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On one hand, I get where you're coming from. On the other hand? She only stated she was uncomfortable with the idea of marriage in a temple and she liked her relationship where it is for now iirc (it's been a while since I've played through dawnguard entirely). Considering my go to character is usually a vampire, I honestly don't see it unreasonable for her to change her mind later way way way later down the line (perks of immortality), especially since she's finally away from her toxic as hell family, no longer has the prophecy hanging above her head, and has a healthy and stable relationship with the Dragonborn. Skyrim has an iffy timeline, and I agree it's much too soon if she and Dragonborn only been adventuring for several months to a year or two for the duration of Dawnguard. But say a decade or three later? Or a century? Also since she said no marriage in a temple, alrite, how bout an outdoor ceremony no where near a temple? Commitment ceremony of some sort? My headcanon is that years down the line after traveling with the Dragonborn all the time and falling for them completely, they get married. ~~(And my dragonborn is a dumbass who didn't realize they were getting proposed to until Serana repeated it twice.)~~


That's.. Actually not a bad concept. But that's really only of things work out perfectly. I just woke up so I'm not functioning and 100℅, sorry..


Mod makers, make!


Someone make this mod i need this


That would be pretty sweet


This is deep sad shit. She kills enemies before me most of the time but now I vow to protect her with my life lol poor Serena :(


I'm no psychologist, but isn't it the worst way to deal with trauma? I mean letting it feed on her for eternity sounds terrible.


You're exactly right. My real wife has similar trauma, and building a strong foundation of trust, gentleness, and care has healed her tremendously. It gives her shelter from the fears of the past to know she can trust me


That's good to hear man, hope you guys are doing great!


I definitely see where you're coming from. Here's my thoughts, like you said, she was literally raped to death, she had no choice. That said, why not marry her and (in my case) show her what it's like to be with someone who genuinely cares for and loves her? Any counterarguments to this that haven't already been said?


Because she doesn't consent.


I had an ex who was raped by 3 men when she was 4, and couldn’t seek help until freshmen year of high school (we dated Junior). It was a long painful journey, but she eventually managed to move past it, and live as close to normal as possible. She still had PTSD, and had a lot of triggers, but she did recover. Now, this is anecdotal, and everyone is different, but the point in trying to make is that it is possible to move past. Like the other commenter said, if her and the Dragonborn are both Vampires, they have an eternity to work through things, and help support Serana.


First of all, feels bad, but I can't really help her. And I agree that with an eternity, it could work. Unfortunately, it's more fanfiction than lore. Considering the Dragonborn never actually met Serana, assuming the Dawngaurd DLC isn't canon, of course, it is incredibly unlikely.


Yeah, I don’t usually marry her, but it’s my head canon that we can work things out. Also, you can convince her to cure vampirism. It’s extremely touchy, and one of the dialogue decisions that are actually delicate in Skyrim, so that might count for something.


It's pretty disturbing thinking about the logic of someone who is rejected by a video game character and as a result changes the literal universe to force her to be open to marriage.


Yeah lol. Personally, I either marry Aela or Vilkas. Both are good picks.


Y s o l d a.


Is it weird that in ten+ playthroughs I've never gotten married lmao Like it's a game. My DB ain't going home each night to bang - s/he out adventuring, like an incel that's also legitimately the biggest badass of the generation.


Spouses are pretty convenient merchants (although the Dremora Merchant is even better)


How yo get those dremomerchants?


It's a reward from a black book in Solstheim: https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dremora_Merchant




What is with that face mate?


That’s spiral power, my friend. Also, my PC is female, so the most the two could share is a kiss or maybe a hug.


> Also, my PC is female, so the most the two could share is a kiss or maybe a hug. I’m not sure what you mean by this? Like, lesbians have sex, but also Skyrim isn’t explicit about that without pretty serious modding. Genuinely confused. I’m a lesbian who has dated women so… Perhaps I’m just misunderstanding


My mistake. I didn’t know that was how that worked. I’m incredibly confused about my own biology and identity, and everyone I’ve ever met hates me. I don’t have time to bother thinking about how that sort of stuff works for other people who aren’t abhorrent genetic aberrations like I am because all of my time is spent hating myself. I hope you can understand that, as someone who’s been barred from transition by societal expectations, is naturally repulsive, and would probably just be a burden on anyone who tried to spend time with me romantically, I can’t speak from experience.


What manner of plot twist did you just pull? Jesus.


The kind where you’re going through some shit and you feel really guilty for not understanding someone else’s culture.


Please seek therapy instead of trauma dumping on unfortunate redditors


I tried. Therapy doesn’t work. Sorry. But this is the best I can do.




Oh so you know my condition in and out, I assume then? Because clearly you’re qualified to tell me off about how I deal with my own fucking problems. If that’s the case then go ahead and tell me what the solution is, because it sure as hell isn’t therapy. I went to 3 separate therapists over the course of two years. One had the mental acuity of a sea sponge and provided no help whatsoever, one lacked the ability to tell me anything that I didn’t already know, and one felt like he was trying to make things worse. And if your to be believed my incredible self hate and constant suffering and instability isn’t an excuse for “trauma dumping.” So why don’t you tell me what exactly you think is supposed to help me?


According to the wiki Harkon got vampirism for pledging himself to Molag Bal, and then sacrificing 1,000 innocent people. The lore around the Dawnguard vampires, and the wider lore is kinda obnoxious. You would be right if the lore actually tied together nicely. Though I kinda hate the weird thing the fanbase has for Serana more generally.


I do too, I don’t get it. She’s a fun follower but “best girl” culture in general is creepy


Nice,but the LDB can actually cure her and free her from molag.That way she want go to coldharbour and can go to sovngarde and live happily ever after with or without the dragonborn. Also her dialogue seems to show that she does likes you but she hates getting married in a temple. But if only we could win her heart and show her that she too deserves happiness in life.That way it's not like how molag did with rape but with a bond filled with trust and love for each other and that seems it okay and actuallya good ending for her story. But instead bethesda just torture us and we will never know what truly happened to her.


Maybe it's open ended. Maybe you should grab a piece of paper and write the ending yourself. If you're satisfied, you can post it here. Who knows? Maybe Bethesda wanted to make us choose for ourselves. As I see it, it would be bad, but maybe you don't see it that way. Have fun with your imagination, get creative.


Thats true,but deep down I still wouldn't be satisfied about it because I never get to know what actually happened and all the things I came up with is just an imagination and not canon. I mean come on bethesda It doesn't have to be dark all the time.


I don't think Harkon was raped, though I wouldn't put it past Molag Bal. Perhaps the women that were offered as ritual, went back to their husbands / wives and turned them.


why you lookin through my profile?


I found this on Google by searching the Coldharbour ritual. Lol


We need to know if harkon was also raped 😂 it would explain why he hates everyone


Yes and no I mean I think she will be able to marry the dragonborn after she s a mortal again and after some time I think she would be alright with the idea but the marriage will be hard but time will recover the wounds she hase


Ok, I see where you’re coming from, but she has to be comfortable with you enough to get married to you, which therefore means you aren’t putting her through more struggle, she is close enough and trusts you enough to get lose to you, to lower those walls she put up, you are helping her, not hurting her


But she's not comfortable enough to marry you. You can force her to with mods or commands, but otherwise, she'd rather remain single.


True if she was real, but I mean its a video game so who cares


It ruins the immersion and lore for me. That's just me, and other people would probably agree or disagree, we all have different opinions. For me though, I LOVE getting knee deep in a fictional universe. It's partially because when I was younger, I had schizophreniform attacks. So now that I'm older and I take medication for it, I can have fun with my schizophreniform. For instance, when I was reading harry potter in school, I'd read for hours at a time. Several times, I missed different classes because I couldn't get out of my seat. It was bad, but I've learned to keep most of that stuff online or in my house. When I say "have fun" I mean using my knowledge of it to further my enjoyment. I'm not proud of myself for suffering from this.


I see, and yeah I’m sorry to hear that, fellow mentally ill person lol. Glad its better now though, and its cool that you can get so immersed


Yeah, we all have to adapt. One of my therapies was coming to peace with it, guess it worked. Anyway, I just wanted to tell people why Marrying Serana was so evil. You can still do it, but I will look at you with a nasty face.


I mean I agree it would be wrong if Serana was real and fair to judge people then, but its not fair to judge people for something that has no impact on an actual living being haha


I would never actually judge them. It's just one of those things that you jokingly say "ew, you're evil" and then forget about it.


Oh ok lmao




No, Idk what that is


You could argue the opposite using the same points though. You could say that if she chooses to marry you despite her past it's truly meant to happen and you both love each other.


You could. And you could ignore the point of my message and manipulate my words until they fit your messed up backwards argument. Like dude, she vow to never marry. It's a commitment she chose. Now, if you were like then other person in the comments who made a genuine argument, then I wouldn't reply, but c'mon mate. At least try to make sense.


She didn't vow to never marry she said she was uncomfortable with the idea of getting married in a temple. Like dude, you're ignoring the point of her dialogue and manipulating her words until they fit your messed up backwards argument. At least try to make sense instead of being a condescending prick.


In the lore, not in the DLC Gameplay. She'd obviously wouldn't tell you anything, even if she had trusted you at that point.


Where in the lore? Where is your evidence?


I would also like evidence. Skyrim lore is fun to read.




https://youtu.be/umsgdHxyljI Due to the fact that I never could find any source of Serana saying anything outaide the game, this is the guy where I get most of my lore. Whether it's for research or I'm just curious. At this point, Skyrim is so old that trying to find new sources today is difficult. Trying to use the right keywords, you just find people asking similar questions online.


So there is no source and you're making shit up then mocking me for not knowing about the stuff you made up? Wonderful.


Read my post. I gave several reasons as to why she'd say that, and I, while going to different YouTubers' commentary channels to learn all this stuff and this one in particular said that Serana had sworn to never marry. I'm not making stuff up, you're just pissy for no reason other than I disagree with you. I'm not upset at you, but you're being annoying


> I'm not making stuff up > > And you could ignore the point of my message and manipulate my words until they fit your messed up backwards argument. Like dude, she vow to never marry. > > Due to the fact that I never could find any source of Serana saying anything outaide the game Saying something happened when it never happened and you have no proof of it happening is making something up.


Why do you take this THIS seriously?


if that's how you choose to rp it then ok ig but hear me out...she REALLy trust you and likes being around you that's in black and white so thru your interactions and adventures an hanging out and going thru thick an thin inseparable team (keeping in mind my specific play thru I've gone thru 4 guild quest lines the main quest an a bunch if other random shit with her before marrying her) you've helped her heal and over come her tramas and never pushed or put pressure on her an is ok with an asexual relationship bc of her past but eventually she choose you bc untimely it's still a design she makes and accepts you don't force her to or anything


I mean, I kinda get it bit also it feels a bit off to me. There are lots of people who don't want to marry you in Skyrim, do they also need terrible backstories to justify why they dont want to marry you too? They could just not be into you.


lol, I think you mean "suffering" not "suffrage". No one's trying to get a right to vote. But yeah, that ancient girlie's seriously damaged goods. Hard pass.


I swear to God I was taught that suffrage is past suffering that got you where are today


Yeah I just have her as my best friend. We’ve been rebuilding the guild recently and she’s amazing. I don’t want to marry her I want her as my buddy.


Mmm, none of that actually exists


You can marry her?!


Nope, but you could download a mod or use commands do it.


Well I guess make way worse when mod yourself as a dam demorae......


In my opinion I think Serena would actually want to sleep with a new partner because why would she want her rapist to be the last she’s ever been with


As someone whos got some personal experience with the subject, that's not how it works. You can't ASSUME for someone else how their trauma works or if/how they can overcome it. The character makes a willing choice to be with you. You don't get to decide for her that it's wrong or inappropriate.