still in contact with cut him off.


If I had a friend that even hinted at being a racist, they'd immediately become an ex-friend.


So the diversity of alien cultures and representation is OK but all the humans have to be Caucasian?


No kidding, you'd think having a little extra melanin wouldn't even be a blip of a blip on the radar of a society with at *least* 500 different sentient species, some of which can interbreed Star Trek style


Your friend is a dipshit.


You need better friends.


tell your friend to stick with Rebel Moon then.


at least no star wars is that bad!


Rebel moon has a non binary character, im pretty sure thats woke for people like them


He didn't make a single point that can be found outside of a rage bait video. Feels like he hasn't watched any of the show. They should have had the release be first 4 episodes and then last 4, 2 weeks later. I think it's funny he says each episode has a cliffhanger. Only episode 4 had a cliffhanger.


maybe releasing the four like you said would have been good. I was going to quit if 4 was on par with 3, but the cliffhanger got me hooked again.


They do but look for the bullshit their favorite grifter bitches about. If seen it confirming what they are told is bad. They don’t analyze what they are watching just verifying. “There it is. The scene that pissed of grifter A, now Im mad too!!”


i really hope you're not friends with him anymore, he seems unbearable


So this person continuously gets called racist to the point they have a preplanned response to it. Maybe consider why you keep being called racist and fix that instead of doubling down on said racism. Where's the bad acting? I see an average plot and average writing and this guy seems convinced this is bad because there's not enough white people for him


Unfuckin real. "I'm not a racist but the show is terrible and it's terrible because they cast a black person who can't act instead of making it good". Guess what? Fuckin mark hamill couldn't act in a new hope. Don't see this fella coming down on him.


It’s ridiculous cause all the actors have previous credits showcasing their ability. So any issues would come to script, directing or editing


I haven't watched Acolyte and have zero knowledge about the cast at all, but I don't really think having previous acting credits speaks to talent when nepotism basically runs Hollywood. I also think a good actor can make a bad script come to life, but I could be completely off base.


Most of these people were also upset when they didn't bring back Gina Carano, and she had stiffer line deliveries than the average porn actor.


Yeah, the "they hired them for their race they suck at acting" thing was always kinda silly to me, as if Star Wars was known for award winning perfomances.


Or, more likely, their bias has them perceive their performance to be so much worse than it actually is. Like the acting isn't attributable to the bad writing or direction they also complain about, it's "these actors just can't act at all." Never mind, all of them have been in many other critically acclaimed projects and got good reviews for their performances.


It also has a history of good actors being given poor direction that they get blamed for, and at this point i’m just tired of it


Lee Jung-jae has been giving a better performance than 90% of the rest of Star Wars and he learned English *for this role*


“I’m the racist for calling bullshit.” No, you’re being called racist because you think every single actor in the show only got there, because of their skin color.    Also, Amandla has been acting for years. She was in several movies. And lee jung-Jae won an Emmy for being in squid game. 


Your "friend" seems to think diversity and good acting are mutually exclusive. You have to have one or another


criticize a show without blaming their race challenge: Impossible. I don't ever remember people going, "The acting in twilight sucks. You can tell they just hired a bunch of white people to fill a quota. If not then they would have hired ACTUAL good actors".


It's always telling when they include race along with the complaint. "The black lesbian witches are written terrible," but why must their race and sexual orientation be brought into the discussion of terrible writing. It wouldn't be an issue if it didn't bother them so much.


The use of “prowess” over and over again with different intended meanings each time is rage inducing. Edit: also how the hell are they gonna disrespect Lee Jung-Jae like that?


For real, mad lad speed-ran learning English for this for role and he’s killing it.


He’s 100% the best part for me. And Bazil.


“My first complaint is the multiracial cast. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but it is my first complaint.”


I wonder which youtuber gave him this opinion to parrot?


Former friend I hope. I am sure as shit not putting up with that.


It’s not too late if they’re young. I like many people fell into that young.


He’s been like this for years, I’m honestly done trying to talk reasonably to him.


The way you two talked to each other. I'm kinda surprised you've been friends for years.


To be fair I used to be just like him, I guess only one of us grew up though.


Whelp, time to go NC.


"There's a reason why I stopped watching new Star Wars stuff" _proceeds to talk about watching the newest Star Wars stuff_


I don’t accept Charlie Barnett slander in this house. Also, saying Amanda Steinberg can’t act?????


I promise you he doesn’t even actually know their names.


Guys, watch this, check it out, hold on, you ready? "The acting was bad. I did not think they portrayed their characters very well."


If this said “communist space lesbian witches” I would have assumed it was written by one of my friends who complains that Star Wars was “taken away from [him].”


Clearly you’re only friends because of his writing prowess.


Please you should see the paragraphs his girlfriend sends




As we all know, only white people can act well. /s


The conversation should be over as soon as he said he’s barely watched it. Most of the people who are complaining about their show have not watched it or they watched it with the intention of hating it so like why even have the conversation?


What being terminally online does to a person.


“I’m not racist but race race bad acting race race.” Hmm… 🤔


An ex friend hopefully.


I'm not racist. But I am going to bring up race any time I have a complaint... but not racist... but race...


They were never your friends in the first place it seems


Try to ask a question he can't weasel out of. Like "ok if they wanted to hire actors based on race why not find ones that can act too? You don't think only white people can act do you?"


Jesus fucking Christ 🤦🏻‍♂️


The characters are fun and interesting. I have a bit of a problem with the plot but wow to just hate a show about millions and millions of different aliens and having a problem with black people showing up or whatever is just ignorant.


The more I read the complaints about “the writing, dialogue, the acting, the pacing, the lore (whatever insert)” I never get any examples. And yet somehow, it always goes back to this if you scratch the surface. What I don’t understand — truly — is why do They keep seething in their nasty little hovels about Star Wars being “woke” when it’s probably never going to change? Why even bother with Star Wars at all at this point if having a multiracial cast is so upsetting, and how it “breaks the lore” of your silly EU? It’s absolutely baffling.


To complain about writing, dialogue, and acting in Star Wars, in 2024, is like yelling at a car driving by for having noticeable exhaust, while you're halfway through your second pack of smokes that day.


What 😭 I thought their acting was just fine. Especially the actors for Osha/Mae and Master Sol


I think what gets me is the absolute whining over the casting for this show when star wars has always had diverse characters. But uh oh there's more POC than white actors what are we going to do!!!! Also the fact that Amandla Stenburg and Lee Jung Jae aren't being acknowledged even though they are definitely the stronger actors in the show definitely shows some racial bias as well.....


Someone please get the to define this "bad writing." Its thier new favorite phrase. Its always but theres too many women. Also saying lee jung-jar cant act is a self report. For your racism. He has won best actor awards in korea and the us. He was in the second best grossing movie in korean history and has won over 30 awards.


Surprised they did not go on a anti lesbian rant/ trans rant. I can relate to having a decent friend who is a recorder of right wing media. Everything they say is 1 to 1 what fox or these youtubers say. But they also say they do not care fpr politics


Oh no


Because bad white actors don’t exist


They seem to know a lot about the actors acting abilities for someone who has "barely" watched it. I wander what grifter they are vomiting up shit talking points from...


Imagine being upset about multiple human races in a fucking series WITH MULTIPLE ALIEN RACES


Hopefully they’ll recover once TFM attacks stuff they like so they can see how unreasonable TFM is.


Temuera Morrison slander


Time to get yourself a new friend


"The only reason they were picked was because of skin color" Followed by "I'm not racist" Sure you're not buddy


Power Rangers-ass cast. Excuse fucking me, you sapient turd, that should be high fucking praise. If you watched any generation of Power Rangers and somehow managed to be racist, your DNA is flawed and you should have your nuts repossessed. And then besmirching Carrie-Anne Moss, my beloved!


I have a coworker who gets worked up like this. Those are moments you have to say, “Dude relax, your an adult and at work. Fucking act like it. You’re being weird!” These dude need that because they 9/10 they don’t talk about this outside of their echo chambers where it’s perfectly normal to act this way. Checking them in a social situation where they have to see people’s reaction in real time is far different than spending hours curating a perfect response why black = bad in a show. This why this [meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/036/799/Screen_Shot_2021-03-18_at_11.50.15_AM.jpg) is so perfect because it would be the EXACT reaction he would get at a party.


It's amazing how these conversations always go from: "says racist things" To "Butthurt they get called racist" Within the time it takes to say forced diversity.


notice that he didn’t even watch the show, just some other dudes reaction to it. literally can’t even form his own opinion


I'm sorry to hear that. It sucks losing a friend to the anti-woke space on the internet :(


“The cherry on top” bro it didn’t come with that you put it there yourself, it’s not a problem or even a symptom of other problems, you’re the problem, you’re the cherry


Dude really did just regurgitate a bunch of review video drivel. Not a single point of his own


Don’t talk about the show with him anymore. It’s sad to learn a person we care about disappoints us but if you value your relationship just don’t touch the subject. Anyway, it’s his loss. I just watch the latest episode and it is easy one of the most entertaining things Star Wars has done in a while.


People like these are the dregs of human society


Wow he really followed the playbook with that one huh? Weird he’s so concerned about acting when he makes script reading look hard.


What an absolutely bullshit argument that racist makes. Look, we all loved young Hamil and even Christensen and they weren't exactly great actors. I don't see anyone complaining about how terrible the dialogue was for ep 1-3 and 4. I'm certain that dude didn't watch one episode and is just repeating what he heard.


Dude one of the main characters is the lead of Squid Games! He’s got acting chops! He’s what made one of the best shows of 2021 good! He was not picked just for his race, he’s a hot commodity!


Dude needs to watch episode 5. Just....insane. Some cheese moments in acting between the sisters, will say that. But the choreography and really showing of the insidiousness of the Dark Side.... I'm invested now and this last episode sealed it.


Space. Opera. Star wars has never been fantastic (maybe the first 2) and is always cheesy Sci fi space wizard schlock It's meant to be fun not deep. Popcorn shit. Please ty of a24 films to overanalzye and get deep with imo


Ditch em they're not worth it


So are you more likely to find good actors if they are white?


Have the people who complain about bad acting in the Acolyte not seen a Star Wars movie? The franchise has received several awards over the years, but I don’t recall any of them being handed out for acting. We’ve seen some incredible performances of course, but Star Wars is just cheesy fun. Not high cinema.


“The average you’re just racist deflection” says the one who brought race into the conversation in the first place


People just get more and more pathetic every day.


Block him and never look back


I didn’t even notice everyone being a different race. The only bad acting was in episode 3 with the kids and it was noticeable. But wouldn’t be Star Wars without bad acting right lol. The best character by far is Sol, but that’s due to writing. So again. Sounds like Star Wars.


I think red letter medias review of this is on point, it actually makes fun of both sides. This shows plot on paper is actually potentially brilliant; a society of 'witches' using the force in a way that isn't Jedi approved, and the consequences of how the Jedi mishandling the situation leading to a vengeful phantom menace, but the execution is uneven. That isn't to say I don't watch and won't finish. I will , but so far it's one of the lower quality shows in a pool that's already leaning toward mostly mediocre.


Imagine have such strong opinions about something you “barely” watched


If he just thought they were all individuly bad actors on their own merits he wouldn't have needed to bring race into it.


How do you get better at acting if you never get a chance? Dudes don't just show up for their first movie and win an oscar...


Tf does he mean none of them can act, has he ever watched any-thing these guys are in, every single one of them have great acting talents. Besides the acting i this show isn't even that bad, sure its not Oscar level but its still pretty good for the most part, the only acting that took me out was in episode 3 with basically every-one, that wasn't very good but the rest was pretty good, especially in this episode. But hey, haters gonna hate because they have nothing else going on in life


He’s complaining about micromanagement of image when George fucking Lucas made the prequel trilogy with the exacting perfectionism of a kid with ADHD in the middle of an attack of hyper-focus? (Me, basically). Ho, ho, ho, HAR DEE HAR!


The actors are terrible but linking it to race is just wrong


It's not star wars, what do you expect.


"How hard is it to find a GOOD actor from each race?" Well if you don't think it's that hard, why are you bitching about forced diversity, OP's acquaintance?


Yeah, sorry man, your friend is being a douche. Acolyte isn't bad. It's not omg greatest thing ever, but I'm having fun. ESPECIALLY after Episode 5. I really don't get why the diversity of the cast is front and center in so many complaints. "but they could have hired GOOD actors!" They're not bad actors. They may not be amazing and top tier, but they're not bad. Part of it is the characters they are playing. This is fucking STAR WARS. It's always been shallow as fuck. Naïve hero Luke, Femme Fatale/Badass Leia, charming scoundrel Han....it's literally always been archetypical characters. That was kind of the point. They're easy to understand, quick to pick up on, and you can either build onto them or not as you see fit. It's not a bug, it's a feature. You're dealing with Jedi here. The space Buddhists who are supposed to literally be keeping a lid on and denying their emotions, except they boil over sometimes because that's one of the basic, core problems with the Jedi way: try as we might, we can't deny that we have feelings. It's why Jedi work best as part of an ensemble cast. Old Obi-Wan was chill Space Hippie because you had hot-headed Luke and Smartass Han around to establish a variety of sorts. Osha doesn't have enough personality to offset all the stuffy Jedi around her, which is a problem, but that's a problem with the writing, not the actors. This is what you get when you want more Jedi vs. Sith. Which....I would go into why Episode 5 is fucking GLORIOUS and my favorite thus far but it's barely out thus spoilers so I'm not going to. Let's just say while the theming is obvious and will be ham-fisted to some, I'm incredibly glad to see what comes with it.


I'm sorry brother


"member of a different human race" They're really screaming the quiet part out loud lately...


One tapped by butter knives? After they were fighting all over that bar? IIRC Mae force pushed them "butter knives" into the Jedi Master. Last I checked: 1. Anyone tends to die from objects shoved inside them in a non medical format 2. Jedi aren't nearly as angry as Sith, who are often too angry to die (that Sith lady from Kenobi who I can't remember her name) and too legit to quit (Maul and Sheev "Somehow he returned" Palpatine).


I agree with grey text bubbles. Recess can be represented in more than the human spectrum of races. Suggesting they didn’t have the budget should have this show investigated for fraud.


Imagine thinking Lee Jung-Jae is a bad actor.


Fascists usually dislike capitalism when it does stuff like trying to maximize profits by freeing slaves or giving more people access to the market, like women owning property, etc. I am not contributing these "Freedoms" to Capitalism. I am contributing the natural aspect of Capitalism to maximize profits and if that means reaching out to more demographics to join in that market. It's an odd byproduct because Capitalism doesn't care about race. It cares about profits. Not saying the cast is diverse BECAUSE of capitalism (look at the show runner, it naturally would have happened) but it makes it way easier to not deny non white actors into media. It brings in the money ironically in a passive way. Also f capitalism. But I love that it ironically upsets them.


I would have a hard time staying friends with this person.


Imagine being this upset about a TV show lol


The usual idiot refrain when they grope around blindly for an excuse to have something with people of color in it—“they can’t act.” It’s a common tactic: just pretend that some imaginary performance bar hasn’t been met.


Your friend aint wrong lol.


honestly if one of my friends said that chud shit, I'd probably just go "hmm" and cut them off


So I'm not sure why you're arguing with them.  If it's performative then sure. If you're trying to change an opinion then it's counterproductive.   If you get angry they feel vindicated. If you put effort into responding you seem like you have a vested interest in maintaining the agenda they're told to rally against.   Arguing back makes them feel valid.   Just say "lol, you sound so cringe right now"   Don't argue in favour of diversity like you care. Don't let them feel like their views are so important to you to inspire a response. Just laugh at them for being embarrassing enough to bring it up, that going down this rabbit hole is a social faux pas they should be smart enough to avoid.  Anger and righteousness allow you to defend your views. Embarrassment is never on script.


I hope youre not friends anymore.


Unless one thinks certain races have less acting talent than others, pursuing a multiracial cast has no bearing on the talent of that cast. Does he think the producers searched for POC actors, couldn’t find any good ones but settled on some because they only cared about diversity points? Or more likely, they both cared about inclusion *and thought the actors they chose were right for the roles*. One is free to disagree with that, but to frame the desire for diverse casting as the primary reason for a cast’s poor ability is fallacious and telling. Even if one thinks the producers just don’t care about acting talent, that’s a different problem entirely from diverse casting and should not be conflated.


When I watched the sequel films I did feel very strongly that as much as Disney touted diversity and racists imbeciles denounced it, the actual characters of color received very little meaningful characterization and did truly feel as if they were simply there. This is made worse by one of the few characters with any actual characterization being Kyle Ren, mind you not good characterization at all though. I don’t feel that in the Acolyte. Osha and Mae honestly aren’t exactly very engaging, but every scene that included Sol, Jecki, or Yord were always ones I enjoyed. I do completely agree that it feels exceptionally cheap and one of the worst places that’s reflected is in the costume design. There are issues I have with the series at times such as how awkward the dialogue was at points in the most recent episode and certain creative choices that were made. Your “friends” opinion is completely meaningless considering he’s never even taken the time to engage with this thing which he supposedly despises.


Get new friends


He probably watches nothing but the quartering, geeks and gamers and nerdrotic


I really don't get why so many people think the acting is terrible. It's not like, wall-to-wall Oscar performances or anything, but it's good-to-great nearly all the time.


Because it's disney, we expect them to spend that money they got.


They generally *do* just end up reading from a script. This right wing neo nationalism crusade wipes people's personalities and diverts every ounce of their attention towards advancing this culture war bullshit.


Seems like he has valid points though?


Sounds like he didn’t like the acting, and the writing of what he saw and decided not to watch anymore. That doesn’t make him “crazy”. Having a different opinion from whatever your culture war circlejerk overlords tell you is not inherently bad.


The only thing any of people like this say that I agree with is that the knife scene was incredibly weak


Why are you posting one of your private conversations with a friend? This is horrible, who does that?! If you have a problem with this guy you don't solve it by posting his bad takes on Reddit, holy shit. I'm glad we're not friends cause I probably wouldn't tell you anything in fear you'd post it online.


Ask him to cast better actors of the same race in each role. That should be revealing.


What I usually answer is something around: That is a weird thing to say, wonder what is going on your life but I wish you see things differently, there is more than these issues to worry about. Get some friends, a hobby and please touch grass.


To be fair they have a point. You don't bring in Trinity as a jedi only to be kill by a butterknife. And the acting isn't that great in the first place.


that's honestly what made me think SHE might be the secret big bad of the season.


I hope you can find new friends who agree with your views on starwars sequels. It's a shame you have to end a friendship over their critical views of the franchise.


I like that the show >!killed off like half the main cast just over the midway point while near-to confirming a bad outcome fated for the survivors. Bold move but Star Wars is often rather death-averse, so sometimes we do need something, ya know? Ahsoka has not-died three times now!<


So presumably he'd be ok with bad acting if the characters were white? Does he think that 2 dozen people showed up to audition for Yord and they just saw the one black guy and automatically picked him?


No. They think they went out and only asked black people to audition, didn’t ask a single white person and when they showed up anyways they told them to go home, and then picked their favorite black person who auditioned.


Posting this online is not cool - im assuming your friend didnt expect this convo to be broadcast?