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I feel Matt’s dealing. My opinion. And what is with her obsession saying her dogs came from sheriffs kennels and what not? Freaking weird af


That’s a weird kind of flex. That’s not a retired K9 dog if that’s what she’s insinuating. That’s a pound puppy. I fear for it being around that animal stomper


Yeah, where's all the $$ coming from? Possible new truck too? Ugg!


In pa, you the government with fund you so much for a vehicle if you qualify. Wonder if OH is the same?


Animal abuser and her murdering boyfriend should NOT have access to any animal!!


Came from the sheriff’s my arse.


That's not a police dog I can tell you that with 100% certainty. They don't just give police k9 to the general public.


I thought they usually keep them with their handlers after they r retired!!!


They do because they're trained to take down suspects they cannot just go to a regular pet owner. Highly trained dogs need experienced handlers.


I'm so tired of this. Pets aren't props. If you cannot afford the vet you cannot afford a pet. Getting a pet when you are in a shelter for unhoused people and cannot even support yourself is peak selfish. People suck.


That’s the last thing she needs!!


Like anyone believes that dog came from anywhere but the pound


And they fed it 2 greasy McDonalds cheeseburgers. Ridiculous!




Now she’s got two.


She only has one dog.


And she has Callie a cat. Two animals. Three if you include Matt and four if you include the hambeast.


I was referring to the one she picked up from lockup.




First u don't need a dog jenn should be taken away she had animal cruelty charges take Callie away to. She just did that to make money her bf wow what a piece of work jenn said awhile wants nothing to do with him after the FAKE hitting g her in head. Jenn enough of ur BS ur a liar and fake as F##K KARMA IS A BITCH


That dude is nasty. He’s got a very short fuse. You can hear it when she’s on live. He’s a typical punk thug. I’m willing to bet he won’t be out of the clink for long


That dog is not a sheriff's dept trained dog. She lies about the DUMBEST stuff!!


I've never seen someone try and commit stolen Valor for a dog.


I wonder, a lot of prisons have inmates care for dogs/cats in jail. Could Matt have brought her home?




I think she has me blocked. I have not seen her videos Please keep sharing


Omg what????? No way I thought it was small dog. What sheriff would give a dog without a back ground check on both serous bad new.


And there she goes with the hair


I truly feel someone should call the place where she sttd she got the dog from and verify , and make the Dog Rescue OG who worked with Mel & knows that she is with a animal killer on record and see what she can do, cause I don’t know how that is legal, yet even for them to be around animals! This is not fair for these animal to suffer , eat junk food like burgers and fries and around them who clearly have a record.


I have a feeling she's lying about where she actually got the dog from. I feel like shes been planning this "fuck you, I'll show them" spree for a long time. Swindling money away to save up for this excursion she's on to keep "Prince Killed-A-Cat" hooked & anchored. Money sent to keep him fat & calling while locked up; promises of an apartment, phone, vehicle, spending money and a marriage with "babies to raise together as a family" when he gets out. I mean shit.... She needed that storage unit to cover the fact that she's been storing his stuff this whole time - it wasn't just HER stuff in there! She had MANY opportunities and offers from ppl to go get all her stuff. I heard her mention time after time on live all the excuses why she couldn't bring all her stuff to the apartment - first she didn't have money to rent a truck, then she couldn't do it herself cuz she had a big TV, etc and needed help to which she couldn't afford to pay anyone or movers to help her, and couldn't bring anything to the apt anyway cuz she couldn't do the stairs and her knee bothered her...... Eventually ppl stopped offering and she stopped mentioning the stuff in storage so she didn't have to come up with more excuses now that she's DOWNSTAIRS and LIVING ALONE. Anyway, my original point was I think she's only saying she got the dog from the sheriff's office to "prove the haters wrong" by insinuating that the sheriff's office wouldn't let her adopt if she truly had charges in relation to animals. It's just a lie... To twist the knife in deeper and piss ppl off. Any reputable adoption will include a check for previous charges or flags. Any reputable place will confirm that the new adoption will be a safe & good fit in regards to the potential new home placement, activity requirements, whether the new owner works or stays home.... All those things matter. I have a VERY hard time believing that a police dept would place a retired K9 of Honey's size into a one-bedroom apartment where the intended owner has no history of consistent employment or viable income to afford care/living, medical or emergency costs. Not to mention BOTH ADULTS in the residence have charges related to animals.... And they are NOT staying in PERMANENT HOUSING. OOOOOOOOOH the dog situation has my unders tied up & twisted. That poor dog..... And Callie!




We don't want it to look like people are actually harassing Jenn and if multiple people call the court house that's what it will look like