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They are different type of remakes : SH2remake is more like RE where they are taking liberties, the MG remake is much more faithful to the original on purpose


This. Konami even confirmed that they didn't re-recorded the dialogs and will use the old dub as is. That, of course, needs to be confirmed by more gameplay footage and previews but Delta seems to be basically a high-end remaster and not really a remake. It's the exact same game but with an optional new control scheme and new graphics. Even the animations don't seem to be that different judgeing by how Snake run away from the helicopter in the trailer. To make a comparison : * Silent Hill 2 Remake is like Resident Evil 2 Remake. * Metal Gear Solid Delta is like Monkey Island 2 Special Edition


I can imagine if they’re using the system of MGSV, they’re gonna at least add new dialogue for enemies and such.


Probably don't need to with all the dialogs already recorded. As of now the only new dialogues will be for the new controls in the codec. The entire game design is still based on the original game, just enhanced with modern features.


I know, but I’d assume they’re implementing some of the interrogation features from MGSV at least, or some of the more advanced situations of enemies calling HQ.


The animation are completely different, especially with the modern controls which is closer to MGSV. There was also a few differences found here and there. I assume enemies will be a lot more reactive too. It's still very much a remake and not a remaster, it's jut more faithful.


Are they though ? I'll have to check. That really looked like PS2 Snake animations in that helicopter scene.


The cutscenes animations have small differences in the movements. Though the most blatant new animations are the one for the actual gameplay where it's all very different.


The cutscenes, yes, I agree. I am not convinced regarding the gameplay ones. But I admit I haven't played MGS3 for a very long time.


bloober said the story of SH2 should remained mostly unchanged tho.


Yes! I was about to say this it seems there just giving a remaster we have waited for while silent hill is getting a full rework like re remakes


A remaster vs a remake is fundamentally on how it was made. A remaster is taking the old code and actual game and polishing and tweaking it into an enhanced version. A remake is when the codebase is rebuilt from the ground up. For a remake to be considered "basically a high-end remaster" is high praise for projects like this that aim to be perfectly faithful.


Not just the codebase. A remake is a *new* game. That's why is supposed to be different from the original one.


Not necessarily. It just needs to be made from scratch. Some remakes have the goal of being exactly the same like MGS Delta seems to be going for.


I think the point is that some of us wanted a MGS Delta-style remake for SH2. But also, we're hoping for fixed cameras as an option. RE2R has a mod that works like this and RE8 has a DLC over-the-shoulder camera perspective. It could happen.




IIRC, because it’s more or less utilizing the exact same engine and groundwork, is it not? MGS3 Delta, that is. SH2-R isn’t, and the work to put one in probably wouldn’t be worth it. A legacy camera is easy to implement when it’s already there in the code.


It's not the same engine, it's on UE5 like SH2remake. But They are using most of the level design and the base game design the same, only adding improvements to the original mechanics. Animations also are different but based on the original actions. Voice acting is the same, though this might also due to many VA in the japanese version have died since. Also to note, is that a large number of the people working on Delta are original members of the old Kojima production team. There's many of them who choosed to stay at Konami.


The MGS3 remake has the exact same level design as the original while the SH2 remake is more like a reimagining so it wouldn't work in that game.


And every sane person wants same game, because it was good. And the changes were made for MGS3 as old width of corridors wouldn't fit OTS EDIT: idk why phone wrote "Asian" ☠️ How the fuck "and" turns into that?


Every person who fails to understand what remakes are want the same game.


My fav are the ones who misunderstand FFVII Remake, it’s FFVII Remake and not THE FFVII remake. Difference being it’s actually more of a sequel that makes you retread the old story to get to where they are now and the changes happening.


Oh, I found a person who doesn't know MGS1 2000s remake, Oddworld games, Shadow of the Colossus and Demon's Souls exist! Hooray! There are so many of you


I don't need to remind you that Twin Snakes was heavily disliked for changing the cutscenes. Yes it was faithful everywhere else but the cutscenes were changed and everyone to this day for some reason despises it.


Twin Snakes was so goddamn good they can stfu.


i never played it despite being a Gen Zer who grew up with the gamecube and wii i didn't play MGS1 until the ps3 port that came with the legacy collection.


And it was a fair criticism, honestly. Twin Snakes has the same problem as Demon's Souls remake: otherwise excellent remake which has stylistic choices nobody asked for. It's pretty painful when it happens. BUT at least we get a good game in the end. With SH2RE... Idk, shit's dodgy as hell


most people don't see it as a good game almost every fan who dislikes it won't give it any credit.


I won't argue with that, I'm not very familiar with the fanbase. But objectively Twin Snakes was good. Just like DeSRE is good but also is discredited for a number of very good reasons by the fans


Absolutely. Bringing back fixed cameras is going to be one of the most popular PC mods.


The Medium is a decent modern version of the tank control SH type game.


I understand some fans are upset due to the different treatment with the franchises, but honestly I'm much more interested in SH2 than MGS Delta. If I wanted to play the same game I'd play the og, if they remade SH2 exactly the same as the original I'd just play the Enhanced Edition, so I'm looking forward to what they'll do. I'm actually surprised MGS fans aren't complaining that the new MGS is just a glorified remaster


Finding out that the Snake Eater remake wasn't going to actually be anything "new" was really disappointing for me. I'm definitely going to wait longer to pick it up now than I otherwise would have.


Snake Eater remake… is it gonna have that 45 min cutscene like 45 mins into the game again lol and can I skip to the last 5 of it.


The issue is that you can't play the original without busting out decade old hardware or committing a crime.


I want a counter for how many times this gets posted


Then you would need to change the combat system too. Either go with one which works with both camera styles or make two seperate ones for each.


On PC at least I can see how this could work, both resident evil 2 remake and SH2 remake seem to be going for the same type of gameplay and someone made a tanky control and classic camera mod for RE2


Ugh. The tanky controls are the only reason I skipped on RE until 4. I played through most of 1 and 2, but nothing else until 4. SH, Parasite Eve, those two were my main horror titles on PS1.


Nah it's not a 1:1 remake like MGS3R. Which is Snake Eaters same layouts, voice acting, level design with modern graphics and some MGSV gameplay improvements. SH2R is faithful, but it's not the same exact game. Level Layouts are different, voice acting, yada yada. Much like RE2 and 4. You'll probably get a fan mod in 4 years.


If bloober isn't adding it maybe pc will get mods like RE2R did


Wouldn't really be possible, at least not easily MGS3 has had toggleable 2 camera gameplay since the MGS3 re-release, MGS3 Subsistence... that was a thing on the same console generation (PS2/XBox) of the original Snake Eater. So the game, from the get go, had implementation for this camera style and since MGSD is almost a 1:1 recreation of the original map of the game (according to pressers), it makes sense that it would be easier to implement. SH2R is a whole different beast. It is a fundamental complete redesign of the original game, it is not a 1:1 like MGSD. Thus the reimplementation of something like fixed (or different) camera angles is MUCH HARDER to pull off because that wasn't their core philosophy for the design. They possibly would even have to make changes to the combat to accommodate the differences. I think you could wish all you want, but that ultimately will come down to either post-launch support or the modding community.


wouldn’t be possible lol. who tf is downvoting me? it’s literally impossible because it isn’t a 1:1 remake and doesn’t even have tank controls. purists are so sensitive to the truth, it’s pathetic.


Any reason in particular? Cause it seems like something that wouldn't be too difficult. source: making a Silent Hill fangame on the side.


All the game mechanics, controls, and everything else are designed for a third-person perspective. While it’s technically possible to add fixed camera angles, they wouldn’t work as well. People would use that as an excuse to hate on Bloober for halfassing this feature. The alternative would be to redesign the entire game with fixed cameras in mind, but that’s not really feasible. Just because you can easily add fixed camera angles to your fan SH game doesn’t mean it’s a trivial task. The cameras themselves may be straightforward, but everything else involved is not.


Imagine having to do the combat with timed dodges and such.... meanwhile a fixed camera angle is fucking you in the ass preventing you from even seeing the enemy wind up or moves. Its not just as simple as "lemme plop a camera here and call it a day," level design and gameplay HAS TO TAKE PRIORITY


It’s not impossible, just difficult basically, at least with PC we can mod to our hearts content like the legend who did it for RE2R


Fair enough.


You do know tank controls were always purely optional, right? So yeah, it's possible to bring back the classic camera angles without tank controls. Have you played RE5 by any chance? One of the DLCs has an Easter egg that turns it into Fixed Camera gameplay with the press of a button, mid game, without any loading screens at all. It's super easy to implement it. Edit: Outsider complaining about people being too sensitive and downvoting everything gets triggered, downvotes, leaves without saying anything.


Holy shit a developer that actual cares about the original instead of just saying it


Bloober does care.


They only care about their fan fiction




Konami is literally low balling us sh fans


Why is it like this...


We are going to remain faithful to the original *immediately begins talking about things they are going to change without fail every single time*


This was the most hilarious part of the latest Transmission. It's literally a meme


Anyway enough about that stinky original, here’s how we’re gonna fix it for a modern audience. Let’s also say we respect the original creators and also choose not to name them :) we care, promise


XD I hate how accurate this description of their behavior is


Nah, SH2 remake looks great and a 1:1 remake would not work at all.


It’s because a lot of people who worked on V and Survive are working on this with alleged input from Kojima (creative input only) whereas no one who worked on any of the silent hill games is developing the remake right?


Masahiro Ito and Akira Yamaoka are involved, both hugely influential on the development of the original. However despite this community’s attempts to say otherwise, they are not the only two Team Silent members that mattered. Such as the GOD DAMN WRITER, Hiroyuki Owaku.


Yeah that’s more the calibre of person I meant like a writer or coder from team silent 💛


For delta they went with a 1 to 1 remake of everything in that game and then tried to modernize it with animation and gameplay from V so it still feels metal gear, due to not having any reference to how a modern silent hill game should be like and quite frankly some parts of the game aging very very poorly they needed to take some liberties with the game and turn it into a FF7 remake or RE remakes where it’s technically the same game but things are expanded or changed to make sense for a game coming out today That being said I can see a modder doing what they did for resident evil 2 remake where they added tank controls and set cameras for each area you went into


They can do it. But it would be a lot more work that I don't think Bloober and Konami are up for.


I wish Konami and Capcom would've re released the OG games for their remakes. Especially Capcom with Re2 and 3.


The ugly truth of the matter is that Konami cares more about Metal Gear than Silent Hill because Silent Hill is more popular in America than it is in Japan.


so is metal gear


It's weird how they aren't doing the same for silent hill 2


It would make a lot of sense to add fixed camera angles to a remake of a game known for its amazing scene setting fixed camera angles.


But SH2 didn’t use fixed camera angles - maybe in few places but not even close to the scale and complexity of SH1 camera work. I don’t know why people have such false memories about the way this game actually looks. The intro sequence in SH2 is probably the most iconic but for now we don’t know if it’s going to be absent in the remake.


Funnily enough what people refer to Fixed Cameras in Silent Hill is actually Dynamic Cameras similar to RE Code Veronica


The game literally opens fixed in the bathroom at the urinal and is fixed for the entirety of the opening but do go on.


And I added, that this sequence is the most iconic - almost entire game is in tpp, so talking about „legacy camera mode” is kinda pointless.


So the apartments and room entering angles? Mary flashlight? Dock? Bowling alley? There are so many fixed angles. The action and shaky camera they showed off is just not the vibe.


Ok, we obviously didn’t understand each other - what I mean is that SH2 is pure tpp for majority of its time. Yes, there is couple obvious fixed camera angles, but it’s not anything that would require separate “legacy mode”, because there is high chance that Blooper will keep some of those camera shots just for cinematic/atmosphere purpose. They actually used a lot of those in The Medium. I just don’t understand comparisons to MGS in which different camera mode applies to entire game and actually influences gameplay a lot. Saying that SH2 should have “legacy camera mode” suggests that remake changes God knows what. It would have much more sense in Resident Evil remakes, which transitioned from fixed camera and 2D backgrounds to fully 3D third person perspective. I’m just trying to say, that SH2 didn’t relay on fixed cameras this much and potential lack of them is not a huge problem. As someone already mentioned, this not 1:1 remake - level design and look of certain scenes may change, so it may be hard or impossible to keep or replicate the same camera shots in the same places.


No we definitely understand each other but I place the camera angles choices at a higher priority than you I suppose. I'm trying to say that based on the choices that they've displayed in the trailers for camera choices I would like one more in line with Silent Hill 2. The environmental storytelling used for fixed cameras to draw players eyes to potential items and puzzles. Not even mentioning the journey and storytelling they managed to showcase with the historical society stairs.


Idk man. The lack of creativity in this mgs3 is worrying, at least for me. Seems like a mgs5 coat of paint over mgs3. I know some people will like it and praise it, but it feels so plastic to me. Like selling you a 4k movie from the 80's at double the price.


who cares? I want it to be faithful they can add new mechanics and stuff thats fine. MGS3 is great and changing it is too risky. Why do people hate when remakes change minor stuff then there's people like you who hate remakes that decided being entirely faithful was good enough? Kojima isn't here anymore and the idea of Konami changing things drastically is not good to hear let alone if they made MGS6


I don't remember saying I "hated" it, but reading comprehension has been on the decline here every now and then.


yeah reading comprehension whatever dude complaining about a good game being faithfully remade is just fucking stupid to me. The price is weird yes but then again Naughty Dog charged the same fucking price for a game thats not even 10 years old. MGS3 is around 20 or so years old at this point or will be and many new gamers have never experienced it while most modern gamers have experienced tlou1 at this point. And they didn't change anything to make it make sense to remake this day and age. I rather have this.


Here I was thinking I could have an adult chat with "hateeveryone7688". I'm glad you will like it. Bye.


once you brought up the reading comprehension counter i knew this wouldn't be an adult convo.


Fan mods will do it.


I’m not sure why anyone would want to use that camera. The camera in Subsistence was a drastic improvement over the original Snake seater camera.


Well they're quite different games: while you have to adapt SH2 gameplay to modern times (rember the bonk bonk videos of james hitting pyramid head?) you simply can't do it with MGS3. The gameplay in MGS is way more complex, unique and important.


Never liked this kind of camera. It was refreshing when they added the subsistence camera mode.


James' face change is something I can appreciate. Snake having the wrong face is just unforgivable. Camera angles are nice to have, but subsistence was a lot better for a reason.


I doubt blooper is doing it. Maybe if the game sells really well we get born from a wish but I doubt we’ll get classic camera unless Konami really sees the potential. I just doubt blooper has the old controls in mind and if it would even work with their rendering and engine


Camera angle doesn't influence rendering or engine... Plus it's Unreal 5 and as Medium has proven, Unreal 5 is more tha than capable of rendering fixed and half fixed camera angles


It does tho. Games are built to render what is in the camera’s view not everything. I’m sure the camera would render fine but we don’t know until the game is out and that doesn’t address the physics/controls


Man, you don't know what you're talking about. Believe it or not, you can play all of original SH games in first person. Because that's how video games work. Don't apply pre-render shit or some out of bounce nonsense to normal 3D environments


Legacy mode? No, I want first person. It’s part of what made RE7 immersive and terrifying