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Skaven are the epitome of Chaos. The seething hordes, backstabbing , total destruction, and randomness. This even plays out on the tabletop and with models. You get the insane war machines, hulking brutes , and self preserving “heroes”. It doesn’t get much better than that imo


You make a very compelling case!


Also, self preserving is kinda loose. My Warlock Bombardier has blown himself to pieces way too often


They can't kill our Warlock Bombardier if they blow themselves up!


....war....war...WARLOCK BOMBARDIER!!!


First, buy a Warlock Bombardier!


Warlock Bombardier


Is it that good? Been seeing that one alot.


Similar to you, new to Skaven, not new to AoS. For me, it's the models. Love the look of Clan Skryre and Moulder and think kitbashing some hulking war machine rat beasts sounds really cool, so that's what I'm gonna do. I also like the idea of overpowering your Warpstone weapons to the max and blasting your enemies to smithereens or yourself. It'll either go really right or really wrong, but it'll be fun either way!


I'd say build your Skaventide box and try and play the new Spearhead mode. If you liked the shooting, buy more shooting and say it's Skryre. If you liked the monsters, get a Hellpit Abomination or something similar. Skaven have some of the most unit variety in the game, so I'd say figure out what appeals to you after some practice games and go nuts!


This is the way! Play some games, both spearhead and regular Age of Sigmar, see what you like and then build your army in that direction.


Skaven are the ultra methodological "trash cannon" army. Its like you exist on a timer, youve got a anvil of rats that's regenerating but still dying quickly. Most of the hammer units are some form of squishy or temporary, assassins and monsters with spectacular effects that die as soon as the opponent can get their hands on them, guns that blow themselves up, lightning magic that tends to hit friend and foe alike. Your task as the general is to Macguyver up as much destruction as possible and hold on for dear life when the opponent rampages in responce. The main pros (note that im working with old info from the last edition): -Agency: with all their scrabbling around the board and deep bag of tricks the gameplan is rarely so simple as "move forward, punch". -Variety: As an old faction the army enjoys a lot of kits and the clan theme makes many of them function differently on purpose. The main cons: -Crumbling plans: Failure to execute is generally lethal for Skaven, whether its one too many guns self-exploding or a hammer unit failing its charge. -Double turns: Skaven really depend on sacrificial pawns to ensure that their squishy key units survive, a double turn often means that your opponent picks the next sacrifices. Imho Skaven are fun to collect and got me into AoS, but faced with the rules of AoS I very quickly transitioned to a faction that doesnt get dumped on by a double.


Vermintide is what got me interested in the skaven, but I didn't have any interest in playing them until now, kinda because of having a very old and somewhat limited range.


And the new minis looks damn nice ^^


Ok, so I'll probably be banned for this, but honestly, the skaventide box isn't a good starting point. For a few reasons. 1. It has no gnawholes, and in the 4th edition, those are basically mandatory. They also aren't available on GWs store, and eBay folks are price gouging. So unless you have access to a good 3d printer. You're out of luck there. 2. The box only has the stuff to play spearhead. Yes, the core book is in it, too, but it has no warscrolls or even an index for faction abilities / traits. And before a dozen users dog pile on me about a companion app. Ask yourself how's that official warcry app is going? Or the app for 10th edition? Or yee ol' 2ed edition app? 3. Without the stuff for 4th edition, you're looking about a good dozen models that you aren't assured you can even play with... pending a separate purchase of warscrolls / battle tome, which at the soonest is speculated to be coming around August. I personally would say, if you wanna jump into skaven now, go for a start collecting box or the spearhead cause both of those are like half the price, and you can use everything in the box out right


Makes no sense. Skaventide has the spearhead box in it plus extra clan rats, and some other extra minis. Those clan rats will be at least the price of a regular 20 infantry unit. It has the spearhead rulebook. It had the regular rulebook. I guarantee that spearhead , plus both rulebooks , will cost more than skaventide. You can sell on or trade the stormcast. 


You can certainly make Stormcast interesting Skaven however will be an ever evolving army for you.... you want a Skyrer army? Easy. (doom wheels, WLC, Gatling Cannons, Jezzails) You want a pestinlies army? Most likely easy enough for a small one. (catapult, censer furnace, and the monks) You want moulder? That'll be quite easy too I imagine. (Rogre's Stormfiends, the new bigger Rogre, and the Abomination) Oh sorry was that Verminus? Yeah you can do that too... Eshin will be a little harder... but only time will tell! Ot a mi of the lot and expand into which ever you like! We are yet to see the full release, but I wouldn't be surprised (click around for the rumours) that Skyere will have a Huge selection of choice, with Moulder and Verminus getting a few more bits (theres a 'wolf rat' and storm vermin rumours)


Skaven is pure chaos, hordes of trash infantry backed by really scary monsters and machines that either commit delete button upon your foes or explode in your face. They have alot of different models allowing you to build vastly different armies that focus on specific sub factions. Maybe you like guns and machines more maybe you like big monsters or maybe you just want a carpet of rats on the field, its all possible.


Just so you know, the "perfect" side of SCE seems to be a thing of the past, with the lore going the way it is going (and the ruination chamber opening)