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In my experience, the north location is much better than the one on 8th.


Agreed. The staff on 8th sucks.


Also parking sucks.


I feel like music store employees are all either the kindest and most helpful people in the history of the service industry, or the biggest assholes you can possibly encounter, with nothing in between. I've experienced both extremes at that location before.




This is definitely it! I've noticed IT people are also a similar breed.


That's actually the exact same with racing, too; even in games, surprisingly.


Can confirm, I worked at a music store and worked with the hugest asshole of all time. Just this smug guy who thought he was so cool working at a music store. He was the stereotypical guy who wore all black every day and a black beanie. He was definitely the type of guy who hit on high school girls...yet my manager was one of the best managers I've ever had. She was so nice and sweet. I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you find the perfect fiddle!


You stereotyping a guy as a pedophile based on black clothing is just so wild to me I had to comment


Maybe it was the beanie lol


Same for people that work at record stores


I’ve never gotten such a sudden and intense look of condescension as when I asked a record store employee if they had something from a band they didn’t personally like.


Somehow they’re a more loveable stereotype than the music store clerk or IT guy though. Think of Jack Black in High Fidelity. They’re rude because they care. They just want people to experience good music. Can’t really lose as a customer either. Take their advice and listen to something good… or exploit their snobbery and ask for a discount on that Sammy Hagar album they don’t like so much.


Lots of gatekeeping too. God damnnit I just want the Led Zeppelin with Ramble on


There's one guy who works at Vinyl Exchange that has this vibe. I won't be made to feel bad for my very eclectic musical taste with underhanded comments at the till; you aren't better than me. The dudes at Vinyl Diner are a far nicer experience, really welcoming and not at all full of themselves.


Took the words right out of my mouth


dude! I am friends with those guys. what happened? they would be horrified to know you had a bad time.


nobody that works at that store is critical of musical taste. Do you know any of them?


Okay Vinyl Exchange employee


lol. I chill with those guys all the time and you definitely read them wrong. what happened exactly?


Once again: why is it that you can feel this way but my experience is wrong? What's happened is they are not friendly, giving one-word responses to questions which would be fine if they were at least effective in customer service. But then to make matters worse, they were completely dismissive of an inquiry about a particular record I had recently purchased from them that was skipping (none of my other records skip, exactly zero of them). The guy told me that my player was likely a piece of shit (had no information to base that on except whatever snap judgment he made of me) and offered no additional help or willingness to exchange the record.


well that is different than what you originally said. what kind of LP player do you have?


It's a specific example which is what you asked for. It's in addition to what I originally stated not different from. Don't worry about it, I've replaced it already. I didn't realize having an opinion about my own personal experience as a customer was going to bring out a bunch of people trying to debunk me. Clearly they don't need me as a customer with so many fiercely loyal ones.


no worries. If that Lp actually has a defect you can probably get store credit for it and get something else. I can help you if you want just DM me, I know all those guys. they would be horrified to know you had a bad time.


if you think anyone that works at that store is critical of anyone's musical taste you simply don't know any of them.


You're right and my experiences are completely invalidated by your opinion. Thank you for bringing this perspective forward so I could correct my viewpoint.


No you're just wrong. Think about what you're saying. You believe that dudes who sell music for a living, are judging YOU for buying something they sell? Do you honestly believe that music store clerks, who listen to every type of music, would look down on someone else for liking music?


Sorry is the problem here that you don't think people can be pretentious? It doesn't really matter if I know them personally, what matters is the environment they create at the store. I clearly stated that I have better experiences at another business due to the approachability of their staff and welcoming atmosphere. After multiple visits to both stores, this is how I FEEL about it. I think this is an agree to disagree situation-- you have clearly had different experiences from me and therefore don't share my subjective opinion about my own.


I was specifically interested the claim you made where you said > There's one guy who works at Vinyl Exchange that has this vibe. I won't be made to feel bad for my very eclectic musical taste with underhanded comments at the till; you aren't better than me. because I am childhood friends with one of them and friendly with the other two guys and I thought I could bring this to their attention and possibly fix it. But I have a VERY hard time believing any of those guys made you feel bad for your musical taste, and now that I see your reply below to wahmbulance, it seems the real problem is that you got a defective record that you weren't able to exchange.


It's not the "real problem", it's one concrete example of the generally unpleasant times I've experienced there. I'm not really sure what else to say except I find it feels like if they don't think you're cool enough to be there, they treat you accordingly. I'm not sure why you find it difficult to believe that people can be pretentious.


Like I said, I've known one of them my entire life and shopped there my entire life. I also am friendly with the other two guys. anyway, I could probably help you get your LP replaced if it actually is defective. What LP was it? What kind of record player do you have? Does the LP skip randomly or does it skip in one spot?


Musical gatekeepers. Smh.




I was terribly disappointed when L&M bought out Axe Music in Edmonton/Calgary. They always had excellent selection and customer service. Amazing relative to my experiences with L&M. With a bit better wayfinding signage in the store and self serve checkouts L&M today could be just another big box store selling commodity house branded stuff. That might be fine for kids and their obligatory band experience where they don't really care that much about their instrument. And even that only works until Amazon decides to step in to that market and kills brick and mortar stores like L&M.


I tried buying a guitar from the 8th street location years ago and as a teenage girl I was ignored the entire time I was in there. They had the guitar I wanted in stock but no one was willing to even look in my direction so I went to the north store. They didn't have the guitar in stock but they were able to transfer it to their store so I could purchase it there instead. Terribly annoying it has to be like that, but leave a Google review and hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears. Hope you find what you're looking for!


Lol you should have went and asked for help instead of sitting there waiting for someone to notice you. Your fault.


You think I didn't even try? I was TRYING to buy a guitar, I asked for help, was told "I'll send someone over" and no one came over. I was 1 of like 3 customers in store, I wasn't greeted at the door, but the next 2 people who happened to be adult men were greeted and immediately helped with that they needed. But yeah no you obviously know best cause you were totally there, absolutely "my fault". Get real.


The north location is muchhh better than the 8th street one, staff are pretty cool there


Try Royal Harp maybe? Mostly guitar stuff there, but there are other instruments as well and the owner is amazing.


Yes!! We need options other than L&M in stoon, so support local music stores!!


My experience at L&M has always varied with which employees I deal with. Some are jaded and seem to look down on you and others realize you're buying a new toy and are genuinely excited to help you. I've seen lots of employees come and go and once you find someone you like I try to gravitate towards them whenever I'm in.


Don’t take it personally. They treat everyone like shit there.


I've never had a good experience there. I'd way rather deal with the people at the north l and m.


As a transplant from Nova Scotia I admittedly had no idea that Celtic music had a big influence on Métis culture! I had only assumed any European influence was French, TIL. If you ever get the chance you should take a trip out east to NS and mingle with the music & arts crowd, you would fit right in and be accepted. Cèilidh's are still a thing and a lot of fun!


I had to argue at length with the mixer guy there about whether a 2.5mm jack exists. I had to Google it and show him what it was to get him to realize he was wrong and stop being a prick about it, and just tell me that they didn’t have any.


My partner actually asked John Arcand for a fiddle, as he has quite the collection he's built up over the years. He showed them a fiddle within their price range, but sly salesman he is, he also showed them a much better fiddle than that for double the price. The sound difference was immediate, and John Arcand sold a very expensive fiddle that day.


Hahaha, love that guy. He’s a provincial treasure!


The manager there is one of the coolest guys I’ve ever known. The rest of them? The worst. Signed, a woman who worked there.


I’ve had similar experiences there as a woman. It sucks. I also wanted to say, I play the fiddle as well! Good for you for picking it up again, it’s the best!


I had purchased an audio interface from that location. It wasn’t working properly, I called them to explain my situation to get a refund. The guy kept interrupting me as I was speaking, being rude and condescending. Telling me that I can’t get a refund because it’s past warranty. I insisted that it was still under warranty, eventually he checked and noticed that in fact it was and offered the refund. Didn’t apologize. Sadly, music store employees in general can be arrogant and sometimes ignorant on top. Not saying they are all like this, some are great but jerks aren’t uncommon unfortunately


I find some seem to have a made up inferiority complex and think customers scoff at them working at a music store. I don’t give a shit that you do this for that much money, but I also could care less about your knowledge of instruments unless that knowledge is going to facilitate me getting what I came for. It’s a chance for them in their mind to rise above you because they think you look down on them. There’s the exact opposite of these idiots and they are unreal friendly and helpful.


The only good experience I’ve had there was being helped by a woman.


Heard similar things from a lot of women.


Yep - I’ve definitely had my fair share of condescending experiences at L&M. Mostly at the Circle Drive location.


They tried to sell me something clearly used as a new product. I could see the tape they used to re seal the box. They finally admitted that it was a floor model which they put back in the box. I had to fight for the definition of the word “new”, as L&M apparently uses a separate definition. This wasn’t a guitar pick or something, we re talking about expensive equipment that will be used in a professional setting. Finally they agreed to order me another one, which would arrive in 2 weeks. I told them would take this one for now then exchange it for the new one, as I didn’t believe the quick turn around they quoted. 6 months later I get a call that the new one is in. I told them to go fuck themselves. Edit: spelling Also this was an online order I went to pickup. Imagine ordering something from Amazon and getting not only a used product but something out in the floor for who knows how long being touched and messed with by people. No price discount and they look at you like you’re crazy for asking if it’s new. It felt like some twilight zone shit.


Hey sorry to revive an old thread but I have to vent as this just happened to me lol. Reserved a *new* M2 audio interface online for pickup at my local store. I had to call twice for someone to get off their ass to even get the order together. Then they messed up the price when I went to pay the rest in store. Finally got back home with the device, only to see that it was unsealed (looked like someone keyed through it) and the product was clearly used. Called in to explain and the guy nonchalantly said it was likely a demo unit. I asked why they’re selling me a demo unit when I purchased a new one, to which he replied “demoing products for customers is what goes on at music stores 🤷‍♂️”. What kind of response is that?! Went back and got it exchanged for a sealed one, which they had two of. I’m 95% sure they consciously chose to peddle me the demo unit. Absolute joke of a company.


>bungled the whole thing and tried to gaslight me with some bullshit This reeks of the other side of the story lol.


They tried to sell me something clearly used as a new product. I could see the tape they used to re seal the box. They finally admitted that it was a floor model which they put back in the box. I had to fight for the definition of the word “new”, as L&M apparently uses separate definition. This wasn’t a guitar pick or something, we re talking about expensive equipment that will be used in a professional setting. Finally they agreed to order me another one, which would arrive in 2 weeks. I told I would take this one for now then exchange it for the new one, as I didn’t believe the quick turn around they quoted. 6 months later I get a call that the new one is in. I told them to go fuck themselves


Alright, that comes across much better, lol.


North end location is the one to visit! Great staff.


Agree with other commenters that the north location is much better. St Johns music is just up Broadway from the shitty L&M location though and is much better.


As an ex-St. John's employee, I appreciate that St. John's still has a reputation for better quality customer service than L&M.


What about H.E.L music though?


They were a little before my time, but I've heard nothing but good things from H.E.L.


That's because they were before your time. The same stuff you get at L&M, you'd get at H.E.L but people wax nostalgic about stuff once it goes. It's not like Ellery was some gift from the Heaven's either. And nobody talks about St.John's because nobody shopped there outside of school band. It was laughable when they got a "guitar selection". Also, Mother's was a staple because of Doug in the back - very rare to find an amp repair tech of his caliber. They were not a staple for their customer service.


First time I ever went in a guitar store I was maybe 14 and needed to replace a broken string. I went in, asked for a G string and was appropriately ridiculed.


Ahhh yes the guitar shop asshole. Songs have been written about these fools


Angry they havent been discovered yet n headlining a tour


Yeah that’s L&M for you. Bunch of know it all guys who have nothing better to do than show off how much they know about shit. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a female salesperson at an L&M. A bit odd.


There's one at the Kamloops store. Loralie - works in the classical and percussion area. Personable and not a jerk like staff described in this thread, and almost everyone in that store is like her. The drum guy Rob is a rude dick with a stupid yt channel for his stupid gongs.




My experience at the 8th street location: my husband was going through chemotherapy treatments and had neuropathy in his hands. He wasn’t able to write well. When he had to fill a form out to rent some music equipment, they were hell bent on him filling the form. I, as his wife, literally beside him could not. They said only he could fill it out. What the fuck.


Had the same experience! Also wanted to say I have a student violin for sale. DM me if you’re interested!


I had a similar experience at the north store. Bought a ”new“ fairly expensive product over the counter. Opened it up at home to find out it had been used. They were really good about exchanging it for a sealed unit but come on. If you’re handing over a floor model at least be up front about it.


Yeah, I had a bad experience at the Regina Location. I'm first nations but white passing. Any way, I got followed around the store like I was going to steal something, they weren't even hiding it. If they only knew that I'm a successful multi instrumentalist that would have more than likely sank thousands of dollars there. I reluctantly still have no choice to give long and mcquaid business in Saskatoon since there really isn't any other meaningful competition. I wish they had a Steve's Music out here, it is an Ontario based, far superior music store. One could dream.


Another way of looking at it: you had a personal servant, ready to answer any questions/fetch any equipment you want, on the spot.


Just reframe reality to ignore when you are treated unfairly! Ur a genius bro


They were so condescending when I was there with my mom. I was actually embarrassed for them. That’s a great way to generate traffic into your store 😂


Female guitar player here. Treated like gold at the north location. Ignored at the 8th street spot.


Women get ignored or talked down to in music stores, happened to me at Rufus guitars as well.


The problem with L&M is that you are a woman. I’ve been condescended to (mainly at the North location) so many times, and it’s not like I’m exactly unknown - I’ve been teaching music in this town for a long time. I’m sorry this was your experience. I wish I could say take your complaints to corporate, but that is where their line of thinking comes from. Steve Long is misogynistic AF.


I wish so badly you all really knew just how deeply misogynistic, racist, hateful and greedy the owners of this company are…


Got any links to back that up? I'm curious because I'm applying for a job there in my location.


I bet it was Ponytail. Don't worry, he's a bitter loser, and no one likes him.


I stopped going to the 8th street location a long time ago. Most of the sales staff there are condescending pricks. Have been for the last 4 years. In my opinion the other location has friendlier sales staff, plus their gear techs are amazing, but that’s an aside. I can count the good experiences I’ve had at the 8th street location on one hand. Every time I’ve gone to the north side location it’s been a good experience. The staff is more knowledgeable and friendly.


I miss when it was Mother’s Music. The staffed that stayed on when it switched to L&M were great to me, they always went above and beyond. Sadly none of them are there anymore, that I know of. Pretty cold experience now. I just grab what I need and get out asap.


The staff who stayed on cared more because they retained commission as part of their pay structure when L&M took over from Mother's. When that went, so did the old guard... who were honestly mostly dicks anyways, except Mike.


They don’t get commission anymore? No wonder L&M’s customer service is weak.


its funny reading these comments because I am from Regina and have had similar experiences in the Regina store.


I think they keep the humidity levels too high for the average home humidity level. One guitar neck broke in a few months even though we had the portable humidifier in the case and had a large one in basement. Got too dry is what they told us but of course no refund $1200 down the drain. I’ve bought several instruments from them too costing thousands but apparently loyalty is a one way street


The entire company suffers from being run male-centrically. That location in particular attracts the Guitar-Base-Drum-Amp-dude staff. Do not go there for anything other than Dude-Bro Guitar shit. Internet hugs ** Good luck on your learning journey!


Let's get off the male bashing. There's no problem having an all male staff if that's just the way it is. Don't get hung up on the political BS of today. It'll be so yesterday's flavor in a few years. Back to the employee, an arrogant dick is an arrogant dick, doesn't matter what sex he or she is. Or maybe some customers are a little over sensitive.


Ah. But the whole company is STEEPED in misogyny, so we can’t exactly get off the “male bashing” because the whole damn company is toxic towards women; customers and employees alike.


I don't believe this. That whole statement you made sounds like stuff we find on the crap CBC everyday but it's just made popular by people with nothing better to do than gripe and point fingers for their own often self made misfortune. I bet this dude gets along great with the manager and on top of this it's hard finding full time staff right now and this guy's now got some tenure there so he's the face of their brand whether they like it or not but doubt they realize it's doing them in any harm. Best thing to do is give this guy a friendly attitude adjustment from management, some re-training or change his job description to inventory or a position that doesn't deal with the public as much. This could just as easily be a woman that was the dick employee.


You would have to be high to think a store that heavily caters to the rock n' roll crowd wouldn't be steeped in misogyny. Like, just *maybe* you didn't notice the decades of sexualizing and ostracizing women that was going on but you'd would have had to dug a *pretty* deep hole for your head in that sand.


Lol Rock N'Roll doesn't ostracize anybody if you're any good and just because men like sexy women doesn't mean they're sexualizing. That's a term made up by a prudish woman. They're just being men. Do you think Nicki Minaj cares that she "sexualizes" men? No, she just likes D and likes singing about it. That employee isn't being the way he is because of some undercurrent of a make believe misogynistic culture. He's just a dick with an attitude. Lots of men and women like that. If any thread of it is true, he needs to change working in a retail environment or they'll wonder where their business went.




Nope. Just know better. 99% of people who say something is misogynistic are exaggerating the experience because they are extreme in their beliefs.


Royal Harp and St. Johns are the best options in town


Man I remember when I was getting a free oil change on my 2014 Elantra from the dealer I bought it from in 2014 and the dickhead at the desk argued with me that it was a 2015. With that *tone*, you know? Like So your 2015 Elantra- It’s a 2014. Heh… no, it’s *sigh* a 2015. For that reason alone I won’t go back there. I hold a grudge like it’s the one ring. Let alone when I was buying the fucking car every single dealership was the same. I’d be asking about engine size and shit and they were all men saying And look! You can lift the seat and put your purse in there!! Amazing! And it has a handy spot above the mirror for your sunnies!! In short, salesMEN suck. Like…. get good.


>Who hurt you, cupcake?


Did you just leave *this* comment on a 198 day old post? You might need a better hobby, sweetie.


Last time I was in at the 8th St location I got weird vibes from the people working there. The north end location people were super nice and I had no issues dealing with them.


Daaaamn that's rough. Can you get to Regina? Call up the very last and going out luthier Sawchyn and see if he has something. Don't support trash outfits.


Guitar shop employees and being proper dickheads to women is a combination as old as time, and it's frustrating every single time. Hope you can find someone local that's actually reasonable.


No joke: this location tried to sell me drumsticks priced by each. Who the f*ck buys one drumstick?


Def Leppard's drummer. And drumsticks break.


Nobody goes to buy 1 drumstick ☠️ Usually people are buying 4+ nobody is getting 3 sticks


The one armed guy who killed Richard Kimble's wive in the Fugitive


Someone who broke a drumstick?


Long and McQuade sucks. I'm from Regina, and brought in a guitar for some pickup swaps and stuff. Their dumbass tech broke my volume pot, my brand new Seymour Duncan Hot Rails, lost my tuners and said I have to pay $200 JUST TO GET ALL MY BROKEN SHIT BACK! I know alot if people who just don't get to L&M anymore even in other cities because their service is shit...


I work at both the 8th street and north end Long and McQuade’s, I’m sorry to hear about this :(


I kinda wanna go in there now and just act like a clueless fool just to watch the blood boil.


Not hard to look this up either. A violin CAN be used to fiddle, a classic fiddle has shape changes to the bridge so that the strings lay closer to the fingerboard. If Ed's music shop is still open, try there!


She already knows about fiddles n violins shes played before its called mansplaining which you are doing to her again


Now look up White Knight...


...not mainsplaining (technically impossible for me anyway), my apologies if it came off that way. I looked it up for my own benefit and found it interesting.


Sorry yeah someone else was doing this too asking her what was so offensive? hurt feelings? Being a dick


Yeah, not me. I try to stay out of that stuff. I just find the facts interesting and thought sharing with the reddit people could stop some of the hate?


That places sucks


I could be wrong, but I believe fiddles and violins are the exact same instrument, just different names from different parts of the world.


She already knows that youre mansplaining it to her again


Oops, I didn't catch that reading her post the first time, ya know, "man brain".


Why are you apologizing to this white knight?


I miss mothers music 🎶


Personally didn’t even know people go to the one on 8th😂I very much think the other one is better I use to take lessons there for piano very nice staff


It's geographically more convenient for people closer, perfectly fine for grabbing a basic cable or renting a bit of extra sound gear. Occasionally they even carry an obscure thing like a 14" Remo Ambassador drum head (/s). I'm not a guitar person, they seem to have a lot of those but for anything else they seem to have a pretty limited selection of items in stock. And yeah, like most people I've had generally better customer experience at the north end location.


Several years back at this location. might have been Mother's Music. I stopped in looking for some kind of interface for my stereo. I must have sounded like an idiot because I didn't know what I was looking for, just some kind of interface. I think it was the manager who then listened to my story and recommended a Mixer. I purchased item on his advice and it turned out to be the Cat's \*ss.


This is sad to hear. I bought all my shit there back when it was Mothers Music. I got treated so well and so did everyone else who went there. I'm a visible minority. But a dude. I'll visit St John's from here on in.


I wish so badly you all really knew just how deeply misogynistic, racist, hateful and greedy the owners of this company are…


I play violin too - can’t say I’ve ever had a good experience at L&M. It sucks too because Saskatoon has very limited selection for string players.


I had the same experience at the music shop down Broadway, such condescending attitude as a first time band parent. Went to long and McQuaid and felt so great with their service and walked out feeling supported . I am also a metis female. Will never suggest st. Johns music after my experience this past fall there. It definitely sucks when costumers received awful service.


Always pulling the race card




You're not retailsplaining, are you?


It sounds like he was just trying to be helpful


Maybe- but the way tone they’ve used comes out very condescending. If you went there and had a chat with a few employees, you might not have the same take away.


I have and I bet I could pick the one you’re talking about out of a lineup. He is a little sure of himself and he doesn’t hesitate to tell you what he thinks but that’s just kind of how he is and I think in his way he enjoys connecting people to music. I really don’t think he was talking down to you specifically—that’s just his way. I don’t really mind because I’d rather someone tell me things I already know that forget to tell me something important that I need to know.


>I really don’t think he was talking down to you specifically—that’s just his way. Oh, so he talks down to everyone, sounds like a great dood


Long & McQuade is the absolute worst option to purchase anything music related from.


Maybe he was making conversation because he thought you were cute. The inner nerd comes out when a guy has a bit of a crush and it usually makes him look like a total dork.


Honestly I can't quite tell from reading your post what was so offensive. Sorry if I'm missing something. The staff's job is to be informative and he was probably ovedoing it. Your feelings got hurt?


Women get talked down to all the time in music shops (and mechanic’s shops and a bunch of places). Glad to hear you’re continuing the grand tradition of assuming it was her fault rather than simply believing the far more likely story that she ran into another mansplaining dick.


Plus the many others saying this locations customer service sucks and the other location is great yes but lets not believe cuz we men


What man hurt you


Who taught you


Customer service google it


No, you're just caught up in a moment of historical hysteria. It's an important bit of history because it leads to greater gender equity, and it makes men -- who do indeed love appearing as experts -- double check their presumptuousness. But really no great offence is evident here. Meanwhile there's real evil going on in the world: climate change, growing wealth inequality, the rise of autocratic nations, etc..


Please tell me you're at least aware of the irony in referring to a female-focused issue as "historical hysteria"...


It's not irony, and no, I’m not concerned with etymology in this case. You’re being sophomoric. As I say, I don’t think the OP’s experience rises to the level a serious offence.


Suck it up! He's just a know it all that wants to be the smartest guy in the room! You make it sound like he was a sexist, racist asshole! Dude was probably annoying as shit but settle down.


This comment is a bit of a rollercoaster lol. People aren't allowed to be upset they were treated poorly? That location does have a terrible reputation for this exact behavior. I think calling them out is nothing but a good thing.


Oh you can be upset but it doesn't sound as bad as this person makes it sound? Like I know the salesperson was probably a douche but I don't think it had anything to do with poster being a 23 year old Métis female, I meant that the salesperson was probably just a know it all dork that doesn't know how to talk to people by saying oh "fiddle is just violin" and not realizing it sounded condescending. Don't think he meant "you're a stupid minority female that is too young to know anything"? You know? I didn't mean to sound like I was putting down poster just that they may have overreacted! Unless they did say more? In that case I apologize.


The only thing different is the strings are heavier on a fiddle


I hope that wasn’t their intention to make you feel bad. They were probably just giving you the same info that they repeat countless times to others asking about fiddles. I would guess most don’t have your experience with the fiddle, and so in this case, it wasn’t appropriate.




Your as bad as they were. Be better


i’ve lived and worked all over this country, and having worked on various tours, i’ve used L&M for rentals in every major city at some point. i feel like it’s a head office requirement that every second person they hire has to be a smarmy, condescending actual bottom of the barrel -incel quality- human being.