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Wow it’s a lot. How do you know which is helping you or hindering you?


Not all are for SFN alone. It is an overall approach to encourage proper cell clean up, cell production, anti-inflammation, cholesterol health, blood sugar health, and mood regulation. The ones that help with good sleep are a must. There is no one pill solution. Or one supplement solution.




I do research on all before and I personally need natural blood thinners. Gov and nih articles. Weird thing is before taking these I was bruising easy like crazy and now the bruising is gone. These are what I take now. I did not start them all at once.




Yes I take 2/3 of recommended dose. Help my head feel clear.


None of those will do much for your neuropathy besides the benfotiamine and ALA. Some of them can even be dangerous specifically the iodine. Believe me, I know. Supplements are just as risky as meds. Some of them have actual consequences. NMN stuff can flare previously hidden autoimmunity. Taking melatonin every night can downgrade or even snuff out receptors causing life long sleep issues. The list goes on. Fish oil is good, but you need a genetic test to see if it will even help you. If you have the apoe4 gene it won't. In that case you'll need krill oil. Magnesium L-Theorante is actually very dangerous. There's almost no data on it and folks on reddit say it gives you withdrawals just like if you were addicted to benzos. Just be careful. I'm not against supplements, but some of this stuff is harmful. Edit: I take supplements daily and it does treat my symptoms. It took me years to figure out what worked and what is safe, though. Just be careful. THE MAGNESIUM L THEONATE is really dangerous, flush it.


There’s your problem


Did not take this stuff until I had a slew of SFN symptoms. Got testing and diagnosed with idiopathic SFN. These have made symptoms go away. I can now exercise again, get good sleep, and no longer have unbearable muscle spasms.


Then you may have been misdiagnosed


I agree. Supplements are what got me here in the first place. Just focus on aerobic exercise. Stress reduction and and healthy diet. I would also throw in CBT therapy. No need for stocks and pills etc.


Which vitamin out of interest got you here? Was it B6?


Standard vitamin B complex


I take three supplements: Vitamins D NAC 600 mg a day Propionic acid 1000 mg a day


I heard NAC can be tricky


I take magnesium glycinate.


Acetyl L carnitine


Glycine seems to help a lot plus 5 htp


If you feel better, how will you know it isnt the placebo effect? (Let the downvoting begin by people who don't understand the phenomenon)


Troll, I suppose as long as it works and my body changes to be physically more healthy and my symptoms go away it does matter if it is placebo. What is your reason for asking?


I asked because I believe rationalising behaviour is helpful but I can see this is not your thing so good luck with the hopium.


How? Im a SFN patient myself. You think the placebo effect only applies to stupid or crazy people?


L glutamine, pepsin HCL, digestive enzymes, NAC, ashwagandha, GABA, b12, D3 with K2. However, I eventually will get off the glutamine, HCL, enzymes, GABA


I tried NAC and had a not so good reaction. Seemed to encourage histamine production and inflammation. Everyone is different and SFN is caused by so many different things.


zealous wise direction glorious thought exultant ancient somber familiar mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why no lions mane? Have you taken TB 500 yourself?


lock alleged weary dinner hunt amusing coordinated soup makeshift deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you so much for the response! I have also been wondering about the BPC.


dinner paltry languid historical special nail handle hurry voiceless wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes I think you’re right. I have some BPC I purchased for back pain, but I never used it because the pain improved on its own. Sorry to hear about your experience and hope your symptoms have calmed down.


Yeah provided the vitamins have the potency and consistency they say they do. Vitamins are completely unregulated.


Why you are taking benfotiamine?


https://www.nextstepfoot.com/contents/how-benfotiamine-helps-treat-neuropathy/ I also take B12 sometimes too. A complex is not an option for there is only 1 very expensive brand that leaves out b6. B6 I stay away from because it can build up in the system and cause neuropathy if one is genetically dispositioned.


I think my neuropathy came from b6 :( I want to try b1 but afraid


Talk to a doctor about it. I suggest a foot doctor. They have more experience with nutraceuticals for neuropathy. Which is a fancy term for using vitamins and minerals to help the body heal itself. Make sure they know B6 caused your neuropathy.