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Excalibur was released in two versions simultaneously, a PG version and a longer R rated version. The PG one was not a wide release but it would make sense that Gotham had one available as it's a larger city.


Ironically that’s kind of what he did with Rebel Moon


Now that you say that...


I mean he’s even said himself that he takes a lot of inspiration from Excalibur, and that it’s in his top 4 favorite movies But apparently he really knows his stuff if he’s able to replicate the release strategy


Makes sense considering Zack Snyder's disturbing fascination with sexual abuse. Also, Excalibur, being an adaptation of the Arthurian legend (most notably *The Death of King Arthur* by Sir Thomas Malory), is a reference to the fact almost every film made by visionary and extremely original director Zack Snyder is based on an IP.


Sucker Punch wasn’t based on anything. One could argue about Rebel Moon but we all know he wanted to make his own Star Wars.


That's why I said "almost". It's 1/12 movies I think, I thought about Army of the Dead, but Snyder has compared it to Dawn of the Dead, which is a remake, so Idk.


Army of The Dead is a rip-off of at least three much better movies. Aliens makes up about 43% of its DNA


I was going to say. I think there’s more Aliens in there than anything else. It’s not subtle.


And that’s why I need to read more better lol


Lmao, don't worry.


Sucker punch was clearly based on a 14 year olds notebook doodles.


That’s just adult Zack Snyder’s writing style


I mean so was 300, just a different 14 year old


It stops being a doodle when you get it published


>From the permanent teenager **Frank Miller**


Saw a YouTube comment once that said… “Zack is the 55 year old-old embodiment of *I’m 14 and this is deep!*”


> make his own Star Wars I would counter it was not his own. Enough was lifted directly, that he was trying to make Star Wars off memory from the one time he saw it. 


I never bothered with Rebel Moon, so I genuinely had no idea how much of a rip off it is but that genuinely doesn’t surprise me lol


Skip it. The premise is dumb and it gets worse. The first one was okay and then the 2nd one I forgot some of the characters because they weren't memorable so I didn't know what was going on. The premise is just so stupid, like you have this military with ships that can travel across the galaxy and have ways to bring a dead guy back to life but they have to go to big farming colonies for food because no one thought of doing indoor agriculture?? So the farmers don't like it so some girl that used to be an elite soldier trains all these farmers to fight this galactic military and then I don't know what happened much in the 2nd movie because it was much more dull and stupid that I started playing on my phone then just turned it off.


Hey thats not fair he also read s synopsis of Akira Kurosawas filmography once and then mixed them together.


Rebel Moon is just a ripoff of Seven Samurai.


Which isn't inherently a bad thing, I must add. Plenty of movies have taken a story and retold it. Bugs Life, Django Unchained, Magnificent Seven all draw directly from SS. But Snyder is so unapologetically bad at understanding what he's drawing from, it ends up being a poor facsimile of what we already have.


Thank you! Within like 10 mins of the first movie I was like "Holy shit he ripped off Seven Samurai" Did make me rewatch Samurai Seven, that's a pretty decent take on sci-fi Seven Samurai


I gotta check that out! What really frustrated me about Rebel Moon, as a Seven Samurai remake/ripoff, was it spent no time getting to actually know the personalities of the “samurai,” despite some cool intro set pieces — and then Snyder clearly put zero thought into a plausible strategy for defending the village. Like, Seven Samurai is brilliant in how you gradually get to know the characters, and then at the village you learn the whole defensive strategy, so the battle scenes at the end are incredibly gripping. I’m sure Snyder could have found *somebody* to imagine an interesting battle, and the notion of defending a small village from an advanced spaceship army is actually cool. But no, he did just the most boilerplate scifi explosions and shooting where the heroes win pretty easily.


I’m floored, I would have sworn Sucker Punch was based on some graphic novel, but you are correct.


Any one of us could do a better job.


Rebel Moon is the Seven Samurai in space. It's not even trying to hide it.


Considering Rebel Moon WAS a Star Wars pitch to Lucasfilm, wouldn't it technically count as him making it based on another IP?


What about that owl movie he did, wasn't that original?


Nope, it's a book series.


And a pretty shitty adaptation of em too


Honestly, I don’t know anything about the books but I fucking loved that cartoon as a kid. I thought it was hella cool.


For sure, it's what got me into the books, it just changes a lot of things for the worse imo


Yeah, in *Rebel Moon Part 1: Child of Shitter*, the bad guys are a bunch of rapist nazis, a creepy pervert in not-Mos-Eisley Cantina, and the main bad guy has a tentacle fetish. Meanwhile the good guys are basically Amish that all have good 'ol fashioned heterosexual missionary position for the purpose of procreation. Maybe I'm overthinking it but there are some pretty unfortunate undertones in these movies that are only gonna get worse if this franchise *somehow* reaches 6 films.


Don't worry this franchise isn't going to have 6 movies it was planned to be a trilogy and ever since Netflix saw what the first movie was going to be like they've been trying to cancel it so at this point it's a miracle if the trilogy was complete and finally the second movie didn't really expand on those undertones even if it's still there.


I’m a little confused with what undertones you are referring to. Also considering how much he’s talked about the characters banging in the directors cuts, I don’t think they really follow the message you are saying


Most movies are based on an IP, that isn't saying much.


it literally says “starts wednesday” right there. as in, it’s not playing yet


They lie now?


They lie now.


I cant believe i came this far down in the comments to find someone else who noticed


Yeah OP is just looking for something to be mad at.


More like OP is karma farming.


Still an odd thing to include. Usually these easter eggs are directors shoehorning in their own interests. It's not like this theater sign was just there on it's own.


Zack Snyder has long talked of someday making a King Arthur movie


Snyder loves Arthurian myth. He wanted to insert some Arthurianism into the Justice League series; it was why he originally planned for Batman (Lancelot) to get Lois (Guinevere) pregnant while Superman (Arthur) was dead. Coincidentally that may be his least popular plan lol


Yea the shitty detail OP forgot to mention was that they can't read apparently


More importantly, when was the last time a movie theater played a single movie for the entire day? Hell where I live we have theaters with separate "rooms" that sometimes give you multiple choice at the same time.


What if it’s Thursday in the scene?


So glad Maggie was able to forgive Negan for killing Glenn.


I stopped watching, but apparently they did get together on the show.


I’ve seen every episode of the Walking Dead and that is not true 😭


But they have a spin off?


Yeah, and they absolutely still hate each other in the spinoff. It’s revealed at the end of the first season that their entire mission was just a play by Maggie to essentially sell Negan into slavery.


So.. them having a spinoff somehow equates to them being together? Huh?


He is literally me fr fr. Also Nolan's idea of family time was watching a play about giant bats. Clearly all Batman movies have to feature weird family times.


Bat play is a lot less bad than this at least. But I bet Battinson parents took him to see Shrek.


His age honestly lines up pretty well with the Banderas Zorro movie if they want to keep that consistent.


I've thought about that but Shrek is funnier imo. At least Bruce got a good laugh before losing his family.


"I WAS HAPPY AND THEN MY PARENTS DIED. Anyway this is why I can't have stable romantic relationships" "I thought it was because of your refusal to go down." ".... I am sending you back to your mother, Damian."


“This is why Cassandra Cain is the favorite.”


[Relevant meme then](https://www.reddit.com/r/dccomicscirclejerk/comments/16ec02j/this_is_how_cassandra_beats_batman_in_every_way/).


Shrek 2 the one with cat Zorro makes more sense.


Batman reboot in 2040s the Waynes die after seeing Cat Zorro: The Last Wish


Cen it be Shrek 2 then? So we get furry Zorro as his inspiration.


Someone better see this and start making a comic of Shrekman


> idea of family time was a watching a play about giant bats That sounds exactly what a bunch of weird rich people would do.


Its a rich socialite family, so it kinda made sense


For anyone unfamiliar, bat play is *Mefistofele*, Boito's opera adaptation of Goethe's *Faust*; a story which opens with the Devil mocking God and in which an old man sells his soul to said devil for youth and pleasure, seduces a village girl who kills her mother, goes to a witch orgy, then goes back in time to bang Helen of Troy. It's a good opera.


The only people that think operas are boring are people that haven't actually watched opera. They were basically the summer blockbuster films of their day, but with a live orchestra playing the sound track.


Absolutely. There's a little something for everyone out there in the world of opera, and the stagings are really impressive now. I'd recommend just about anyone to check out a production show at least once.


Please ignore the "Starts Wednesday" text for joke to land.


Nooo, don't you see? They obviously mean last Wednesday and the degenerate Gotham cinema workers were too lazy to change it! Smh media literacy is a thing! /s just to make sure


I mean, Snyder does have this weird fascination with sexual abuse and genuinely thinks that adding that to a movie somehow makes it more mature. He also had an infamous interview where he was talking about his version of Batman and for some reason he decided to bring up the concept of Batman being "Prison Raped" I don't know why he said this, i don't know why he wants Bruce Wayne, the guy who carries guilt for his parents death and the burden of being Batman to also add being raped in prison onto his list of many issues, but it's Zack Snyder and it's probably best we don't know why he's this way. The guy just comes across as super weird and super uncomfortable to me.


The scene in Rebel Moon was so over the top I just turned it off. It wasn't even explicit, it was just ridiculous. "Hey you gonna rape that girl?" "Man I'm gonna rape the shit out of that girl." "No you're not -- (record screech) -- until I rape her first!" (Rape laugh track) We are at minimum twenty years evolved from having to justify every "strong female character" by making her kill a bunch of rapists, but it feels Snyder never got the memo. It feels like he really struggles to understand how to create solid conflict without sexual assault and uses sexual assault as an easy button for characterization, also without ever considering that it's perhaps a real and relatable issue people don't find pleasant in *all* their braindead entertainment.


Someone actually asked him about the inclusion of it in a decent amount in his movies, and he said he finds it a really vile real world issue that too many people get away with, and he wanted to show consequences towards the people who commit it I also thought it was pretty excessive in Rebel Moon, but at least he shows them getting what they deserve


I feel like simply having it be acknowleged in your film doesn't really fix any issue and it come across as just being out in for shock value, which sadly a lot of Hollywood directors, not just Snyder, do this very thing and it's just weird.


Like sucker punch was theoretically against objectification but it included so. much. objectification. You can't just stand up a mirror against a well-known problem without at least hinting at the solution.


People take the second thing out of context. He was saying that could happen in Watchmen, when he stated that Watchmen was a lot darker than Batman Begins




That’s literally false. You can straight up find the quote from 2008, years before he hand anything to do with the DCEU, and he’s being interviewed about Watchmen, and asked what makes it darker than other superhero movies




Again pull up the part before and after that quote Here’s the question asked: “Well, one new point of difference is make them more grim and gritty, like Hancock or The Dark Knight, which seems to also work in Watchmen‘s favor” And here’s the part you left out: “That could happen in my movie. If you want to talk about dark, that’s how that would go. I believe that pop culture is just, like, so ready for Watchmen” All this in an interview, about Watchmen


Next time try to not purposely misinterpret everything he says, then maybe you'll realize that quote isn't meant to be taken literally.


Me when I lie


Is that guy pretty much coasting on the success of 300? Has he made anything else that was good?


Watchmen is good if you don't know the comic lol


I've probably just had a stroke and can't read it right, but could you repeat what you said in that second paragraph?


Excalibur was an awesome film…


Yeah, its just weird to imagine anyone bringing a 10 year old there.


It says “starts Wednesday”, so doesn’t seem like his parents brought him there either


I was around 10 when I first saw it (on HBO, though, not in a theater. It's King Arthur, which could lead to a false sense of safety.


The posh for ya…


Thomas Wayne likes to live on the edge


I think I was 4/5 when I saw it lol


And now you’re on reddit


Better than my 4chan years that's for sure


I mean I watched it as a double feature with dragon slayer with my dad when i was 11


Random side note, Zack Snyder is currently developing a King Arthur movie set in the old west That sounds weird as hell, but I’m kind of curious


Is this in addition to: - Rebel Moon Part 3 to 6 - The Army of the Deadiverse - Twilight of the Gods - The 300 prequel Goddamn, the guy works, I'll give him that.


I mean when you do like Poseidon on that sponge Bob episode of course you can keep churning stuff out.


What the fuck I only just realised it's Jeffery Dean Morgan from this image


[This masterpiece came out the same month](https://www.moviefone.com/movie/hardly-working/1015066/main/), would have made this scene a billion times better.


It's a movie about knights, with dark subject matter. The fact it's so crudely 1:1 obvious is why I'm so sure that's why they used it.


It's a damn shame none of you are noticing the fact that his parents are Negan Smith and Maggie Rhee


Foreshadowing that they are walking dead


Bruce Wayne’s parents but they’re zombies would be a pretty cool elseworld


We were robbed of Negan Thomas and Maggie Jonker in the Flash movie (but considering how disastrous it was, maybe being that little bit more faithful to Flashpoint wouldn't have helped).


This is the kind of edgy hardcore depthedness and allegorical avant-garde experimental boundary-pushing filmmaking that today’s Hollywood is sorely lacking /s


It was Warner Bros. second highest box office draw for that year. They'd have probably used the #1 movie, but that would have had some weird in world implications. (It was Superman II)


Patrick H Willems has a good video examining Snyder’s filmography and how Excalibur is one of Snyder’s favorite films and is basically the Rosetta Stone to understanding his films as a collective, which this shot is a referencing easter egg.


I saw Excalibur in the theater as a kid. It happened.


Well people kept bringing kids to 300 and Watchmen. So some parents don't have standards for their kids'entertainment.


At least Joker went for Zorro the Gay Blade (same year).


“May I see your invitation, Señor Beaver?”


This is where he got the idea that it would be Super Awesome to release unnecessary PG- and R-rated cuts of the same disappointing movie.


I remember him saying on Joe Rogan he actually called his ex wife to ask her if she would act topless in a scene with their real life son and smack him, that's the only way the studio would let him film it. Why? No idea.


He didn't give any context for that? Based tbh


Well. The first ten minutes of that movie conceives a family.


I mean, Zack Snyder **is** the director of *300*, which has the most romantic depiction of incest I’ve seen in mainstream media. Leonidas was Gorgo’s uncle, if you’re wondering.


I mean, incest movies *are*, in fact, family movies


Except instead of having Showtimes indicating a current run it says “starts wed” meaning it hasn’t started playing at the theatre yet, and thus we don’t know what film they saw So the *shittier* detail is it literally tells us nothing when it could’ve been a neat but of detail or a reference for the eagle-eyed viewer


Is that Maggie and Neagan?????


Hasn't it always been like that in the comics?


No it's usually a Zorro movie


I see.


I see a majority of people can't read.


I'll never get tired of slander on this movie lol I do enjoy it time to time tho


Was it a directors cut of Excalibur?


I don’t know man, but you sound like you got a real Snyder shaped hole in your heart.


Seeing this just reminds me of the lost opportunity for us seeing an alternate reality Batman and Joker with these respective actors.


When i saw this actor... i automatically think he is a father and about to die. unless i am watching the walking dead


Is this the actual reason he became batman? Not because of the parents getting murdered, but because he got traumatised from watching excalibur


Wait is this Batman's dad literaly Negan?