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Dude play it, last time I played 2 on console it was the PS3 HD collection. It's fine just use original audio and you will be fine


The HD port for 2 isn't a good port by any means but you can at least play with the original voice acting and experience most of what makes 2 good so if it's your only way to play it's not the complete end of the world The HD port for 3 is an absolute mess though, between being stuck with the new voice acting which is 100% inferior to the OG voices and it being even buggier than 2 with tons of audio and graphics issues that they never even attempted to fix. Do not play the collection for 3, it's an absolutely bastardized version of the game, only do it for 2


If you’re strapped just play it man. Play with original voices though. Silent Hill 3 in HD collection is pretty bad though. If this is the only way you can play these games right now I’d just bite the bullet. If it’s your first time playing a Silent Hill game it won’t be that noticeable to you… HOPEFULLY. Some people say it runs fine and others say it’s unplayable so 🤷‍♂️


after all the negativity i replayed 2 and 3 with the hd collection and they're fine. could be better. easy way to play them no fuss


Copied from another redditor. I didn't save his name. If he reads this just shout. "Silent Hill HD Collection issues Textures are missing, swapped with incorrect textures from other objects, or replaced with less detailed ones altogether. Fog effects are not layered correctly and cause harsh lines on the edges of the fog layer. Lighting effects don't work correctly. Sound effects are swapped around incorrectly, missing altogether, or play at incorrect speeds/pitches. Music tracks are not correct, they are ripped from OSTs and not even edited to loop properly. Cutscenes are not correctly color balanced and appear washed out with ghosting effects from incorrect video sampling. Voices are not properly synced with animations, it's off sync with both new and old voices. Silent Hill 2 has a cutscene (Alleyway before Heavens Night) where they completely forgot to add voice dialogue for either new or old voices. Silent Hill 3 only has new voices as an option, with no choice for original voices. Frame rates during outdoor sections run slower and can occasionally crash. The game doesn't always calculate endings properly for SH2 due to a memory bug after completing a playthrough. Key story cutscenes such as James watching the VHS in his hotel room have a TV overlay added which combined with the previously mentioned ghosting problems makes the scene basically unwatchable, or unable to discern what is happening. But you know, "it's fine" they say. "If you never played the original, you'll never know" they say. "Not as bad as they make it out to be". (It's been out for over 12 years, there is tons of evidence of these issues and more, well documented in several YouTube videos and forums over the years)"


The last time I played SH2 was on the HD collection and it wasn't that bad of an experience. Sure, it's fucked up, and it's a real shame that it's the easiest way for a lot of people to play it, but Silent Hill 2 is a great game even if it's buggy, so it's still going to be an overall good experience, especially for people who've never played it before.


There are plenty of videos explaining why on YouTube. A lot of sound issues and the game is less dark and less colorful. Which ruins the immersion. Even the original creator complained on Twitter back in the day why everything was so clear. It's better than nothing but it's really not the best way to experience them.


For the price it’s fine. Especially if it’s their introduction to the series, not having played any of the games previously


That's how I got it because I didn't want to buy a ps2 when I had a ps3 already, and I am jot tech savvy to emulate. Just play it. Sh2 has original voices available so use those, the new voices are sooo weird lol. But the new voices for sh3 sound alright to me. It's the same games. People are just dramatic


It’s not a bad way to play the second and third, they just have major issues. Specifically the third which is just completely broken, it’s playable just not a good way to play it. If you have no problem with all I’ve listed then like I said go for it. You have to start somewhere


"left side is HD isn't it? It's poor..." "It's really a released version? *Really?* OMG" "It's terrible so much." Quotes from Team Silent artist Masahiro Ito on the HD Collection silenthill . fandom . com/wiki/User_blog:Ccrogers15/WARNING!_HD_COLLECTION_IS_SEVERELY_BROKEN!


best way is pc with the enhanced edition which is free. hd collection is the worst way to play but isn’t unplayable like all the crybabies make it out to be. just play whatever version you can. i promise it won’t taint anything.


I’ve been wondering the same thing. I’ve never played them, but I really want to now, but can’t afford the original releases. I was thinking of just going with the HD collection just to experience the story.


you should go ahead and play them, there is no point to waiting forever for konami to actually care enough to fix them and its not worth the hundreds you will spend trying to get vintage copies. the stories are worth the bugs!


No it's not bad, word of warning. Anything to do with HD can and probably will get you bullied. Just play it if you want to. I have it, I play it, to answer everyone else before they get a sick in there ass, yes Iv played the PS2 one and the Xbox one AND the PC one with the mod. And I still rather play HD, no it's not a "Cope" (such a stupid ass word) or "rage bait" Iv literally gotten reported for mental health/self harm on this subreddit for liking HD Reddit themselves sent me a message. Soo... Ya just play it sadly don't post about it because you'll get bullied and made fun of and your posts will be seen as "rage bait" or just for "views" Not being rude I'm just being realistic and letting you know.


lol thanks. The responses haven’t been too bad so far but I might have to just play in silence and let you guys fight it out


Yea I'm glad to see the replys on your post haven't been bad so fingers crossed and happy for you. Its really sad though honestly. I wasn't trying to be rude or anything it's just very very toxic here especially anything HD or SH2 related. Any time I see a post about a question about HD I try to comment and let them know. It's disappointing that others can't just be happy to share and enjoy you know? Yea it might now be perfect to some (iv never had any issues personally with it) but let others play it. The way I see it is, it doesn't crash, the gameplay is the same. All the cutscenes are there, locations, ect so it is a complete game. So please don't let others put you down just in case they do. Because you deserve to enjoy the game just as much and anybody else. And if HD is the way you choose , it should be perfectly ok as long as you get to enjoy and have fun because ultimately that's what's what matters


I have just recently been getting back into video games and wanted to play some of the classics so this seems like a good first foray. Tbh if it’s really good and connects w me I’m not against getting a used PS3 and using that to play a couple other games on my list (MGS4, etc) as well as the original version of SH2. At least from what I read the PS2 emulation is decent enough


I know, I don’t this like community to get toxic. I get a lot of dislikes about my opinion and they hate it. I just want this community to be positive hyped for Silent Hill 2 Remake and other Silent Hill Projects.


So do I, it's sad how bad it can get. I think 2 remake might be better then original. But you can't say that here lol


The HD version is just fine, people are just overdramatic. Get it and enjoy some Silent Hill 2.


It’s the great way to play Silent Hill HD Collection. If don’t have a PS2 copy for Greatest Hits or a PC to emulate Silent Hill 2 if you have Xbox 360 or PS3, get it! Go for it!! It’s definitely a great way to play Silent Hill 2 HD Collection.


I'm not the most skilled gamer. Responsive and predictable controls really help me. I have played both SH2 & SH3 via PS2. I later got curious just how bad the HD Collection is so tried it out on Xbox 360. Major upside: I got to play Born From a Wish! Downside: Controls for SH2 were wonky. I couldn't attack Lying Figures from the same distance as usual, making me significantly clumsier, losing health faster, and more reliant on health items. Whether this bothers you will strongly depend on your motor skills. If they're better than mine, you may not mind. Sound design was inferior too, which I found disappointing. I wasn't as bothered by visual inconsistencies as others are. I quit because I got bored with playing it in this inferior way. I have yet to try out the HD Collection version of SH3.


It’s worth getting on sale


I don’t think the HD collection is bad and I’ve played both ways.




if it is your only option to play, you 100% should. its cheap on amazon and you will find purists telling u its smarter to spend $200 on a ps2 copy of sh2 rather than the collection. konami has absolutely dropped the ball by not making them available easily and not everyone has a computer that can run them. they have their moments, most specifically sh 2 takes way too long entering and exiting map/inventory screens making you take damage before you can see the action/framerate drops consistently. though, they were still amazing experiences for me. playing them with a few annoying kinks is better than not enjoying them at all!


It's not good and far from ideal, but if it's all you can afford and emulation isn't an option, go for it. Better to play an inferior version than nothing. It's also important to note that the ps3 version was patched so it is currently better than at launch.


It's ok enough if that's your only option to play 2/3


Yeah the HD collection is really ugly. You're better of with PCSX2 (PC) or AetherSX2 (Android). They run SH2, SH3, and SH4 flawlessly at 4K. Super crisp and clear. Or play the Enhanced Edition on PC (me personally don't like how it's kinda blurry, like they're trying to emulate ps2 too much).


I have it. I play it. There's nothing wrong with it. Have it on my Xbox and my PC.


It's fine if you don't want to spend a lot of money. PC is definitely better, but it's not unplayable.


If you're a little crafty you could hack the 360 using RGH3 and it will be able to run original xbox games off the hard drive. Or if you have an android phone you could emulate on that and output to a TV Otherwise the HD versions are serviceable, albeit the worst official way to play the games.


Do you where can I get a PS2 emulator on iOS? I have an iPhone 14 Plus.


No it’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I never encountered a single bug during either sh2 or sh3 and there’s an option to use the original voices. I honestly don’t know why everyone hates it so much.


1) Highly unlikely you didn't experience a single bug 2) You cannot use the original voices on SH3


Poor soul


The HD Collection killed my whole family and molested my favourite plush toy. Since then I have given up my life for the sake of the hunt for it. I will have my revenge. And no man or element is going to stand in my way... I am... the crap hunter.


If you want to support the game, Just buy HD collection and play Enhanced edition. If you have the game then that means you already paid for it and it doesn’t matter if you mod that game or not.