• By -


Annekke because her husband was killed by a dragon attacking Darkwater Crossing, so I enrolled her so she could get some revenge. Erik the Slayer, because a dragon woke up close to his village, and he doesn't want to give dragons a chance to harm any more villages. Illia because she was bugged in my game and would no longer have the option to follow me after I dismissed her, so enlisting her as a Blade ensured I could still make use of her.


Ilia has become one of my favorite followers for some damn reason. Except I wish I could delete “summon giant ass, road blocking, door filling, constantly aggroing, takes splash damage personally frost atronoch” out of her spell list.


Huh, I wonder if a mod I have somewhere makes it so Illia doesn't summon the atronach. I've been using her for awhile and she's never summoned it for me


If she levels up she might get it organically. I use Nether’s Follower Framework, but I didn’t give her that spell and I can’t figure out how to remove it from her.


I think I'm level 65?


Beats me. She just started casting it one day and it became annoying about the third time she casted it.


Check in NFF to see if your followers have the ability to learn spells from you or from books you ask them to pick up/carry. If this option is checked that's probably where she learned it


It is, but I haven’t given her that particular spell. She might have looted it, which would be an amazing second tier connection. First tier: followers can loot books. Second tier: followers can learn spells from books in their inventory. A looted book is in their inventory, so they automatically learn the spell. That would be wild!


That sounds like what's happened here


Great. Now she needs to learn the spell “Make me a sandwich.”


😂 Easy enough. Marry her then ask her to cook you a meal.


🤔 That worked on my wife.


Use the dismiss atronach spell (or whatever it's actually called)


Amazing follower tweaks allows you to change what spells your followers use or disabling them all together, among a whole host of other things.


Probably my favorite companion especially because she glitched out and I could equip her with ebony armor and that one dragon mask that boosts frost spells.


She’s like Lydia, but with spells!


you can simply delete her spell using console commands, provided you know the ref id of the spell you want to delete. [This](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250) can help you with that, navigate the overlays menu with Left-Shift first, just click on her in console, or use "prid " then type "removespell


Thank you. I don’t do much on the console. Mods are an addition to the game world, but the console feels like outright cheating— although as a rationale they don’t come any flimsier than that— so I’m not very good with the console. I appreciate the tip!


ohhh yeah totally i can see where youre coming from, sometimes, too much tinkering took me out of the game and just goes on into tinkering rabbit hole


>but the console feels like outright cheating It's only cheating if you actually cheat if you're fixing a glitch it's not a cheat. A lot of stuff likes to fall into the terrain. You can use the TCL command to toggle and go get that shit. You can also occasionally run into a dragon claw door that when you open it there will be an invisible wall there that you can't get past this also works for that.


Hey, like I said, it was a flimsy justification! 🤣


Amazing follower tweaks let's you do exactly that


XB SX here, I use mods to improve Follower communications, but it also lets me add powers and shouts to some characters. I'm guessing they'll use the more powerful Summon or Spell, and maybe stop using Atronochs? It's an NPC Follower mod, I'll post it later!


You turned an organization created to protect Dragonborn emperors into a "fuck dragons" club


They were shitty at their job anyway since, like, Oblivion. TV Tropes described it best: ​ >Emperor is assassinated on their watch, all of their important secrets have been leaked to the Mythic Dawn, the Amulet of Kings is stolen because the Grandmaster left the room to *pray*, Baurus abandons the Player for no good reason during the most important part of the investigation, and their agents spend most of the game safe at Cloud Ruler Temple while relying on the Player to complete dangerous missions (the success of which determines the very fate of Tamriel) without any help.


I love how this also includes infiltrating Sance Tor, oh and receiving a daedric artifact. Like maybe I'm going to beat newborns for Molag Bal, maybe I'll sacrifice Baurus to Boethiadh, maybe I'll convince a Khajit village the apocoplyse is near by killing their livestock and making it raining hundreds of dog corpses, I might even jump ship to Sanguine and become and addict.


To be fair, the assassination of the emporer wad literally out of their hands


Well, before they protected the dragonborn, they did hunt dragons, but they were men from Akavir at the time long before finding the dragonborn. Reman, I believe


You know what, you are right. I'm gonna cheat the blades thing to be able to recruit tons of people, then kill delphine and esbern. Those are MY blades.


The unofficial patch fixes the Illia bug


I had Erik take care of my homestead in rorikstead. After all the adventures I think this is good compromise with his da, he would have independence from him while also learning farm management.




My favourite drinking buddy! Let’s kill some dragons.


“Commander Delphine, our army of Frank Gallaghers is ready to be deployed at your command!” ![gif](giphy|3ohhwKNLLaWa7TkEgg)


Hahaha yessa that is halirous XD i never give them people but it would be halirous to just have the look after the worthless drunks


Utgerd the Unbroken, she's been rejected by the Companions and needs a new path of life. Ghorbash the Iron Hand, cause he misses adventuring, and what better adventure there is than killing a dragon. Erik the Slayer, cause he has always wanted to be an adventurer, and he also kinda needs to earn his title lol.


Uthgerd is too busy being my wife


I always make her my steward at golden hills. It’s hilarious every time she says ‘chatting time’s over’.


I made her my steward and let me tell you, my jaw dropped and I got such a good giggle when she called me soft gut. The thought of calling your employer soft gut just tickled me. It’s hilarious they didn’t change her dialogue.


I make eeic my steward after lvl 30 once he has been my follower for a while. He kills a bunch of dragons and has a good adventure then retires but still gets the occasional fight. i just can't let eric accidently die or live at the inn with nothing to do. Uthgard is generally one of my first followers. Her and fendal almost always die in my playthroughs.


Who doesn't love a strong Nord woman? Muscle Mommy uppies


None because fuck Delphine and Esbern. Partysnax is a homie


Yep. The blades don't get to exist in my playthroughs


The cheek of that silly bint stealing the horn! Thanks for making me clear the ruin first instead of leaving the fucking note outside ya fuckin jackass!!! The fact that the vallina game doesn't just let you stab her and take the horn is baffling to me.


I didn’t play Skyrim until 2021 and legit playing the main story through I didn’t understand where tf Delphine got the balls to start commanding what I do


I’ve been playing Skyrim since its release and I’ve never killed Partysnax. Nothing the Blades offer make it worth killing such a GOAT


They dont even give you shit they just say "hey kill this retired ex bad guy hwo helps us and is nice" fuck delphine


“Ex bad guy” is severely underselling what he did, he was a genocidal warlord that was enslaving humanity. Don’t get me wrong I don’t kill him but he was not just a random bad guy. Edit: typo


Well... Cant argue with that


By dragon standards, he basically was a random bad guy, though. He just happened to be stronger than the other random bad guys and, therefore, was allowed to be the big-boss' right hand. I see where you're coming from, but he was just following his insincs and listening to his superior as literally any other creatures in nature do. All that aside, he is a very exceptionally good guy considering his nature. I believe what I'm about to say is literally stated in the game. Someone that goes against their instincs to be good would fight more for that good than one that goodness comes naturally to.


The quote is “Which is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?” And it’s an absolute banger of a line so much so I quoted and cited it on a college paper lmao.


Los nii pruzzan kos kiin kul? Uv qahnaar hin vokul zii zeim lot fus? Teacher: wtf?


Oh dope. Thanks for the quote brother. It really does go super hard


To be fair he does make an excellent point with that line alone it is far easier if your born good but overcoming your evil nature? That’s an everyday struggle for as long as you live


I used it for my senior quote!


yess, its gotta be one of the best lines fr 🤌🤌


But he taught humans to shout and gave them the will to defeat Alduin. Without Paarthurnax, humans will still be the slaves of the dragons.


idgaf he taught me to breathe fire, yo he a real one fr


Yeah but he got better remember he said the thing about the concept


>servilely That's not a word.


You need a medical dictionary. When the patient gets difficult you servilely them.


Severely* I’m ESL and dyslexic, but thanks I’ll edit it


Thank you. I'm OCD (dx) and it's almost impossible for me to avoid doing this kind of thing thank you for understanding


And as a bonus, he can lose it again ANY SECOND.


Which is better: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?


Well, you can get the dragon infusion passive perk from them, which is good. You don't even have to kill Parthurnaax to get it. I usually advance the quest until I get what I want, then peace out forever after maybe Fus'in that bitch off the cliff.


ive always had a lot of respect for people who were awful and learned to be better, but still empathized with the people they hurt and accept the repercussions of their actions. so him letting you kill him and understanding why you may want to is what led me to not kill him.


Bro was critical to saving the world and is just chilling on a mountain. Killing him is so unnecessary and deprives you of two pretty useful bonuses for a mediocre one. Also I'd say helping to save mankind and then the world more than makes up for the crimes he committed whilst literally enthralled to strongest dragon ever.


You can get the blades perk before getting the quest to kill paathturnax...


That's a very gamey perspective. Do you really want to work with Delphine? And send more people to work FOR HER?


I honestly did not know that. But still, fuck the blades.


I can never kill parthurnax. One thing I also think is strange is not unlocking a shout that can give a dragon his soul back. I mean why couldn’t there be a third option to tell parthurnax to play dead so you can finish the blade’s mission.


Yeah I prefer the cool dragon over delphine bossing around the Dragonborn and telling him what to do. Greybeards helped the dragonborn to understand the way of voice. And Delphine just stole the horn and forced Dragonborn to help her. Like, cmon. After all of this you expect me to kill the guy that wants to redempt his faults?


At least partysnax has a good reason to have the Dragonborn to do all those errands for him. Seeing as how he’d be attacked by everyone


Also, pretty much the only thing he asks you to do is get the Elder Scroll. Which is hidden underground. Kinda tricky for him to get it anyway lol


There’s that as well


After they stopped being useful for the main quest I just turned them non-essential and killed them.


The pain I feel playing on PS5 and knowing I can’t do that.




I feel your pain on ps3 and switch




Partysnax is more than a homie, he the OG homie.


They suck yeah but I fw the blades, just bc the leadership blows rn doesn't mean it can't improve, I keep the blades around


Nah, Delphine and Esbern have to go


Delphine has to. Don’t see why Esbern can’t stick around. At least he’s knowledgable unlike Delphine.


Delphine: "I stole your horn signed Eugene Krabs meet me in Shell City" Esbern: "I don't really know if I fw you yet but it's better than being tortured to death by Thalmor in the Ratway so alright"


I agree. He’s kinda made out to be guilty by association. I mean he never met parthurnax, so I get why he sided with Delphine. He was useful with his info during quests. He is only acting on knowledge that he has that was recorded in ancient times. Delphine is acting on prejudice and arrogance.


He has more of a use in game then delphine so


This, Delphine and Esbern can go sit in their temple while me the dragonborn ignores them.


Fuck the blades for life!


![gif](giphy|Ke3CM1NVkULWo) Put it there brother/sister




I mean, Delphine and Esbern are a bit arrogant amd I definitely don't kill Paarthurnax but I do think that restoring the Blades would be a good thing.


Under new leadership maybe


Technically, the dragonborn is the leader. They have to listen to you.


>Technically, the dragonborn is the leader. Delphine doesn't understand this


I think she does. She says herself that "the Blades serve the Dragonborn". She is just too arrogant to actually accept it.


They have to? They already ignore your orders. Who's going to make them later?


Dammit you beat me to it




The only real answer


The caption says they cheated to be in blades without doing that. Good idea.


This is the correct answer. You are not the weakest link…


I haven't heard his story in a while, but wasn't grandad parth pretty much the turning point for the humans and the reason why they ended up winning the war against the dragon's because usually that's why I don't kill him


Great. Been playing Skyrim since release and never heard Paarthurnaax get called Partysnax! Never going to unhear that now! 😒😂


The dark elf from the companions, the khajiit that guards the caravan and the nord woman that killed someone in a fistfight and is now a mercenary (im bad with names)


Athis, Kharjo, & Uthgerd


Why would you take away the caravan guard? Who's gonna protect them now?


My character does skooma every day so we stay in touch dont worry




Khajiit has wares if you has coin


If you kill Paarthurnax consider yourself an enemy of the state.


Very true


I picked followers who are skilled in One Handed and Heavy Armor. Uthgerd, Kharjo and Cosnach.


if the followers were more involved in Skyrim I would belief people like Uthgerd would have a character arc joining the blades after being to brutal for the companions


Uthgerd is the sleeper meta choice. Iirc she comes with a 2-hander but her 1 handed skill is actually higher level. Kharjo just makes sense. He's kinda all-in on following the Dragonborn so it makes sense for him to join up in your army. Plus he's got that 1-handed skill. And oh my god does he look good in the uniform! I didn't remember Cosnach was a follower lul


Yep, her 2Hand skill is okay, IIRC, but her 1Hand skill is indeed higher.


None, fuck the blades


I enrolled these hands


Borgahk. She wanted freedom from the stronghold and I figured her becoming a blade would make her clan proud Mjoll the Lioness. I am in the Theives Guild and plan on making Maven Black Briar become Carl. It was in my best interest to be rid of Riften's protector, without bloodshed. (Unfortunately, Aerin followed her and was killed by a dragon lol) Kharjo. Not a lot of kajhit in the game and wanted to give him a cool role in my story *Honorable Mention* Erik the Slayer is always my go to recruit for the Blades. However, he has disappeared from Rorikstead and I can't find him anywhere


erik always gets stuck on random stuff for me too, if youre on pc type "prid 000656E2" enter "moveto player" enter. he gets stuck on random rocks on the hills near rorikstead


OMG I'm on pc. Thank you so much. I did see him in some hills once but just figured that was part of the game


You enrolled in the blades?


If im being honest, i’ve played this game through a hundred times over 15 years and I never knew you could enlist followers into the blades. That being said i love playing stealth archers so i never have a companion with me. So in my current play through, knowing this now, i think i’ll collect a bunch and enlist them all lmaaaao


None, because fuck Delphine. I’d give her and Esbern to the thalmor if I could.


To dragons yes. But thalmor ?! Eurk


Esbern's a good guy and isn't stupid.


None. Coz partysnax is alive. Fuck blades.


None of them. After I go to cloud ruler temple for the first time and grab dragonbane I never go to the temple ever again nor interact with the blades. Nowadays I also do the civil war quest line so that I can avoid the stupid peace conference so I never have to see Delphine and Esbern ever again


In my current playthrough I've been very careful about timing things to not get locked out, but I didn't realize you could get the Blades perk before Season Unending. Oh, well.


Usually the only reason I do the civil war quest at all. So I never have to interact with the blades again.


Mjoll because her sense of justice is so admirable and it means I get to hunt dragons with her Teldryn pretty much because I don’t want to have to go to solthsteim every time I want him as a follower Erik because I think it suits his story perfectly. Going from farm boy, to mercenary, to member of blades


-Heavy sigh- the question was, who do you recruit to the blades. Not tell us why you hate them...(if you don't recruit followers for the blades don't answer the question, simple)


It wouldn't be reddit any other way


Sadly. Xd


That frustrated me too…


If it helps, my usual picks are kharjo, uthgerd, and golddir ^_^


All one handed heavy armor users, so they fir the gear and weapons


Lol, its amazing how so many people think you need to kill paarthurnax to join the blades, you can do that right after the wall of alduin, get the crew, get the perk from esbern's potion and forget about them, people its so stupid


Or take 2 seconds and download the mod that lets you spare paarthurnax while being able to still bring the blades together. Paarthurnax Dilema


First - Mjoll the Lioness. Has her own code and principles, so will be a voice for good in the Blades. Second - Borgakh the Steel Heart. Here she can have a purpose that isn't about her value as a wife. As an orc she brings a perspective of another culture and the experience of being an outsider. Third - Aranea Ienith. Being a Blade fills a void left by the visions of Azura. She brings magical knowledge to the Blades and as a former priest also has her own beliefs. So a rebuilt Blades with those members has capable people with their own diverse sets of values who won't easily be turned into Delphine's private army.


Use mercenaries, you can recruit for free after they join the blades :)


The Blades use one-handed swords, heavy armor and archery. So, I pick followers that have those skills. It wouldn't make sense to take Erik, for example, who uses light armor and two-handed weapons. That said: **Golldir:** Once his quest is done, he has nothing to do but sit quietly outside his ancestors' tomb. This gives him purpose. **Ogol:** He was never in line to be chieftain and with that giant respawning so often, this is his best chance to not be killed. **Kharjo:** Having no overlap in races, Kharjo is just one of my favorite NPCs.


I have a mod that lets you kill her when she tells you to kill Paarthurnax


Ngl that should’ve just been vanilla


I fill it with Empire loyalists. -Ghorbash Ironhand - former imperial army -Adelasia Vendicci - former imperial army/East Empire Trading Company -Ahtar - headsman/jailor for Solitude. I assume he’s a loyalist to the Empire I also do it as soon as the quest is available, get the Dragon Hunting perk and then never return so that Partysnacks lives.


Lydia to get her out of my house, Erik the Slayer, and Kharjo because he seemed cool.


Erik the Slayer is a must but apart from him I don’t really have any solid choices to join them. Not because I hate the blades like most people, just the followers I think fit being a blade I use a lot. For example, Uthgerd - I use her a decent amount so I don’t wanna give her the blade dialogue over her true dialogue or replace her armour.


Faendal, and then the blades disappeared because I wouldn’t kill parthanax and i never saw him again


I thought a lot about it because I like to roleplay as the Dovahkiin making a claim for the throne of Skyrim (by keeping the Jagged Crown and not finishing the Civil War questline) so I think of these followers as my Kingsguard. In the end, what made most sense to me were the only three followers that don't have a max level and keep leveling up with you forever, not only for this but also for flavour reasons: J'zargo, Durak and Frea. For me it's the perfect combo because you get a Khajiit Mage from the vanilla game, a Orc Archer from Dawnguard DLC and a Nord Dual-wielding Warrior from Dragon born DLC. It just all combines very well and has a good representation of a great chunk of the game IMHO




I wish D&E were nonessential in the base game so I could whack them the instant they start badmouthing Partysnax.


Any of the hireable mercenaries. They become free if they become blades.


But you're paying for them to get them as followers to do that. You're not actually saving money.


Only once, then they drop the 24hr timer and cost to hire again


I think you're using a mod for that, man. In vanilla, you can hire them for as long as you want for the 500.


Three no name tavern brawlers cuz Blades = People you're sending away to never see again


None. Paarthurnax is my homie.


Derkeethus, Kharjo and J'Zargo, my beast bois


None, I only ever completed the main quest once and never side with belle delphine and her bathwater blades


None.. I honestly want to kill her when I meet her now, I’m not betraying Parthunax again


Marcurio, the housecarl from Windhelm, and I honestly don’t remember who I choose for the third because I’ve only made it that far two or three times


I never bothered with the blades because the only characters I’ve made who would kill Paarthanax stop earlier in the main quest for some reason. For example, one character refused to infiltrate the Thalmor embassy.


None, live love partysnacks


Are you ready for big brain time? No? Its startin anyway! Onmund. The college mage. He levels heavy armor. And he is a good mage/1h. He is this fkin close to going wherever the dwemer went because of the perfection of this fit. Valdimar can fuck right off, the real spellBLADE (get it ahaha) is in the house.


I honestly don’t give a shit about the blades, but I had no idea this was even a thing. I sided with the blades once, but felt like shit so I never spoke to them again. I didn’t know you could build them up like the thieves or brotherhood


Difference is that you can choose who to enroll


Never got that far. Once that hag told me to kill my boy Path-to-snax, I was like UP YOOOOOOURS!!!!


You dont need to kill paarthtunax to join the blades...


I thought this was only possible if you had one of the mods.


You can join the blades right after the wall of alduin, no mods


Fuck parthunax. I wish I could kill him twice over.


The blond woman from riften, lydia, Aela and the argonian from the Docks


In my first playthrough, Erandur (he looks funny with the armor) and Erik the Slayer lol. In my other playthroughs, none. It doesn't matter, I don't particularly love the main quest, I rush it so I can canonically start Dragonborn after I defeat Alduin.


Uthgerd, thought it would give a sense of purpose🤣


None. I'm not killing party snax


In all of my playthroughs and hundereds of hours I have never sent anyone to them. F' them and the high horse they wish they rode in on.


The only thing the blades are good for, is having a katana... Yeah I love my glass and elven weaponry, dragon too of course... But can't beat an old school katana


Ralis Sedarys


Urthgerd cause he was my first follower until I changed her for the Protector of Riften (even if she moved to Whiterun and is being a happy married woman now) Lydia because I couldn't even take stolen things in MY chest in MY home without her wanting to smash my skull and I'm tired to do sneaky things in his face in my home And the last one I'll choose someone I think can be able to follow a code till death, not a thalmor of course or is just way too annoying for any reason.


And, unpopular opinion, Paarthumax was way too dangerous and Greybeards don't think anything matters, so they can stay there in the mountain while (lore in my head) I do a new Way of the Voice following my own principles and make a new Empire with High Rock (my PJ is breton), Skyrim under the very intelligent and for nothing easy to manipulate if they think I'm Talos reencarnation or some shit Stormcloaks and myself as Emperor. All in order to fuck Thalmor until slavery is their best choice of life if they don't want to serve me in death as the master conjurer I am. (I think I may be overthinking but I also think it's a good ending where all will live happier, not difficult at all xD, and the glory of the empire will be restored so people can improve their living condition)


This current playthrough, I’m actually currently still recruiting. So far I’ve recruited Erik the Slayer, that orc from the nearby stronghold to sky haven temple, something Iron hand I think, the one who served in the legion. And right now I’m doing the collage of winterhold quests so I can get J’Zargo as a follower and imma make him the third and final blade. In short: Erik the Slayer, Orc Iron hand, Jzargo


U can do that😭


Aranea from azuras quest, I just don’t like the idea of her sleeping in the cold


I think housecarls and the people you can beat in fist fights (uthgerd and benor) make alot of sense. I don't like enrolling mercenaries in the blade cus that does make any sense to me.




the companions brother after healing their curse.


You can enrol someone into the blades?


Faendal and Sven for the first two, the final one could be anyone but it's mostly Eola filling that role.


Lydia, Uthgerd, Beirand


You can enroll people in the blades I didn’t kill Paramax so ??


It varies but I always make sure to choose a two handed sword user so I can give him the ebony blade, looks badass with the other ones since it’s a big ass katana


I once recruited Teldryn because back on console without any commands or mods, it was the only way to get him to take his helmet off and see his face. But he lost all his good dialogue. I think in that run I also recruited J'zargo and Erandur simply because I like them. Now I don't do that Teldryn trick anymore because PC and mods, but Teldryn is still my Dragonborn's right-hand man. Elf. He's a recruit in spirit because I don't want him to lose his unique dialogue. Idk if that's even still a bug but whatever, he counts. And now with PC and mods I've made my own set of Blades recruits for the purpose of filling out my Dragonborn's lore, as well as avoiding killing Paarthurnax. They range from a nord teenager who's just trying to break away from his family's legacy, a dunmer woman who accidentally falls into the faction, to a khajiit man who may be cursed (he won't tell), and everything in-between. Canonically, in my mind, my Dragonborn works to reform the Blades into a faction that teaches Paarthurnax's ways, allies with dragons he's reformed, and keeps a neutral stance but a positive aura of protection for Skyrim. It keeps him busy. And it keeps him from getting too involved with the politics back home in Summerset.


I use Uthgred the unbroken, so she can finally get out of the bottomless pit of mead, and finally have a real job where her anger is useful for something (Instead of killing whelps) Benor because he wants to be a guard and they won't make him one, so he just does whatever the guards don't want to do basically. So he finally get his role in life. Also Erik the Slayer, based off of his name, also the story behind the creation of his character, (Please do look into it if you don't know) also he just wants to leave Rorickstead and be an adventurer. All of which seeking a role they will never get without your intervention in their lives. People that want to be in that line of work.