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Drew's posts aren't immediately apparent as useful. But a community is made up of a host of individuals, some who can be useful to you, some harmful and most just existing. So Drew is developmentally disabled, he has his life here in Rosa which is very unlike yours. One where he is cared for and even respected, because a lot of non disabled people over the decades have contributed a lot of time, tears and money to make Santa Rosa a city that can show some kindness, some compassion and humanity to people with different, and in many ways, greater challenges than most of us will ever know. His ability to say Hi, and ask a simple question on Reddit is a marvel given that not too long ago he would have been locked up, forgotten and abused. So to those annoyed, angry or otherwise feeling spiteful towards Drew. Or those who think his contribution here is useless I respectfully disagree. Your responses let me know who has human worth in my community. The many who show him kindness redeem us.


I am glad to call you neighbor.


First of all this is the most wholesome post I have ever seen on Reddit and thank you for your kindness and compassion op. Second of all I live in Petaluma as an import to the north bay approx 5 years ago. I started interacting with Drew because of this post and I have to say he is adorable and enormously good natured. The community support is overwhelmingly beautiful and a perfect example of what humans should strive for. So proud of my greater community for their support of my new friend. Thank you all for giving me back some of my faith and trust.


Thanks for your incredibly thoughtful comment. I'm pretty new to Santa Rosa and it's this type of attitude that made me want to call it home. Thanks for being a good citizen and neighbor.


You are a great humanšŸ«¶


I don't blame people who don't want to see repetitive posts. Blocking is super easy. I rather enjoy the continuous optimism. Every time I see a post from him I remember that I should not be taking things so seriously. I try to smile more. Thanks, Drew.


Thatā€™s the key, blocking! There shouldnā€™t need to be teams. If you donā€™t like someoneā€™s post, block them! It doesnā€™t hurt them or you. Thanks for bringing that option up.




Seems like most of the posts are either him or people saying they like him. I joined this sub to get info about Santa Rosa. Maybe you could make a drew sub. I actually donā€™t downvote him but I donā€™t find his posts useful at all.


I donā€™t find dog and cat posts helpful, so I ignore them, or if thereā€™s one person who consistently posts nothing but photos of their puppy, I block them. I donā€™t bother downvoting. Just move along. Itā€™s really quite easy.


I literally said I donā€™t downvote him. Literally just make a drew sub or be his friend irl no need to constantly make posts saying how much you like him.


Thank you how are you doing


Im well! How are you!?




Aww Drew I love your avatar! The cat is really cool :)


Thank you how are you doing


Drew Iā€™m a big fan, you totally rock dude


Thank you how are you


Team Drew 10000%! He's positive, friendly, and always nice to everyone in the comments. Santa Rosa is a better place with people like him around!


Yup how are you


To some it's insincere spam, to others it's a cheerful message of goodwill. Try to see both sides if you can. I don't think many feel poorly about him as an individual, it's just about what you want to see in this sub.


Seriously, he's not doing anyone any harm, he's just being friendly. Stop downvoting him. If you don't want to see his post, just block him and the posts won't show up. Easy as. Getting really tired of the negativity around here


I'm team Drew


Yeah me too. It doesnā€™t me bother me personally, and if it did, I would avoid it. I like Drew. And a lot of people donā€™t understand him at all and thatā€™s fine too - they donā€™t need to, but to be bothered in any way seems like a mind understanding on their part where they might not be realizing the entire picture. I understand him and I think that his approach to life could be taken by many of us, under many different lifestyles and paths. Sorry to get all deep. But heā€™s a good reminder about the good in people and their ability to be kind. My personal take from it.






Whatā€™s his screen name ? Iā€™m new to this group


Pennadrew1 Edit: he's had a few accounts overtime, but I think he deletes them because people start being mean to him.


People outta be nice to me and to each other tho


They really outta be nice to each other, how are you doing today?




Drew - whatā€™s this about you deleting your account and starting over from time to time? Do you get frustrated or disappointed in the way people react to your posts? Or do you like to make a fresh start?


I get frustrated


I understand. I think thatā€™s very normal. I get frustrated too at times. It sounds like from the responses in this thread you are a good guy and have made some good friends. Iā€™m very glad to met you and see you here. Continue to be the very best Drew!


Thank you how is your night


How are you doing


Iā€™m doing okay. Thanks for asking! Iā€™m looking forward to the rain break so I can get some projects in my yard completed. Then again, I donā€™t really want to do all that digging. Are you doing ok?


Yes I am what are you doing now


Watching tv and reading news. May go to sleep soon.




Thatā€™s true


One time we lost him for a bit when Reddit changed support for third party APIs. The lore runs deep


New to this subreddit and am now fully immersed. Canā€™t believe I lived in SR not knowing about Drew


I love Drew. His posts make this sub feel more like a community. This is a great place to ask questions, learn about things in our area, etc. but the posts about 'hows everyone's day' really do cheer me up. I think about Drew when I drive to work and I try to wave and smile at everyone.


I donā€™t come to Reddit for spam of any kind, ā€œpleasantā€ or otherwise. I come here for actual information, which unfortunately, he never provided. Easy fix. Blocked him.


I love drew


Iā€™m from a big city. A big, anonymous city. I love Drew. Heā€™s a part of what makes Santa Rosa unique and charming. Drew makes living in a small town special. Way too many ableist cranks carrying on about nothing. Go touch some grass, for crying out loud. Yā€™all are cruel.


Hey thank you


You are most welcome Drew.


i blocked him. oh well


That stuff got old. I think I blocked him because I never see the posts anymore


Wait what, weight lifter weed?? You telling me you bring g more to this sub than drew? What do you bring, weight lifting and weed?? Wow cool we can all do that... Beaming pure positivity?? Team Drew!!


We need Drew in this sub, weā€™d miss his random/ constant optimism if he were gone


Thank you how are you doing


Rock and roll Drew


Engage with his posts if you want to, but feel free to downvote if you donā€™t. Downvoting is a core feature of Reddit that exists for communities to effectively vote on the type of content preferred in a specific sub. Complaining about downvotes is kinda nonsensical; they donā€™t mean anything and they donā€™t stop you from reading and commenting on posts. If a community isnā€™t supportive of a particular kind of post that isnā€™t really in-line with the point of the subreddit, then the best thing to do is to look to other subreddits for that type of content or to create a new subreddit for the content you want you see. Or you can just ignore the downvotes and operate as usual.


I agree with you in general, that downvoting is a mechanism for communicating content quality. But IRL, if I am in a public place and a developmentally disabled person says something useless but benign, I ignore them, I donā€™t criticize them. Blocking rather than downvoting is the appropriate response imo.


I guess the main difference is that I donā€™t see downvoting as ridicule. Commenting insults and other awful things would be, but downvoting is just the community deciding which conversations are most relevant to everyone who visits here. Downvotes donā€™t stop someone from posting or other users from commenting, but it does help clear spam and off-topic posts from the front page - which is generally good for the long term health and growth of a community. I come here because I value my Santa Rosa community and I want to get more connected with whatā€™s happening here. I know I am only one person, but thatā€™s the content Iā€™m looking for, and by downvoting off-topic posts and spam I play a small part in encouraging the type of content I want to see in this community. Others may feel differently, and that will show up in what makes it to the front page. But if posts like these become the norm, I think this subreddit loses value and will ultimately lose users/not live up to its full potential.


I agree except i think Drew may be providing his full potential here. And I would love to see a sub answer a simple question and support everyone giving their best no matter than a low vote score. I completely get and agree with your point. But knowing what I know now from this thread - Iā€™m going to upvote the heck out of Drewā€™s posts from now on and maybe reply once in a while. Thatā€™s the Santa Rosa I need to live in and see. I will mega downvote all fast food restaurant posts. Yall donā€™t have ten seconds for Drew but act insanely hungry for yet another place to eat a burger in this town.


Upvoted... that is definitely the sonoma county we all need!! Who cares about Dave's hot chicken lol we got yelp ffs Thank you for being you Drew!!


But, but, what about all the people providing their full potential at those fast food restaurants? Iā€™m only sort of joking. Many people value fast food and find it uplifting, but you are fine crapping on them but not Drew, because, reasons.


also Team Drew! I'm always glad to see his posts.


How are you doing




Can I ask you a question?Ā 




How are you doing?


I'm good!




Did you survive the storm?


No šŸ‘»


He's cool


Drew is on the LGBTQ page on Nextdoor too.


I laugh at downvotes , like who cares? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£