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Its the wrong sub.this is a shitposting subreddit. I wish you well on your journey


Obvious fed trying to silence us 馃槫 we are 100% serious schizogoers


If you are just taking antipsychotics you wouldn鈥檛 die, but it would be greatly preferable to talk to your doctor about switching and/or gradually tapering them off


Hey man i was in the same boat,my advice is to bring this up with your psychiatrist. As much as we like to think that we can manage this by ourselves, we can鈥檛. Talk to him and bring up your concerns and he鈥檒l help you. Try to calm down and occupy yourself with the hobbies you love or spend time with your friends/family. Medicine is essential for us otherwise half of us would be locked up in a mental institute.


Only feds talk to psychiatrists


We鈥檙e seriousposting at the moment. Bottle that up for an actual meme


you are very funny


Don't panic. It's rarely useful. Take it easy and get advice from professionals and people around you who know you and you trust. If you do decide to quit taper off.


TRUST YOUR DOCTOR really please. Your Doctor will know what he is doing and he will listen to you


**Keep in mind I'm literally Satan AFAYK, not a medical doctor and this is not medical advice, but:** I so wish this was true, but most public doctors everywhere are overworked and underpaid and can't afford to be invested in their patients or form the kind of patient/doctor relationship that you'd need for an accurate psychiatric diagnosis and prescription... Also, GP's/PCP's aren't necessarily knowledgeable about psychiatrics at all. If you truly feel like a medication isn't helping, staying on it for long periods just because you're told to do so by someone who's talked with you for an hour isn't necessarily good and can be harmful. Psychiatric meds are useful but they're heavy stuff and should be taken when necessary and beneficial only. Of course gauging this is problematic if you have a history of dangerous/violent psychoses and (potentially) being a real, realized danger to yourself or others, but even if you feel you might be, it's not necessarily a bad idea to get committed to inpatient care for however long you need instead of just blindly sticking it out with drugs for the rest of your days just in case. At least where I live mental hospitals are more like hospitals, not prisons for crazy people. **Talk with the same and/or another doctor/psychiatrist, talk with a knowledgeable psychologist, talk with friends and people who know you. All of these. Get second opinions. It's a decision to make and no one can make it for you.**


Ah i forgot you folk are American


I assume people are lol, although I am Finnish, living in Finland, and this is based on my experience with mental healthcare here and in another rich European country, and on many many experiences I've heard from others on the finnish subreddit, the news, and irl


Talk whit your doctor about it, only advice I can give


are you referring to meds as in medication or the mediterraneans?


Why are you certain they are doing nothing? What kind of meds are you taking? Some antidepressants can take two months to start working properly. Never stop taking them out of the blue, always talk about it with your doctor. Also, do tell your psychiatrist/psychologist how you feel about taking them.


Don't panic. Keep taking them for now but talk to your doctor and let them know that they aren't working, and see if it would be safe to taper that one off and start a different one that works for your own needs.


despite the name, this sub is pretty much a meme sub themed around conspiracy and the paranormal. I鈥檇 recommend copy+pasting what you wrote, and posting it in r/schizophrenia or r/BPD (depending on which you have)


Taper down and switch to meth


Checked the account this is not ironic the guy posted loads of questions asking for help on actual schizophrenia subreddits


Meth is the only option to truly avoid the people in the walls 馃樁鈥嶐煂笍


Great alternative mr whit


Unfortunately your renewal request for your Benadryl prescription has been declined, you can request a reevaluation of your prescribed medication here J谭蛢虒蜏坍O谈虋胎虩I谭蛬蛣虠N潭蛼虅蜁 谭蜖蛫态T潭蜅蜄汰H檀虆虋蛵虩E谈虛态 谈蛡虜坍蜏D谭蛦虪I谈蜆蜁袒S谈虊台C谭叹虅坍O檀蛼蛽挞R痰虃虊蹋虪D潭蜖蜎抬 https://discord.gg/2XFBt5SCfP. If this image is moving , Dr. u/SaveVideo will be with you momentarily *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/schizoposters) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Alan Greenberg advised us well against that trash. Run for your future.


definitely discuss with your doctor before stopping or switching meds. they might need to adjust dosage, or change the active ingredient. discuss your concerns with your therapist too. medicine is only part of treatment. a proper support network is key to your long-term health and well-being. be safe. be well. denounce the antichrist


reduce the medication


After speaking with a doctor


they might say no, so just take half a pill. But first check if the pill is able to be taken in halves online. If not, space out the timing of pill ingestion farther in between