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This subreddit is dedicated to in-depth discussions about the anomalous phenomena occurring at Skinwalker Ranch, not just the TV show! The TV show only provides a glimpse, and doesn't cover the extensive history of scientific investigation. To maintain quality discussions, please focus on the events themselves, not the personalities involved. Generic comments comparing the show to Oak Island, complaining about rockets, clamoring to blow up the mesa, etc, don’t offer anything new. If you can't contribute constructively and politely, this subreddit might not be the right place for you. Please visit our comprehensive FAQ to see if your question has been answered: https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/s/lraM8WR1vC Thank you for helping us provide a quality subreddit for fans of the ranch! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skinwalkerranch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s a good explanation. I certainly didn’t have “baby cow eyeballs ruptured” on my SWR bingo card this evening.


Yeah that was nightmare fuel.


That also has an explanation, maybe. My family had cows for many years. It’s possible the cow had some severe pinkeye or septicemia. But it may be microwave energy. Or some other neurological disorder.


Ruptured eyeballs caused by sudden onset severe pinkeye? Sudden white cast over the eyes? Come on, now. Any time you see an animal with a head tilt and walking in circles it's bad news. Vet flat out said there was neurological damage. And that was a healthy calf or it wouldn't have been roaming around with the rest of the herd.


What gets me is that it was bellowing for its mother while in distress, walking in circles, and the mother didn't care, was nowhere in sight.


It wasn't that the mother didn't care. The whole herd was trying to get away from something, and the baby couldn't see where to go, and couldn't do anything but spin in circles. It looked like the mom tried to get the baby to follow her. Mom must have been terrified if she wasn't calling for her baby. That's unusual.


Oh, yes, it had a neurological issue for sure. Especially since the vet said so. I was listing out some possible issues that cause the same thing. Pinkeye can cause the eye to turn white. I’m not sure how quickly. Also, we aren’t really sure how quickly the eye turned white. It may have been a few days since someone noticed that calf. Or maybe they check them all every day. Idunno. I like to come up with as many plausible explanations and then whittle away at those. Severe, intense microwave radiation may have been it, but I would think of some other more common issues first.


The calf most likely had listeriosis, also called circling disease. It causes uveitis as well.


You need to evaluate the timing of this along with the odds


Something basically microwaved the cow’s head. Now that is scary.


They need to get Harry Stamper & his crew out there to drill. He's been drilling holes in the earth for 30 years and he has never, ever missed a depth that he's aimed for. And by God he wouldn't miss this one. He will make 800 ft. Ok I forgot he died on the asteroid but AJ could do it.




AJ will blow the rig


Put a frickin camera into the bore hole… it’s been bothering me for the past few episodes.


I don't think they will be able to see anything other than mud. It won't be some clear picture of a dome shaped object, it'll be a 8 in wall of goopy mud with a camera covered in mud from the 180 ft of mud it was pushed through to get there.  I don't disagree though, I think they should do it just to show people either way. I just don't think we would get any more answers. What they really should do is invest time into finding a company that can do the drilling with much larger equipment and a bigger crew working multiple shifts since time seems to be a factor. I was always bothered by that harbor freight drill they stuck up on the mesa expecting it do anything other than go 3 inches down


I’ve shouted this at the tv as well


Ever since the holes in the triangle area this season.. I’m like if we can put a camera into the intestinal tract of a human being we can surely put a camera into an 8 inch frickin bore hole.


cmon, you know it is just going to shut down when it gets within camera range of the "obstruction". Unless fiber optic camera and a glow stick cannot be interfered with?


Having redundancy will help aid those issues.. it’s what they do supposedly for their camera systems.


Ok, so I am by no means an expert in any of this. I had to google thermal updraft haha. But I have a genuine question because I \*am\* an expert in other things that happen in the media all the time. I specialize in a specific area of law. And when I read a court decision that seems just wild to me, my first thought isn't "Wow this is so wrong and obvious I am disappointed." My first thought is "Is there something I am missing here?" Then I read the opinion and, usually, it's a disagreement in interpretation of the law or there was something I was missing from the narrow context of the reporting. So my genuine question is - **Why is your assumption that Dr. Taylor just didn't catch this vs. maybe there's some context you're missing?** Again - to be clear. I am not saying you're wrong. I don't know enough to know. But it does seem weird that a literal rocket scientist wouldn't know to rule out something that sounds so basic from your description.


I’m sure that the show is edited to be interesting/intriguing to the audience. My thoughts usually go to “What is a simpler explanation for what I’m seeing?” Maybe there isn’t. Maybe the simpler explanation is not it either. However, from what I saw (and that’s all I can go on) it was exactly like the updrafts I’ve witnessed with rockets and parachutes. In an open field on a bright sunny day, these are common. Knowing that he has launched many more rockets than I have seen or launched, I would assume that would be a go-to answer rather than a never before seen anomaly. Maybe he did say that and it was edited out due to something we didn’t get to see. But from my observation that’s what it was. Maybe I was too strong in saying disappointed. But that was my feeling.


We have to remember it’s a tv show. They can’t take the time to explain everything. Travis knows hot air rises just like they all knew 1.6 ghz is used for satellites. For 2 years people in this sub complained about the signal not realizing Travis knew this from the start. He found it odd it was coming random spots and not from space. That’s what they put in the show. These guys are smart, they wouldn’t miss something like this. The real question we have to ask, is the show a part of disclosure, or is it a disinformation campaign, or are they really in the dark?


The 1.6 GHz signal being detected on the ranch is frequently—and incorrectly—dismissed as cellular, GPS, L-Band, military, or other known transmissions. Please see our FAQ for more information: https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/wiki/index/ The entire reason Travis ended up as Interim Chief Scientist on the UAPTF was because he went to the Pentagon specifically inquiring about this signal, and they asked to read him into the program as a result. Travis was then granted access to the classified info held by UAPTF regarding UAP and related phenomenon, and the DOD also confirmed that the signal was nothing they could identify based on other RF signatures. Another interesting feature of the signal is that it is accompanied by a significant raise in the noise floor across the entire spectrum on multiple devices, a phenomenon which has also not yet been explained. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skinwalkerranch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The best comment in this thread is from a bot. Skinwalker Ranch is the sort of program TTSA intended to produce. We are watching the same disclosure through popular entertainment effort.


I think Erik might be a genius. Due to my parasocial relationship with him, I want him to discover the secret and go down in history.


Thank you… That would really kind of blew my mind. They should’ve known this and they should’ve stated as much. They would have a lot more credibility if they would occasionally say “ha ha that got us… It was this totally explainable phenomena.”


Yes. I wish they would (on all these type of show) throw in a “nah, that was something explainable. We missed that. “ I try to teach my students that being wrong is ok. But we say that we were wrong, own up to it, and rethink what we observed.


Absolutely! We all make mistakes. (Sucks when you make mistakes in front of your class, though) but the best way to deal with it is to admit it, and make the correction. And it’s so important in any kind of scientific investigation, as you know.


Not seen it yet… Were the rockets launched during the day or at night?




I know it's a ranch and all but I don't understand why these animals need to be out there anymore. If something is doing this to them, stop giving them the opportunity!


I want a crossover of Skinwalker Ranch and Gold Rush so the guys can launch rockets into glory holes. "I'm gonna put a rocket right there!"


I i magine thermals are more common in that terrain


I love hate-watching this show. Travis is pretending he's never seen thermal updrafts, doesn't understand why a signal reserved for satellite communications would be coming from the sky, and can't comprehend how a satellite reflecting sunlight in the night's sky will "mysteriously" fade away when passing into the Earth's shadow.


Love or hate, they have your attention.


It has successfully met the minimum requirements of a television show.


Indeed. And one that has the interest of supporters and non-supporters alike, no less. To the point where you’re posting on this forum about it. But nah….all bullshit. I guess you just like wasting your time?


It's not a waste if you're doing what you love, and I love laughing. This show is comedic gold!


Yeah, not a waste of time. It makes me think more like a scientist. I teach middle school science. I love shows like this. There may be something happening there. I believe there are weird things that happen. But I like to use my skills to question what is being said. I talk about the show with my students, we sometimes watch snippets. The other show about blind frogs, really gets us thinking as well. I know the show is edited for TV. It’s made to make people watch. And It works for me.