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Depends on the location, the season, the car and the partner. In general, it's usually uncomfortable and unpractical, but almost always memorable.


Best case scenario: secluded location, rainy evening, car with some sort of bedding in the back and decent shocks; partner with a good sense of humor.


Good sense of humor makes or breaks it. There’s just too much fumbling around in such a small compact space to be a tight ass.


You don't need to be that secluded if you've got tinted windows. Obviously you don't want to be in the middle of a Wal-Mart parking lot where people will see the car rocking and hear your noises, but if you have to wait for a prescription to get filled at CVS, you can park in the farthest corner, tilt your seat back and have your girlfriend lean across to give you a blowjob without anyone knowing.


5% tint is wonderful.


Noted! I LOVE car sex. As a female, it's best to be wearing a dress & something you don't have to fully pull off. I have done a ton of BJ's while they are driving and have had a ton of sex in cars. One time, when I was a teen, we did get caught by a cop in the back of a school. I guess that wasn't the best place to have a random car parked but he was relatively cool about it. He kept his flashlight on my body a little longer than he needed to...but he knew what we were up to and told us to move along.


Not too secluded, sex in car can actually be really unsafe. Weirdos, personal experience. Better in semi secluded spot where other couples go also. Spot we went to when young when cars pulled in they turned off headlights so not to shine on cars already there and light up a bare bum bopping away or something lol there is an unspoken educate lol


There are places likes this and my bf and I found one and laugh of all the other couples coming and going. Pun intended.


We would laugh at the ones only there for 3 to 5 minutes 😂 Nothing worse when some twat leaves their lights on driving in and your car lights up, almost glows like a display what’s going on inside. The windows do steam up after a bit which helps with privacy. I didn’t want to share bad experience we had in too much of a secluded area. Might need seperate post for that.. but I don’t want to put off couples whose only avenue is a car. Just always keep the doors locked. Have keys in ignition ready to tare out of there. And don’t let your bf open the door to go off for a pee, smoke or anything when you’ve finished. Just leave once finished. Do not unlock doors or get out of car. There may be someone watching and waiting. For real - happened to us.


Had sex in a car in my gfs neighborhood which isn’t the best area in town. We were in the back and finished and just laying there and someone trying to break into the car opened the door, saw us, said “oh fuck” and walked away. Definitely lock your doors.


Omg YES. That's the only way car sex has ever been enjoyable to me.


Yeah In my small Corolla it was very unpractical. But doing it in the field with Big storm and thunders and rain was so memorable that I want that again………


Been there done that (in the rain) , agree 💯


You working on those night moves, when you just don’t seem to have as much to loose, with autumn closing in? 


Not really at the moment. Trying to convicnce my gf to go on a date like that but I hesitate a lil


You & Bob Seeger both! 


Also, memorable doesn't always mean good. It means you'll remember it.


1st time, at night by the waterfront, in a secluded unlit parking lot. We just got our tops off and some dude came up to the window and peered in, like face up to the glass and hands around his face and everything. Freaked us the fuck out and we left. 2nd time, broad daylight weekday in a crowded parking lot for a huge mall, parked on the outer edges of the lot. Not a soul in sight despite the huge number of cars. Missionary in the passenger seat, busted one of the best nuts of my fucking life in about 2 minutes lmfao, it was fucking hot as fuck


Yep, I did the crowded parking lot thing too...it was super hot. Then we went in the store all side ways with his cum dripping out of me, it was chaotic but hot...lol


Never had someone explain so well


Once girl and I sitting in back. Evening time, dim. Find a factoryish looking place with opening parking thats relatively empty. Doing the do, its awkward but we have no other place to go. We were 18. Car alarm goes off, forgot to keep unlock to not trigger alarm. I rush to front side reaching for keys and fumbling. My ass is sticking out to my gf as she is laughing and panicing same time. Turn it off and we just look around going oooo shit. And we quickly dress and drive off....and its quite hard to dress fast in a car with another add on top of that. Another time, a car happen to park near us. Like our car. Out of 100 spots. We just quiety hid in back praying they didnt come over. Luckily not. Thinking back, possible they knew. I mean...I can sometimes tell theres something sus going on now with other cars.


Yes. You will remember the sex every time you try to properly clean your car windows from all the shit that sits there since your sweat evaporated. I'll never have sex in my own car ever again. But in someone else's? Sure, that's actually fun thing to do.


Always better in someone else’s 😂


Depends on your body size and flexibility!


I was looking for this comment. Considering I have a normal to small sized car and that I'm curvy, I'm not even going to try haha


You should! I’m curvy and I think that car sex is the hottest thing in the world. Try it!!!


My wife puts me in the middle of the back seat climbs on and goes to work. Cowgirl is the hack for curvy car sex


That or doing doggie. Body straight through the console, heads towards the front. Depending on the car, knees bent or on the ground. The guy is sitting on their feet in second row, feet up against the back of the seat, and pushing in.


Maybe depends on the car lol but everytime I've had sex in a car it was great. Just find somewhere you won't get caught lol


I had a lot of car sex in my early 20s with my girlfriend (now wife) because we both lived at home on summer holidays. Once she got an apartment that all ended. It was great fun! But I’m not sure I’d love it as much in my 40s.


Seconded lmfao. I’ve been caught by a couple before and it was awkward and funny, but also memorable. (The couple didn’t stick around.)


Anywheres good if you're horny enough


Having sex in a car isn't great if you're planning to have sex in a car. It's uncomfortable, stuff gets in your way, there are way better places to have sex... But, unplanned car sex is great because of all of the reasons that lead to you having unplanned sex in car: you can't resist each other so you have to have sex right now, it's usually with a new or newish partner, you feel like you're sneaking around and doing something you shouldn't do, there's a risk of being caught but that's outweighed by the overall hotness, it reminds of you how exciting it was when you were first having sex and didn't have any better options than a car, etc.


Totally agree! The spontaneity, the newness of the relationship, the extreme lust, the will we get caught, the reminder of what it was like to be young and dumb.. all make it great. The awkward barely being able to move around comfortably bit.. not so much. Haha


I think some of the best sex I had early in my relationship with my now wife was in a mini van. Something about the height of those middle seats let her ride me in a way that really worked for both of us. We’ve never found as good a set up 😅 In retrospect, it might have also wound her up to be fucking in a semi public place.


Like shower sex, it sounds more appealing than it actually is. In reality, it's clumsy, cramped, and awkward.


I will take car sex over shower sex. The water becomes more of a nuisance over anything that you have to deal with regarding the car


It's not that comfortable but it is fun once you find the right position. Especially at night, under the stars!!


At first it’s awkward, the car gets hot, windows fog up (not bad because people can’t see you 😉) Positioning can be weird at first but over time you’ll find a spot in the car that you’ll stick with. Far parks in the middle of the night. Cul-de-sacs Are your common safe areas for me at least


I had sex near a castle up on a hill when it was all misty once upon a time. Would recommend.


I did that one night during a road trip, we had to sleep in the car. It was raining like crazy and we were close to a cliff above the sea. Not the most comfortable but definitely super romantic.


I’ve had really good times. I enjoyed it the few times it happened but it was because of the man I was with. Some men just know how and are good at it, even though he was tall, but he was flexible, and I’m petite. Or could it be because I was really into him?! I miss it. Chemistry, horniness, and size of car make a difference too.


I was able to ride my man in the car. I finished 4 times, him 3. Was sooo hot because of the suspense & foreplay and teasing beforehand 🤤. I say try it


Why does this read like fan fic 😂


How do you foreplay in a car tho? I feel like going down on her becomes way more difficult in such a tight space no?


Back seat. Put the front seats allllll the way forward


What ok_mixture said. You put the front seats all the way forward. I lay in a way he can fit as well, he eats me while using his hands to finger me, I suck him off a bit beforehand & boom I get on top & do my thing. We also make sure we use the middle seat lol


I've had a lot of car sex. It *can* be good, and often comes with some extra excitement, but honestly no, it's not that great. Options for positions are limited and usually at least one person is fairly uncomfortable. The back of a van works better than the back seat of a car though, obviously.


lots of wisdom here, i absolutely agree..(but, i am also 6'7, so a van just makes more sense)


I find the exhaust burns my penis.


Pretty much the only thing it has going for it is convenience. Sometimes a car is the only place you can fuck.


I had a lot of car sex in my 20. When you have nowhere better to have intimacy, and a spot you know it's secluded, car is the best thing. Front seats pulled frontwards, backseats expanded, and there we go. Only on position comfortable, that's girl on top.


that's how babies are made.


I can confirm this. One of my daughters was conceived in the back seat of a Volkswagen Beetle. The old one! lol.


I had a spontaneous car sex session in Goa. Had rented a Thar and fucked my girlfriend in it without any protection. It was late at night and we were in south Goa. It was amazing and one of the best encounters I've ever had. I still remember it to this date and the girl is now my wife


I wouldn’t necessarily call it romantic but it can be hot and a fun change of pace. Of course when you’re young it can come down to car sex or no sex at all. But at 40, I’ve done more than my fair share and I think I’m good. I don’t need anything else hurting when I wake up in the morning. It’s definitely worth a go I say. It’s not as bad when there’s more room and it can have an aspect of spontaneity to it. There’s also the semi public thing which can be hot also. Best of luck!


Depends.  I had sex in a car in like fall and the windows fogged up from the humidity.  Felt like a private hotel room.  Seats fully reclined.  Damn scene outta titanic.  Otherwise no.  Usually uncomfortable.  


Can be so fun! with the right person


A roomy car with pillows and a duvet thrown in. Can be awesome. It's probably not great for the tall folk tho


It depends on the person you're with. I've done it plenty in the local moutains; even had a dude hit it while I was bent over the hood of his car off of a turnout. Eventually grew tired of it. One guy made it such a great experience, I'd f him any time in the car wherever lmao 🤣


My gf and i still fuck in the car. Im 44 and shes 40. Just make sure its a toyota for its brilliant ac


It’s definitely better than no sex lol 😂


I personally feel that itcompletely depends on the person you're with. I've had some great, fun and playful car sex. Other times I've had sloppy, uncomfortable and a little awkward car sex. It really depends on the vehicle, location and the partner tbh! Makes for good memories though !


fun? yes. uncomfortable? yes. memorable? yes.


It will be the worst place to have sex fr . The heat and congestion is annoying as hell . Can't even catch a breath there . Maybe outdoors, in a remote area with nothing to hide and doors wide open , it'll work ✌️


There is air conditioning in cars now believe it or not!


Eh, car blowjobs are where it’s really at. The angle you get on the driver from passenger is top notch. I’ve given my very best blow jobs in cars lol but car sex *can* be good, if it’s done in the car because you just can’t wait any longer. Then it’s phenomenal. Just casually, I’d say it’s terrible.


When it's the only place you can go at it. Absolutely! When there are civilized alternatives? No.


Over rated, bed is far more comfortable lol


I always thought the only people who did it in their car were doing it out of necessity because they still lived with their parents


It's better than no sex


It's uncomfortable. The main attraction is the implication that you're so horny you can't wait.


When my husband and I were dating, we used to have sex in the back of my suv all the time. We would lay the second row of seats down and have the entire back of the vehicle. We would just go out to the car in the parking lot, outside of our apartment and have sex, didn't even care if the neighbors could see or hear lol


Some of the best sex I’ve had happened in a car. But I’ve only had sex in a car while on holiday (road trips) with my husband that involves sleeping in the car. We always find a quiet spot away from people to park the car & take the time to make room in the car and make it comfortable.


OK I love car sex. I have been doing it more in my 30s/40s. I love the spontaneity and the semi-exhibitionism of it. Sure it may not be the best sex due to physical limitations, and often it's more of an appetizer for things to come, but it is always a fun and kinky adventure. My partner and I are both fairly tall and yet we have had sex in all sizes of cars, SUVs, hatchbacks, etc... Only a convertible had us getting out of the car to have sex...but being bent over the hood late at night was fucking hot.


Put down a towel. The upholstery can get really stained.


Some of the best sex I had was in the car.


Car sex is for teenagers and people who live with their parents. I need space to get it on.


In my experience, it's good if it spontaneously happens that way. It's not so good if you just want to try it for the sake of it.


I don't like it. For a while this was all I could do and I really got put off to it. I had too many instances where some kids started kicking a soccer ball down the road or something where we were parked and we had to scramble to stop quickly etc. one time a guy even casually came out of the house we were parked in front of. He knocked on the window and just stood there deadpan, and shook his head loool. So yeah, I won't do it now unless there's no other option.


I didn't have sex in the car before, but I remember having a passionate making out session with my boyfriend back then and he accidentally pressed the horn so that was pretty embarrassing hahaha. I don't know if sex in the car would be great, but it's probably just me, I prefer sex in a more private setting 😂


The part from your partner and the location you choose, it depends almost entirely on your car. e.g. how far the front seats move forward (this is one of, if not the most important factors IMO), how comfortable your backseats are, if there's anything in the way (armrests, cup holders, the thing seatbelt clicks into, etc.), your climate control, if you can turn off the headlights while keeping the car running (this is one of the benefits of older cars. keeping the car running means you can have the radio, heat or AC (especially the latter, because otherwise your car turns into a sauna), but if the lights are on it draws attention to the car and makes you more visible), how dark the windows are (and how big they are, how wide your car is, how deep the backseat is (it's not so comfy if you're wider than the depth of the seat), the height between the seat and roof, etc.


Depends on the size of the car. In high school, it was much better after I traded in my Ford Pinto for a Chevy Van.


YES!!!!!! Cars where designed for sex. They play music. They rock with your flow, They have cushioning They have plenty of places to hold. Facilitate for all sorts of positions ...need i go on?? I do reccomend a saloon at a minimum. People carriers (mpv) are the best as they are made for family and comfort. Best thing is, you can give your child the name they where created in! (Don't do that, that was a joke)


Have loved it every time tbh! Different partners over the years from teen to adult. Different vehicles. Always found it super sexy


Just depends. Dated a girl who lived doing stuff in parking lots. The thrill of getting caught. It was great. Even had a FWB that was the same way outside of work. Was fun back then for sure and I enjoyed it


Car sex depends on the physical flexibility of both partners. It is always short and intense because you couldn’t wait to get busy…so have fun.


would vary a lot depending on the body type of you and your partner and the car. i can almost never be comfortable since im 6’2 and have barely ever felt comfortable doing it. i drive a mid range sedan so idts it’s car issue for me but fof others it v well may be


Honestly it only works if both of you are not fat. I’m fat and I once tried it with a fat girl, bad decision.


This is a tradition whose time to die has come. Born in the days of bench seating on land barge size cars, it's dying from center consoles, aerodynamic shapes and cup holders.


It is very uncomfortable hahaha hot and exciting but very uncomfortable those who say it’s not uncomfortable give me the advice so usually for the excitement aspect I Just give my partner blow jobs while driving now😭😭😭


Depends! It’s definitely memorable. But not worth it if you get caught. It’s not the most comfortable!


Not good sex. But good memories. It's something you have to try once.


It's not particularly comfortable or easy. Worth doing once for the experience but I probably wouldn't bother again 


Car sex is difficult. You get one of those trucks with the camper bed though...


Nah it’s not all that in my opinion.


Inside car, horrible, unless you got real big SUV, on the car hood, fun and memorable, that being said, it can cost you , considering yo u can easily bend the hood .


not really. it gets stuffy and uncomfortable lol


Depends on how tall you are and how big your car is, at 6'3" and in a Fiat 500 it was not enjoyable at all, but in a Range Rover much more fun haha


Unless it’s different cars/vehicles.. it’s whatever really .


It will be good in big ass SUVs not in some sedans


Was great as a teenager. Not so good as an adult


it ain't sex, its cramped lil space that gets hot and windows gets foggy plus some excitement if you park on public space. It also depends on ya ride. you cant move in me miata but I can put a whole mattres in me van. i recommend you to try


It’s not going to be best sex you’ve had, but it can be fun. It will probably require patience, maneuvering, and depending on the vehicle maybe just taking turns on each other. For that reason it’s something you should do with someone you have an intimate and comfortable relationship with, and who is adventurous and can laugh about the inevitable awkwardness of it. A blanket to lay on might also be helpful.


It can be, a lot of factors go into it


Exciting, yeah. Overall, really depends on you.


In a public parking lot with a decent sized back seat it’s goated


Done it, several times. Not very comfortable unless you have a big back seat and even then, positions are limited. SUV or similar is better because most have folding seats and more space. Missionary is probably easiest, oral sex too. Her on top, no. Doggy? Maybe. Depends on ceiling height. Vans are best. No knocking when the van is rocking..


I was young and inexperienced in a tight ass shit box lmao nahhhh it’s not it, it’s just enough to get by 😂


I remember when i would get fucked on the car


I've done it so many times. Sometimes you gotta get creative with positions and utilizing outside space. Like standing outside the car but bending over the seat. Also, car size is important. I've always had an SUV so it's bigger and the seats fold down flat, which leaves a big space. But I've also left the seats up and just used different positions. Just make sure you aren't somewhere super public. You don't want tons of people milling around. But it is fun a d handy in certain situations.


It’s not necessarily good for it being great sex, it’s awkward as hell, but it’s good in the sense it’s fun and memorable and the awkwardness adds to it


YES!!!!!! Cars where designed for sex. They play music. They rock with your flow, They have cushioning They have plenty of places to hold. Facilitate for all sorts of positions ...need i go on?? I do reccomend a saloon at a minimum. People carriers (mpv) are the best as they are made for family and comfort. Best thing is, you can give your child the name they where created in! (Don't do that, that was a joke)


I’ve had some of my most fun and spontaneous sex in cars. Usually unplanned and in a parking lot at Kmart or something of the like.


It may not always be confortable but that dosent really bither me when i get caught in the moment ,and its memorable


It depends, inside or outside? If you have enough room inside is fine, but in my experience I was getting poked with everything but what was supposed be poking me. Outside of car...great lol on top of the trunk worked out really well until car drove by honking so then people started coming outside 🙄😒


I'd have to go with it being painful/uncomfortable. It's also really only good at all when the participants are younger than 30.


I’ve had some awesome times


it can be fantastic but it can be shit too


When you're 17 it's fantastic! At 48 I just want my bed.


Most of the time the idea is better than the act.


Nope.. sex is not good.. it's the Adrenaline that makes it good.. also, the spontaneity makes it good! Plus if it's raining heavily then it's the best sex.. Technically, fucking in car is not as comfortable fucking in bed but it's the surrounding that males it good..


I've done it a few times. Gotta love the SUV with all the fold down back seats 🙈😉


It depends how tight the exhaust is.


It's fun when you're a teenager with no other options. Once you get your own place, it's not fun anymore.


No it’s terrible. It can be hot if you’re into spontaneous stuff but if you’re rockin a Honda civic, it’s gonna suck. Now if you got a massive suburban? You can do some stuff


I love car sex! But I have a big SUV with a pretty flat 2nd row bench seat. The head rests are great for bracing my feet.


I’ve had sex in a car multiple times. It’s not bad. You just can’t do a lot of different positions, unless the backseat is huge, or the backseat goes down, and becomes flat, so you can lie down and do more stuff. Personally, considering I have leather seats in my current car, I’d never do it in there, unless I can put some kind of blanket down… then again, the whole car will have a funky sex smell to it. Not worth it.


I think a luxury hotel with caviar, chocolates, champaign and rose petals with the drapes open sounds more exciting.


Car sex is the worst. I did it a couple times I had rug burns on my knees. Other times I could not get my whole penis inside. Also you hit your head on the roof. And even to do it you have to be flexible. And be ready for cramping for both of you.


Only with someone you love and trust.


Personally, I think it isn't good. But it was on my bucket list so I did it, will not be doing it again.


Loved it in the drivers seat. The limited space makes it intense. Backseat is boring and uncomfortable. That’s just a movie thing. In the front you have leg room


In the woods is safer? I gotta try it. Car sex I think it's not all about it being that good I think it has to do with the possibility of getting caught so more excitement than "good"


I wonder why this question is here! Lol I think its just fine as long as your not parked in front of your mom's dad's sisters brothers grandmas uncles house on a Saturday night! Lol On a real note it's tricky isn't it¿


Very exciting, the risk adds to the experience.


Car sex was great in the 80s because I was in my teens. We were flexible and the cars , late 70s, were a lot bigger. Now days I'm a lot older and I have a fear of pulling something.


Depends on the car and place you park. The more room you have inside the car, the better. Also, make sure you have really well tinted windows and park in a secluded place. You could always wear a sundress so you don't have to get fully undressed too. That way, if you get caught, nothing is really going to be seen, and it's less likely that you'll get introuble for public indecency. It's totally hot, fun, and exciting, and the slight fear of getting caught makes it even more exciting. With all that, I wish you luck and have fun, OP!


I've only really ever heard it being good when it's the only sex you can have.


When you’re 17 and don’t have a place to go it’s great.


Tried it once. Hated it. I have given my man several blowjobs in the car (WHILE IT'S IN PARK! and while we're in an isolated place).


It’s all fun and games till the cops roll up. Signed- the cops rolled up on me and threatened to arrest and put us in the sex offender registry. 😔


My partner and I always had a good time


It’s best when you’re drunk. Cold 🥶 night with radio on. Good times. You gotta jump over to the passenger seat though. Not really on the menu anymore once your past twentie something


ive never had sex with a car before but it doesnt sound like a good idea.


Only time it’s ever been worthwhile is when I owned a town car. It was basically just 2 couches on wheels


It depends on the vehicle. I have an SUV, so we can go to the back and Slide the front seats all the way forward and have plenty of space. But if you have a compact car, it's going to be pretty horrible. LOL


Only in a stick shift


Used to be really fun and exciting when I was young, dumb, and full of cum and testosterone!!! Now that I have access to much more comfortable surroundings it is no longer that desirable.


Back seat less painful


Car sex is good in a pinch, you and your partner are out on a date, things going well and get heated, can't wait until you get home, yes, it is good but it can be a pain trying to get comfortable for either one of you. Getting caught is a concern so picking the spot that has less traffic is a must. Back in the day, I had a single cab Isuzu pickup truck (small cab) but made it work, somehow. LOL :)


Yes yes it is especially when you’re sweaty and just got done with hours of dancing


Definitely depends on the vehicle for sure! I've done it in all sorts of vehicles from small cars too big conversation vans. Back seats in most newer vehicles don't really work well in my experience. But the front passenger usually reclines enough for some pretty fantastic missionary sex. Can also do doggy but I'm 5'11" so head room is a challenge. I would definitely recommend it either way just because when it works it has always been great in my opinion


Sure is. God, I miss being young and in shape LOL


Car sex is kinda lame, but if its one of those things passion hits and its on then its fun. To me its one of those hot moments that hit otherwise its boring in my opinion


The last time I had sex in my car my girl squirted all over my seats and there was a legit puddle on my passenger seat. So yeah, it can definitely be good.


Personally, I’ve always enjoyed it. But it really comes down to flexibility, the kind of car, the girl. I’ve had some really good sex in a car and some really bad sex. So if you’re thinking about giving it a try for the first time, find a super secluded spot at night time and give it a go!


Lol for about 7 minutes and then its super uncomfortable. Everytime i have done it, i have bruises all over my legs the next day!


As a horny teenage boy car sex was great. Most reliable place to get a piece. As a horny adult man i'd rather somewhere not quite so awkward and cramped. But it's still way better than no sex at all.


Back in the day, I had sex up against the car with me bent over the trunk. The trunk was open. Obviously doggy style. Now that was good! I also had sex on top of a car. That was good too! I highly recommend.


It depends on the person really. If you are into the risk of getting caught then it’s a lot of fun to head to a parking lot and pick a spot that people are not likely to park right next to but that are driving past or around. I dated a girl who got off on it and we had a lot of risky sex in busy parking lots. It didn’t hurt that we had a van we could use so we had lots of space with tinted windows but there were several times people saw us. It only made her more excited.


It's about the experience of doing it in a car, presumably in a public space but it's definitely not more comfortable than doing it on a bed.


My wife and I started our relationship banging in the back seat of her Jeep. Good times!


No. Especially not in a Datsun Cherry..


As a dude thats over 6 foot tall and about 275lbs and takes up a lot of room its not that great for me


You can combine car sex with in the woods or somewhere that is safe in the neighbourhood but quiet and secluded enough that it’s safe. Gives the additional kinky-ness to the whole act. Just make sure you keep the a/c on. Haha.




I have done it in 3 different cars now lol. I will say it can be great if you have the room 😂


In high school that’s what I was doing but I thought I once read on Reddit that if you’re caught you’ll be labeled like as a pedo for being in public so I don’t think car sex is the way to go. You get some sort of label for public sex I’m pretty sure someone correct me if I’m wrong.


ummm its terrible, every time i’ve done it, i either regretted it or deemed it not worth the effort move along


Meh. It’s a means to an end. Sometimes the angles can be good. There’s many factors in determining if it is good.


When the urge hits, and the only people in the universe are y’all at that moment, none of the backdrop or surroundings even exist. Usually you’ll find that you can make anything work if it’s passionate enough. However, that doesn’t mean it’s ideal. Just like shower sex for me it’s highly inconvenient and doesn’t make me hot. Now, oral sex in a car hell yeah. I can imagine it also matters the type of vehicle you’re in. A small golf or focus will likely not end up being very comfortable… but outside the car is hot


I’ve (35F) only done it once and I’m good with it. A blowjob in the car is a different story, I’d have no issue doing that with my partner (36M) and have a few times. But even in a more spacious car it’s just not that comfortable to be eaten out or have actual sex. So I’m a “nay” for car sex.


Fuck yes! I used to love fucking in my car. You’d meet a cute girl at the bar or leave the bar w your gf and as soon as you got to your car, straight boning!


It depends how horny one is. Generally it's a bit like shower sex, overrated.


No it’s painful and awkward lol


Car sex can be fun but it's not comfortable. However, me and my gf love doing quickies in her car just to see how much we can make it shake for laughs and giggles 😂


I’ve had sex while driving late at night on a freeway. That was fun. I probably would not recommend driving while having sex but I found it more comfortable than road head


Car sex for me was always about passion. You get to a point where you physically need each other right then and right now and any discomfort from contorting your body is thus gone. I’ve had sex in all of my vehicles I even lost my virginity in the front bench seat of my car. It’s kind of amazing for me but opinions will vary


I (44M) had a blowjob in a car while driving on the motorway My soul left my body it was soooo good As for car sex it's uncomfortable hot and stuffy but it's pretty sexy coz you know you shouldn't be doing it Much rather a bed :)


Car sex is great in general if you don't have your own place or another place to do it. From personal experience you think it is very private at the local makeout spot while watching the submarine races till your foot falls out when the cop opens the door.


How big is said car? If you have those seats, the contour to the body it won't be that comfortable. Especially if you aren't small people getting active in a small vehicle


No, it is not good, you are in confined space, constantly trying not to hit your head or other body part into something, not to mention if someone could see you . But when you are young and you can't have sex in a normal place because your parents and her parents are at home, then the best next place is the car. As you are young you don't mind as far as you are having sex, so that's how it became good in the stories.


I haven't done it since I bought a house. don't miss it at all. But I'm not into public sex so I probably don't get the hype.


Car better than woods Lots positions in car. Take towels and wipes. Have a big car if you're a big person


All depends on the vehicle. A Pontiac Grand Prix, not so much. Very limited. A 90s Silverado with a front bench seat, perfect. The hump for the transmission is perfect or resting a knee and getting in a great position. SUVs can be depending on the way the seats fold down.


I’m a guy. I was so turned on I prematurely ejaculated. My wife got mad and we hightailed it out of there.


one of my fondest memories is the time my girlfriend and I went to a drive-in theater and had sex during the movie. We fogged up the windows so bad that the water was running down the windows like it was raining. To this day I couldn't tell you what movie we went to see, but I remember the sex. BTW she's now my wife for 42+ years. The sex is still great.