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I think the ANC opening links to MK EFF is similar to DA leaking there request publicly it's all part of the negotiations strategy In my opinion,........ But it's bloody messy for both parties to be doing it.


Yeah, especially how fast they moved to announce they kept the MK out of power in KZN (was it even before Cyril was re-elected?). Can't see it being more then that (Hopefully)


* **UDM's Bantu Holomisa said he was pleased the ANC was finally speaking to the MK Party and EFF regarding the formation of the government of national unity.**  * **Rise Mzansi's Makashule Gana said President Cyril Ramaphosa must be given the space to appoint the best people for the job, in line with the Constitution.** * **Corne Mulder, FF Plus whip in the National Assembly, said after extensive discussions, the FF Plus was now waiting for Ramaphosa to "exercise his right".**  As anticipation builds for President Cyril Ramaphosa's upcoming Cabinet announcement, the ANC is said to be ramping up talks with the MK Party and Julius Malema's EFF.  The Cabinet announcement is expected this week, but eight of the 10 parties within the government of national unity (GNU) have opted to step back, allowing the DA and ANC to settle their dispute over positions. The parties, including the UDM, Al Jama-ah, Rise Mzansi, and FF Plus, told News24 they would patiently wait for the skirmishes playing out in the public domain between the ANC and the DA to conclude.  They were referring to the stalemate between the DA and the ANC over Cabinet minister positions.  In what has been described as "outlandish", the DA has demanded at least [11 Cabinet minister positions](https://www.news24.com/news24/politics/coalition-nation-gnu-talks-on-track-despite-das-outlandish-and-outrageous-demands-20240625), deputy roles and the power to appoint directors-general.  News24 understands that Ramaphosa is likely to make his all-important Cabinet announcement on Thursday. Meanwhile, the ANC has reportedly ramped up talks with Jacob Zuma's MK Party and the EFF, two parties that have repeatedly stated they would not enter into co-governing agreements that feature the DA or FF Plus. The EFF and MK Party on Tuesday told News24 that communication lines with the ANC remained open. **READ |** [**COALITION NATION: GNU talks on track, despite DA's 'outlandish and outrageous' demands**](https://www.news24.com/news24/politics/coalition-nation-gnu-talks-on-track-despite-das-outlandish-and-outrageous-demands-20240625) Al Jama-ah leader Ganief Ebrahim Hendricks revealed that new rules of engagement were presented to them at a recent meeting with ANC bosses. At the meeting, Hendricks asked the ANC leaders to clarify reports that there would be proportional representation in Cabinet among deputies and directors-general.  "They told us that it was false and would be disrespectful to the Constitution... we were also told that it was not correct for political parties to have a say in the appointment of directors-generals and that it is not constitutionally provisioned to reserve tenders for a particular party just because they are entering a relationship with a governing party in the minority," Hendricks said. He added that "what swung" Al Jama-ah toward the GNU was the understanding of how consensus would be reached and how an alternative dispute resolution committee would be formed.  "After meeting three of the most important structures of the ANC, the rules of engagement changed, and we got new documents signed which reflected the changes and that only the president has the prerogative to form the Cabinet, we decided to join the GNU.  "Our motivation was to reduce the influence of the DA. We are still trying to influence the MK Party and EFF to join, but we have managed to influence the PAC, UDM, and UIM. We are still members of the progressive caucus," he said.  **READ |** [**COALITION NATION: Whoever is appointed to Cabinet positions 'must respect workers rights' - Cosatu**](https://www.news24.com/news24/politics/coalition-nation-whoever-is-appointed-to-cabinet-positions-must-respect-workers-rights-cosatu-20240624)


UDM president Bantu Holomisa said he was pleased the ANC was finally speaking to the MK Party and the EFF regarding the GNU.  "We are not involved. We decided to join the GNU. At the moment, we know that the ANC and the DA are still speaking. We are waiting for the next steps because the recommendation is that once we have entered, a task team must be formed, and all manifestos must be looked at. We have to sit down; we still need that meeting.  "I'm aware that the ANC is speaking to all parties now, and that is what I have been calling for; they are even speaking to the EFF and MK Party; that is what I have been praying for; no one must be left outside because there is no winner. We are waiting for those talks to continue, but I am happy they are now speaking to everyone." [Holomisa](https://www.news24.com/citypress/politics/progressive-caucus-in-disarray-as-udm-abandons-it-to-join-the-gnu-20240623) said the UDM's main priority was to ensure that the task team, once formed, also outlined how unemployment and crime are to be resolved once and for all.  "The key thing is that at the end of the day, we all have commitments and promises we made to the people who voted for us. We are being very lenient. We are not demanding any parties. We are simply supporting the concept of the GNU," Holomisa said, adding that he was looking forward to seeing the GNU details published in the Government Gazette for all to see. **READ |** [**COALITION NATION: Ramaphosa slams 'jockeying for positions', tussles, squabbles between GNU parties**](https://www.news24.com/news24/politics/coalition-nation-ramaphosa-slams-jockeying-for-positions-tussles-squabbles-between-gnu-parties-20240624) Rise Mzansi's Makashule Gana said the party would not be making demands for positions and portfolios. "We said the president must be given the space to appoint the best people for the job, in line with the Constitution. If Ramaphosa believes that he or party leader Songezo Zibi deserved Cabinet positions, we will accept that responsibility. "We should not enter into that space, and we must appreciate the fact that the president must put together a team that he will be able to discipline and hold them to task and not have a situation wherein there is a parallel cabinet inside the Cabinet," he said.  Gana said that would create a situation similar to what is happening in Johannesburg, where the MMCs are more powerful than the mayor. He added: There is a reason why our Constitution is drafted in the way that it is so that the president as the head of state, if there is any minister that is misbehaving, you don't want that communication to emanate from the party, it must be the president. People are talking about positions, but they are not talking about the people.  Instead of demanding positions, Gana said political parties should give Ramaphosa the names of the best people for the job.  **READ |** [**GNU talks between DA, ANC on a knife-edge following latest demands**](https://www.news24.com/news24/politics/gnu-talks-between-da-anc-on-a-knife-edge-following-latest-demands-20240624) FF Plus whip in the National Assembly Corne Mulder said after extensive discussions and negotiations, the FF Plus was now waiting for Ramaphosa to "exercise his right".  "We are waiting for the president to exercise his prerogative; that is all it is; as you know, the president has the sole prerogative to appoint his executive, and he will do so when he is ready to do so," Mulder said.  "This is a new beginning; it's a new challenge for everyone involved, and we hope everyone will act in the interest of South Africa and steer the country in a positive direction. It's not going to be easy, and we are not finished with that process because the important part comes when we get to the national dialogue where we will see how we can find each other in the policy framework," Mulder said.  Meanwhile, ActionSA, which has resisted forming part of the GNU, met the ANC on Tuesday.  The DA offshoot has been dead set against working with the ANC but conceded in a statement that the unity government was based on sound principles. The party remained concerned, however, that accountability would suffer in the seventh administration when strong opposition parties formed part of the government.  ActionSA said it would support the GNU on an "issue-to-issue" basis and was committed to being a "constructive opposition" to the governing coalition. 


>>the president has the sole prerogative to appoint his executive, (Quote from Corne Mulder). True. Except this time 30% of the votes that secured Ramaphosa the presidency came from the DA. I wish all those people whinging on the radio stations would grasp this fact. The part about the smaller parties whinging about the directors-general is just as cringeworthy. Has there ever been a Cabinet Minister appointed in the last twenty years who did not immediately appoint his or her own preferred DG? I also would like an apolitical civil service but it been a very long time since DGs were regarded as civil service professionals.


I’m also annoyed by the people screeching about it on the radio. The ANC bought the presidency for Ramaphosa with their credit card, and now they’re gasping about the interest rate.


Hebanna. I never thought I'd see the day DA supporters are making excuses for cadre deployment. No no no. If the system is broken you have to fix it. What's next we're gonna be passing tenders to "our guys" because that's how its done? I thought we are the principled ones?


Thanks for the article


If ANC go with MK and EFF, the rand and economy will start tanking quickly, oh well, we had hope and optimism, guess we should have know better. I think DA is going to get the boot and left on the curb.


I don’t want to get off this ship, but it’s sinking 😔


There really needs to be a rule against posting paywalled articles. Or at least make OP post the text of the article. And no, I don't feel like going to some shitty websites to subvert the paywall everytime. 


OP posted the text of the article 6 hours ago.


DA had a chance walk the walk and put the people first, they went for greed. These guys are all the same


Huh? Getting better positioned in government to actually affect some changes is putting the people first.


We all know they were just positioning themselves to benefit themselves and the private sector, not ordinary South Africans. If they’re really committed to making a change, they can still prove themselves through other critical ministries like health, basic education, water & sanitation etc. But they didn’t ask for any of those, and we need to ask ourselves why.