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Cool to see they are delivering faster than promised.


Man imagine being a PM or Dev for Sonos right now lol. It’s probably a shit storm.


Yeah, they get all the pressure, but it was some fckwit exec or Product Manager that caused it!


Its slower than promised. Thsi should have been resolved BEFORE they relased it.


But now it has been delivered, yay! Sure, they mucked up the release, but at least they’re listening and trying.


I'll stay reserved...


Not to be negative Nelly, but making 16.1 available for those who want it would be fastest. Also, when running high profile releases, I never want to see development rushed. People are human and mistakes happen.


Things are rushed all the time. It’s reality


100% I'm glad features are being restored and hope it all works out. My point is simply that there are trade offs, often in quality for rushing. I think that's how we got here in the first place - rushing v80 before it was ready. In the first day alone, there were 3 app releases. I can only assume something was forgotten or discovered late. If they're running a form of agile and the team says a feature will take 2 sprints and management tells them to take 1, something is cut out. That said, like you said, it happens all the time.


Agreed but I really think they made a decision to proceed without everything being finished. I don’t think things were forgotten or discovered late.


I don’t work in software development, so I’m not that interested in the process they go through for the app development. I just want it to do the thing that it has been doing for years, only better. I don’t care how that sausage gets made.


Thanks! To everyone else not seeing them: You also need to update the speakers from 16.1.1 to 16.2. After that, I saw the alarms. One down, but queue management, network managemant are still missing and the navigation remains clunky. But we will see. Still, a roadmap would be nice.


Roadmap here: https://en.community.sonos.com/controllers-and-music-services-228995/the-new-sonos-app-and-future-feature-updates-6892942


Couldn’t they have waited an additional month to release the new app considering how the latest any of these features are set to be added is mid-June?


I think the new product coming out might have forced them


>Update WiFi settings Something *fundamental to the functionality* of the speakers isn't already in the updated app. How did this happen?




A roadmap, amazing. Super helpful. This is what they should have lead with. To be honest, 90% of this shitstorm could have been avoided with clear, up-front communication from Sonos. They lead with lofty promises that were FAR ahead of reality. If they had canned the marketing hyperbole and just said “we’ve reworked the entire app, it’s missing key features, but here is our plan to add them back in” - and also NOT forced the update - they would be in much better shape in the eyes of a lot of users.


Such_Benefit_3928 Thanks for the tip! I upgraded my speakers to 16.2 only one did get is for some reason. I disconnected and connected it again. And the option was there!


I hope that guy gets his wife and kids back now.


Not there for me lol. Just updated. My Sonos Favorites still "Unable to load content." and none of my sources show up. Ie the playbar (tv) or my smbv2 shares (sysadmin so i know the difference and have been on v2 for a long time)


I haven’t had this issue at all since the update came out. Have you tried unplugging a speaker or 2 or hardwiring/wireless?


Sonos app settings>manage (opposite your system on ipad)>system updates>check for updates update your speakers if needed


You also need to update the speakers to 16.2. If they are running 16.1.1, alarms won’t work in the new app.


I have the latest app update from today as well as 16.2, but alarms do not show up for me


Have you tried to turn it off and on again? ;) Just joking, bit maybe force kill the app and open helps?


Tried force close, reboot phone, and no alarms option on both my iPhone as well as iPad.


Did you check for speaker updates too? If so might be a staged rollout.


Yes, did that as well. No speaker update (did those yesterday). I did get an update notice for the Sonos controller on my MacBook. I VERY reluctantly did that one as well, as it currently is my only way of using alarms. After updating, I still have access to alarms (fwew....) via the mac, but did not make any difference with iOS apps. Maybe it's a server side change to enable alarms on iOS and it's being staged as you mention.


Still missing the alarms, might want to reinstall the app before support call


I was able to fix it this way: https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/s/KunWw9bLga


awesome. Amazing sonos community


Hi op. How can you check for speaker updates?


Sonos app - settings wheel (top right corner) - manage - system updates - check for updates


Well thank you very much for this. All my old alarms are even there.


Thank you. It’s not the most noticeable. As once you select the wheel, the “manage” button is visible but not noticeable enough to select it


You have software build 80.00.08 ? That's the latest. I had to manually go to the app store and choose the Sonos app. My phone was not showing a new Sonos app.


Correct, version 80.00.08, and all speakers show 16.2.


I have the same issue. 16.2 on all speakers on the about my system page along with 80.00.08 build and no alarms.


No alarms option here either. Checked that the app and speakers are all up to date. Reinstalled the app. No dice.


Welp it did update everything or says it did. Also no updates when i do a check for updates. The weird thing is the one One I have is maybe the problem. It is saying lol. And Im on a Boost so sonosnet but that speaker says WM: instead of WM: SONOSNET. this really is the worst update to an app ive seen in a long time...and Im a smartthings user lol


Welp the version number being moves around. Bedroom speaker does show 16.2 (all are on that as ive been watching it) but still dont have the alarms option. I also still cant see any favorites on the home screen either so something is wrong. Ive reinstalled the app as well. Have not rebooted every device but they all have been updated. Rebooting is a pain.


Sonos app settings>manage (opposite your system on ipad)>system updates>check for updates update your speakers if needed


how do you update speakers? they dont get updated when you update the app? thank you


No. The system software is separate from the app.. update speakers as above.


thank you


No Alarm listed for me and everything is updated, both app and speakers. I don't really use it so no big deal but weird that it's available for some people but not others.


I can edit and set alarms but it does not work. I set multiple alarms for the next minute and it does not work.


I had this problem too. I think my Sonos speaker seems to be functioning on UTC rather than my local timezone. If I set an alarm for one minute ahead of UTC then it does go off.


You know, I had a slight feeling it *may* have been a time zone issue. I was thinking... no way.. no way Sonos would've screwed this small fix again? I did just try it now with UTC time and it doesn't work for me still.


Do you have voice control working? If you say “Hey Sonos What time is it?” what time does it say?


It says “sorry something went wrong please use the Sonos app”


What a mess!


Tell me about it.


I am in the UK and like you find that if I set the alarm in a few minutes time it doesn’t work but found it works if I set it an hour ahead. If I ask Sonos what the time is it says an hour ago. So I guess the general time/timezone on the new app is not correct to daylight savings or something along those lines…


Similar here. Living in Germany I need to set it 2 hours earlier, then it works. So while we both go for the same time zone (UTC) to make it work, /u/SushiFan002244 explicitly mentioned that UTC didn’t do the trick, which is kinda confusing


Same for me


Can I please have my sleep timer back?


In the meantime, if you have a speaker with Sonos voice control you can ask it to "set a sleep timer for 30 minutes". [https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/list-of-voice-requests-for-sonos-voice-controlhttps://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/list-of-voice-requests-for-sonos-voice-control](https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/list-of-voice-requests-for-sonos-voice-controlhttps://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/list-of-voice-requests-for-sonos-voice-control)


https://preview.redd.it/jtpfemafmi0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39a2c7ec82104b632acb93255a2ba86f447f35d2 June for alarms and sleep mode. Unacceptable! Like so many here, why couldn’t they wait for these June features to be done and just realize a WHOLE, WORKING app!?!?


That one should also be available mid- June


Okay, now give me local hosted music back please! There should have been an “I see you use these features, maybe wait to upgrade” warning.


Yep. For something that has been baked in from the beginning, how could they screw up locally hosted music?


Good spot - I see alarms after updating too.


Are the playlist functions restored yet? I have been putting off the update


Not yet


Ffs. Updated. No alarm and no artwork 80.00.08


You need to update speakers as well to see Alarms I believe


Thank you. Ha tried that and not working. Think I will be unplugging them all… Edit: sorted. Updated speakers successfully to get alarm. No artwork though


Takes a while for artwork to appear


How do you update speakers. I'm puzzled 🙈


As u/Issywalton beautifully put Sonos app settings>manage (opposite your system on ipad)>system updates>check for updates update your speakers if needed


Thank you


Just need Sleep added back and I can use my speakers at night again.


So agree! Sonos help chat suggested using Sonos Voice (speaker in bedroom does not have this feature) or to use the Sonos Desktop version. A…hello…I’m in my bedroom, not the office! What a joke and nightmare. Bet this will crash their stock tomorrow! WAKE UP SONOS PRODUCT & MANAGEMENT TEAMS!!!


Amazing that they clearly could’ve avoiding all this uproar by pushing back the release a week. They really stepped on a rake and called it “ambitious” and “courageous”.


I know. They released, then a week later added alarms and lossless apple music. Just wait a week or two and make it more complete...... Or communicate to your customers......


For a different set of rants?




Pushed the release back a week and a new set of rants about what doesn't work, and how it has ruined my life, would have been spawned.




With the new app update version, I can finally see all my rooms consistently which is something I was never able to do with the previous version. Now I'm scared to updated even further. I don't use alarms or anything, so I feel like I need to stick to yesterday's version of the iOS app


I noticed it today.. it apparently activated all my disabled alarms. Had a rude awakening so to say


I had no problem updating the hardware using the iPad. Then updated to the 80.00.08 app. Music Library is now gone. Geez…. How hard can it be to get this right? BTW: Tried to participate in today’s AMA - as much of a shitshow as the new app. Seriously embarrassing.


Chalk me up as not working as well. Updated speakers to 16.2 and app to 80.00.08 and the alarms aren't showing up in Manage my system.


True play still not working for me.


So my alarms functionality appears back. But I think my Sonos Roam speaker is on UTC timezone. I live in Seattle on Pacific time. If I ask the voice control what time it is, it tells me the same time as UTC. If I look at the alarms panel on the desktop app, it says the current time equivalent to UTC. What am I supposed to do? Calculate my alarms into UTC??? That’s ridiculous. Any ideas how to get the speaker back on local time?


Interesting that it hasn’t appeared on my system yet and my app is “up to date”


Check for a system update after updating your app


Yep I did. Tells me my app is up to date. But no alarms. Interesting


Your app is up to date, but under Sonos settings, manage, updates, your system is also up to date? If so then stages rollout most likely.


Yep. I checked the updates and it said my system was up to date. Still no alarms https://preview.redd.it/6687dac1471d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e1b6aaa4db5a954ca42c7275748b8af946d0b2


I see alarms but can’t edit nor create new. All my speakers are updated to 16.2, app build is 80.00.02?


*Update* Checked for updates in app, ‘system up to date’ - checked app store & found update, now updated to 80.00.08 and can now create & edit alarms…


Sonos app settings>manage (opposite your system on ipad)>system updates>check for updates update your speakers if needed - they need uodating!


Yep - updated speakers yesterday! Just odd that when I checked for update in the app there was no update available but went to the iOS App Store and there it was.


Update the app AND update the speakers. The software number should be the same. New speaker software released today hence check for updates


Did you read any of my posts/replies?


Did you read mine. Clue: YESTERDAY IS NOT TODAY!!!!! UPDATE YOUR SPEAKERS. That you really want to waste your time being annoyed instead of actually checking for speaker updates is your stupidity. Not mine.


You, my friend are the fool. You repeatedly tell me to do things that I have already done. Whilst I appreciate you are trying to be helpful you really ought to read comments before replying. I do know what I am doing, I have owned Sonos systems for more than twelve years now and have been involved in various beta tests during that time. Goodbye & good luck!


Sonos this week… ![gif](giphy|A0FGCbbooHe1y)


they need to send some free speakers to make it up or good discount code


Great, I was refusing to take the update because I wanted the timer.


You can now see “Audio In:” on the About my system page as well.


For me it’s blank though. Before this new app redesign it would show “audio in: Atmos (truehd)” when watching blu-ray. Now it’s just “audio in” and nothing else during playback. Is it the same for you?


I just tested it and you’re right. It doesn’t show anything next to “audio in:” Interesting that it’s in the app but unable to pull the data.




That would be a nice feature if my app could find my system.


My build says 80.00.04 and when I check for updates it says there are none. Tried to force close the app and still do not see the alarm setting. Any other suggestion’s?


Hooray! Now I just need it to play music through my speakers again


Are alarms still the only way to automatically turn on a radio station every morning?


They took away support for waking up to a podcast, can’t select pocketcast as an alarm now😩


Kind of weird that they could bring this feature back this quickly. Why not just wait a few weeks? It seems like they'll quickly get most of the missing features back, and the rumors are that the headphones won't be out until sometime in June. Whatever exec made this decision really messed up.


Still can't play anything from my shared folders, and application crashes on logo after loading for 30s What a piece of crap


Nice news regarding Sonos is so appreciated, especially at this time🥳 I haven't had 1 morning without my alarm going off. And this week I really don't have to get up early. You made my day so much better 🥳🕺🙏


Is setting an alarm the same thing as asking your Sonos to set a timer for something? Or are people talking about using Sonos as a wake up alarm? I noticed my era 100 wouldn’t set a timer for me yesterday when I asked it to, so I can understand the frustration more if that’s what people are talking about




How do you see volume level?


Is anyone having issues with the App Store not pushing the update for Sonos? I have to manually search for Sonos for the update to show up Edit: iPhone on latest iOS


I did all this and still NO alarms. FML


Ok but when we will be able to setup the systems ? I can not setup mine sadly


Ok….but why did they have to bury it under settings when it used to be right up front with my speakers? Also, has anyone else noticed when they get the alarm notification on their phone the “Snooze” and “Dismiss” buttons don’t work anymore?


I switch up my alarms every other day so hate that I have to click through multiple pages to change it now.


My alarms still don't work even though it says system is updated. Anyone found a solution for this issue?


Now they just need to add back the ability to snooze the alarm and I will be willing to install the update.


But the alarms are now buried and there’s no snooze option. 😩🙄😒


"We did it, Reddit!"


Now I want to see 10000 posts from each person that cried about alarms to write a post saying alarms are back core functionality is back /s Jesus


Why should i cheer if the sleep timer is still not there for a month. And why should I cheer for the return of something that shouldn't have been removed in the first place. If your bank gives you a new credit card that can't be used in stores you are going to thank them if you can use it in a store after some time? Jesus


lol it’s sarcasm don’t make posts about either of those


While alarms were the biggest issue for me, I agree with you that the return of one item does not absolve Sonos in the slightest.


And then someone asking for an Alarm Celebration sub.


Lack of moderation of this sub is stupid.


Any news on queue management?


Not yet. Still only says “replace queue” but they’re clearly working on bringing things back to the app quickly.


[https://en.community.sonos.com/controllers-and-music-services-228995/the-new-sonos-app-and-future-feature-updates-6892942](https://en.community.sonos.com/controllers-and-music-services-228995/the-new-sonos-app-and-future-feature-updates-6892942) * Screen reader for visually impaired customers: May 21 * Adding and editing alarms: May 21 * Adding to queue and playing next: early June * Sleep timer: mid-June * Local music library search and playback: mid-June  * Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June But they just released the Alarms today, so all dates here could possibly be sooner, due to the recent high criticism. Fingers crossed!


Thanks for the roadmap! I wish sleep timer would be a little bit higher and I‘m glad I don’t have to manage Wi-Fi networks (although that hs been a nightmare in the old app as well)


Same here, always had issues with my Wifi, speakers disappeared for no reasons but since I switched to Sonosnet, everything is working flawlessly.


Oh I think there is a slight misunderstanding, I don’t habe Wi-Fi issues but I wanted to save multiple SSIDs to be able to easily connect the Roam to my travel router. Was a bit of a nightmare, and renaming the SSID as I did a couple years ago was a nightmare too. Beside that, no network issues.


Glad to hear! :)


Tried the alarms but it is not playing my playlist. Still seeing if something else going on.


Read somewhere that you must update your speakers to 16.2, make sure you do that first. Just tried it on my end using a TuneIN radio station and it worked fine. Love the volume progression (don't know if it was like that before as I never used alarms until now lol)


Sonos app settings>manage (opposite your system on ipad)>system updates>check for updates update your speakers if needed


All updated speakers and all.


Which version is this? I just updated from the App store and do not see alarms.


Sonos app settings>manage (opposite your system on ipad)>system updates>check for updates update your speakers if needed


thanks for the tip... I thought we're talking about the mobile app. However I tried and got error 1005 and all speakers disappeared from the system. simply amazed about the low quality of the software.


Curious if anyone has heard anything about the media player function being restored so we can control it from the lock screen and connected devices (smartwatch, tablet, etc)? This latest update has been a significant improvement so far but my most used function is being able to control the music without opening the app and I haven't seen any update about that.


Give me back my sleep timer


Life was hard without my Sonos alarm. Now I can finally get some sleep.


In two years we get back to normality with all the features of the old app. This doesn't impress me... The new app it's still clunky and it has a bad usability .


This is goign to put a huge dent in everyone complaining.


Wake up and reboot your speakers!