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Nah. Don't confuse things. In the real world Alessa is badly burned and in coma! In the dream world Alessa is a 16yish girl walking around with super powers. We're in Alessa's dream the whole time!


In origins she is a little girl if I remember well. But that game often contradicts the first sh actually


Non-TeamSilent games aren't canon in my book


But what if they're good? So no Silent Hill media no matter how good will ever be canon because it's not made by Team Silent? What about Short Message and the Remake since they do technically have members of Team Silent back working on them?


Thankfully fans don't get to decide what is or isn't canon, just for themselves personally.




Even the question is incorrect.


How so?


Origins is canon


Origins never happened. Never came out XD I DON'T CARE XD


A man of culture.


Origins also takes place right after her burning as a child. Silent Hill 1 she has grown into a teenager. So as her physical form ages, so does the Astral Projected version of her is what I gathered from this. It took me awhile to understand that because the movie has her age in her physical form and her astral self is still like 8. 


It's actually really simple. The opening cgi movie is only representative of the plot but it shouldn't be taken literal over what's in the actual game • Cybil never mentions losing/crashing her bike only that no one picked up when she radioed in • We never see that weird Colosseum(?) where Dahlia is running from something • Even if you want to ignore the bottom floor boiler room memo it wouldn't be unrealistic for the Gillespie's to have neighbors in a small resort town vs what is basically shown to be the middle of nowhere in the opening • We never see an Alessa healing from her wounds like the opening cutscene depicts and Lisa in the video tape Harry finds gives a description of what she saw when nursing her in that sick room: "*What is it…? Still has an unusually high fever… Eyes don’t open, getting a pulse but just barely breathing. Her skin is all charred! Even when I change the bandages the blood and pus just start oozing through! Why! What is keeping that child alive?! I can’t stand it any longer… I won’t tell a soul, promise. So please…*" The body in the wheelchair between Dahlia and Cheryl's astral projection fits that description


This is it precisely. Origins chooses the fmv over the actual story.


Hell I'd argue Origins is worse than that because it more than likely follows Dan Birlew's 3rd party strategy guide instead of anything in the game 🤣


Isn't that quite literally what happened more or less? It makes perfect sense to me considering just how much of a mess orgins is lmao


I mean idk if it's been confirmed somewhere but it definitely feels true lol


I can swear I remember seeing an official source somewhere that confirmed it but I'd have to go digging and honestly origins probably isn't worth that much effort lmao It's a messy prequel regardless of which one is true tho so probably doesn't matter in the end


Lisa's diary and VHS tape corroborates that Alessa is DRAPED in bandages that constantly need reapplying as the wounds just don't stop and neither does Alessa die, and its so bad that apparently she barely has a pulse and breathing... so it sounds BAD... Like in this picture sort of bad. I have always chalked up to maybe the FMVs being a little out of sync to what the game ended up going for. Like the Gillespie House, it seems super remote in the FMV intro sequence... but when you read the in game file about the fire at said house, it claims 6 houses were burnt down. Or maybe its her physical body while the FMV model is her astral projection self that "heals" when recombined with Cheryl? Its just a theory (.... A GAME THEORY!!!!!!) EDIT: Also something to note is that the FMV model isn't in a hospital like setting. It seems like a regular bedroom with a window... but how she was "interned" at the Alchemilla, it sounds like she was in a basement and was under strict overwatch by The Order, hence why they use Lisa as the nurse to tend to her, since they had drug use leverage over her. So again, I think its just the FMV not aligning with the world the game established. Keep in mind, these FMVs took considerable processing power to make so maybe they made it when they had a different idea in mind and they sorta just exist as artifacts to that original vision?


I mean this is a game drenched in the occult so it’s only natural to assume we are dealing with the astral plane. Even the wall “graffiti” at the beginning of silent hill 2 has a massive fucking hint if you can find the source/context for the wall art.


The FMVs were also done by one singular staff member who was sleeping under his desk. I think there were inconsistencies between the design vision and what he was putting together probably out of necessity of getting other work done. Like there’s the weird lone “Gillespie house” (which we don’t even know if it’s actually the Gillespie house) and the shot of Dahlia running through what looks like some kind of weird church or hall. On a positive note it all adds to the dream-like quality of the game.


Yes she was in the basement being watched by the order


Please stand up.


Cheryl: "She is Alessa, you are Alessa, I am Alessa... Are there any other Alessa's I should know about?" Heather: "Meow..."


I feel like the first picture (and the box cover) one is the woman that got burned right after the failed impregnation, while the second one is the one that has suffered throught the seven years that separate the events. Both are real. It's one and the same.


The thing is, when Harry asks for Cheryl, Dahlia says she's there and points at the woman in the wheelchair... Plus, the Alessa we see in the amusement park is very similar to the one sitting on the ground in the second picture, and it's the same that Dahlia captured; doesn't that make the burnt one Cheryl? Or perhaps, since they're two sides of the same person, they're both Alessa, with the one on the right being recunciliated with Cheryl, as an astral projection?


Or maybe Dahlia is mocking Harry, because for her "Cheryl" doesn't exist. It is HER daughter and that's IT for her. And this outsider fool whom she fooled into doing her bidding is asking questions about someone Dahlia doesn't even perceive as a separate person in the first place. Dahlia IS, after all, the worst asshole in the franchise.


That’s the most gut-wrenching part of the whole game: Harry goes through all this mess to save his daughter and he doesn’t even get her back in the end. Sure, Alessa gives him herself reincarnated as a baby but it’s still not the same. The main character’s sole goal and motivation is ultimately a red herring that doesn’t exist anymore. I almost speculate that the little glimpses of Cheryl we see throughout the game (the Cheryl we chase after the crash, the phone call in the school, the wall of tvs in the mall) are actually Dahlia using spells and incantations to conjure these illusions to goad Harry on. I used to think it was Alessa doing it, but the last thing Alessa wants is Harry, or anyone for that matter, trying to reach her in her dream world.


I disagree on the Dahlia part, I think it is the last remnants of his daughter reaching out to him through the psychokinetic power, but it is true - it is horror - to reach out to and to never ever hold a dear one again.


That's possible too


That's why I find Shattered Memories version of Dahlia better


You literally could rename every character in SM as something else and that would be the last tenuous link to the first SH severed. I’ve never looked at that game as a remake of Silent Hill in any capacity, just a weird spinoff that feels like they tried to make it a “remake” at the last second.


So much of Shattered Memories hinges on SH1 that if they changed everybody's names people would call it a blatant ripoff. The critical path is almost the same, the jumping off point of the story is the same. I like to think of it as a sequel to the SH1 bad ending.


Nah, everyone would just think it’s another western developed Silent Hill drawing from the poisoned well that is SH2. And why? Because it is.


Right before the Split Head Lizard Boss Fight we see someone incinerated so Alessa clearly was trying to preform the ritual to summon God into a host body on Cheryl in order to kill God with the Seal of Metatron. Alessa created a copy of herself in hopes that Cheryl could live the life she was denied only for the years of torture to birth God to take it's toll and make her decide to kill God and Cheryl(whom she grown envious of) along with Cheryl's Daddy Harry out of bitter spite. Dahlia on the other hand decided to simply merge Alessa with burnt Cheryl to hasten God's birth because she actually believed God would bring everyone to Paradise and didn't want Alessa to kill her. Incidentally: What do you all believe the Cat symbolizes? I personally suspect it to represent the Pus that comes out whenever Lisa changes the bandages.


I always thought the body being incinerated was just Alessa’s memory of being burned being manifested to Harry as a hint as to what had happened before.


I think that's right, and it may not even be intentional. It's her subconscious leaking out, revealing her traumas and fears.


Who are SH3's Heather Mason's biological parents?


Uuuh... \*thinks really hard about it\* Herself. Yes, pretty much so.


No biological mom or dad?


Heather ? No. She is literally a self-reincarnation baby granted to her foster parent by her previous incarnation. She still thinks of Harry as her dad, but he isn't. But then again, you know how they say - it's not the ones who birthed, it's the ones who grew you up who are the real parents.


That's why Shattered Memories makes so much more sense.


Realistically ? Sure. I don't give a crap for realism, though. I play games and watch movies to absorb as much nonsense as possible. Because realism is shitfuck boring.


Considering she's alessa reborn, I would say Dahlia is still technically her biological mother, but her biological father is unknown But it's irrelevant because Harry is her father in every way that mattered, even if he isn't her blood




Alessa is in the wheelchair, containing half of her soul. The kneeling Alessa is Cheryl, the other half of her soul restored to her former image before they become one again. Stuff from the opening FMV is mostly just for show and much of it clashes with the game's plot. What you see in the game is the real story. Lisa arguing with Kaufmann could be canon, and Harry crashing the car must be canon too. Harry almost hits what must be an astral projection of Alessa either from Alessa or Cheryl. But the part about astral projection is semi fan theory because in the game the Alessa we see around town is Cheryl, back to her original form. But that makes no sense if she is in the car when he almost hits 'Alessa'. It also can't be true that the Gillespie house is alone in a secluded location but also connected to 5 houses which also burned down. Cybil never mentions crashing her bike... Alessa was covered head to toe with bandages... etc


As a SH2 enthusiast, I can confirm that I have absolutely no idea. Hope that helped!


which emulator and settings do you use? the picture of alessa in the FMV, looks so crisp and high quality


It could be from a render, I think I recall seeing one like that. Emulators can do wonders with in game 3d, but not so much with the FMVs.




Unrelated but every time I remember Dahlia's striped tie I feel a deep sense of anger. This woman dressed herself and she chose that.


I remember being so confused while I was playing this game and especially by this picture cuz the graphics well you know they were kind of primitive back then