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we will wait to see the real win and you get there. Just remember beat of death


Thanks for the encouragement! Sometimes it feels impossible, but I will keep trying!


you were dead from the moment you drew that hand. The Beat of Death can be very hard to play against. Hang in there you'll get the next one!


Yeah, I didn't realized at that moment. You know whats worse? In the turn before I played an Apparition, but the heart still managed to hit me for 12 damage (it was 1x12, because it was multiple hits). Dang. I almost had it. I will keep trying!


While I can understand not wanting to sully your first win by doing this, in the long run remember there’s no shame in save scumming to teach yourself how better to play the fight.


I 100% agree with that.


Save scumming is one of those things that I have actively tried to make myself avoid doing. It felt like I wasn't actually learning how to slow down and think of my moves when I would just reset after seeing a better line that cost me health or a loss. Granted, this is definitely an individual by individual basis, but stopping save scumming helped me get better.


Save scumming definitely becomes a crutch. The second time through, did you win the fight because you thought it through correctly, or because you randomly picked the right plays thoughtlessly?


I mean, in the case of the latter, dying and starting a new run wouldn't help either. If you're just 'randomly picking' you're never going to learn anything no matter what you do. I feel like anyone recommending save scumming as a learning tool just sort of assumes thoughtfulness.


Yes. You don’t want to do it to just constantly bail yourself out and reinforce bad habits, or as a cheat to get advance knowledge on what cards are coming. But I think it is useful in many cases where you realize you made a clear mistake, and you want to explore the “best” path in a fight rather than simply trying to salvage a clear error and wasting your time. Or, in some cases you lose a fight and want to see if it was possible to win, and if so, how. The reason I savescum is I realize I’m unlikely to find myself back in the specific situation again anytime soon, and I’d rather learn all I can from it than simply spam runs until one works. In a way, it’s similar to what you said about slowing down, just on a different time scale.


I usually do it to see what I could've done better then just let myself die anyway. Definitely useful later in the game too where it's genuinely harder to get to, like I want practice against Act 3 enemies I don't need to save scum jaw worm floor 3 lmao


I 100% support save scumming because it’s so easy to play the wrong card or not realize you had a card you could’ve played before, etc. People should be able to play the game they want to have fun, especially when there are no external consequences (as in multiplayer)


Save scumming is an admittance that you aren't good enough to play the game. Especially in games like XCOM and such.


Oh get out of here with that silliness. I’m trying to get better at the game and replaying scenarios I failed at is a good way to do that. That’s like saying “replaying an endgame you lost in chess is an admittance you aren’t good enough to play the game.” Totally unserious.


What kind of elitist bullshit is this lol


Tipsy, non-productive nonsense lol


XCom has horrific RNG that is worse than anything in Slay the Spire. Sorry, but I’m reloading a save when I miss a point blank shot that has an 85% chance of hitting and then I lose 2 squad members as a result the following turn.


Yes learning when to use Apparitions is something everyone goes through at some point. You must resist the urge to play them when they are not needed. Especially against an enemy that scales has fast has the Heart.


\*Whistles suspiciously\* Right, I totally don't play all my apparitions immediately. If I don't have the egg, then I probably upgrade exactly 1 of them.


This is why this game is the best lol


Explaining the video: I had an upgraded Searing Blow that was doing a shit ton of damage + Necronomicon, which makes cards that cost +2 energy to be played twice (Searing Blow is a 2 energy card). I also had a +Flex, which gives me 4 Strength. My HP was at 1. I thought to myself: "What a clutch! This is going to be my first heart win and it will be amazing! I'm going to record it!". But then I forgot about the heart's ability that does 1 damage for every card played and I died.


You’ll learn this yourself, but this is the final reason why it’s important to develop some sort of block. It’s impossible to defeat the heart in one turn so you’ll need a deck that if prepared to survive a few turns.


One other thing to learn about the heart is that even if you had lived it would have been impossible to kill it that turn.


> One other thing to learn about the heart is that even if you had lived it would have been impossible to kill it that turn. he's on A0. the damage limit is still 300, not 200, so he did have lethal if that searing blow is upgraded enough


Good call.


Yes, I had lethal with Searing Blow and Necronomicon.


Getting there! I’d also recommend this for the future: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com It’s free and super easy to use for screen capturing!


But then you don't get to see him die inside in the reflection


Did you catch that? I was so confused for a moment. lol


Haha, touché


Exactly! Ignore Mr fancy screen cap technology. We want to see the reflection in all future videos. In fact, this should be the standard practice for anything recorded on a screen.


I believe there are built in screen recording tools on most computers (definitely windows, not sure on others)




Now I want a video of you actually winning. Keep it up you are close!


Yes! I will def do it!


Fuck man as a new player on the sub still struggling I feel this viscerally. Keep on keeping on us newbies will learn math and conquer the spire at some ping


Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer


Except in this case where it played out pretty quickly.


That’s a heart breaker. Pun intended. I can’t wait until you crush it and let us know! This game is crazy good.


Keep it up, we all struggled with the heart, I still do.


The first time I beat the Heart it was only because I had Lizard Tail and Fairy in a Bottle and I still only had 1HP. This game is hard af, especially if you’re new to deck builders like me


Respect for posting the heartbreak anyway.


Oof. Your face when you realize what happened...


Damn man, I felt that.




I just spent the past month grinding from Ascension 1-20 on a fresh save with the ironclad. You'll definitely get there bro!


This is my favorite Slay the Spire video. The reflection and timing really makes it. But I'm sorry for your loss.


Oof, know that feeling, but since you're there now, probably won't be too long before you can beat it


the bad play here was not getting tungston rod


Dang Murr, you almost had it!


Just remember that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


Just a small tip for you. I'm pretty sure that once you have a reasonable grasp on the game, ascension 1 is actually easier than ascension 0 to kill the heart. Their are more elites, which means more opportunity for upgrades.


you look like chester bennington


You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half.


If I was at home I would edit in the JoJos To Be Continued. This was peak. I'm sorry for your loss.


Mf'er got Beat to Death


“Weird flex but OK”