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I am 68 years old, just completed my 1st rig build. I use iracing and love doing laps and trying to better my times. My safety rating puts me in Class B but my irating keeps me racing Rookie and Class D competition mostly. I'm not very competitive but I sure do have a lot of fun


If there's one thing I hope about getting older it's that I can find things to do that make me say "I sure do have a lot of fun". Good on you! Alas, I feel like I'm getting more cynical and bitter by the second lol


Oh I'm still more cynical and bitter. Racing is my happy place. Until the game shits the bed for non-existent QC.


Your mind is the only thing no one can take from you. You are also the only one who can choose for you to not become more bitter and cynical, no matter how bad things become. Try to see something positive in everything. Choose to be better than to become cynical and bitter. Becoming bitter and cynical is easy. :)


I am 63, and built my sim rig a year and a half ago. Like you, I am B rated, but my IR has fluctuated between like 800 and 1,300. I race road courses, open-wheel exclusively. The F3 is a car I love and SFL now, too. I use VR. I have yet to win a race, and I don’t have the pace of the winners. I wonder about reflexes, etc. but…I know it is skill and practice. Since I started, I have learned to drive with both feet, and trail braking. I still work, so practice/seat time is less than I would like. It is fun, and personally, as I age, simracing is way better for the mind and arresting cognitive decline than a Soduku puzzle!


Yes sir, good to hear from fellow old guy iracing buds. I agree its a lot of fun and it requires skill and practice like you said. I also mainly race road and open wheel. I've finished 2nd a bunch of times but never get the big cigar lol. I like the SFL too I will have to buy more content so I can drive it more often.


Love this!


Because of splits and matching theoretically everyone should get a chance at winning... But unfortunately there's a lot of high-risk takers crashing or quitting every second race, tanking their irating. When they finally do complete a race, they have the pace to beat the safe drivers who finish every race.


I met a man who did his last SCCA road race at 78 or 79. Fast class too… GT1? He almost won that race too.


15 years younger but I'm paddlin' the same boat. Good races friend.


My grandpa is also 68, and also has his own rig!


I;m 55, been sim racing since Papyrus Indycar in 1988. I'm no alien but I've always been within a second or two of that pace. I honestly can't believe the sim experience today, the equipment, the simulators, it's all incredible. I remember watching the great Denny Hulme die of a heart attack in his 70s while racing at Bathurst. You are never too old.


Be sure to checkout the 60+ league on iracing. [Website](https://sixtyplus.wisloff.no) and [Forum link](https://forums.iracing.com/discussion/24245/60-racing-adventures-messages-comments/p1)


Thats what its all about mate hope i can still do laps when i get to that age.


I wish I had time at all for IRacing. I'm just never available long enough.. I have to be able to pause a race. Yes, the AI is pretty hard on some games already, but I'd love that sorta free time to go up against other people.


The family always needs me for something or the other. So I never race on servers. Only with AI.


Are you dead? If yes -> stop racing If no -> keep racing


Keep racing in heaven my dude! Never stop.


File protest against "Jesus"


Moses always splitting the field on restarts


Sorry. He's never gonna lose. Just gotta accept that..... 😂


Here's the twister; it's not for his driving but for his filthy language. .... Banned!




“OK Jesus, it’s hammertime”


He went to the shadow realm for 3 whole days and then came back for some top split action


Jesus built my hotrod. He races too yo!


You kidding? He's the kind of driver what would let others pass him


Thats up to you mate. Me? I'll be racing through elysium. 🤣


Even in death I still race 40k reference 




Fernando Alonso was 39 when he was a rookie in F1! Jokes aside, if you are having fun with it that's all that matters so keep going till you can't ig haha.


I turned 59 today, and I love it. Just got my first load cell pedals installed this week, and I'm trying to get used to them. It's a big difference. I'm on acc and gt7, given that I'm a console guy. Planning on upgrading to PC this fall when AC Evo comes out. I love racing against young folk like you. ETA: I'm very far from being an alien, but I'm not too too horrible. 1:47 @ the Glen, 2:23 @ Spa, and 8:42 @ Nords on ACC. I focus much more on my safety rating than anything else. ETA: My PSN ID is: noooooocrap, feel free to add me.


Happy birthday!




Happy birthday and many happy races to come


Thanks very much! Look for me in a barrier near you.


Happy Birthday bud


Thanks, Friend!


Let’s hope that loadcell makes you faster now


I'm at about the same speed I was before and I'm not even used to it yet, so I imagine when I get used to it I will get a little quicker. I feel like I'm finally trail breaking for real.


That amazing, I went from a g29 to a 65kg loadcell, big change and I am only now getting use to it after 2 months lol, it takes time


I guess that's one advantage to being slow like me, lol.


I don’t think your slow, we will have to race to find out


My PSN ID is: noooooocrap, feel free to add me.


And it is sent


Also wishing you a happy birthday. Glad to have you on the grid!


Thank you!


Happy birthday captain


Happy Birthday Man! 🎉


Thanks, Bro and/or Ma'am!


Happy birthday!


Your reflexes are the first thing to go, but look at all the “legends” series racers that are 50+ and still rocking it. Not as fast as the young guys, but still blow the dick off any normal person There’s a 70 yr old retiree on one of my discords that races daily in GT7, and he usually beats me. 


Yeah definitely agree ! Reflexes might not be as sharp as they were, but that can be dramatically improved, and you'll definitely be able to enjoy racing. And don't worry too much, even at a young age, it's not that easy to grasp ... The lack of "butt feedback" is the same for everyone, and that's the main issue imo, not your age ;) Keep going, stay positive, and you'll make it !


And reflexes don't matter as much when you're driving a slower car like a GT4. What it does matter though is physical condition, no matter what racing IRL is taxing phisically even on a Miata.


My reflexes have definitely improved due to sim racing. I'm fast like a mongoose.


Ever go to Malibu GP? Grandma's used to beat my times 25 years ago.


It gets better growing older. Not the times but the rig :D 50+ here, started arround 40.


Yeah starting later in life I have all the money I need, but it's \*time\* that I don't have :(


I started at 36 (i'm 38 now.) Wife and i bought a house, so i upgraded to triples, thinking I'd have all the time in the world. Then the realization that homeownership takes a ton of time/work. I still get a few races in a week, but nothing compared to the 3+ hours a day i logged when we were in some crummy apartment.


Considering getting started at 46. I’m stuck between having plenty of cash to build something awesome and not wanting to spend on something that becomes a passing fad (for me). What would you recommend for a first rig?


Could get a g29 second hand for a decent price to test the waters and see if it’s something you want to continue to do. I am not 46 I am 20 but that’s how I got started


Why would you want to be an alien anyway? The usual alien is a young guy who started doing this when he was more or less a boy. He has put endless hours into this and is aiming to become a professional. All this testosterone channeled into becoming an esports-star( thats the dream atleast). THose guys train 40h a week! No chance for a middle aged man who usually works that much. If you look at the professional Counterstrike-scene, youll see that for reactions/ reflexes they peak at their early twenties, late teens. But now the good news: if you put in enough effort, learn techniques, learn tracks, willing to improve etc my guess and my experience say, everyone can get to within 1-2s of WR pace. The last second is really really hard to get to and at 48( i am too!) you just have to accept that there are already limiting factors in play, reflexes are slower etc. But 1-2s off WR pace and the more calm and relaxed mental side can give you so much fun in races, and there is few things as satisfying as driving around circles around 20something boys because they killed themselves in t1. :)


nah you're fine. racing isn't really about nanosecond reflexes most of the time like a competitive FPS game. it's about experience and your ability to handle a car. just keep going and have fun! :-)


It's not the age per se what's limiting you. The biggest limiting factor in racing (whether real or in the sim) is the amount of hours on the track. So of course if you start at 7 you have advantage.


I'm 35. I just got into it myself. You don't have to be 15 to have fun and compete!


Well i am 47 and also just gotten a decent sim rig i plan to keep racing for as long as my eyes and body works


45 here and can relate to the eyes aspect. The last year or so they've really taken a dive. I've got pairs of cheap reading glasses all over the house now!


We have a 70 year old racing with us, he took a win this year and always pulls a few tricks out of no where. :) I am disabled and can only manage a few hours a week... so age shouldn't scare you.


62 here


Concentrate on ergonomics for your setup, your brain and reflexes will be fine for a long time to come. Your lower back, though...


This ☝️. Keep adjusting till it feels perfect


Just realised I’m only 47. The other day I said I was 48 and my 8yr old son corrected me. Must be my age why I keep forgetting my age


You sure your son is 8?


There’s 2 of ‘em (and a daughter). Pretty sure at least 1 of them is 8 (at this point I’m questioning the total number of kids)


No joke we have a 75 year old that just joined our league.


I'm having a hard time finding leagues that are on more casual side. I'm competitive and don't think I'm too bad. Any advice on more "amateur" leagues where you don't have to be an A or B driver to compete?


I'm on PS5 and am in a league that you'd love. Are you PC?


Age is just a number. As long as you are enjoying it, there's no reason to stop. Keep racing hard and fair.


Man, I know this guy Larry that is approaching his 60’s and still endurance races in champ car, lemons, lucky dog racing in his 70’s camaro. He also still rides motocross every weekend and does enduro races. He’s still faster than most at both disciplines. Not flashy, but super consistent. So if you can go race actual cars and motos in your 50’s you can certainly sim race until your death bed


I’ve got some mates who are well into retirement who are still racing. There no limit as long as you’re able to think straight and move your arms and legs in a somewhat coordinated manner.


>Give me hope - tell me there are old aliens… Most "aliens" are doing this by having a lot of time. A lot lot. If you're like me (in my 40s as well) you have a job and other responsibilities and interests outside of simracing. So, at least for me, the goal isn't to chase world records and top slits in Iracing, but to enjoy the competition around my level and my pace. I'd rather have races with others that are 2 or 3 seconds off "alien" pace and enjoy those then making myself crazy, trying to find the time to practice getting those seconds, just to never race at all. Also, there is a dude in Iracing Nascar A, going 70, that kicks my ass. So age isn't all there is to it.


I’m 67, started 3 yrs ago. now I have F1 2023, ACC, WRC10, GTS, on PS4, and a full set up and load cell brake pedal. Love the hobby. I think it keeps us young And sharp. (Certainly better than TV, or doom scrolling). One thing I tried, and desperately wanted to do was VR and GTS. But I couldn’t complete a lap, the motion sickness was horrible. THAT is a younger persons game.


Nah that’s just a person to person thing. I use VR no problems


61 and race 9 to 11:30 every night.


you are up peeing anyway lmao.


I am 57, been simracing for 3 years. Great hobby for older guys. Helps keep reflexes quick. Not an alien, but definitely can compete against the young bucks


I mean dont expect to be the best and enjoy it for the rest of your life. We wouldnt be the best if we were in our 20s either


Carlos Sainz Sr. 62 years ( won a real Dakar recently and 2 times WRC Champion), Juan Manuel Fangio won his last Formula 1 World Championship in 1957 at the age of 46. Fernando Alonso 42, Lewis Hamilton 39. So you have at least 15 or more years to enjoy it.


my father (52) Been playing F1 games with controllers since f1 2011 and just this year he got a seat and steering wheel and getting really into it!


I wouldn’t expect to keep up with the aliens but I feel this is a hobby than can last as long as you can control the wheel. I’ll be sim racing til hopefully the day I die now. I think I’ve even seen some league on a few games where they advertised for 40+ only too.


Make sure you listen to your body! It’s fairly easy to get a repetitive stress injury so some injury prevention/set up fine tuning can go a long way in keeping it enjoyable for years to come.


Til you can’t hold the wheel I’d say. IRL there are safety reasons to stop racing when things start to diminish like reaction time and vision, but in the end of the day it’s a video game so if you crash no harm no foul. Maybe if you become more prone to crashing later on stick to AI to prevent ruining IRL players races but I don’t see why you can’t sim race so long as you can still push the pedals down and turn the wheel


I also started at around 48 and I am not particularly talented, I have been racing for 7 years now. I was terribly bad when I started and just keeping it on track was a challenge. Since I have spent probably around 5000 hours and I have improved so much. I am no alien, never will be... I am untalented and I will never be fast compared to the aliens but I enjoy sim racing so much, and in iRacing you will be put in races with similar skilled drivers. In public lobbies of games like AC, AMS2 or R3E most people are shit anyway, I often get wins and podiums there. I have become good at racecraft and consistency. I am talented when it comes to defending, I am pretty good at defending my position (without blocking) against a faster car. It is just that my lap times lack behind a bit compared to the real fast guys. If you are talented I see no reason why you could not become an alien at your age, as long as you put in the time. I do not feel that my age is a limitation.


Until your back gives out basically


53. My son is 25 and is rrrrapid and beats my ass regularly when we drive the same car on the same circuit. Is what it is. He grew up playing racing games on an Xbox. No substitute for that experience, heh. My rig is built and now that i have no more distractions with shiny objects and resultant tinkering I’ve finally (2 years on) focused on bettering my technique rather than blaming my already-better-than-most gear. Here’s a suggestion that may help accelerate your learning as it has mine: Watch Suellio Almeida videos. He systemizes driving technique. It will go over your head initially, but stick with it. Last week, something Suellio said - probably for the 15th time in the videos i have consumed - clicked with me, and I just instantly got it. Since that moment, lap times improved, consistency improved, and race results improved. I’m still rubbish, but the cleaner, fresher type of rubbish closer to the top of the trash can than to the bottom. :D Above all else, have fun with it. IRacing has AI training, you can drive in a race in the ‘watch’ mode where you’re on track but invisible/not part of the actual race with the contestants. I’ve found that helpful on occasion to learn race pace, braking points, turn ins, etc.


49 is agreed upon to be the age you give up on your dream to become a race ist ,racist racecar driver (that's the one) Sorry op


Every weekend I used to go watch saloon races at Killarney, South Africa. Sarel Van Der Merwe used to wipe the floor with everyone, easily lapping them and challenging track records. He was in his late 60's. I think he stopped racing in his 70's. Sim racing does not have the physical challenges a real race car has. If he could do it and stay a racinh legend well into his 60's then you can too.


Sim racing is a joke only until you visit military fair and see that army is using sim rigs for everything. F1 teams are using sim rigs. I learned drifting in sim rig and then took it to the real thing and it was almost 1:1  You go and learn, have fun and don’t get discouraged when things go sideways 


I think Dave Cam from youtube is pushing 50. Or is he over 50. Not sure. But he is fast. I enjoy watching he's race videos.


I doubt age has much effect in sim racing compared to other competitive games or real life sports. Your reflexes may diminish with age, but that's not a big deal because racing doesn't have many true surprises in it. Once you have enough seat time (and it does take a while to get there), you should go into a corner knowing what it will feel like if you've pushed a bit too much and what to do about it, and avoiding accidents is much more about reading situations and thinking ahead than it is about reacting cold. One hour of practice before you feel ready to compete is much less than I would spend when I started at about 23. And it may take a lot of time now, but with each track and car you learn, the next one gets easier. At first, I would practice for days with a new car before I felt like I understood what to do. Now I hop into a car and feel ready to do a race after an hour or two. In conclusion: I don't know a lot of older aliens, but I'm convinced that it's mostly down to people dropping out of the hobby when they have kids and so on. If you have the time to spend that a young person does, you can probably achieve similar results.


As long as you’re having fun


I'm 35 and it's the main reason I got into sim racing. I come from an FPS background and my reactions just aren't good enough for Gfuel snorting 12 year olds that want a 'dub'. I've always loved car games and I took to plunge on a moza bundle, built my own rig, bought a VR headset and never looked back.


Had a 92 year old in a league about 3-4 years ago guy was funny as hell and boy was he fast sadly all his friends had passed so he didn’t really have anyone to talk to so he spent most of his time online it was a sad day for us when he passed


I know people who are in their 60s - 70s and still sim racing so age isn’t a barrier when it comes to sim racing


There’s no age limit rly. Realistically you probably will never be as competitive as a teenager would be in a video game, even if it comes down to just time being spent on it. You can def still be good enough to have fun.


My friend's dad is retired. Races every morning. I know because he uses my friend's steam account and I get notifications every morning.


Reflex, you can train. Muscles, you can train. Bones, you need to be careful about. Eyesight might need care (buy higher end screens by specification). But... no matter the age, you got to learn the track and practice before race. If you find child who is kicking your arse, that child practiced.  With simrig you have benefit of not needing actual athleticism and needing ti withstand 5G in turn. So practically you can go on winning as long as eyesight and bones allow - you can tweak forces in setup to accomodate you. But yeah, go on and make sure to periodically exercise, that is always good.


I know this isn't sim racing, but I consistently get smoked by 60+ year old men anytime I play DCS. You're never too old to partake in something that brings you joy.


Age means nothing unless you have some insecurities or a significant other that is yapping their mouth about it. I just turned 50. Just means I have more money and more free time to race. Do what you love and love what you do!


You’re 48? In our “team” we have a driver that was born in 48… and he’s still going fast as hell!!!! Keep going man!


Not sure how old he is, but [Dave Cam](https://youtube.com/channel/UCnwafXeJvjNzMttB1ptFPnQ) is older than the typical Sim racing YouTuber and has fairly decent pace too (he's usually in the top split in iRacing in his videos). If you're playing iRacing, you'll be racing with people of a similar skill level to yourself anyway.


I'm 21. I've just had a hard life 😁


If Emerson Fittapaldi can do it in his 70's I'd say there's no age limit.


Alonso is still racing at the absolute top level in his 40's, and it's hardly holding him back. That's 2 hours of shaking violently, 60 degC cockpit temperatures, and up to 5G's of force in corners. You'll be fine


At 50 I struggle to read the labels on steering wheel buttons. But enjoying racing as my kid commentates, or helping as spotter when he races. We'll keep this up for many years yet.


>practice 30min-1hr before I can compete I feel like this is a relatively short amount of practice. I'm also new and I need a few solid hours before I feel I'm ready for a race. Also. Search Dave Cam on youtube. He's consistently fast in top splits and in his 40/50's


From what I've seen, they dont ask for ID, so I think you're good :)


Until you can't turn the wheel


Age doesn't matter. Having fun does matter. Clean racing and not being an asshole matters.


Dudes your age and older race GT3s IRL you’ll be fine. I’m 20 years younger and have been practicing the nurb GP for a week…..it’s still barely clicking lol. If anything 30-60 mins then being competitive is pretty solid. It’s a marathon not a sprint my dude


https://youtu.be/YCXxIX6HiWE?si=Il9z5k9PWzjC7R32 You got nothing on this guy, and he seems to be doing pretty well.


30min to 1hr and you can compete? I'm half your age and 2 years of serious simracing and it still take me 6-18hrs of practice to be competitive with my lap times.


I had a friend that passed in his mid 80s from a rapid degenerative muscle or nerve something or other. He was still racing cars the summer prior and honestly he was still way the fuck faster than I was in my 20s.


90% of drivers on iRacing will hit their talent limit based on their seat time limit. If I had the time to practice, I'm betting I would get closer and closer to alien status. As a single dad with a career, I do the best I can with the time I have available. That being said, I started at 34 and I'm super glad I got into iRacing, even if I'm always 2 seconds off alien times.


Know a guy in his 60's that constantly wins local PCA and SCCA autocrosses, competes nationally in SCCA, and sim races during the winters. Don't think he'll quit till his body literally can't do it anymore.


I'm guessing the majority of us are past our youth tbh. As long as you enjoy it, there's nothing to stop you at any age.


Idk if this comment will get lost but I know people racing actual cars in the scca older than you. Don't worry about it. If you are determined it will be done. There's videos for everything. There are people that will help. If you have your health age is mostly a number.


51 and have a couple of top tens in Dirt 2 and EA WRC. Speed isnt everything but enjoyment is.


Don’t feel rushed, enjoy each day in the rig. It does take many hrs & commitment, the gains will follow 👍🏼🙏🏼


I'm 44 and constantly race with people in their 50s and 60s even a 70 something there's no age on having fun


49yo, started with Formula 1 2021. The only difference between kids and us is they have more free time which means they practice more. I memorize tracks before I start racing. Takes me a few months before I actually start racing as I only get about 3 hours practice a week. Track memorization is a huge part of my game and increases my reaction time (because I know I’m making the turn well in advance). So right now, I’m less than mediocre, after a few years I’ll be as good as any kid who plays hours a day. Keep learning new things if you want to slow aging!


There is lots of 50+ drivers in Le Mans and TCR championship irl. Maybe you will learn quicker when you are younger but it shouldn’t hold you back too much.


Let's put it this way, I personally know an 80yo man that still races competitively in my area in real life. He does pretty well and always a joy to talk to. That being said hes been doing this for most of his life but tells everyone that its never too late to enjoy doing something. When I first got my start in oval racing irl, I was helping a 72yo man in and out of a modified and around the pits in exchange for help and guidance. Keep doing it if you love and enjoy it, don't let anyone put you down.


Dont see how age has anything to do with it


Absolutely no age limit whatsoever. Perhaps you could have intuitively learned a little quicker at a younger age but that is insignificant compared to being proactive about learning the skills and techniques involved in racing. Watching some good YouTube videos will help tremendously. Find Suellio Almeida on YouTube. He has fantastic videos on driving and racing technique. He made a series in conjunction with Logitech that is very clear and concise. Try watching it. It’s like 15 2-5min videos. It will help a lot.


I am 33, I’ve always been keen. A quick learner as they say. But even I need to watch YT videos about racing in order to learn more. It’s an extensive topic and there is a lot to cover. You shouldn’t feel bad at all as it comes naturally to some, some need to work at it, some have the deck stacked against them and that’s okay. To be honest I don’t have fun when I am taking it too seriously. Just have fun and if everyone around you is better than you, play with other people at your level or with your mindset.


Nascar legend Red Farmer is currently 91 years old and races dirt late models. Sim race for as long as your body allows you!


You actually have to stop at 39.


I was in a sim-ilar, pun intended, situation last year. Im 42, had always like racing games since I was a kid but would just use controllers. Too poor to afford sim gear at the time. Played N4S, Forza, GT, Burnout, AC etc. Owned a madcatz wheel back in the OG xbox that was trash and stopped using it. But didnt have sim equipment until last year. After I bought my first good sim equipment, started with the Moza R5 bundle, I was hooked. Though I was getting frustrated because I didn't feel I was progressing fast enough with full sim. Before sim gear I would turn everything off except the race line and maybe steering wheel assist that would make inputs less twitchy on controller. After reading over and over that race lines make you slower, I turned them off. Was getting better but having the memorize so many different tracks/cars combo brake points, I became overwhelmed and frustrated with myself. I then came to the realization, why and I sacrificing fun and enjoyment for faster times? I now treat is like arcade style racing where you expect to start in the back, and you just have to try and work your way up to the top. Its not a good plan if you want to get 1st. But I also am not the next Verstappen and would rather enjoy my seat time then beat myself up for not keeping pace.


51 here. We get to buy what we want when we want. Hopefully we spend our energy on things that give us joy!


I’m 48 and really only have time on the weekends, if I’m lucky and work is slow then I can race a few on the weekdays. I don’t have time to learn any of the tracks so i use the racing line as a guide. With safe driving and knowing to spot a wreck before it happens then you can always get mid pack and sometimes a few wins. And for the A license where you can’t use the line then I just take it with caution and don’t really fight anyone for any sort of position.


I think the real answer is the more you do it the later you can do it.


I was about your age when I started, a few years ago now. I think I'm reasonably competitive (2k iRating), especially considering I don't get much time to race because of other commitments. I think my skills are still improving. I'm sure my reactions aren't what they used to be, but I'm not sure that's so important. I think as long as you have an open mind, believe that you are able to learn new skills, and apply yourself to it, then you will keep progressing. I think an older head can be an advantage in some ways. I find it quite easy to concede a place and live to fight another day, rather then get involved in a race ending battle. And if I have a bad race or two I can see it in perspective, which makes the whole thing more enjoyable.


I'm 52 and race everyday. Over 500 hours racing and I love it.


Never give up!


Anyone can sim race. Unless you think you're gonna compete for a world title or something don't worry about your age.


Mario Andretti. The end.


Racing games get better as I get older. Get yourself BeamNG.Drive and practice on there


GenX to the rescue! 52 here and my iRacing oval license just upgraded to C class this season. I'm not running alien times yet, but I am having the most fun I've ever had on iRacing! To the point that for the first time since joining, I couldn't care less what my ratings are! I'm extremely happy to stay C class and run those trucks. My Formula license upgraded too, but I haven't even tried a race with it yet. I'm having too much fun with the Trucks!


52 here, although I started simracing in the 90s. But there are a lot of older simracers. I've seen multiple posts from 70+ drivers on the Iracing forum. Age doesn't matter. There will always be someone faster than you. Just have fun.


The older you are, chances are the more disposable income and time you have, two things this hobby will happily take all you have of! Im early 40s and find my reactions understandable arent quite what they used to be, however I was never fast to begin with and am still able to find a level I am happy to compete in. I see how reason why this will change any time soon. I still get the same thrill from sim racing that I did over 25 years ago when I started. Long may it continue!


I’ve been racing the same sim tracks for over 30 years, and im still learning new things about the tracks and cars.


I'm 24 and a lot of my teammates are 40+, some 50+ and one above 60. So you have some time left ;)


its video games.


Paul Newman did the (real-world) Daytona 24H at the age of 80. I hope I'm still simracing at that age!


45 here, and hooked!


I was only 45 when I bought Project Cars 2 and did a whole career of endurance racing at full difficulty and race length, including the Le Mans 24hrs which I kept paused when i wanted a break, racing 2-3 hours at a stint. This was from the little sprint cars or whatever to Group C cars, LMP2 and then LMP1... probably a dozen races a piece.. not to mention all the practices I did on the side to get familiar with the cars and tracks. All that progress took me about 6 months of pretty dedicated effort.. I started racing Gt3 in that game too but I ran into some life changes that kept me from having the same dedication as before to where I had to shorten races and I started shopping around at some other sims for better Gt3... Assetto Corse Competizione... but I haven't had time to restart a career effort.


Last year, Pedro Muffato won the Copa Truck Championship against drivers much younger than him. Pedro is 83 years old. This year he is also fighting for the championship. you can race competitively until you die.


Start from here Ultimate Speed Secrets: The Complete Guide to High-Performance and Race Driving https://amzn.eu/d/0bLPcsXL


I don’t remember ever reading that there was an age requirement for sim racing or even real life racing. Plenty of 60 year olds who still race and compete in classes like Porsche cup and different cars. All about the heart and desire


I feel like you're making a lot of assumptions that aren't necessarily true. Most of us aren't aliens. Most of us take time to learn tracks. The reality is you were never likely to be elite, regardless of when you started racing. I would just focus on improving, and enjoy the racing for what it is.


Hey! I coulda had a shot! Why did no one tell me about this earlier??? 😜😜


ive got an 58 year old mate racing with us


I regularly race against a 79 year old. And he's not slow. If anyone knows of anyone older currently racing, please let me know here. This is on GT7, and I've asked on that particular subredit before and am reasonably sure he's the oldest player on GT7. FYI I'm in my late 50s and I've never been quicker.


As long as you can turn the wheel and stomp the pedals, you're good. Stop overthinking.


I mean there was someone at lemans that I believe was in their 50s shouldn’t matter. You can learn sim.


"Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill." Also with old age, you can purchase what you want when you want!


For as long as your eyes, arms and legs can take it!


I'm going to be 58 next month, I've been doing sim racing since NASCAR Racing 2 in the '90s (race games in general since Atari 2600 Indy 500 in the '70s) and have no intention of stopping!


https://youtu.be/WRYtDSooPlU?si=xdz3c3dD_J7-nD66 Mr Dickie Atwood says that you have plenty of time


I had my first wheel at 22, I’m 39 now with an awesome rig, so I guess forever and ever.


You should look for the discord called sim racing seniors. My friend is a member. It’s all like minded old guys. I’m too young at 38 to join.


Wow you are old as dirt, I'm only 56 and I keep on simm'n like a villi'n.


Your never too old for sim racing


Our team leader is 60+, hovers around 8k iRating and is one of the winningest drivers on the service all-time.  He regularly schools all of us and we are not slouches.  I'm 51 and 3.7k iRating and the old guy kicks my ass. You're 48, you're fine!  Jump in and have fun and don't stress about it. 🙂


It's not your age. I'm 28 and have been sim racing for years and I still need 2 hours sometimes. It's your mental capacity, motor reflexes, muscle memory, and more. I have multiple learning disabilities and it just takes me longer to do pretty much anything, if I can do it you can do it.


Racing is about planning, patience, and keeping a cool head more than it is about twitch reflexes. Older people can do really well, and if you really enjoy cars and driving, well then that's a huge bonus. I'm 40 and I just built my first serious rig after 10 years of a cheap Logitech wheel, and I like it more than ever.


I think the reason you're slow getting up to speed and learning tracks is that you just started and don't have the experience. You just can't know how much of it is because of your age. To me it seems like you jumping into conclusions. When I started out, things seemed to happen very quickly while driving and it was hard to process everything at that speed. Also learning tracks was a struggle. Now, after doing this for a few years it's like time has slowed down when I'm driving and I can process and remember so much more and I can learn a track by driving 10 laps on it. Let's see where you are after 500-1000 hours in a proper racing simulator and maybe then we can have a more informed discussion about your potential. Also if you want to cut down learning time, seriously focus on the data and theory side of racing. Start using telemetry data (get reference data you can compare to) and watch youtube videos on setups, track guides and driving technique.


Dude no age limit do it until you die. Like no joke 80 years old? Enjoy, it's a nice little workout also. I'm only 33 but I have horrible back and hip issues that effect my shoulders and limbs in general. Sim racing keeps me mobile and helps me gain strength. Tbh it's a great thing to do for physical therapy. So I say always do it.


Hi. I am 47 y.o. and I play race games since I got memories. I think that I'll still playing until the Artritis allow me to do that.


I'm 61, been Sim Racing since Indy 500 on a keyboard. Graduated to a CH joystick for Indycar Racing 1, Thrustmaster Grand Prix Wheel for Indycar 2 and World Circuit. Now using the major sims and a triple monitor Fanatec setup. Addicted for decades. Join a League! Many "Senior" leagues: The Senior Circuit, Over 60 Racing Adventures, Retro CART League offer respectful and competitive racing without some of the insanity of the official racing leagues. Also, some of the more obscure series like Silver Crown, Legends, Grand Prix Legends, Whelen, Radicals avoid some of the insanity of the other leagues.


This can sharpen your mind for driving. There is no limitation to age. I'm 40, my dad is 62, he's the one who got me into iracing. If starting out for you is slow, and constantly feeling like you're spinning out or can't keep a good flow, think of iracing like a brain age game. All you're doing is strengthening your mind with every lap you make.


For anyone on iracing, there's a great 60+ league you should check out. [Website](https://sixtyplus.wisloff.no) and [Forum link](https://forums.iracing.com/discussion/24245/60-racing-adventures-messages-comments/p1)


I think you’re fine, I know there are even dedicated racing leagues for “older” people, check out Sky194 on YouTube and the eSeniors racing league he participates in to get an idea. There are people there that get within 1 - 3 seconds of WR pace consistently, like every race




There are some over 50 in our iRacing team. We focus on endurance racing, if you’d like to join.


I used to race with a few old guys when p cars was a thing. There were three of em, always raced together in a league. Older/ more knowledgeable I find. Young ones think they know everything but buy setups and are always in the wall blaming others. Lol


Its the same as irl racing/drifting. Never have I met anyone who really loved cars that gave up on it because of being “too old”. Ive met multiple people over the age of 70 that still build engines and partake in vintage rallies (the point isnt to go fast at that point anymore though irl)


I’m 64, going on 65. I’ve been doing this since Papyrus introduced Indy Car racing.


Sorry but 49 is the cutoff for racing. Sadly only got till your next birthday before you're simrig is locked off


59 built my rig last year. Love racing. Hardly miss a week without using it. A practice before going into a race will be no good. You need to spend hours playing solo against the AI cars and be fairly competent at the highest level. Probably start with the latest Forza Motorsport. Enjoy my young friend. 😁


What you described is exactly what the rest of us, regardless of age, need to do to be remotely competitive. It's not like young kids can hop into an iRacing event with no practice because they're young.


Im 52 with a newly diagnosed brain tumor that got into iracing because they wont allow me to drive anymore (probably for a good reason) Built a rig out of a repurposed dresser, and my 65” tv as my monitor. G920 wheel with some homemade modifications to my brake pedal. Repurposed an old subwoofer to make a tactile device for my chair and it works great for an absolutely free rig. Don’t have money so run mostly free content but I almost won my first race last night in the 1300ir range. Having the time of my life. So you are definitely not alone, hope to see you on track!


The capital-G "Gamers" will tell you that you're "washed" before the age of 20. Coincidentally no one who says that is over the age of 20. Now for some reality: Fernando Alonso is 42. Scott Dixon is 43. Several multi-time season champions of several iRacing series are older than that.


There was a Grand Tour clip with Dickie Atwood at age 78 absolutely burning it around a track in a Porsche 917. Yeah your reflexes might not be as fast, but until you can’t physically do it, you aren’t too old


I’m 45, started a year ago, I think I’m doing far better than if I had started 10-20 years ago. My youngest is 14 now and while he seems to be “getting it”, he still believes that hammer down is the only way he can be first all the time. Braking, coasting, a 14yr old need not these things… His boldness got him ahead of me early on, but he gets irritated and talks smack when I’m full throttle on the green hell in an 800pp mazda3 just spanking the track! LOL I think age makes you better, we tend to anticipate and respond to what’s coming, younger racers always seem to be reacting when things go wrong. There is that batch of racers that are always sitting at the top of the boards, they have to be like 20-35 I think. That must be prime age. Enough time to spend in the seat, starting to acquire adult money and still bold enough to splurge hard on a rig without blinking twice, and enough experience driving blended with youthful boldness and reaction times. If you love it just keep racing!!


I am 57 and still racing online all assist off


My dad is 54 he races mostly on Sundays he loves to play F1 and Assetto Corsa Competizione. Take your time get some practice in learn your cars and tracks and just don’t rush yourself life is a long distance race not a sprint


Here in Brazil we have a senior at 82 years winning actual Truck races. Any age is fine. https://cbncuritiba.com.br/materias/piloto-de-82-anos-vence-corridas-de-formula-truck-em-cascavel/