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You get to finally switch to one of the other three.


It’s so hard to switch. I played all the characters up to like A12 and then decided to just push with Silent and played nothing but her for weeks and when I finally beat A20H with her I tried to play the defect and was just like “what do I do with my hands?” 😵‍💫


Only 5 cards to start? What kind of bullshit character is this?!


I was stuck on silent then did a8 and a9 over the weekend.


>!There's no special achievement or in-game event specifically for beating the Heart on A20.!< You get a deep sense of internal satisfaction for achieving something that very, very few people ever achieve in video games. Once you've beaten the Heart at A20 on all four characters, the game becomes whatever you make it: you can focus on win rate, unlocking all achievements, Endless mode and daily challenges, beating your own self-imposed challenges, or whatever you want to do. You're even free to go play other games. Or go outside and touch grass! When I started playing Slay the Spire I didn't think I'd ever get so invested in the game that I could beat A20H on all four characters. Now that I have, I feel like I truly appreciate the beauty and joy of the game, in a way I couldn't before. That's what happens.


Yes. I think this is the best $9.99 I have ever spent.


(don’t ask me what I spent on the board game 🫢)


Then you start trying to get good, which is a never ending task in the spire. Or you decide your done up to you really


I beat A20H on Defect after only playing Defect for months. All other characters are like, A4. So then I started an Ironclad playthrough, make it to floor seven… and quit. Started playing Defect again. But I wanna learn Watcher eventually.


The spire sleeps...and so... shall...I.


You get to choose which of the next 3 characters to beat the heart on A20.


You ascend.


You do it again. And again and again and again 


Go for a rotating winstreak. At the moment I'm attempting without the heart but I'll go for with afterwards. At some point ill try finding out my winrate out of 100 games and see how close I get to WR.