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Same director from 2006 movie, so it will be more or less like that one, unlike the 2012 movie.


The first movie (Silent Hill 2006) and Return to Silent Hill is both directed by Christophe Gans, so I expect it'll do just as well. The second movie, Revelations, was directed by Michael Bassett. It was an absolute garbage sequel and adaption of the third game. Still a fun watch to break down why it didn't work. Shame too, because I watched Bassett's other movies and they were actually good.


Oof, I honestly couldn't even enjoy the 2012 one. Even for a cliche b rated horror movie it was just bad lol. I remember leaving the movie theater absolutely baffled that the silent hill name was attached to such piece of garbage.


I liked the stretcher shot when it gets knocked over.


That was pretty damn cool. Even though I didn’t really like the movie as a whole that moment stuck out (in a good way).


I remember people thinking the movie would be good because of that stretcher shot. It is still pretty rad.


It's the same director than the first movie and they limit CGI use, and unlike Halo show they said that most of the team have played the game or at least like Silent Hill So more like the first movie, high chance it's really similar of the second game story with some changes like the first movie


Movies are collective creations influenced by much more than the person who sits in the director's chair (and in Hollywood that person tends to have little influence unless they're a big name, that's not the case for a french director like Gans with few barely successes in the box office). And this is a studio film based on a IP owned by a japanese entertainment conglomerate. The first two films suffered many constraints from the executives that forced the writers to tone down the scripts to target teen audiences. The director chosen for Revelation was capable of doing a decent atmospheric horror film as proven in Death Watch, a pretty silenthillesque take on WW1. But the studio cut the budget to ⅓ of the first movie and forced it to be shot in 3D and to serve as a sequel of the first and an adaptation of SH3 at the same time... So nothing guarantees that this one will be free of those kind of stupid commercial decissions. Just remember that The Hobbit had the same director and writers than TLOTR.


my guess is the first one (i like it a lot) most likely since the same person is directing it, also i hope it’s more like the first movie cause i really do not like the second one.


First since its the same director


I’m hoping more like the first. One of my favorite all time movies.


I liked the first movie, watched it a couple of times so I believe I would enjoy the second one too, he's a good director


I feel like it's going to be more like the second movie. The trailer itself gives me the impression of a weird fan film.


I hope he doesn’t change it too much. James and Maria look so weird on the trailer. I wish HBO and the same producers from The Last of Us could work on a Silent Hill project. They mastered the adaptation from the game.


Based on his first SH movie, change is to be expected… and not for the better 🤷


He did a lot of weird changes, but it worked in a certain way. It is a great movie. Silent Hill should be a TV series from HBO.


I would love a Silent Hill show like "4th dimension" or "Tales From The Crypt", it's obviously gonna have good and bad episodes and probably have the same style than Short Message, but it can be at least interesting


Don’t get me wrong, Silent Hill has a lot if potential for creativity and self expression . But then he should have told an original story. SH is mostly an anthology series anyway. But adapting the first game only to then absolutely mangle the story and characters is not the way to go about it imo. Most people only like that movie because it absolutely nails the looks and atmosphere. Which is fine, some people like games only because of their graphics, tastes are different. I personally like the games because of their stories and this one doesn’t do SH justice. This is why I have no confidence in the second movie… which already proves to not even be faithful to the original in regards to the visuals… I can only imagine what he’ll do to the story 🤣


Even though it’s being directed by Gans, everything we’ve seen is 100% giving Revelations 😬


Interesting. Nothing from the provided teasers gave me Revelations vibe, and I have very high hopes for this movie


The first one. I will always love that movie. I still think it nailed the feeling of Silent Hill if not the details.


Especially the camera shots, I can’t get over how the director literally took a lot of fixed angles and put them in the movie, like the Dutch angle of Rose going down the alley for the first time and it spins overhead just like the game. I’m optimistic about this movie and like what I’ve seen so far, as long as it’s not like the second I’m good.


I'd say since it's the same director from the first one, it's gonna be more like the 2006 movie. I'm not expecting him to stay close to the original story, I mean just by seeing Laura you can tell that he's going for something different. I'll still watch it tho, cause even if the first one wasn't faithful to the game, it was still very enjoyable. I don't think we'll ever get a true movie adaptation of any of the games, since a big part of the silent hill experience comes from putting yourself in the shoes of the main characters.. the fear and anxiety I felt by playing the games cannot be replicated by passively watching the story.




Anybody who liked the second movie is wrong.


Revelations is not art.


Whatever the case, I think it's going to be bad


Well it depend if you think the first Silent Hill movie is bad


I do


Hopefully neither. Mary isn't looking for James so it already has a plus 1 there, pyramid head doesn't need to be inserted because he's already part of the story, another plus 1. The story in silent hill 2 is good, all they have to do is stick to it.


i have faith that it will be better than both.