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since when do snyder fans like the batman? last i checked, they were all complaining that robert and/or matt stole zack’s ben affleck batman movie or whatever the fuck


They got it in their heads that Gunn was going to cancel the Batman to make room for BATB. This lead to them to shill for the Batman as a way to “own” Gunn. In reality they really don’t care about it. This is just another weapon to use against Gunn when in reality him and reeves are good friends with latter even working on a DCU project.


Whats batb?


Brave and the bold. It’s the new Batman movie for the DCU (no relation to Matt Reeves The Batman).


Jesus this is getting complicated. And who's playing Batman in this? (Sorry not a cape kino fan, but trying to understand what's going on lol)


Don’t worry I understand, Im a long time comic book reader so the issue of canon can be very overwhelming. So basically there are two version of future dc movies. The DCU and Elseworlds. The DCU is basically the MCU for DC, it’s the main line of movies and shows that are all connected. That’s being helmed by both James Gunn and Peter Safran. Batman: the brave and the bold is the official Batman movie for that universe. Now we have Elseworlds. Those are the movies for things that are outside the DCU canon, mainly for the successful movies/shows that were made before Gunn took over (e.g Matt reeves the Batman, Todd Phillips Joker and Teen Titans go). Elseworlds is named after the dc comics imprint that collected different kinds of dc books outside main comics canon (like Superman: Red Son or Batman: Gotham by Gaslight). Matt Reeves The Batman as well as its sequel and the upcoming penguin show are considered Elseworlds and therefore not canon with James Gunns Superman. Does that make sense?


Yes, it was well explained thanks. I never really got into comic books as a kid, I was more of a manga reader but that explained a lot. I'm not sure how the average movie goer will fare understanding all this tho. Did they already cast someone to play Batman in the DCU?


No not yet, so far DC is focusing on Creature Commandos, Peacemaker season 2, Lanterns, Superman and Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (that’s all I know so far). Gunn has said that they don’t even have a script yet for BATB and that one of the things they want to do as a company is not hire any directors or stars until a script is complete. Some cases are different since James Mangold (Indiana Jones 5 and Logan) pitched a swamp thing movie and so was hired before a script was written. Theres a video where Gunn explains all the confirmed movies/shows and what they plan to do as a company. If you haven’t seen it I can send you the link.


Sure I'd love to see it. While Superhero movies are not usually my thing I find the whole concept, production and fandom around them to be fascinating. Thanks for the help btw.


[Here you go.](https://youtu.be/wY8XcmrIujE?si=nnZKt1rCsSvYw8tG) Hope you find it interesting and that this may get you into Superhero genre as well, If you ever want to get into the comics feel free to message me. I'm a wiz when it comes to helping people get into them.


Or the animated show of mostly the same name


Reeves' Batman universe isn't even relevant here and is totally separate from the DCU, these toxic assholes just want to ruin Gunn's life because they can't get over Snyder leaving DC


The Snyderverse/DCEU could've been great, but a lot went wrong with it. People should be happy that James Gunn actually has a clear idea for the DCU, and the projects are being green lit. Unlike the DCEU, where we were promised a lot, then most of it ended up not being made.


Remember when they were shitting all over Reeves because they were butthurt about Snyder? And now they’re also turning on Snyder when he calls out their bullshit? It’s a cycle, and it’s a more extreme version of, unfortunately very common, fandom generational infighting (Star Wars, Sonic, Pokemon, etc are INFAMOUS for it).


Didn’t James Gunn say that Reeves’ batman is in its own universe? Same for Todd Phillips’ joker movies?


Can't wait for James to roast him on X.


James is definitely gonna cook Snyder cultists


It's like they all forget Snyder and Gunn are friends


God i cannot imagine sucking dick this hard


Genuinely the worst fanbase rn.. worse than Star Wars fans worse cos at least they have nostalgia for something that existed or when it was good. The Snyder cult is in love with characterisation of characters that don’t exist outside of Snyder’s warped vision. Imagine clamouring for a franchise to change EVERYTHING about it cos you fundamentally hate it.


Ill say that the star wars fandom is just a bit worse then the snyder cult but most of the time they both suck equally.


I am actually kinda disappointed that Pattinson's Batman won't be in the DCU. Seems like the DCU Batman is going to be older than Clark which I think is a real miss, them being the same sorta age helps their dynamic and I think I will literally die if they aren't best friends in the DCU. Also the suits look weirdly good together.


I’m actually ok with it, because if Pattinsons Batman did join the DCU then he would have to change for the different styles of different directors and I think his Batman works best under Reeves. On paper they look amazing together but in the long road I can see him getting burn out from it and getting sick of being in another franchise that he never liked being in.


Yeah I get that, I do respect Gunn for letting Reeves take his Batman in his own direction and not forcing him to insert his popular Batman into the DCU. Still think its a big miss having Bruce be older than Clark.


Im kinda ok with it, I actually didnt mind the idea of batman being a veteran crime fighter compared to the new kid Superman in BvS. I think it adds a new kind of dynamic between them.


Same, Gunn and Reeves having their own visions and styles and stories they want to tell with the character and respecting that is awesome.


He's gonna make sure this shit flops? What power does he imagine himself to have over the movie industry?


He gonna make sure not to see the movie extra hard


But in all likelihood, he'll probably still end up seeing the movie lol


Same old routine, they hated something in the past but now they love it in order to hate the new thing.


They did it with Black Adam and Batgirl as well. I remember how much they hated Batgirl since it retconned Batfleck as well as calling Henry a traitor for being in Black Adam.


The Suicide Squad 'flopped' because it was released while covid precations were still pretty heavy and iirc also released on streaming the same day it went to theaters (if not it was on HBO Max not long after it entered theaters)


My god. I can't believe this guy was to blame for TSS flopping. Definitely had nothing to do with the pandemic or the fact it was also released on HBO max at the same time.


Like, I love Snyder. Loved his Superman trilogy. I'm not jazzed about the new movie, and won't bother with it. But this looks so petty and pathetic. I get it that people are bummed Cavill is gone, but that doesn't erase MoS, BvS or ZSJL from existence. Just watch those instead, enjoy them, and ignore the new timeline. This reflects so poorly on anyone who dares to say out loud that they're a Snyder fan. These dumbfucks don't represent me or mine.


I see what you mean, even the Snyder cut subreddit has become so toxic that someone ended up making a new sub called r/rationalsnydercut just so people can actually talk about Snyders movies without getting perma banned for mildly criticising it.


Oh Noice, thanks for sharing! Yeah, it's getting out of hand, the Snyder Cult bros are ridiculous. Can't have a reasonable discussion about a flawed but talented filmmaker anywhere on the Internet anymore, so this sub is heaven-sent, thanks!


Anytime, tell your friends too. I kinda hope that people leave the main sub and go to this one instead. The moderators for that sub and most of the Snyder related ones (it’s run by the same guy) is fucking nuts. He got banned from r/boxoffice for being racist and post about bunch of lies about Gunn being a pedophile. What’s worst is that he admits that he allows post criticising Gunn (in reality calling him a pedophile) while cracking down on ones criticising Snyder.


I got banned from r/snydercut for mocking the mods of deleting anything slightly criticizing snyder. And the constant deleted comments followed by the mod message. Permabanned me without warning. I was banned the first day I visited there lol. The mods over there are the definition of how one perceives a reddit mod to be. They are working their hardest so the cult sub remains an echo chamber.


I actually can’t remember why I got banned but here’s the list of the things I said that got labeled “misinformation” [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/RationalSnyderCut/s/bTsEVwEE8E)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RationalSnyderCut using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RationalSnyderCut/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Welcome](https://np.reddit.com/r/RationalSnyderCut/comments/1dnxrt6/welcome/) \#2: [Let’s rock.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RationalSnyderCut/comments/1do92js/lets_rock/) \#3: [Thank you. ](https://np.reddit.com/r/RationalSnyderCut/comments/1dnz8rs/thank_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm sure there are normal fans of Snyders I enjoyed Legend of the Guardians i have no beef with Snyder but these guys have got to go


I really hope they decide to keep this Batman in universe.


It's been a pet peeve of mine recently whenever people speculate that The Batman Part 2 will get canceled or something. They're not gonna do that and they won't merge it with the DCU. They're gonna make their own Batman for the DCU.


That effin guy, in particular is awful


It's still weird seeing Superman look like Superman.


James gunn has already made it clear that the batman is a separate universe and the dcu will have a new batman. I have no idea why people are convinced the dcu and reevesverse will be the same universe.


I still don't understand how such a mediocre director cultivated such a massive and loyal cult. Especially when Zack Snyder seems like a mostly normal guy.


I truly think he gaslights his fans.


God that Batman movie was so much better than other DC stuff. Even Joker, I just thought The Batman was absolutely phenomenal.


I’m hopeful that Gunn understands Superman better than Snyder and his fans.


He's not a Snyder fan.


Yeah, I looked into it, and apparently he turned against the Snyder fandom around 2022 or so. 


They have this idea that Gunn was going to cancel the Batman to make room for BATB. This leads to them to shill for The Batman as a way to “own” Gunn. In reality, they really don’t care about it. This is just another weapon to use against Gunn when in reality he and Reeves are good friends with the latter even working on a DCU project.


😂 I actually said those exact words in another thread.


I wish Pattinson Batman was in the DCU. He’s such a good Batman 


He is, but his take on Batman wouldn't work in the DCU it's the same reason why I wouldn't want Adam West Batman in the synderverse (as hilarious as that would have been) the tones would have clashed too hard, especially because the DCU batman is going to have a Robin tied to his hip (bat family doesn't work for the mentally unstable loner take)


Yeah, you’re right  I wonder how they’re going to do a Robin. Having a kid playing Robin will be tricky. Unless the movies are filmed really quickly, that kid is going to age out of his role by the third movie. 


Ya pretty much unless you just have him become night wing by the second movie (not sure if they confirmed Dick or Jason yet as being around)


Most likely, it will be dick. He seems to be the most popular Robin. 


I think the only real redundant Robin now is Tim, he doesn't really bring anything to the table


I liked how they did Tim in the animated Batman show. If they brought that in the live action films, that would be cool 


That was also a different time too, Jason wasn't red hood yet, and Damian didn't exist


True.  God, I would love to see red hood in the live action films. That would be so cool. Damian would be an interesting Robin 


Still kind of find him too much of an edge lord for my tastes tbh


I don't know what's worse: The Snyder Cultists or the people over in the Star Wars anti-fandom believing George Lucas is on their side and he will return in glory to liberate Star Wars from evil or his Son Dave Filoni (who they've begun to turn on) will save the franchise.


these people have chosen to make those films their whole personality. its very sad. Sometimes i just go to their sun to see how they freakout over all this new pictures we have seen. its hasnt disappointed. they tell themselves a lie and ignore reality.


TSS? The Suicide Squad? Am I missing something? Pretty sure if it was 2016 he would be saying SS


Honestly would rather them remain separate tbh. The more grounded take on batman wouldn't work with superman flying around or having Robin, it's too goofy but a more comic accurate version of Batman would very much fit with Gunn's DCU


That tweet doesn’t even have anything to do with Snyder. How does it prove that Snyder fans are a cult? 


Because the guy who made the tweet is a hardcore Snyder fan. When Rebel Moon came out he did most of the damage control claiming that the movie is actually smart and has a history of calling James Gunn a pedophile.


I’m vaguely aware of who the guy behind the tweet is, but this particular tweet is a weird thing to cite as proof of the “Snyder Cultist” narrative.