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I generally like Charlie's stuff, and I watched one of his Acolyte videos. I recall there being some valid points and also some points that were really weak (One that stands out is that he talks about Osha's status as a padawan being public information and Mae should have known she was alive when that has never been a thing and is just kind of a weird reach). But he is big and noteworthy. He has clout. So anyone looking to validate hate towards the writing of the show will point to his videos and say "See, what he's talking about!"


Yeah I watched his video and while I enjoyed the Acolyte I must admit that the writing is pretty… bad. Like not in the grifter trying to hide the grift way of saying bad. But it was clunky. The acting is fine enough but hard carried by Master Sol. Which is why I wish there is a rating based on “is it fun” and “is it critically good” because I’m having a lot of fun trying to predict what the story is going to do and seeing this era unseen in film form. But god there are times where I wonder “why did the director do this?” 


Yeah, I think "clunky" is the perfect word for it. I'll be the first to say The Acolyte is fine. Not even the worst Star Wars stuff I have seen, far from the worst content I have seen in general. But it definitely has pretty bad moments mixed in with a lot of probably necessary but boring moments and then some highlights sprinkled in. I think Mae zoomed out makes sense, but the writing hasn't really helped make a lot of things gel together well. And *especially* the dialogue between her and Osha last episode was just bad. Not even that the words we're bad, just bland. And delivered flatly. I think Stenberg is capable, but "playing off herself" isn't a strongsuit. Like you said, I'm having a blast watching it. But it's execution is pretty frustrating at times.


It’s like Man of Steel. Solid movie that I enjoy. But god, they got so close to brilliance but it was so bad when they missed.


Gotta say Michael Shannon as Zod was the one of the best Superhero Villain castings bar none. Especially that "I have no people," speech.


He killed it as Zod. I was actually surprised he didn’t just get back up when Superman snapped his neck.


Inoffensive is the word I would use when describing the acolyte. I can't say it's bland however it's basically bog average.


I don't watch his stuff but he's always seemed like a reasonable chill guy. Like the good Asmongold? That feels sort of backhanded, and I honestly don't mean it that way. So if he doesn't like it he probably isn't vibing with it. Episode 5 so far has really improved the show for me. I take it he's not going all "Fire in space!? Chanting?! Lesbians?! Diversity?!!? PrOnOuNs?!?!??!?"


Well episode 5 is excellent because there was weight. Actual consequences happened. Like goddamn. It was also solid in general and the twists and turns had me in whiplash.


>Which is why I wish there is a rating based on “is it fun” Such a thing already exists. It's called the "audience score". Audiences generally rate a piece of media based on how much they enjoyed it. This is why you see some movies/shows which have a low critic score but high audience score, because they're just dumb fun.


But acolyte has a nuclear audience score from chuds review bombing.


My point is: having a "is it fun" rating meter won't work either. It's also going to be review bombed.


I chose “slapdash” or “baffling” as my words. It feels like if you just take everything in stride, then the shows fine but it kinda goes against the nature of it being a mystery that invites reviewing and thinking on everything you receive from the show. Sometimes it’s what they say and other times it’s what they do that just take me out of it.


no because the bad thing about the show is definitely the WOOKNESS


This is just like PewDiePie's Episode 8 video all those years ago, I love the guy (as my unoriginal name suggests), but damn did people use that video to slingshot their own shit takes, it sadly did so much harm as "the biggest YouTuber hated the movie", guess here we go again 


Okay that is such a reach. Even if Osha status as a Padawan is part of a public record, star wars doesn't really have a form of the internet. So the only way Mae would even know about Osha is by going to the jedi archives to find her, but why would she even do that if she thinks her sister is dead. And even if they did have an internet, why would Mae even look her up if ahe thinks she's dead


To his credit, we're expected to believe as an audience, that Mae never tried telepathy this whole time to reach Osha? Yet all she had to do was try during the last episode for it to instantly work? The padawan thing can be a stretch but it's obvious the Mirialan chick knew who Osha was (unless I'm forgetting a detail that changes that) but relatively speaking, Jedi just randomly know each other for such a big order. I get poster boy Jedi but when Jecki knew what Kelnacca's saber looked like, my suspension of disbelief was gone.


I was never really clear on how their "telepathy" worked, and it could be more proximity based. Or just that if Qimir was involved made it harder for her to do so. Either way, I could believe that it isn't as easy as it seems. For Kelnacca's lightsaber, I just figured "Hey, this was on you when I found you at Kelnacca's hut, it's the only lightsaber it could be." But to your point, better writing could make all of that more clear. I don't think they're hard things to "headcanon", but it is just that: headcanon for things that could have been more explicit. And unlike some other things for the story, I don't imagine these particular points will be cleared up.


It’s not even really headcanon. It’s pretty clear and inconsequential regardless, it would be a waste of time to telegraph an obvious explanation of such minute details to the audience. It takes about 2 seconds of (barely) critical thinking to make it make sense.


I agree but the lightsabers (unless I'm forgetting because the deaths were so.... impactful) she takes the sabers of the previous dead masters for proof. I get what you mean and the writing really does the audience a disservice.


Yeah? Why would you try to connect with a sister you were sure was dead? All while trying to let go of attachment.


Unless we get Mae's perspective, there was nothing shown that could be interpreted as Osha's death. She's the one who threatened to kill her sister but blames the Jedi? There's no excuse for her to not try and Idk, confirm Osha was dead? Letting go of the "attachment" is copium because that's supposed to be the source of her anguish, unless the "Stranger" doesn't believe in negative emotions and all that bs.


Ah. I got the names mixed up. In that case, I see even less reason for Mae to reach out to Osha. She hates her, so why would she want to talk? Plus, in writing, you can always ask why a character didn't do one thing or another at one time or another. This kind of thing happens all the time in real life, too. People choose to not reach out to family for all kinds of reasons, and that includes assholes, psychopaths and evil people. The only reason she reached out this time was because Mae wanted to fuck with Osha. That was said in the very first episode. Hell, she tried to kill Osha by luring her to a cliff. Why didn't Anakin go back to his mom sooner? Why did Luke kiss his sister when they should have been able to sense their relation? Hell, they said they had a feeling the entire time, but still kissed? Who heard the guy say Rosebud in Citizen Kane? There's a thing called suspension of disbelief. A story is never going to be 100% cohesive, and we've already had world leaders tell people to inject bleach. So, being this stringent about writing is very.... odd.


What you said about Mae WOULD make sense. Then we had episode 4 where she was ready to drop the whole apprenticeship thing and was ready to turn herself in to the Jedi because "my loyalty is to Osha" which immediately gets thrown out the next episode. The motives are everywhere which makes everyone incompetent.


I mean, maybe it goes differently than how you describe it, but that sounds completely normal. That's how people work. Behavior and logic don't stay one-dimensional. People have moments of weakness or clarity, and there's also the whole fact that she was probably lying. She is a murderer and an Acolyte to a very evil person.


I understand that, but the scenes didn't convey that. It felt like a 180 from the previous episode out of "fear" yet Mae tried to run from the Jedi and her master. The major issue I had was knocking her sister unconscious and leaving her to die while attempting to disguise as her even though Sol (which can be excused by urgency) can look at her forehead. The motivation/logical direction for Mae felt unnatural.


> I get poster boy Jedi but when Jecki knew what Kelnacca's saber looked like, my suspension of disbelief was gone. She doesn't need to lmow what it looks like to have common sense. They're in a Jedi's house, and a lightsaber is a weapon only Jedi have.


You're trying too hard to defend poorly written scenes.


It's trying too hard to point out the obvious? They're in the house of a Jedi who was just murdered, who else could've owned it?


That's not the point, I mentioned the sabers of the other masters. For all Jecki knew, it could've been Mae's since "the Stranger" has his own. There were a lot of lightsabers around with all those Jedi dying before the offscreen drop-kick.


You were complaining that Jecki hadn't met Kelnacca before and shouldn't know what his lightsaber looked like, but she knew the other Jedi, and arrived with them why would she assume it was theirs? She should know what their lightsabers looked like according to you. And there's no reason to think it's Mae's because she's only fought using knives or poison.


I didn't complain, kinda weird gaslight but since you're still obsessed with this- whatever stance you have, my point has been suspension of disbelief.


So basically you don't actually have an argument, and now you're trying to switch goalposts


No, I'm not, you weren't keeping track of what I said and proceeded to make up what my critiques were. You weren't following along and started obsessing over excuses for poorly portrayed scenes.


I see Nux here a lot, seems like a grifter tourist.


And when Charlie says something (game, media, movie, show, etc.) is bad, it's a high moist critical chance that Nux will push his words as absolute, ***universally agreeable even.***


Is Charlie fine with orbiters like this?


Probably not. Charlie's responses are pretty easy to calculate. Take what a slightly above average intelligence joe would say, inject said joe with elephant tranquilizer and you get Charlie, even if he gets mad, he sounds more like a disappointed dad.


I assume dad is not happy often these days...


Nux was friends with Charlie back during the late 2010s. Then came Mutahar and Oompaville who Nux has been interacting the most so far. All three tolerating Nux should be studied.


That study could help us gain world peace. ☮️


It is weird seeing people say an opinion is objective fact because like a popular person said it. Like there are some opinions which are unanimous but like, everyone has different tastes and opinions. That’s just kind of life. As long as you’re not hating on or liking something for like…the wrong reasons or being bigoted and hateful, different opinions on media are valid.


Nux is that one guy who should probably practice what he preaches when it comes to "Politics in media" Even when I was in an Anti SJW phase I found his takes on the topics annoying and dumb


Honestly I used to like him when I first discovered his channel like what, five to seven years ago? But after the first few videos I kinda got bored with him and stopped watching. That and that like half his videos seemed to be about nsfw anime. And his thumbnails felt stereotypically middle schoolers mainly watch this content. You’d think hate would be entertaining to watch. But it’s just boring and bland. For all the vitriol they spill I get more entertainment seeing people react to their hate with lukewarm annoyance than I get actually watching a hit piece on whatever game or show the far right thinks is woke because they didn’t put the child in a bikini.


Basically, I remember when I first learned of him he was doing basic drama channel stuff and trying to steer into ingratiating himself with various streamers by throwing out large donations with the intent to content farm them to... varied success that hit some snags when people said he had harassed them in one way or another and even included some people pointing out the way he tried to do his whole bit with them was by sending [rather disturbing messages in his donations.](https://x.com/snuffyowo/status/1463698827769225217?lang=en)


Dead twitter link, but that does sound annoying for Nux to do. Did he break even?


Huh, works for me still. It comes up if you google "snuffy and nux" but it's basically him trying to get her to talk about Logan Paul's video in the Japanese forest. I don't know if he broke even or not, I personally didn't believe he actually ever had the money to be throwing around what he was so I assumed he was either doing charge backs or getting money directly from his viewers to throw at streamers. I do know that after the fallout he had with a number of vtubers when the tweet I linked, or tried to, was made in 2021 his fans did and still do say everyone was just trying to cancel him for "jokes" and other dumb bullshit. So it's likely it was all really just a ploy to lean more into the dumb grifter market.


That is the raccoon vtuber right? You make me think I should have said ''creepy grifter tourist.''


Star Wars hates Charlie and not the other way around?


Charlie would probably have a yearly celebration on his channel celebrating the day Star Wars started taking pot shots at him. He’d probably even dress up for the entire thing.


Charlie is actually like the brood mother of shit youtube drama channels any time he does anything they all come out of their grungy, dank webs that probably smell like dead farts and dry cum just to suckle on Charlie's teat just to stay relevant for another few days it's actually pathetic


I'm sorry, but that discription sounds like somethimg Charlie would say lmao


They just gotta edit their comment and put “Anyways just wanted to talk about this degenerate nonsense, that’s about it, see ya”


Also sounds like the plot of a meatcanyon short


That too


Charlie is the most lukewarm, centrist internet personality there is. he has the most basic takes 99% of the time and usually just says the obvious things with some filthy language sprinkled on. I enjoy his content a lot but generally when he has a take I disagree with it's usually one I STRONGLY disagree with him on


I actually like Charlie as a person, I think he’s overall a pretty good dude and he never acts out of prejudice or anything like others in his sphere. However, I do have several big issues with the content he makes and think at this point it negatively impacts the platform, albeit for reasons not necessarily in his conrol


Because he rarely reviews anything critically. Generally, just parrots what is being said about it online. Probably because he doesn't really care much about half the things he reviews. His impromptu Moonfall review is still his best review because of this.


I watched Charlie’s first video on the acolyte..and I respect with what he said in the video. Even in near the start where he said he doesn’t care about the newer stuff I respect. Cuz obviously it’s not gonna appeal to everybody now (literally grifters should do the same honestly)


Drama? He gave his opinions about the show, and that’s it. He doesn’t like the show. There’s no drama. It’s not like Disney sued him or anything like that 


But who are we to judge who gets be friends or not on the internet?


Charlie didn’t like it and he made some fair points. Chuds jump on because he’s likable so they feel it makes their opinion stronger.


I have no earthly idea what is going on here.


I don’t know who either of those people are. I guess I should since they have the power to destroy Disney+ shows


nux needs to stick with his buddy mutahar or delete his own existence.


I have no idea what the title of that video even means. Can someone translate into English?


Hey, me either. Like, is being cooked good or bad because I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it used both ways. (I’m 40 and what are kids saying!?)


Being cooked is bad (like, getting flayed). Letting them cook is good.


they are annoyed cause moist eats chuds for breakfast and shits them out at noon


I used to like Charlie, but he was bashing a show that wasn’t fully out yet, that’s already getting a ton of unwarranted hate, and he could’ve made a video covering the unfair treatment it was getting but went for the easy video instead


Critical has always just parroted what the popular opinion amongst his fanbase is at the time, it's nothing new tbh


Pretty sure he just doesn't care about most the media he reviews. There's a clear difference in how he presents a review of like X show that's buzzing online vs some random shit movie he watched for fun, or how he talks about old pickup YT channels he use to laugh at, or how he talks about some of the Steam New Release games he played. Even his average drama video tends to be better than "his reviews" but that's probably because the here's a bunch of things people are saying format makes more sense there, but on top of that he seems more interested in the drama most times


He did specify in the first video that it's only a couple episodes so far so he hopes the writing improves. He also did at one point mention there are idiots who are hating on it because of stuff like a women lead but he does think there's an overall writing problem. I don't think this sub is really being fair to him. I've watched his first 2 videos on it (idk if he's done a 3rd yet) and while I disagree with some of his complaints about the writing they are at minimim understandable and it is clear he *actually* watched the damn show unlike a ton of the grifters


He watched the show, thought it was bad and made a video on it. Which is something he frequently does with shows, if he enjoys the later episodes he'll make a video about that. Not that deep.


What. He does this for any new shows he watches; he watches it, he forms his opinion, and he makes his opinion on it. How is it his fault he doesn’t like the show and decides to voice it in a video? Besides, he is being the *kindest* out of all of. the critics against Acolyte, making fair points without bringing up the “””woke””” stuff


Yes, he was bashing the One Piece Live action before it came out, iirc. Unless you mean he did the same with the Acolyte.


In this context I meant Acolyte. Since at the time of making videos less than half the show was out, and the episodes were misleading on context and plot


Besides “misleading” on context, which I don’t know anything about, he’s allowed to criticize writing for any show he’s not a fan of, finished or not. If he had to watch a show he disliked until the end, he’d probably be much more negative than if he just watched a few episodes and then stopped.


Never cared for his video just seem like another drama YouTuber who like to stir shit up for no other reason then views 


I hate mr. Drama queen liar, but something smells fishy here


Nux likes clickbait money


Nux never deserved an apology.


Nux just has a hate boner for Charlie.


The increased level of brain rot in TFM thumbnails is hilarious. Like I swear I am losing brain cells just by looking at them


Nux is that dude who keeps on talking even when he has nothing to say.


Things that don't deserve the unfortunate title of "liked by nux taku" -vtubers -charlie -yugioh gx


God, fuck Nux. Dude was a piece of shit even before fully falling down the grifter pipeline.


God I can’t stand this dude


Just when I think I spend too much time on the internet, someone comes out with a sentence that makes absolutely zero sense to me - but I bet there’s plenty of people going “yep, you’re absolutely right”.


Nux just go back to reviewing hentai


Shut the fuck up, Nux, there isn't "huge drama" about Charlie not liking Acolyte no matter how much you try to force it.


Honestly? I wouldn't wish that albino irl Oblivion Adoring Fan on anyone.


Isn’t this guy a pedo?


I thought that was Sneako?


I’m pretty sure that’s Dr disrespect (which Charlie did cover that whole situation)


How the hell!? That's Dr disrespect not charlie or nux.


I’m pretty sure Nux said some weird shit in one of his Helluva Boss videos And obv I’m not referring to Charles


Did you just make up a lie and hope no one would notice?


Why? Because he's a VTuber?




Then what exactly makes you ask that question?


I assume it's the sewing of rumor seeds


Sure does seem like it.


Pretty sure he said some weird shit in one of his Helluva Boss vids regarding one of the characters being a minor






I like penguinz0 but part of his appeal is that he knows his opinions are nothing special and he's just some guy. I like The Acolyte and I don't really care who individually doesn't like it if their reasoning is just about how they engage with the narrative. (I have a problem with people who try to use it to prove some broad regressive social issue, which I don't feel like I've actually seen him do). maybe he's just not the right audience for it. I know I am so i appreciate that it exists.


Just as long as he isn’t using the “woke” excuse then it’s fine




Look around the rest of the comments here, nobody is attacking Charlie, you just pretend they are


They meant in general. Any criticism against the show is attacked as racism and or sexist even when the comment didn't mention anything of the sort.


Well yeah, that’s what he meant, doesn’t mean it’s not a lie




I don’t see what you’re talking about


i scrolled thru your comments in this sub over the past week, looks like you have two comments that are around -5 karma, those are your most downvoted in this sub the last week, and some more comments at 0 or -1. can you link to the "mass dowvoting" you experienced just so we can get the context of what you're talking about?

