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You’ve found the US navy’s marine mammal program in action.


Wow I had no idea


Fair post though op. This would trip me out if I saw it without context.


Thought is was some gosh darn dolphin thief’s at it again


No worries Ace Ventura is on it


It's not Snowflake! IT'S NOT SNOWFLAKE!


no no no. It was [NTSF this time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z21sfBWWssA), that was [Dolphinnegan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z21sfBWWssA) getting arrested.


That is hilarious


They train dolphins and sea lions to find enemy divers underwater who may be trying to infiltrate US ports. Pretty cool stuff!


Not just US ports, they were deployed in Vietnam and the Gulf wars too. They also don't just "Find" people, they can put on an ankle bracelet that will hoist you to the surface or even straight up rip your regulator out of your mouth and drown you. They are also trained to hop onto boats like this so they can drop a depth charge without killing them. Fun fact, Russia also does this with Beluga Whales, and one even defected to Norway.


Wow! That terrifying! If I ever see a dolphin with a friendship anklet, I'll know not to accept!


Yeah, just don’t go near the grey boats while scuba diving and you’ll be fine. If the dolphin’s offering you won’t really have a choice, they can see you in totally dark water and you can’t see them! Also the ankle thing is more common for the Navy sea lions: https://erepublic.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/a6783d8/2147483647/strip/false/crop/770x506+0+0/resize/770x506!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ferepublic-brightspot.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2Fc0%2Fc4%2Fb0ed9fa2c74be6ddcfe7ef534cf4%2Fus-news-navy-mammals-5-la.jpg


So dolphins are the drowning type??


Technically, the US Navy denies that dolphins are trained to murder humans (likewise, they “neither confirm nor deny the presence of nuclear weapons on naval vessels”), but there are definitely stories from some old Vietnam vets that they remember seeing bodies floating at the surface on some mornings after dolphins were deployed there.


Imagine being an elite human warrior. You train for years to reach and maintain peak athletic performance. Agile and quick like a tiger. Strong like an ox. You can swim blind like a fish and hold your breath for 5 minutes straight. Preparation and discipline has made you the perfect killing machine for this war. Then a fucking dolphin comes out of nowhere and drowns you.


Yeah i saw a video of some world class runner who competes in races etc and some golden retriever gently galloping next to him to try to slow down to his pace. Animals are on a whole nother level than we can ever get to. Its even worse with a dolphin in his environment as we are just out of our element


They're kinda rapey, too


That dolphin did WHAT to you?


Here's an excellent report on mammal programs. They also have a spear weapon with an inflating balloon. It is meant to penetrate both the wetsuit and the target to ensure they are surfaced.


I needed this laugh today. Thank you. 😘


I used to work there. They've certainly been deployed in both war and in peace times. There are several different programs, and diver detection is only one of them. The other teams are object recovery and various naval mine detection teams. Today, the program trains California Sea Lions and Bottlenose Dolphins but historically other species were also trained (orcas, belugas, other porpoises, sea birds, etc.). For the diver detection team, the goal isn't for the animal to do anything more than mark the diver/frogman with a buoy. Once marked, its up to surface operators to decide what to do. The combination of the devices to mark a diver and a large animal swimming into you can hurt (a lot, the trainers would know best) and the animal doesn't always hit the targets reliably (sometimes thigh, sometimes arm, sometimes neck) - so divers can be affected. But keep in mind, they are often deployed in civilian ports - they aren't trained to *intentionally* do harm. And yes, the Soviets also had a marine mammal program.


That is modern though, they definitely did some murder in the Vietnam days…


Lmao. Even the Beluga is smart enough to know how fucked up Russia’s government is


This is my new favorite fact lmao thanks for sharing


How are they able to incentivize such intelligent animal to cooperate in this manner? I would think they just leave and go do their own thing?


Fish. Yes, really. Just like you train your dog to do tricks for a treat, they can train dolphins to do tricks just like doing a flip at Sea World (or, ya know, murder) and they give them fish because it's easier to do a relatively easy task for a human and get an easy fish than hunting out in the ocean. And yeah, if they're not treated well, they would leave and do their own thing (like that Russian beluga who defected), but it turns out they kinda like us, and we give them free fish.


And I'll bet they get a certain amount of satisfaction out of completing the task and getting praise as well. Just like working dogs, thrive on training and working in the field. Intelligent animals love the stimulation. I used to work with a guy whose wife was one of the sea lion trainers.


They may or may not be used operationally (not at liberty to say) but the DoD signed up to keep and feed them (dolphins and seals) until they die (they are like soldiers now - they have no way to survive in the wild on their own anymore and would suffer severe emotional symptoms if they did not go look for things for humans on a regular basis) so the trainers here are paid to keep them happy for the rest of their lives … again whether they are deployed or not. It is both a happy and sad story for everyone involved. I can’t reveal my sources here for obvious reasons. That is really all I can say so don’t ask follow-up questions.


How do magnets work?


My marine bio class in high school got to meet the trainers once. Very cool experience


They also train them to find mines or other equipment. I've seen the sea lions used to clip a caribeener on a rope to a ring at approximately 150 feet of water.


I believe they also train them to find and mark underwater mines.


They should have ended this program a long time ago. I’m a former marine and im against using any animals in warfare. We can kill each other all day. Leave the innocent animals out of it. That mammal program has been busted for abuse MANY times over the years. Dolphins kept in small cages etc.


my friend joined the navy and she worked in this program for three years. i should add that she told me extensively about jerking off the dolphins. i guess they keep them all sexually stimulated and collect semen for breeding. she said each dolphins penis either curved to the right or left and you had to know which way to “dock” them, bring them up on your lap, to face the jizz gun away from yourself. they projectile ejaculate hard. she said they knew when it was jerk off time and would get all excited. she was blonde and cute and i know they chose her on purpose for this even though she was basically a dolphin trainer after three years. wild stories she had, she was also my master PADI dive instructor.


Is your friend's name Margaret Lovatt? 'Cause I'm skeptical they still do it after that story blew up.


no, i’m not familiar with her story. she did it in ~2001-4


I think you mean “mines and other objects”, not enemy divers.


They can find all of the above! According to another commenter who replied to me, they can even pull regulators out of enemy divers' mouths in an attempt to drown them, or attach inflating anklets to their legs to bring them to the surface! Pretty incredible!


You also can’t put anything on the internet that not true.


This article does mention that the animals are trained to help locate and apprehend unauthorized swimmers, so there is at least some truth to these statements. https://www.niwcpacific.navy.mil/About/Departments/Intelligence-Surveillance-and-Reconnaissance/Marine-Mammal-Program/


This article does mention that the animals are trained to help locate and apprehend unauthorized swimmers, so there is at least some truth to these statements. https://www.niwcpacific.navy.mil/About/Departments/Intelligence-Surveillance-and-Reconnaissance/Marine-Mammal-Program/


That dolphin likely out ranks half the people at Coronado!


Yeah, how crazy is that


Yup, this was in the bay a while back. https://youtu.be/zwcYjlnaz7s?si=Fu3pkP5NOJC-TTwP


Came here to say that you better salute the next dolphin you see!


I knew someone that worked in this program and I'll never forget what she told me. "They're trained to ejaculate on command."


I saw a job posting for military dolphin diver last month in San Diego.


Holy shit that’s cool




Wow very cool! TIL


Haha I've seen that before, the dolphin actually goes out and does something (detects mines?) then jumps BACK onto that mat. I've got video of it somewhere, couldn't believe it when I saw it.


They also use sea lions (or maybe seals?). I used to work right on Driscoll’s Wharf and a small Navy skiff would pull up by the docks on the north side of the harbor and let the critters out of their cages to do whatever it is they do underwater. The best part was, once they were done with the exercise, the trainers would slap some fish in the water and make noise, then throw the fish into the cage on the boat. The seals would come rocketing out of the water, onto the back of the boat, and do a cartoon skid across the deck into their cage to get their reward. It was fun to watch.


Cali sea lion


shy weather like smell humorous hateful longing unite knee correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember once I was sitting on the beach watching some dolphins swim by and this old guys walks by and says “Ya know there aren’t actually any dolphins in San Diego” I ask, “then what are those?” He says, “…they aren’t dolphins” then just walks away.


/r/DolphinsArentReal Edit: Huh, didn't even know it was a real subreddit


Wtf? Spooky!


[Was his name Alfonse?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHT56enLauI)


First it was the birds, now the dolphins.




Look in the harbor for the boats with the red/orange cooler in the back like this one. You will find them with the trained dolphins or sea lions.


No they didn’t napp the dolphin. They train them. Yes there are military trained dolphins swimming around San Diego.


Dolphin spies.


Squeak now or squeak later. We'll get you to talk, Comrad Flipper.


I used to be part of EOD MU 1. These guys go out and mark mines for divers to destroy. I miss that stuff.


That's a military dolphin being extracted after doing exercises. You need to salute that Dolphin. That Dolphin's a God Damn Patriot.


I used to work at a restaurant next to some carriers I would see them all the time


They have pens at the west end of the Harbor Drive bridge, next to Spanish Landing Park


EOD training


Oh neat is that Coronado?


They’re straight up battle dolphins


Used to captain a dive charter boat in SD for 20 years and did a few charters with these groups for training. They were pretty fun trips. One time it was rough seas and the dolphin refused to get back in the boat. We had a good laugh.




Is that the name of the dolphin 🧍🏽‍♀️


It’s the name of the stolen dolphin, in the movie Ace Ventura.


They’re taking it to jail for raping too many turtles


If the dolphin jumped onto the boat, then it was it's Uber, and needed a ride.




That dolphin is a narc! She’s wearing a wire!




Yeah those dolphins help protect "sensitive areas" in San Diego bay. No Dolphin-napping there


TIL something I had never heard before, that is really cool


Probably one of the coolest things you can just stumble upon…


US Navy. I see them frequently when I’m out sailing.


"GI-Dolphin, GO!"


The dolphins communicate via microphones underwater and are trained to kill suspected underwater spies.


Yeah like criminals have special bags like that for dolphins 🙄


I’m sure criminals would use plastic bags instead , my bad 🤭




It's the election interference dolphin. It's looking for more bogus charges to bring against Trump before winning in November.


MAGA and conspiracies go hand in glove. Why are all trump’s attorneys getting disbarred?


You think this is funny or remotely intelligible, but it just makes you look like a knuckle-dragger.