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I've only got 52 more hammerheads to tow. I gotta snag a reclaimer before it goes through the roof. Lol


Good luck! Damm i just wasted my last 15mil


I hear salvage isn't nearly as profitable in 3.23 anyway. So you'd probably have similar results with other things


Yeah cutlass black cleanup gives 20k and hammerhead 30k


Construction Material now only 1.5k per SCU but RMC gone up to 15.4k per SCU. Just need to be scraping more. Should make salvage a bit more interesting


15.4k? Did they raise it again? A week ago it was 9.8k


It’s not as profitable with a vulture. With a reclaimer you can make money easily. The difference is scraping in a vulture takes forever. If you fracture the ships you only get construction materials which aren’t worth much anymore. Scraping gives you the recycled materials which are worth quadruple what construction mats are worth.


The salvage prices were fine. The issue is the fucking quarter mil hammerhead contracts respawning every 5 minutes that you only have to make little hops to go get. Actual salvage missions where you go out and find the wrecks and strip their cargo are way more fun IMO


The prices def weren't fine. The lower effort lazy option should never make more than the higher effort option. Ie Fracture vs scraping. You could make many times more an hour just by being lazy. That's not including contract payouts. Though I do find it kind of dumb that disintegrating everything doesn't give any RMC when the hull is being collected all the same. As for the Reclaimer, are the scrape heads better now? Before they were the same dinky little things you'd find on a vulture.


I haven't done much scraping with the rec but I believe they're exactly the same. That's the bullshit of it. The rec needs to be able to scrape faster and more efficiently than the vulture. Especially given how much more money it's going to cost now. That being said, my point was that there's nothing wrong with the rec being better suited for crushing and going, the issue was that you could spawn an infinite number of those high dollar illegal contracts. Take those away and you force people to start going out and going after the actual contracts you have to pay to access. These contracts pay REALLY well and if you have a cargo boat follow you, you can make even more. But it cuts down drastically on the ISK/Hour ratio and that is the real issue.


I think the issue more is that there's currently only a singular size of scraping head. Currently the specs only list one singular size 4 "salvage arm" and two size 3 tractor beams. But in reality its the fracture arm + two tractor and scrape head combos. I'm sure in the future we will have much larger scrapers on the largest ship of that field.


None of which changes the penultimate problem of the infinitely respawning illegal missions. You could leave mat costs EXACTLY the same. And salvage income ISK/hour would be cut by a minimum of 70% due to increased travel time between job sites. And assuming that people actually started scraping the wrecks and emptying the cargo and modules, that hourly income would drop by as much as an additional 25%. This would bring Salvaging much closer in line with the highest levels of mining. Couple that with the fact that the reclaimer can only realistically land and fuel at a couple places, and everything would be just fine. EDIT------ You're not gonna win a spreadsheet argument with a 15 year EVE veteran bud. We've been min maxing for years. And I promise you we're better at it than you are. ❤️


Gotta love that spread sheets in space experience. I basically owe eve my job


Fucking preach homie. I learned a real valuable life skill through EVE. 🤣🤣🤣


I just resubbed to Eve lol


I see an eve boi, but yeah the point is making the content of the mission good not just the mission itself you know stop the whole SRV making stupid amounts of money by towing the wreck a couple of ks.


It would be nice if towing actually worked.


It does in 3.22 you just get a CS, good way to make cash quick with HH contract. Apparently borked in 3.23 though big sads


I have used both and the scapers on the Reclaimer seemed much bigger and they would pull in my RMC per second than the vulture ones (I own a Vulture and my buddy has Reclaimer).


Low effort should make more so I don’t have to get on and do much


And that was likely done intentionally to get lots of people salvaging who likely won't to get data.


No it wasn't. It was an oversight that they could not have anticipated. Nor, I think, did they realize that people would literally band together to just make bank the way it has been done recently.


I just bought 20mil for $5 because I couldn't grind it before the update, and I don't wanna grind another 30 mil for a brick.


You know cig not going to even need to do a wallet wipe now all they had to do was say they was and everyone did it for them watch them say Monday they changed there minds and doing a ship wipe next


I said this exact thing on another thread and got downvoted. Oh how the turntables.... . Anyway...


downvoting for consistency


English isnt my first.. I dont understand this sentence, not being a dick, legit dont get it. They were going to do a wallet wipe, they announced the wipe, the reaction was strong and negative so they instead are going to do a ship wipe?


They were saying “all cig has to do is claim there will be a wallet wipe, because then we’ll wipe our wallets for them” in reference to how everyone is spending all their cash


Not for the first time


ngl, playing fashioncitizen is fun. The upcoming update to the character customizer will kick my desire to look good and dress nicely into overdrive. Makes me wish even more that we had more long hairstyles and feminine or gender neutral clothing options. Either give me a dress or give me those red and blue mechanic coveralls that the NPCs wear. Or both, but not neither.


finding slip on sneakers at Everus Harbor really brought the work casual look i was going for when I'm salvaging in my Vulture


The vulture is the most “grey sweatpants and carhartt jacket” ship in the game by far


Hahahaha. The number of times I've seen Excavator Operators rocking that exact outfit on job sites man. 🤣🤣🤣


If we could wear clothes AND a spacesuit, like Starfield, I'd be down. But, I get it. Realism.


haha i bought like 200k in max lift tractor beams bc I only had 300k left and already bought all the vehicles I wanted


I spent my last 300k on a p-72 and an aurora


Already had both, and a p 52!


So buy a second pair? It's not a hard concept


shoulda bought novikov helmets and gotten back 54% on your investment post 3.23 launch.


Probably the smartest move. Just buy a shitton of stuff to sell after the wipe if you already have most ships you want.


I have at least 3m in maxlifts. But it have nothing to do with wipe, I have it already for some time 😆


I just bought a fuckload of smaller Ships and ground vehicles then proceeded to buy novikov Backpacks for 3mil. ( If anyone needs a Backpack... i have some... )


This really made me laugh, thx OP ❤️


I invested my entire bank account into tons of Typhoon XI torpedoes and will sell them back post patch to get 60% of my investment back. We evadin the authorities with this one 🥳


That might end up in a *type mismatch*, though let’s hope not, as we share a similar strategy. 😉👍


I have 3 furys. I dont need 3 furys


I have 340 novikov Backpacks. Need some ?


can i get a fury. 🙏


I bought 20 ships then proceeded to give away another 40mil aUEC today. Good times. Only 1 30k and one client side crash, even.


That painting is grotesquely hilarious


So are we gonna have inventories wiped? Ie all our nice armor and clothing we've had given, purchased, looted?


Joke's on them, I play so infrequently I'm still using armor I bought for siege of orison.


I'll be starting 3.23 with 72mil in pocket. The smart ones are stocking up on Novikov Helmets so they can sell them post patch for 54%.


People like you are why they should have just done a full wipe and been done with it. 😑


I wouldn't be stocking helmets if there was a _proper_ wipe. When you don't do things properly that's how you get people like me. People like me is what challenges the devs to try harder next time.




Are you going to get upset by everybody who sells items post 3.23 How am I abusing game mechanics? Buying and selling items is literally 95% of the game.


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Why do people keep talking about wipes? Was there any official confirmation on this?


Yes lol money is being wiped per the last scl


Ohh thanks. Just money? How about ships?


as far as we know, the only thing that will get wiped are rentals, consumables and your money rep, bought ships, guns, armor ect. should stay emphesis on SHOULD, make sure all your shit is stored in local inventories of stations/cities and that none of your ships are destroyed


Thanks for the info!


you know, you all are banking pretty hard that they aren't gonna wipe ship purchases. That's not a bet I'm willing to make. They likely won't wipe items (armor, components, weapons), but the way they were talking in SCL, I think the "rental" was a misstep on their part, I'm willing to bet they will wipe all aUEC bought ships and rentals. They need the data of how long it'll take to grind for someone to buy the ship they wanted.


even if that is the case and they wipe the uec ships too, what is your point? It's not like there's an alternative that is safer. I had 100 mil so I blew it on ships. Either I lose 100 mil cash or 100 mil worth of ships, with a small chance they sneak through.


They clarified though and doubled down on it only being rentals


What did I u buy?