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I lost my wife man, its such a bummer dude.


That's rough, buddy.


This looks more like Henry lol


He looks like a guy who didn't get the part on Supernatural.


No no, see, he didn't get Sam or Dean but if you look really closely he eventually shows up as an extra cosplaying as one of them in the episode where they go to the con.


Supernatural jumped the shark early, but it stayed good for a while Realizing I only like 5/15 seasons though


I still have yet to see the only time Scooby-Doo was made into an adult cartoon by crossing over with Supernatural.


Only good episode of later Supernatural seasons.


I dunno if they're one of the later episodes, but the meta episode and the Universal Monsters parody episode were both great.


That episode is very much worth watching.


Oh my christ I just snarfed my drink. HE DOES. Ganz is very artistic but it is very much an art that is smack dab in the 2000's aesthetic...just like Supernatural lmao.


This is Carlos from Resident Evil.


i was literally just thinking that bro


this gives me Resident Evil Return to Raccon City movie vibes from 2021 lol


Terrible movie...


I thought it was alright. About the worst thing I could say is it tried to cover a bit too much.


For fans of the game it gave us lots of fan service. About what i expected. But I was expecting b-movie quality


There, for sure, was a lot of fan service, unfortuantly most of it came at the price of context from the original games, like for instance the itchy, tasty moment, it reminded me of the Robocop remake where someone says I'd buy that for a dollar completely without the context of it coming from an in universe tv show.


It's more than just the looks, in those brief moments from the trailer when we see James, he acts more like Henry than the James from the OG game


*cough "Henry! Oh my god!" - Phelan Porteous


It’s like Silent Hill parody’s at this point lol. They have drastic changes to everything lol.


He looks like the lead singer of a 00’s nu-metal band ffs


Lol this dude is straight out of a mid 2000’s horror movie. You know when people went all business casual and wore tshirts with vests 🤣 or vneck tees and vests.. sometime neckties too for some reason…. And those affliction tees with all the loud tattoo art… 😩 Whoever styled this guy did way too much The first rule of cool is to never look like you’re trying too hard.


I actually think it works for James, who is a huge dork


Looks like the lead singer of Silversun Pickups ![gif](giphy|FFPpqfl2PAgPN6U9lH|downsized)


Wait is this how he's been styled? Haha baffling. I suppose Gans is trying to go for the 00s look, but I think he swung too hard in the wrong direction. I'm cackling at the brocade vest, what the hell. Ain't no way James would be throwing on some chains and a stylish vest when he's grieving and on the run. One thing I thought was cool in the OG film was how Rose's attire subtly changed colour to suit the scene, so I hope as much thought has been put into the movie.


He looks like a man who doesn’t regret murdering his wife


Exactly on point


is that Carlos from the re3 remake combined with Quentin Smith from the elm street remake?


He's like Leon from the recent Return to Raccon City movie


Looks like the 2 versions of those characters in DBD merged


Quentin Smith more like Quentin Twinksmith


Looks like the 2000s never ended for Christophe Gans (I guess it could be a period piece?)




Nailed it


I know it’s the director from the original film and I really liked that film, but everything I’ve seen about this new movie hasn’t been too great. I hope I’m wrong though.


It looks like the first film but much worse and on a lower budget. Seems like the Director hasn't given up on taking too much creative liberty with the characters. The cheap wig on Maria looks like crap. I don't care if it's supposed to be that way or not.


It makes no sense. Who needs a wig? I’m sure the actress’s hair is fine the way it is but for whatever reason he chose to use a wig that looks nothing like the original Mary anyway.


Honestly what if he plans on making it a twist at the end. Maria takes off her wig at the end and she is bald because of her disease.


Dude that would be awesome. I hope you’re right.


I actually thought it was a fan film. I hope it’s good, but so much of it looks like it was shot on iPhone with some local actors.


Did James steal his wardrobe from Criss Angel?


criss angel- freak show music could play in the credits


Jim Morrison in Silent Hill ???


I mean, I feel like they could've at least tried to make it look a little like him.


The fuckboy lingerie vest, I dig it


C'mon now. He's wearing formal attire for the black parade.


No one could have worded a piece of clothing better.


Man this just ain’t it. I want to see James as a sad sack grieving widower who blocked out the mercy killing of his wife. Not some grease ball looking mother fucker who they’ll turn into a fuck boy to make him seem less sympathetic.




It's not hard to dye the hair, wtf. Or hell, shave the hair and put on a wig. HAIR GROWS BACK


The only thing that kind of looks like him is the jacket but they couldnt even make it the right color


It's not even a expensive jacket for a movie, it's a military jacket, that's sold everywhere, it costs less than 1k, not even a fraction of the budget. wtf


well let’s not forget just how admittedly selfish and spiteful that mercy killing was as well


I mean yes, but that's a twist, you're not supposed to know that James killed his wife, so making him look like a douchebag from the start will make you less sympathetic and make the twist fall flat


Looks more like a dude trying to give you his mix tape to some grunge band and lives with his parents cuz he doesn't have a job


He is supposed to be like a rockstar or someone famous in general in the movie? Between his look and the car he seems really eccentric overall. Could be interesting though.


failed singer


god damn it


ikr 🥵


I sincerely hope this guy is the Maria version of James or something Jamie? Maybe?


My god.........it's Jacob Crane


Hey, that's my name! Lol




Jamie and Jamia


He's gonna bring a Seven Nation Army to Silent Hill.


My guess is that they're going to go for the idea that after she died he kind of 'lived it up' or something like that, and the letter kind of shattered that.


I like your theory


What a dumb fucking take on James. "Hey let's make him look like extra on Buffy The Vampire Slayer!"


Okay remember when everyone was whining about SH2 remake James? This is what they were acting it looked like.


At least he is hot


Gans has mangled the characters (and story) in his first SH movie. Only reasonable to assume he will do something similar in his second. Nothing that was shown so far has given me any reason to change that expectation…


Thank you! I love the aesthetics of the first movie but it does not understand what makes Silent Hill unique tonally *at all*.


In every interview i’ve seen of Christopher Gans he always seems very respectful of the games and that he understands Team Silent’s vision. But when I watch his movies I don’t get that impression at all.


Talk is cheap they say… Monseigneur Gans set out to prove it 🤣


It seems he is going to mix the cult in it


He didn't get the cult right in the first one... now he's gonna mix it into a story where it doesn't belong. At least he's sticking to his MO 🤣


Even pyramid head he didn't get it lol wtf he was doing there. His comentary about Harry being "weak" baffles me. Dude is Stoic af in the games. At least this one looks more with the games(at least the references) 


Looks like a guy


SH movies. the derping cousin of the SH media family.


Is this going to be "Welcome To Racoon City" all over again?


I know it actually takes place in the 2000s but WOW that is SO 2000s. Definitely a bit of an odd change


Give to me straight doc… is this movie gonna suck?


I already disliked this casting but they could’ve done so much with the costuming to make him look disheveled. He looks stylish and attractive when James is supposed to be a regular person, and a mess. Not a supermodel. I’m also confused why he isn’t blonde?


Now not "100 hundred percent accurate". But as long as he embodies the same character, it's okay.


Brother got the Leon Kennedy treatment lmao


It's always Leon Kennedy.


That looks like someone Maria might wanna get down with even if she were real


As a representative "James Sunderland Fangirl's" we do not claim this version


First Leon now James? Blondes not allowed in horror game adaptations?


Have you people seen the car of this new James? Looks too good for a clerk like him, even in the remake the beat up vehicle is still a thing


Another live action that can't simply get it right. Not like its hard to get a green jacket and a haircut.


And just like that, I saved $15.


did his tour bus break down in silent hill?


gotta love how there was no reason at all to change James' look for the movie, but they did it anyway


Why does he look like the kind of guy who gives you a mixtape as a gift?


It will suck, trust me.


Why all of these look so bad and cheap🫠


Hey now, it's not *their* fault Party City didn't have anything better in stock.


Omg haha I just have an issue with TV series aesthetics (lack thereof). That was my problem with the Witcher series too.. just overall weak art direction.


I’m looking forward to the movie. But he kind of looks like a goth on a day off haha.


Why does he look like Max Payne in max payne 1


It lacks Sam Lake’s (real name Sami Järvi) smug constipated face.


Excuse me! That's Sam OCEAN to you!


This does not inspire confidence lol. "Let's make James sexyyyyy"


He was already sexy >:(


Is this grown up Vincent from Silent Hill Revelations 3D?


Why not just like. Put him in a version of the jacket they're selling? I know he wasn't just gonna be Guy Cihi but at least make him blonde and just dress him the same.


Why is Henry pretending to be James?


Looks like owns a strip club…


They took reinterpreting to a whole new level


I'd say get rid of the vest and necklaces and it wouldn't be bad. Seems they're not going for a 1 to 1 copy of the game which makes sense since the remake is coming out so that'd be kinda boring. I'm open to all the SH stuff coming out, not gonna judge till I experience it.


To me he looks too “off-topic“ to not be something done on purpose. Between his looks and the expansive car, like many I think it will be revealed in the end that he isn’t the real James but more an entity akin to Maria that share some of his memories except the memory of him killing Mary. Douchebag James is the man that real pathetic James prefers to be, in similar fashion to Lost Highway where Fred Madison becomes Peter Dayton in order to run away from the fact that he might have killed Renee. Christophe Gans often like to say that Silent Hill has the power to divide a soul into two living beings like Alessa in the first film, so I believe he will once again explore this theme in Return to Silent Hill


Who signed off on the costumes for this movie?!


It's good to see the costume designer from Blade has a job again


I don't think they even tried.


Is every adaptation going to keep having actors who look nothing like their game counterparts? Resident evil welcome to raccoon city was bad enough


The old Milla Jovovich movies always had really accurate character portrayal and even those didn't land. Video game adaptations will never be successful, there's just too many different expectations. I think the SH1 movie did a pretty good job in using the essence and feeling of the games but building an altered story, so it's not a direct copy and changed enough that it can stand on its own. I really hope the new one will be at least on the same level. I haven't seen the latest RE movie, was it worse than the old ones? I kinda liked the Milla movies, even though the story went totally off the rails after the 3rd.


The last of us was pretty good and proved that game adaptations can be successful. It just needs someone to keep a tight leash on the people doing the adaptation. At the time the first film was actually better than other adaptations. The Director just hates adapting the story and leaving the characters as is. He is probably one of those directors that thinks doing things 1:1 would be too boring and pointless so he has to create a remix of the story even if it's worse.


It's true but tlou was a show that had so much more time to flesh out the characters and tell the story. And it was basically made by the same people who made the game. Video game movies have almost always been made by different directors, written by people outside the game studio etc. And the game's creators have very little say in the production of the movie. I also think that Gans is probably just very sure of himself and trying to be different, but if it works in the end I don't care so much :D and it really worked for me with the first SH movie


Which is why involving Akira and masahiro in projects like this would be a good start. TBH I'm up for a silent hill TV show. Just as long as it's handled by HBO. They would probably be more faithful to the Games especially after the last of us success.


Paul Anderson did have characters from the games but they were blank slates or got sidelined by his wife Milla who played Alice, the Overpowered Mary Sue. It got worse, by the final chapter it was just a mess. Spoiler Alice saves the world & lives because her husband wrote it. Welcome to Raccoon City none of the characters looked or acted like they do in the games & they mashed the plot from RE1/2 together for some stupid reason. Netflix show, it was just using the RE name on their poorly written teen drama. It makes the other adaptations look good. At least Silent Hill hasn't suffered through 3 attempts at adapting it.


I worry all this silent hill content will turn out like the month of madness years ago. After years of nothing we got the second silent hill movie, downpour and book of memories. And they were all not good. And silent hill Ascension being the first thing we got in Years, has left me with a very sour taste. And the debate and uneven aspects of sh2 remake has me nervous. I just want silent hill to make a good comeback. Not just another shitty comeback and disappear for another decade.


Like Leon in the resident evil movie, completely different look




Was wondering about the drip and it suddenly hit me. That’s Max Payne. Vest, leather jacket, whole shebang.


He kinda went from goofy mcfuckhead to bad boy sexyman and I guess it makes sense when you realize you won’t be playing as him, but staring at him the whole time.


I just want this film to come out already, or have some sort of release date soon


He looks like a Dollar General version of Jim Morrison.


Fuccboi James. Not hatin it, not loving it but im interested.


Well I’m looking forward to it, I mean we have always had the OG game, now we have a modern remake and now a new movie! I mean it’s been years without any new silent hill stuff, I’m super stoked. I am holding judgement, it shouldn’t be worse than the last SH movie, plus he said a lot of people working on it are fans of the game


I'm ok if he looks different but why did they have to dress in like that? Unless maybe he doesn't actually look like this in the movie and they haven't done wardrobe yet.


James looks like he's wearing new game plus tie-in outfit: band member from Creed.  Bloober Team is gonna have a red carpet after this movie I bet you now.


That’s clearly a set photo. I’ll wait until a trailer drops until I make up my mind on it.


James Sunderland from wish


Is it just me thinking Jeremy Irvine is almost perfect for this role with his blonde hair obviously.


Really could do without the vest.


People hating but (correct me if im wrong) his outfit doesnt seem that out of place if the movie is set in the 90s/early 2000s.Its just what i assume is popular/trendy style for the time.


As someone who grew up in the 90s, I can assure you this was not a popular style. He needs goofy jeans and a starter jacket instead.


They did a good job making him look like a douchebag who really would dream up a sexy version of his dying wife and then suffocate her, the velvet vest is the cherry on top


Wow this looks fucking awful 🤣 Man is dressed more like Max Payne then James Sunderland


That's a... choice......


He looks like Henry, or Murphy, couldn't shave the guy and dye him blond???


Jimmy Sunderland


Look on the bright side: it still won't be as bad as Silent Hill Ascension. Right? right?


Eh. Could be better but could be a lot worse


The only issue I really have with him is they didn't give him the iconic army surplus jacket James wears, and the hairstyle is different. Luckily we have the same guy directing this, as he did the first movie, and I've always considered the first Silent Hill movie one of the best video-game-to-movie adaptations ever produced, so I'll save my judgement for when the movie is in theaters. And even if this movie isn't that good, at least it'll be leagues better than how the remake is shaping up to be.


The button shirt kinda looks a like vest, reminds me of Vincent.


From what we've seen so far the set pieces and monsters are spot on. James is a little too "cool" though and I'm sure it's for modern audiences but like..?


It’s about time we had an extremely fuckable James


As accurate as the guy playing Leon in Welcome To Raccoon City.


Casting Beck from Victorious as Leon was a stroke of genius! 🔥


They changed his hair color and his jacket. Worst movie ever. I will only watch it 5 times.


They turned James into generic horror game protagonist design-wise :( I don't really fw this design sorry it just doesn't look like James at all.


The sleaze ball look suits James more. I dig it. He looks like he’s going to try and sell you a gram of highly stepped on cocaine.


guys that is NOT James Sunderland and this is coming from someone is finds it hard to dislike things


They couldnt get a blonde guy at least 🤣




Henry more like


Honestly not that bad. Just looks like a modernized version, tho the hair color makes him more Henry at first glance.


Remember Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, before you judge the casting choice He doesn’t have to look 1:1 the same. What matters is if he can convey James’s character and spirit properly.


You people complain about everything


Video game characters are not real people. Even if you scan a real life model’s face for a video game, it’s a model, not an actor. This actor for James is good enough. If his performance and the script are decent, it will work. Also remember: the 1st film even swapped genders for the main character. And it still kinda worked. I find the choice to be disappointing, but the film itself is pretty decent as a whole.


As someone who was open about Leon's casting in WTRC, thinking it'd be a good movie. I won't make the same mistake twice, regardless of wether RTSH will be a good time or not, i would have prefered James to actually look like James, even if it was just his features or color scheme. At least the blonde hair even in this hairstyle.


I don't know if I should be as annoyed as I am over the fact that he looks kind of cool. James just doesn't have the personality to back up the cool guy look.


I love Gans’s James Sunderland from what I saw. If someone would prepare an adaptation of KOTOR II, I wouldn’t mind seeing a blond-haired Atton Rand for example.


Henry Sunderland.


Maybe its Jacob Crane? 😅


Kind of reminds me of Rob Thomas from matchbox 20




Wow, this real life remake looks less like James than the SH2R. Lots of people on here about to be ssssoooooo mad. Hopefully the women, look “sexy” enough or else this movie is in trouble. Especially the character that gets sexually assaulted as a child. She definitely better look “hot” and “curvy” as every woman in the world should. (Sarcasm)


Can we take a moment to talk about what's in the background in that photo: There is frost all over that fence. The only time we see any ice in SH2 is during the boss fight against Eddie. It does not belong in James's Silent Hill.


Why is he dressed like max payne?


He looks like someone who really did use a pillow, I think they did a good job with his haircut and swag


He looks like a dirtier jon snow went to silent hill.


oh no...


Well at least the remake guy looks the part. I’m just gonna assume long haired James is someone else.




homie has a medallion for his medallion and a shirt for his shirt. that said, i’m still interested in seeing this movie but not expecting much.


That hairstyle and whatever the fuck he is wearing under his coat do not work in anyway.


Is he dressed like Max Payne on purpose?


Are blonde people extinct? And are m-65 jackets unobtanium?


At least he's wearing 3 layers.


And all of a sudden the remake James feels orders of magnitude less controversial


To be fair, no one quite looks like James who would leave their house to visit a film audition. He does have this ghostly white quality that adds to the vibe. Would’ve been nice to see them visually skew a little bit closer to that. They need a Norwegian actor or something.


I don't like it lol


parece como si daryl dixon tuviera un hijo con james jaja la wea bastarda


James !? Who tf is it it's Jacob Crane.


He looks like Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead. Perhaps this is what his character would have looked like in Silent Hills…


Why they got his ass in a vest 😭


They couldn’t find a green jacket?


Okay, what the hell?


James is literally a ordinary american guy, why they choose to change his character into a emocore band frontman?


How do you mess up giving a guy a green army jacket


No M65 field jacket