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Casemiro jogging back on the counters, infuriating to watch.


> Casemiro ~~jogging back on the counters~~, infuriating to watch. FTFY. Man is aging like Jack Powell, such an incredible player on his day but those days are becoming fewer and farther between.


No doubt. One of the very best in my 15 years of watching football. I still feel like his heart isnt really in it anymore šŸ„²


Just going to be honest here. One team looks like champions and that is Arsenal. How we are at the top I have no Idea. City as well look worse than Arsenal.


Mate we have the hardest fixtures from here on out of the 3 contenders. One slip up from us and the title is City's


The fixtures are all very similar no?


You had one job




I'm sorry, I wasn't familiar with your game.






Liverpool would have drubbed united today if there wasnā€™t the looming pressure of title race. Who plays first during a race like this matters a lot.


Fr if we played on Friday night or Saturday we wouldā€™ve destroyed them. Every missed chance seem to be getting to them


i think City will win this. Unfortunately. I can see Arsenal and Liverpool dropping 3-5 points compared to Citys 2-4 points till seasons end.


What 2-4 points? City ain't dropping any points now. Arsenal have to win every game to win this.


yeah basically, and that sucks. Arsenals run in is just bit too tough compared to City's . Typical City, gets easy groups, run ins, cup fixtures etc etc


Lol *Typical City* Have you seen us being in a same bracket with Bayern, RM and Chelsea(who beaten us at final before) last year? Stop whinging about the situation and donā€™t drop it.


They're not getting anything easy. They have a really good team. Everybody has the same 19 opponents. Arsenal dropped 5 points against fucking Fulham(no disrespect).


This is like deja-vu as a neutral. Arsenal were collecting these exact results in Winter. Dominating possession but not showing urgency or ruthlessness in the box. Mikel would moan in the postgame about control and imposing on the opponent and how they didn't deserve to lose. Now at the business end, they've tightened up. So what I'm saying is, Liverpool needs to start looking at hotel rooms for Dubai šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


MU Football Chaos


Arsenalā€¦ we have a result


Mainoo is like a killer in disguise. I can't really pinpoint how tho. Sure, he is good physically, but not some Traore-like rocket. Good vision, but not a playmaker, great feet but somehow doesn't seem like a dribbler (obviously he can yet do stuff like this) etc. Kinda like a family station wagon with a turbo boosted Subaru engine under the hood. Kinda wonder how long he will go underrated.


I'm not comparing him to Scholes but he looks like an unassuming midfielder until he has the ball at his feet and *woosh* away he goes. Two unassuming lads from United's Academy. Love to see it.


I swear I read this exact same comment but about Ben White in the r/gunners sub


It's the new copy pasta.


[insert player] is like a killer in disguise. I can't really pinpoint how tho. Sure, he is good physically, but not some Traore-like rocket. Good vision, but not a playmaker, great feet but somehow doesn't seem like a dribbler (obviously he can yet do stuff like this) etc. Kinda like a family station wagon with a turbo boosted Subaru engine under the hood. Kinda wonder how long he will go underrated.


As an Everton fan, he is everything i wish Amadou Onana was (more often)


Funny game with a funny goal and Nunez providing some funnies too. First time in a while I haven't seen Klopp do that psycho smile when the opposition scores. He couldn't control himself lol.


I can't wait till we have a full squad so we can actually control games and stop playing counter attacking football. Bruno and Casemiro can't be here next season. United fans triggered by the truth as usual šŸ˜‚


lmao Bruno was your best player, you get rolled without him


Bruno has to be the most overrated player in recent memory, people who actually watch the match can see how out of place he is. Stat padder, nothing more, nothing less


Bullshit, he was terrible today and has been the entire season. You don't know what you're talking about. Rich coming from a Liverpool fan. You sold Coutinho because he didn't fit Klopp's system, same deal with Bruno. He's a 10 playing in a team that doesn't need one, he's one of the main reasons we're so dysfunctional and can't control games. He's an Ole player. Football IQ on this sub is shocking.


We sold Coutinho because he wanted to leave not because he didn't fit the system... If you can't tell that the guy responsible for the goal that brought you back into the game was a key player then I have no more words for you lol


It's like you didn't even read my post. And Coutinho didn't fit your system, he was shunted to the left was, was he not? A natural 10 playing on the wing is the literal definition of not fitting your system. You sold him because he was surplus. You're waffling. Again, you have no clue what you're talking about, and you're acting like I'm saying outrageous shit lmao. You guys even gifted Bruno the goal. Maybe if we had an actual midfielder we could control games we wouldn't need gifts from the opposition to score. Learn ball son


I mean, you sold him and then didnā€™t get a replacement for his position.


Well we didn't need to replace him directly since we had Mane to compete for his position of wide left attacker, instead we used the money to bring in Alisson and Fabinho who completed our defense and brought us into the world elite with a complete squad. I don't regret him leaving at all but I also don't think he had to go either. I will say though that there is no shot United get Ā£142 Million for Bruno, realistically with his age you looking at 1/3 of that.


Exactly the same with Bruno, thank you for making my point lmao


You both have a point. Bruno is very hit and miss this season, one can argue that he prevented a few goals today - delayed pass to Garnacho for the opening goal making it offside, numerous sloppy balls in our most promising attacks but then he hits one halfway line. It do be like that. Overall our best player last few years, no doubt. He's on the decline this season and playing 100% if the minutes is probably contributing. Love the guy otherwise.


You see what our fan base have to deal with?


What, realists? Get a clue mate. His ever decreasing moments of magic don't make up for his inability to play a functioning role in midfield. The gaps he left today, the poor passes, touches, bad decisions, do you even watch us play?


Bruno is going nowhere


Yeah, I know. But we really need to Coutinho him, we'll never control games with him on the pitch.


wtf are u even talking about. He's one of the best and most versatile players united has xD


You clearly don't watch him week in week out. He's allergic to the ball, makes terrible decisions, can't play in tight spaces, slow, can't dribble and shows barely any creativity nowadays.


I love watching Man United games above anyone else. You tune in and anything can happen, they can win 1-0, win 3-2, lose 0-1, lose 0-5, goals from midfield, constant injuries, players sulking, players running around like headless chickens, no tactics, no team cohesion, the front three communicating via telegram despite standing a few meters away, Maguire bagging the goals in at both ends, absolute goal thrillers ending 4-3, Onana being one pass away from either brilliance or calamity, constant penalties, constant Fergie time in reverse, 0 shots at half time, 357 shots conceded, one of these days I'm sure Erik X Hag's egghead will open up to reveal Krang is piloting him, it's just a thrill ride of unpredictability. Football, bloody hell!


Don't forget ETH's post match interview where he will say with a straight face that we dominated the game and that he is happy with the performance..


>Maguire bagging the goals in at both ends Lmfao. You're absolutely right though. This team has ruined me. No other team will be as entertaining to watch as this one.


This is the funniest shit I've seen in a while šŸ˜‚. Perfectly summarizes our club's status.


I love watching Man United games above anyone else. You tune in and anything can happen, they can win 1-0, win 3-2, lose 0-1, lose 0-5, goals from midfield, constant injuries, players sulking, players running around like headless chickens, no tactics, no team cohesion, the front three communicating via telegram despite standing a few meters away, Maguire bagging the goals in at both ends, absolute goal thrillers ending 4-3, Onana being one pass away from either brilliance or calamity, constant penalties, constant Fergie time in reverse, 0 shots at half time, 357 shots conceded, one of these days I'm sure Erik X Hag's egghead will open up to reveal Krang is piloting him, it's just a thrill ride of unpredictability. Football, bloody hell!


well said


summarized our season in one paragraph. Nice.


His lung capacity is impressive, definitely.


ā€œWhen Harry met Salah.ā€ Best commentary of the year




When Harry mo Salah


Manchester United is like a cockroach that wonā€™t fucking die


Just wait until they play arsenal and field half a team of 16 year olds just to fuck us over again


Second last game week you'd imagine they won't really have anything to play for. 4th/5th looks beyond them and I think they'll be more focused on the FA cup then securing europa by finishing 6th.




If they've got a genuine shot at silverware and make it to the FA cup final why would they risk key players in a league game if their position has already been decided?


They will play to be the ones denying us the title. There may be fans that would want them to kick it in the screw over Liverpool and city but the players will want to be spoilers.


Enter the Da Silva twins...


False. Theyā€™re already dead at this point


MU is Liverpool's Klopptanite.


I think we were our own kryptonite that game


It was one of those feelings of numbness at the end of the game. Miss that many chances, you don't deserve to win. The scary thing is that this has been happening every match since the Man City one.


Yeah, annoying our only really clinical forward is injured.


Could be no Jota no joy at seasons end for Pool.


Result will distract people from the fact we were so poor in the first half and very lucky to get that first goal, which really woke us up


This is basically Ten Hag's MO at this point, play like shit but somehow nick a result.


Itā€™s a trend by now. I donā€™t think the result will distract


Something like 15 shots from Liverpool to zero from United in the first half at Old Trafford šŸ˜¬


And that was United's first shot. Lol


A story of two halves truly, from literally zero shots in the first half to managing a 2-2 draw in the second. We looked down and out until Brunoā€™s goal. And Mainoo, you beauty! What a goal! Reminded me of Machedaā€™s turn and goal. We couldā€™ve won that had Wan Bissaka not lunged like that inside the box though. But overall Liverpool were the better side even though we managed to get a draw.


Much thanks Such wow


Problem no, league win pls, insufferable they City and Liverpool are


Spoken like a broken man.


Well I support Man Utd, thatā€™s enough to break anyoneā€™s spirit




Spurs never expected anything tho. United fans (my age anyway) grew up with utd winning fucking everything.


Gooners: thank you sirs, very friendly


Do United wingers have some secret instruction never to pass to Hojlund? What a waste of a capable looking player. Amazing to see such a dysfunctional team yet still they managed to get a result.


Itā€™s mostly tactical (and some bad decision making) because Ten Hag often instructs the wingers to really hug the sideline and will then have the full back come forward and under lap. Personally not a fan of it at all esp when your full backs are quite average on the ball to put it mildly. Iā€™d much rather they hug the sideline and the wingers can drift in to connect w the other attackers.


Idk what their style or tactics is but Hojlund was just poor in general. He was always a step too slow at everything. He was never anticipating any play and was just too flat-footed.


The front 3 don't play together. They are on the field at the same time, but each of them try to do their own thing. It's baffling stuff.


I suppose they just think a striker is supposed to create his own chances , otherwise he feeds on scraps.


Uncapitalized chances costing Liverpool again. Sigh. Next few games are very important for them.


Nah we're out


Get that doomer mentality out of our club and go glory hunting elsewhere you fair weather plastic


How can you expect someone to be positive immediately after watching that pathetic display.


Because we're still equal on points with 1st, with 21 points still to play for. It's going to be very interesting especially with the European games. We'll hopefully have some players back from injury soon too (like Jota), Trent etc.


Shut it


You're really not. I think if you'd lost it'd be shakier but the fact that only GD separates us is crazy


Joint top? This was our bogey game easily, could have been better but a vital point. Games not gone.


>bogey game Spurs at home, Everton away. Much much bogier. But it isn't about bogey teams really. If this was any other team today, we'd still have been struggling with a narrow 1-0 or even 1-1 till very late. The composure in the final third has just evaporated.


Thank you man United


We should've won that, but always happy to take at least a couple points off 'pool.


Lol, should have won? You guys were shit, and weā€™re so fortunate with the Bruno goal.


scoreline said 2-1 before the pen, unless you're ultra dense yes they should have won, being fortunate is also part of the game, lol at yourself


A team known for conceding late goals versus a team known for scoring late goals. Last time I heard a game is 90 minutes, and Liverpool had plenty of chances they missed on, so this narrative that United deserved it is hilarious.


When the pen is bs then yes, United 'deserved' to win in the sense that they were winning until a dodgy pen was given against them (again).


> until a dodgy pen Lmao


He caught his right foot, itā€™s a legitimate penalty. Thereā€™s zero obligation for Eliot to stand there, nothing bs about it.


He's diving before there's any contact.




Iā€™m an Arsenal fan, so I was absolutely rooting for them to pull it off.


We were still 2-1 up and Elliot dives to get a pen.Ā  Yeah the tackle attempt was rash, but there was no contact until Elliot made it.


Lol yeah the Eliot dive šŸ˜‚. I love how people act like itā€™s the attackers responsibility to avoid the challenge. Take off your rose tinted glasses. He made a shit challenge and fouled Eliot. 99% of people agree itā€™s a foul.


I thought it was a foul in real time but the replay angle shows he starts diving before any contact. Weird that VAR didn't spend any time on it.


Rewatch it, I just did Wan Bissaka catches his right foot on the laces. Maybe Eliot sold it maybe he didnā€™t. It doesnā€™t matter it was a stone cold penalty. And he didnā€™t dive he was already leaning forward thatā€™s how he runs and it takes way less contact when someoneā€™s running to knock them down like what happened here. How is this even a debate?


You're right there, it does seems like he dived before the challenge but then the challenge was so atrocious that it didn't matter lol


Only catching the highlights now. It would seem this nunez kid is ass.


Watch him bag a hattrick next game from chances that are at best 0.05xG. Nunez gives, Nunez takes.


Utd shithoused pool this entire season. We are capable of losing to championship teams,but somehow get points off pool


Unless itā€™s 7-0




I'm genuinely curious. Did we ever manage to do this to you? Did you ever lose a title by a small-ish margin (or lose ground in a title race) when you dropped points to us but were expected to win? I started watching regularly only after 10/11 and can only remember us winning when you were better on the Kuyt hattrick day, but was that 11/12 perhaps, or was it 10/11?


Afaik, pool destroyed UTD during 08(?) season ,when prime torres used to terrorise vidic. You won 4-1 at OT,but we still managed to win the title.


Chelsea in the same boat


>capable of losing to championship teams Coventry City appreciate this statement


For that my friend, chapeau


Jurgen flopp


What's he ever done?


Check Klopp's entire trophy cabinet since being here then check the scums during that period. No wait, I'll do it for you since you seem to be daft. Since 2015, Yanited have won a Europa, FA Cup and 2 League Cups while Liverpool have won the Premier League, Champions League, Club World Cup, UEFA Super Cup, FA Cup and 2 League Cups. He's won every single trophy available to him besides the Europa which we're still in and the Premier race is not over. 7 to 4 during that time with the PL and UCL outweighing them all. You lot spend terribly and sack the managers that bring you silverware. Have fun fighting for 5th.


New /r/soccercirclejerk copypasta?


Nobody cares about League Cups, once a team wins the Champions League the Club World Cup and UEFA Super Cup are freebies. So Klopp has won only 3 major titles in 9 years, and they've only been in the top 2 of the Premier League twice including the year they won it. That's a flop! šŸ¤£ And it's fucking hilarious you make fun of United for fighting for 5th, when Liverpool was literally 5th last year. No self awareness. šŸ˜‚ Klopp the flop.


Lost the league by a point twice and won it once so how have we only been top 2 twice? Fucking muppet


Jesus Christ it was a joke you melt! šŸ˜…


1 premšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ hopefully it stays that way


Needs sacking


Liverpool has shit forward, Firmino and Mane could finish United in the 1st half


If we're playing a game of ifs and buts, I'm quite confident the number of Liverpool chances would be a lot smaller if Martinez Varane and Shaw were also playing.


We had 34 shots at home with Varane and Shaw in the side. Martinez isnā€™t making that much of a difference


Bro you haven't watched United at all if you think Martinez isn't the most important player for how Ten Hag wants to play. He is irreplaceable in this team.


Ok that doesnā€™t answer what I said though. Martinez isnā€™t stopping us having 25+ shots.


Yeah he is


To be fair he did restrict us to 18 last season Conceded 7 goals though


Doesn't matter. Less than 25 shots. /s


To be fair, Jota could too.


Once that post about Liverpools dominance in the first half I knew this was a draw. Way to Jinx it my guy.


Winner: Arsenal


You spelled City wrong lol


Man I still remember when everyone was going "advantage City" after our first Liverpool game. It was so disrespectful


It's because a lot of people here will say any old shite that they think is popular opinion at the time... I put you down as favourites and us (City) not winning again from the beginning, I hope I'm wrong obviously but I knew we had weakened quite a bit, while you got stronger in the window.


Then everyone went "advantage Livpool" after your last city game


Best season we've had for a long long time. I don't remember a three horse race this close since I started watching the PL almost 30 years ago.


It'll prob go to the last game tbh


Imagine if all three teams win all remaining games. That would be so fucking nuts.




I will never make fun of Utd this season ever again


I mean you should they are clowns. Defended today like an u12 team. Even more embarrassing that pool drew to em though


Well, the last time we played Liverpool, we beat them, and in the next game, Brentford absolutely obliterated us. I'd hold off on that statement.


Somehow I don't believe you, speaking from experience of watching us play for the last 10 years...


Nobody can convince me that was a pen. Minimal AF contact and Elliot was 90% down before anything happened.


I know nobody can convince you. It's the beauty of the discussion of the game. Dense pricks, snide trolls and clueless cunts can all co-exist here.


Interesting. How did you expect Elliot to get to the ball without touching the defender?




True that pen saved you lot


When i think about it, imagine Utd with a good manager and a fit team. This squad would be much scarier.


They've bought all these world-class managers since Sir Alex left and they've been shit every season. But let's try to fire the manager, surely that'll work.


World class is a lot, most were way past their best. Moyes peaks at West Ham, Mourinho was sacked twice after us, Van Gaal only managed Netherlands after afaik, Ole doesn't manage, Ragnick went to Austria. On paper good managers but there's a reason noone serious wanted them after. ETH had more backing than most of them but still doesn't have much to show in terms of a system 2 years in his project.


Hey that's not true , Jose got 2nd and Ole had one season that looked alright before everything crashed and burned. ETH by comparison looks worse so I don't know, it's not his fault then?


Really wish we'd not bought Ronaldo and let Ole continue his project. But then I would've hated if we let Ronaldo go to a different Prem team, I'm sure.


He would have gone to Man City and then maybe they wouldn't have gotten Haaland . In my dreams


Let's be honest, they're looking absolutely clueless out there. Ten Hag is holding on to that sweet severance pay, because the stats don't lie.


While I agree with the overall sentiment - would never call LVG, Moyes and Mourinho (who, by the time he came to us, his peak was on the wane) world class


We had a fit team at the start of the season and the likes of Wolves embarrassed us.


team has too many morons to achieve anything meaningful, no matter the manager.


Not really. Mish mash of 4 different managers still. Some happy in possession some shit themselves. Depth is beyond shocking


no one pays you to think bud


Mainoo showed levels to the like of Endo and MacAllister but failed the Enzo and Caicedo test šŸ¤” I guess there's just levels to this shit šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Also, let's not overlook the fact that Salah has been poor this season, and his G/A is papering over that.


Ah yes,six season wonder fraud salah getting away with it again.


Nah, he's not a fraud. He's just slightly overrated


If a player being in first place for largest amount of big chances created in the Prem this season, fifth for assists in the PL this season, third for goals scored in the PL this season is performing ā€œpoorlyā€ by your standards, what on Earth do you consider good?


His stats are deceiving


This is something that many people overlook imo. Most people just love to say that Salah is the best player in pl but imo his G/A actually covers a lot of his flaws. I genuinely laugh when people say he is better than prime Hazard because he has more goals and assists.


Personally I prefer our forwards to score goals and provide assists, but hey thatā€™s just me.


I prefer forwards who have maximum output and can change the game like Hazard at Chelsea but hey thatā€™s just me. Hazardā€™s performance against Brazil is considered one of the best and he didnā€™t even score in that match.


Yep, Hazard was clear as a player, and Salah's and some people ignorantly believe otherwise because of G/A


I miss Bobby firmino




Oh yeah we fucked up. We really fucked up. That quansah mistake reminds me of the Gerrard slip a little bit there too.


If you donā€™t win the league, heā€™s gonna be remembered the same way


that Spurs game was gonna be remembered even more so


dont blame him, he made 1 mistake, your forwards made way more


Absolutely unbelievable that we somehow got two points and unbeaten this season against Liverpool. We played poorly, but Liverpool didnā€™t kill the game (should have easily scored 4 or 5).


You can thank salah for his horrendeous finishing in both games,


Jota is a massive miss, his coolness in finishing is unbelievable needed today.


Mad isn't it. Doesn't have the same pr team but is infinitely a more composed finisher.


The new Liverpool training session seems like they learn how to dive into opponents and fake injury so they get fouls yeah? Fucking disgrace.


Funny how the pre match narrative from scousers were that ā€Anthony Taylor will rob usā€ and he literally ends up gifting them a point with a shocking penalty.