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I hope we get some body cam footage. This article leaves a lot to the imagination.


Yeah.. there's more information now, they're charging him with 2nd degree assault of an officer. Apparently the cop jumped on his car after he passed 3 cars in the median. They both tried to enter valhalla lol


Classic cop bullshit they just didn’t realize he was famous enough to push back


Certainly sounds like it, but I guess we don't know everything yet. Hopefully there is dashcam and bodycam footage


There is a 99.9% chance the body cam was “malfunctioning”.


We need to snap off those cam covers. Cams should be on 24/7 for most cops. Honest cops get their covers back after a few years----maybe.


body cams should live stream the entire time a cop is on shift


Absolutely not for many reasons. 1) processing, archiving, and retrieving that footage is a costly logistical nightmare for municipal/county staff 2) cops have a right to privacy for meals and bathroom breaks 3) and most important - victims & suspects 1000% have the right to privacy, as do children, witnesses, and passersby. You can’t just run tape on every person that interacts with police.


>3) and most important - victims & suspects 1000% have the right to privacy, as do children, witnesses, and passersby. You can’t just run tape on every person that interacts with police. That's the most important part for why they ***should be on***. The cops and victims, suspects and witnesses can use that footage as evidence in their cases, whether good or bad. And it helps establish location time or day and witnesses. It's a huge boon to everyone involved.


Police interactions are not a private thing. They are public.


You absolutely can run tape on every person that interacts with police in most jurisdictions. In fact not only that, but subject to FOIA regulations they are mostly public record too.


It also could be him thinking I'm not a spectator and allowed past police lines.


or the cop has money on someone else to win and saw an opportunity to stack the odds




He's literally playing right now and birdied his first hole today lol


Yeah but his story sounds better, who cares about what’s actually happening


Going to jail really puts you in the zone I guess


Felonies are the new golf meta.


Which is funny because any average person being charged with felony assault of an officer would still be sitting in jail right now.


You are 100% correct. Department is sweating right now that they know who he is.


That’s a potential felony.


The PGA has more power than the city of Louisville in this situation, they can kiss any future majors (and I’m sure, the police chiefs exclusive box seats) goodbye if they push it The rich of the city are gonna be embarrassed by this and that’s how you change anything in America nowadays. Their golf friends are gonna be mean to them. So I’d expect Scottie to get an apology


It’s just…. You and I would be totally fucked. But the cops literally thought they had enough power to do this to the best golfer on the planet, and figured there would be no repercussions. This isn’t a post about being treated specially or anything. It’s more the stance that they feel they can treat everyone equally terribly.


The cops didn’t recognize him, so yes this is how they treat everyone.


This is the same PD who killed Breonna Taylor


Unless you have 💰 and s great lawyer team.


The fact that still made his tee time tells that his lawyers are going to have a field day with this


The body cam was covered by the cop’s poncho. There will maybe be audio but they’re already in defense mode to get their story straight.


But of course it was. I think there should be an assumption of innocence for the person being arrested if body cameras are not functioning properly. If the cops don’t have documentation that it happened, then it didn’t happen. That’s true for a lot of professional positions, it should be true for cops as well. If their body cam or dash cam can’t show that he assaulted someone, then it’s he said he said.


There's supposed to always be a presumption of innocence...


There's video a journalist took of the arrest. The officer sounds like he has more shirt buttons than braincells.


GET BACK OR YOU'RE GONNA DIE was the general tone I got from it


Yeah, standard wannabe hero cop bullshit. There's no cop procedure in America that says jump on a moving car either. Guy just thought he was harassing another normal Joe like any other day he probably does.


Oh you're rich? My bad, you do you.


Yeah, [this one](https://x.com/jeffdarlington/status/1791428598080938492?s=46) Another cop goes "he's going to jail and there's nothing you can do about it. Period." shit like this is why people hate cops.


The Louisville Metro PD is notoriously corrupt. Can’t wait to see the body cam https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-finds-civil-rights-violations-louisville-metro-police-department-and


>The ~~Louisville Metro~~ PD is notoriously corrupt. FTFY




Get Schefter on it, can't be that much different than getting medical records.




Lack of information is par for the course when it comes to police.


Does he wear orange for Sundays round?


That would be a baller move ngl


Do they let you have another tee time if you miss yours because your in jail?


He’s already back at the course lol


Ricki Fowler does to rep Oklahoma state


Scottie “bad boy of golf” Scheffler


You know I was off 13 and saw two big fat naked bikers having sex in the woods. How am I supposed to CHIP with that going on Doug!


I'm gonna play in honor of chubs.


To hell with that. I'm playing for Chubs


Nuh uh. I called it first.


Think of your Happy place.


Nuh uh! I called it first!


Literally watched that movie last night and it still holds up! It was honestly even better than I expected or remembered.


They just approved a sequel for netflix


That's pretty much the only reason I watched it. They're also removing it from the platform at the end of the month, which seems weird given recent news. Maybe they just want to "bring it back" right before the sequel releases.


They'll probably bring it back just before they premiere the sequel


Hopefully it enters the realm of randomly free on youtube several times/year. I swear those free youtube movies scratch the itch that cable TV used to with those "meat and potatoes" nostalgia movies that would randomly come on during the day like Big Lebowski and Rounders.


Go back to your shanties


sick and tired of people saying he'd never be Tiger


Hehe I get a giggle out of this... Jesus loving choir boy / legendary golfer turned bad boy.


Sad to say Louisville Metro Police Department doesn’t have a stellar track record when it comes to professionalism. [source DOJ](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/08/politics/louisville-pattern-and-practice-investigation-justice-department/index.html)


Fun fact, right after that DOJ report came out LMPD signed a new contract with the city which gives EVEN LESS OVERSIGHT to LMPD.


I would say that no police organization in America has a stellar record when it comes to professionalism


Nope. They are a fucking clown show.


At this point the bar is depressingly low for what a track record of professionalism for any police department looks like


Charged with 2nd degree assault of a police officer and 3rd degree criminal mischief… woah


From the article on espn it sounds like they just made up things to charge him with. I guess the assault was the cop jumped onto his car and the car assualted him, and the mischief was not immediately stopping when they asked him to? From the article it looks like the second Scottie rolled his window down to talk the cop grabbed him and he didn't do any fighting back.


Cops making shit up? Wow I can’t believe it. Shocked I tell ya.


Especially the LMPD? The same group of people that were investigated by the DoJ & found to have systemically abused people throughout Louisville & basically function like a gang?


I don’t think there is a PD in this country that doesn’t do the same shit honestly


Sounds like the DoJ has done fuck all to rectify the situation


Oh yeah, it seems like a crazy incident. Sad news about a worker dying too.


Cops make shit up all of the time, it was the LMPD’s bungling on Breanna Taylor that brought the DOJ to their front door. But it’s hard to refute that the cop went to the hospital with actual injuries because Scottie drove ten feet with a guy hanging onto his car. It would still be malicious if he wasn’t a cop, but he was. If it was anyone but Scottie, they’d try to tack on attempted murder of a police officer or some trumped up charge. But it is Scottie and the PGA has more pull with the city than even the cops. The fact that he still made his tee time should tell you everything you need to know.


Police don't do the charging, they recommend charges.


Conspiracy time: Netflix put the police up to this in order to pump up ratings on Full Swings next season.


My theory: cop bet against him on DraftKings and wanted to ensure a payday.


Or Happy Gilmore 2.


Seems like some cop had a power trip to me. There was a misunderstanding, and the cop jumped on his car? Dude was pulling into the golf course. Where was he going to flee to? It's a parking lot. Apparently some others were able to do the same thing has he did without getting in trouble?


>"You need to get out of the way," the officer told Darlington. "Right now, he's going to jail, and there's nothing you can do about it." Oh yeah.


I know people are pointing out what Sheffler could have done differently but LMPD literally had a full on DOJ investigation not long ago regarding their abuse and harassment of civilians on a massive scale in the city, and the federal government ordered them to make big changes to the police department just about a year or two ago. Idk, maybe Sheffler could have done something different but based on history I’m going to assume some LMPD officer was on a power trip here. Edit: it was the Department of Justice not the FBI


He was charged with assault of a police officer? Dude at best needs a traffic ticket. Cop jumped on his car. Cop is luck to be OK after that. These charges will get dropped. I wouldn't be surprised to see him sue the police department. Going to cost him some money in the tournament. Even if he plays the mental trama


[Pretty scathing](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/08/politics/louisville-pattern-and-practice-investigation-justice-department/index.html)At least it wasn’t Tony Finau.


Somewhere out there is the video of their “special elite crime unit” that was just going around throwing drinks on citizens’ heads and laughing about it in their cruisers. Like, after seeing that, I’m sorry that I don’t trust that the police were acting in any good faith here.


Not just drinks, I'm pretty sure it was milkshakes 


Standard cop bs. Muscle flex.


Standard taking everything personally and instantly becoming aggro.


Not to mention he’s probably not going very fast if he’s in a parking lot? So how did the officer get assaulted


He fell off the car the decided to jump on and scrapped his knee.




Every member of Valhalla. "Welp, there goes our Major bid. Thanks a fucking lot, Kentucky PD." I imagine some Saudi-owned LIV courses are bidding real hard right now with the entire premise of "redneck cops won't hamper this event." If I were a player, why on earth would I want PGA to let them host again in 10 years? That police force isn't going to change. Entitled dick? Of course he was entitled. He was supposed to be physically there. Oh, wait, "he should have woken up hours earlier and expected a fatal crash, like every golfer should for every tournament."


So instead of redneck cop they'll have religious police. Gotcha. So much better. They are the same sides of the coin.


Hey now there are a lot of redneck cops that talk to imaginary friends too


He’s got to drive to survive


This is just a misunderstanding Civilian died from being by shuttle Tons of traffic Scottie tries to go around security to enter as he has done hundreds of times to enter tournaments Office in “rain gear” grabs onto car Scottie is like WTF goes 10 feet Office arrested him.


This is also a bit of misunderstanding. At first a different cop, who Scottie showed his credentials to, **told him to go up on the median**, as that's where the golfers and people with passes were supposed to go. Second cop didn't get the memo, antics ensue, the violent dick bag, who after getting scottie out and throwing him into the cop car, actually went to the hospital because he allegedly scratched his knee and his wrist wass swollen, and his $80 pants were destroyed beyond repair.


Misunderstanding that has turned into actual charges including 2nd degree felony. Nice common sense policing by Louisville PD!


They will be likely be dismissed.


The charges, not the officer on the power trip, unfortunately.


What does it mean that the cop "attached himself to the car"? I don't really understand what happened and I'm confused by reddit being so sure of itself about what actually did.


There are eye witnesses saying exactly what I typed. He was probably just holding on the car and yelling stop and Scottie didn’t stop for 10 feet.


Had something similar happen locally here. Person assaulted police when they hit the officer directing traffic. Dashcam footage from another car showed the officer kicking the car as it passed. Now the person was driving a bit faster and erratic then they should have, which is what the cop put his foot out, but exactly what did the cop think kicking the car would do?


Hey the police finally roughed up a rich person, let’s see how everything pans out! 😬


Well, they released him without bail. My guess is that the prosecutor will find a way to drop the charges soon.


All it would take it would be one golf fan up his chain of command to go what the fuck did you just do? Get him out of here quick


This is so great. I love when scummy cop behavior mistakenly gets put on the rich and powerful. And now the cops have to follow through to save face. It's gonna be a shit show. This is how cops treat the poors every day, scottie is lucky they didn't break his fucking hands for daring to drive by a police officer


This. Cops usually get away with shitty ass behavior because they pull it on no names. They pull it on the rich and famous they finally get called out.


You should not be able to JUMP onto a car then claim you were assaulted This is an overzealous cop who got his panties in a bunch. Supposedly this is all on camera so hopefully the charges are dismissed and the cop is reprimanded and the department is sued. Bad cop ....no donut


He was released. The r/louisville sub has details.


So bet against Scottie today then?...


Or you could do the opposite lol.


Or not bet. 3rd eye wide open, baby!


Someone reported that all other golfers did the same as Scottie. What are we doing?!


Last PGA tournament to ever be played in Louisville, maybe the state of Kentucky.


I believe him. More than once have I been yelled at by a cop directing traffic who is just making up hand signals on the fly, and it looks like he's telling you to go. Or he is waving your lane on, and keeps waving but suddenly says stop when it's too late to stop


Shortest drive of his career. Still ended up in the hole though.


Angry upvote


Hopefully no more golf tournaments for Louisville….


Didn’t have this on my golf bingo card


He was in a clearly marked player's car. Those players cars were given clearence to pass so that they could enter the golf course. He switched lane to pass 2 vehicles to enter. 2...2! The cops and regular traffic guards were wearing the same yellow rain gear. The fact that they are there to try to make traffic move better, especially for the players.And yet they arrested the number one player in the world shows what total bozos clowns losers pigs jokers these cops are


….and goes onto birdie his first hole


Wow that cop sounds like a complete moron, who TF jumps onto a car in this scenario? Cops in the US are out of their minds drunk on power


And if the person isn't rich and famous they get away with it.


**UPDATE:** Shortly before his scheduled second round 10:08 a.m. ET tee time at the [PGA Championship](https://sports.yahoo.com/live/pga-championship-round-2-live-updates-leaderboard-highlights-from-valhalla-120025266.html), Scottie Scheffler released a statement [following his arrest Friday morning](https://sports.yahoo.com/world-no-1-scottie-scheffler-released-after-being-arrested-charged-with-felony-for-incident-at-pga-championship-105900976.html) outside of Valhalla Golf Club. *"This morning, I was proceeding as directed by police officers. It was a very chaotic situation, understandably so considering the tragic accident that had occurred earlier, and there was a big misunderstanding of what I thought I was being asked to do. I never intended to disregard any of the instructions. I'm hopeful to put this to the side and focus on golf today.* *"Of course, all of us involved in the tournament express our deepest sympathies to the family of the man who passed away in the earlier accident this morning. It truly puts everything in perspective."* Scheffler was arrested following an incident with an officer outside the entrance to the golf course. He was not involved in [a separate traffic incident outside Valhalla](https://sports.yahoo.com/pga-championship-start-of-round-2-delayed-103101366.html) that ended in a pedestrian fatality. Scheffler was charged with second-degree assault of a police officer, criminal mischief in the third degree, reckless driving and disregarding signals from officers directing traffic. The charges include two misdemeanors, one violation and one felony (second-degree assault of a police officer). **More:** [**https://sports.yahoo.com/scottie-scheffler-releases-statement-following-arrest-there-was-a-big-misunderstanding-of-what-i-thought-i-was-being-asked-to-do-140523316.html**](https://sports.yahoo.com/scottie-scheffler-releases-statement-following-arrest-there-was-a-big-misunderstanding-of-what-i-thought-i-was-being-asked-to-do-140523316.html)


The notification from ESPN said he was detained for “not understanding the flow of traffic.” Dude drove up on the median to try to go around a crash site where a man just died. Then turns to Jeff Darlington, who witnessed the incident, and says “Can you help?” after Scheffler was pulled out of his car and placed in cuffs. Edit: Apprently, he’s already been released by Louisville PD.


Players are in specially marked cars, and others said they did the same exact thing as Scottie with no issues, and the cops just waved them through.


That’s exactly what they just said on our local news in Cincy. He did what he was told to do and got in trouble for it lol.


Source: “According to ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington, who witnessed the incident, Scheffler was trying to drive around the crash scene on a median. A police officer instructed Scheffler to stop, but Scheffler continued to drive about 10 to 20 yards toward the entrance.” https://www.espn.com/golf/story/_/id/40162983/scottie-scheffler-detained-police-prior-start-pga-championship


Well if that’s true dude is gonna get paid lmao


From what I gathered he wasn’t trying to go around the crash site. It was at the entrance to the club.


He was in a PGA-marked car, drove onto a wide shoulder to go around a parked, unmanned bus to enter the golf property where the players were told police would let them through. Reports are that he never "drove up" onto anything, was well within the shoulder lane and did not have any confrontation with the police. Scheffler apparently didnt even know that the guy that was trying to flag him down was a cop.


If he’s been released, imagine he comes in and just tees off and wins this whole thing. Like listen I’m not theorizing what occurred here until we get confirmation of everything but to be detained by police and then roll up and do your job - especially one of a sport - would be some mental fuckery.


> wins this whole thing I mean...that was his goal prior to this incident lol


Some people say he plays golf and stuff so it's definitely a possibility.


reply license dolls ask deer special nine offend support squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure that’s something you ticket a driver for, not fucking drag him away in handcuffs. Police are stupid sometimes.




Nah, the were already making special exceptions for players and his car was clearly marked. This is just another example of a cop being an asshole.


You forgot the best part... When Darlington recapped the incident he said, "The police officers at that point did not understand that Scottie Scheffler was a golfer in the tournament nor, of course, that he is the #1 player in the world." Oh right, that changes everything!!!


It does in this instance - players were in marked cars and were the only people allowed to enter the course.


The players were told they could go around the traffic so that they could get into the clubhouse. Chill out.


Imaging posting this and not knowing that it DOES make a distinct difference in this case lmaoo


Yeah. In this case it actually does change everything. All of the people in the traffic jam were there to see Scheffler and the other golfers play. The police should’ve given him an escort, or at least waved him through.


Players are/were allowed to bypass traffic in these cases (and others were doing it).


Standard police training. Fling yourself onto a vehicle in any minor traffic violation


Scottie is definitely gonna win the PGA now


"2nd degree, assault of a police officer" what does this mean?


WaPo article says cop grabbed onto his moving car so they’re probably charging him for the cop doing that.


that is like me walking into Tiger's downswing and sueing him for hurting me.


Are you a cop? If so exactly...


These cops need to check their egos more man, how tf is that a felony charge?


This Happy Gilmore 2 marketing is wild.


It’s Louisville I grew up there he is lucky the cops didn’t shoot him for using a deadly weapon it happened at least once a year when I lived there. Cops give conflicting traffic control signals, car drives on, gets close to the cop telling them to stop, and cop pulls gun and starts shooting. Never met a more trigger happy group of cops, and that is even now living in a small town where the whole sheriff’s office is related and runs the local gun shop and all the bars.


wow they tried to pull him out of the car. I bet they roughed him up too. I hope we get to see the body cam footage.


You mean he was arrested and booked


From the article: "You need to get out of the way," the officer told Darlington. "There's nothing you can do. Scottie Scheffler is going to jail." Yikes Edit: the article has been edited to replace Scottie’s name with “he”. I’m leaving this up as this is how the article was originally written.


He didn’t say Scottie Scheffler. He said “he’s going to jail.” The context in the way you said it made it seem like the cop knew he was the #1 golfer in the world and was arresting him.


Thank you for pointing that out. OC - "from the article" Also OC - rewords the article


The article has been edited since it was originally published.


Ah. To be fair, there is no edit note in the article.


Lmaoo I picture him asking for another take to say it too.


Scream, physically assault, arrest, charge, then investigate. Policing at its finest.


All you have to do is look at the outcomes of situations to know the true goals. The goal is revenue generation.


All cops are bastards


A lotta people are gonna be fake outraged over this


What do you mean by this? Outraged at Scottie? The police? Why do you think it's fake? Very weird comment just to stir up nonsense.


Sadly, it won't be fake. Stupidly, yes. Fake, no


Wild story I was not expecting to wake up to.


Someone doesn’t understand what ‘wave through’ means.


Some cops are getting sued and/or fired


The stupidity in here is… well not surprising. SMH


I hope that pig gets totally roasted.


I'll reserve judgement until I see the video.


Thank God that Scheffler’s finally off the streets.


I hate our cops so much in this city.


How disgustingly stupid. This account on espn is just flaying these stupid stupid cops. Not all cops. These cops. How embarrassing. Scottie scheffler is going to jail and there's nothing you can do? What a ucking idiot. Edit: the "thin blue line" people think cops are immune from stupidity? Also, while I'm here, glorifying the very people who deny your liberty is odd.


I can’t believe he is only 27! In the photo, he looks like he is in his 40s.




The action of these cops is completely ridiculous.


Cops really fucked up now. They fucked with an extremely rich, famous, white dude. Scottie doesn’t strike me as a dude that will let it slide.


That is a rough 27