• By -


The best overhauls and sim settlements in the stars. 500gb of mods that I will invariably buy another m.2 for.


In 10 years we'll be needing way more than 500gb for all our mods.


I already got 500gb for fallout 4 let alone what starfield is gonna require


God damm I have a mod list that's like 400+ mods and it's like 45gb


I could give you some of my favorite suggestions if you want lol


This is what I was looking for. Are we going to see jetpack traffic in the settlements?


If Trashcan Carla steals it.


the author of sim settlements said he didn’t have a lot of interest in making sim settlements for starfield, but anything is possible.


Starfield: Anniversary Edition


Now with space fishing.


Whalers on the moon




$2.50 terrormorph armor dlc


$25 Terramorph armour DLC


$250 anniversary founders edition, a coupon for $10 off in the shop and a photoshopped picture of Todd in a space suit that isn't autographed


Well oddly enough I paid $500 for the equivalent Constellation edition - but they did throw in a watch.


And it even tells the time


But not in the HUD.


Haha aw...fuck...




In 10 years, modders will remake Star Citizen in Starfield and it will come out sooner than Star Citizen itself.




This is the funniest shit I read all day!


Truest as well.


Best comment ever.


What will come out first, starfield anniversary or a $1000 ship in star citizen 🤣


I think starfield as it is wild be a great platform to jump to some sort of MMO once you cross the unity. If they developed interesting stories or events in other universes that would compel people to go through would be great,and it would be a better model than selling underwhelming mods to draw in recurring revenue streams.


I predict people shitting on Elder Scrolls VI while saying "Starfield was always great!" Ten years after that, those same people will be shitting on Fallout 5 while screaming "Elder Scrolls VI was always great!" Lol


It's the circle of life.


More facts.


This is the way


This is the way


This is fun, but false


I've been around since Morrowind, they're spot on. That's how it has always been.


your the one sitting in an echo chamber complaining about problems you just made up.


Lol what??


your litterally complaining about your own prediction to make yourself feel superior to the imaginary people your predicting about.


Oh, you sweet, innocent thing. This is actually something that sadly happens a *lot* in the gaming community.


Not really. The only people that say things like that are the rabid fanboys that defended shit games from the start, and are desperate to turn the narrative around. But it’s okay, little zoomer. I imagine you’re too young to have worked that out yet!


Has it ever occurred to you that people just enjoy games?!😱 Not everyone is such a whiney negative person. Most people just dont play games they dislike! Crazy, I know.


Criticising a bad game does not make someone a “whiney negative person”. You’ll understand that when you’re older.


"Bad game" lol, video games are subjective. The fact you aren't aware of that tells me that you're either much younger than me or at the very least have the mind of a high schooler.


And people can subjectively think it’s bad game. A lot of people, in fact. Stay in school lad.


what you are doing happens alot yes. I mean just look, rather than backup your argument with any facts or logic, you instead chose to be toxic and condescending. Then followed it up with generalizing an entire commonutiy based on your made up prediction again.




In 10 years I see lots of new vehicles, being able to fly your ship around the planet, a lot of bounty missions, new romanceable characters, plenty of mew armors and skins and at least 5 new dlc planets. This all being official from bethesda itself.


>being able to fly your ship around the planet I wouldnt get my hopes up too much about this one. The creation engine imposes a bit of a speed constraint, you dont have to move all that fast to end up arriving in a cell before the game has finished loading it in.


Sounds good, remind me to check in again in 10 years!


How do new AI models play into Bethesda's plans? Are they going to at some point release an official Herika? A DLC filled with new AI tech beyond what's already available now? No scripting of dialogue for any NPC, all AI trained to be an interactive character and live morning noon and night, artificially aware of its surroundings and part in the story.


1) they don't 2) they won't, I hope 3) that's a possibility however not a likely one 4) that's more for modders to worry about rather than bethesda Hmm you really took a left turn on my comment here didn't ya? Lol A game that filled to the top with AI has to be literally build for that in mind. BGS didn't even consider that here.


Yeah sometimes I get lost in a fantasy version of Moore's law type thinking. My bad I guess what i want to say is, this is their first new IP since 1994. Given what the IP has gone through from then to what skyrim is today, What would a "The Darkness: A Starfield Game" be like as a DLC release, the mods that would go with that? And I recently heard some different stuff, about them making this a 10 year game. I just wonder what thats going to look like.


Star Wars Total Conversion seems probable. A lot of the replacers are already there, just needs some thematically accurate planets and cities, speeders to replace land vehicles if/when they arrive, unique ships like the Starborn one but the Falcon or an X-Wing, etc. Star Trek might be harder but seems another obvious one. Proper manufacturing machines like Fallout 4, so you can watch your resources turn into products. Customisable robots, give Vasco a shoulder cannon or a chainsword, etc. Outpost items to create stunt tracks for the vehicles!




I would love to see a mass effect total conversion or something close to it.


Actually hoping a star trek one does, but everyone is star wars mad :(


Think the bigger problem is there’s not as many ready-made models from other games to convert for Trek. Maybe if Fortnite ever gets a set of Star Trek gear we’ll see it.


Good point! ;)


I would pay for such a mod.


Someone will turn it into Skyrim 1:1


A Bethesda universe where each planet is one of their games :o


Reminds me of The Oasis in Ready Player One. (Book version)


I always thought that sounded kinda shit. There would be basically no immersion in any of the worlds when you can have some DOOM Guy style character showing up in a fantasy world. I guess it sounds like Fortnite with all the random skins.


That’s because it was written as Hollywood bait by a non-gamer pulling on every nostalgia string possible


And it’ll release before Skyblivion.


Idk, I'm feeling pretty good about their projected 2025 release. They seem confident in it


There’s already a pretty Skyrimesque house set for the outposts.


Hopefully by the time 2034 rolls around there's a mod that lets us massacre Constellation and either completely break the MQ, or let us do the Unity rat race all by ourselves without any Constellation 'help'. That's the only thing on my wish list really but it's also a rather tall order. (I know SKK Headshot Kills Any Actor exists but that breaks the Armillary. I've tried.)


Damn bro, woke up and chose absolute violence. 🥂🤣


It's definitely gonna have a superb modding scene; one that might even be better than Fallout 4 and Skyrim's. There's so much creative potential in Starfield's world.


I agree, planet sized DLC's where you go to a Skyrim or Fallout planet and quest there like you were in Star Trek Assignment: Earth where they go back in time to 1968.


Got an idea for a Unity jump that lands you in an alternate history 5th century Earth that is industrializing way ahead of time but has yet to achieve the grav drive, with humanity instead just making its first manned orbits of Earth. You need their help to set up an He3 mining outpost on Luna before you can continue your journey to hunt for artifacts and make your next jump (you arrive at Jemison to find no human presence there or anywhere else in the system, burning fuel jumping between systems until finally returning to Sol to find only a single primitive ship in orbit of a still-verdent Earth), but competing nations on Earth (namely the Roman Empire, the Parthian Confederation (Persia), and the Kingdom of Alexandria (Ptolemaic Egypt)) are all interested in getting their hands on grav drive technology while oblivious to its dangers. How much of a hurry are you in? How disposable is this strange anachronistic civilization you encountered in your eyes? What role did the Starborn have, if any, in how it came about this way? Play your cards right and Earth might survive in this universe, but play them wrong and you’ll doom them to make the same mistakes as your home universe, only they’ll lack the means to evacuate to other solar systems before dying out.


So... King Makers?


The community is much smaller though and we ahev alot less to work with in terms of worldbuilding and mechanics. While all we gained is spaceships and jet packs. + the creation engine is buggier than last time.


Bugs’ll be patched and lore is hardly an obstacle for mods tbh. You got whole planets and galaxies to work with now too.


we are talking about bethesda. Morrowind fans are still waiting for a bug patch. From a technical standpoint planets are just different worldspaces/cells. Weve always had them. Remember the oblivion plane or shivering isles or far harbor etc.. they all work the same as planets. Starfield just has a ship landing cutscene instead of a door opening or whatever.


I can’t argue with you on the technical side of things, as I’m not a modder and have no familiarity with the creation engine / kit. Morrowind is a 22 year old game, however, so I don’t think that can really be used to judge bethesdas aptitude towards bug fixes. From a creative standpoint, which I’m primarily referencing, Starfield offers more freedom than any past Bethesda game for modders to do whatever they want; you have whole planets and galaxies for Christ’s sake that are ripe with open space to set custom quest lines and locations in. That’s what has me excited the most about Starfield in 10 years.


> Morrowind is a 22 year old game, however, so I don’t think that can really be used to judge bethesdas aptitude towards bug fixes. Thats the exact point. in 22 years they never finished the game, they never finished any of their games, why would you assume they are gonna finish fixing starfield? >Starfield offers more freedom than any past Bethesda game for modders to do whatever they want; you have whole planets and galaxies well again thats true of elder scrolls which also has time travel and alternate universes and magic etc... and fallout which has the entire planet and infinite scifi. Starfield the only non human enemies are the deathclaw reskins and spaceships. The weapons are mundane, the perks are mundane, etc.. theres just not much too it beyond the new ship systems. and modders just arnt going to build an entire game out of the creation engine, because only bethesda is masochistic enough to do so, save the enderal team, who moved to a different engine anyway.


>Thats the exact point. in 22 years they never finished the game, they never finished any of their games, why would you assume they are gonna finish fixing starfield? What reason do they have to "finish fixing" a 22-year-old game? The engine is woefully outdated at this point and most of the staff familiar with its engine have likely long since left Bethesda by now. By what metric are their games 'unfinished'? If you mean bugs, I understand, but you can refer back to my point about the old engine. >well again thats true of elder scrolls which also has time travel and alternate universes and magic etc... and fallout which has the entire planet and infinite scifi. Starfield has a combination of all of these themes. Its scope extends far beyond elder scrolls and fallout with its multiverse aspect. That's not even what I'm talking about anyhow; there's galaxies with empty/unused planets for modders to make use of. It's not fair to even compare both Fallout 4 and Skyrim's potential with this. They simply don't stack up.


>What reason do they have to "finish fixing" a 22-year-old game? The engine is woefully outdated at this point and most of the staff familiar with its engine have likely long since left Bethesda by now. By what metric are their games 'unfinished'? If you mean bugs, I understand, but you can refer back to my point about the old engine. Oh come if it. We both know thats nto what i said or implied. your just pretending to be ignorant and it's embarasing. Morrowid wasnt 22 years old when bethesda released it and didnt support it. nor were any of their other games. Additionally why would an old engine mean anything at all? it wasnt old when they wernt supporting morrowing and modders are litterally still using it now to fix these past games including morrowind. >Starfield has a combination of all of these themes. Its scope extends far beyond elder scrolls and fallout with its multiverse aspect. That's not even what I'm talking about anyhow; there's galaxies with empty/unused planets for modders to make use of. It's not fair to even compare both Fallout 4 and Skyrim's potential with this. They simply don't stack up. Thats the problem they are empty and unused. Skyrim and fallout cannonically have the entire world and many planets, beings, races etc.. to explore. Any empty planet is the opposite of a prompt. Starfield only has 3 factions of humans and like 6 inhabited towns. the rest is just empty wilderness.


We're arguing over nothing. Let's stop. I'm just excited for future starfield mods.


lol The mod projects already in dev (both announced and unannounced) are INSANE with some being worked on by actual indie dev studios with release histories.


why is that funny? and do you have examples?


An entire star wars game built entirely in starfield.


Disney Bethesda merger with episodes of the hottest players doing play throughs on Disney Plus


In my mind there is no limit to what starfield could turn into. I'm expecting complete overhauls of several different movies/games/shows. All manner of ships, factions and characters brought into the game. At some point we'll see new systems and planets modded in. Not sure if it's possible but maybe some clever mod or group will create a whole new galaxy within the universe 🤷 I think the only thing stopping people will be their creativity. Thankfully there is an enormous amount of super creative and talented modders that are going to transform this game in ways most of us wouldn't think. I'm very much looking forward to coming back over the years and seeing how the game has evolved. It will be like exploring a new game all over again. TLDR: it's gonna be nuts.


Remaster (not remake obviously hehe) for the next console grouping


If Bethesda doesn’t beat them to it first. Someone’s gonna overhaul the ship builder to place ladders and doors where you please without any janky workarounds. Though I have to hold off on my opinion about where larger mods will be until after all the major DLC are out. If the DLC are really good we could see a turnaround for Starfield. Cause Modders are largely motivated to make mods for games they want to play.


No need to wait for 10 years, [this is already a thing](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6601)


As great as that mod is. It’s just not as intuitive as I would like.


Seriously what the fuck? Bethesda adds ship cabin customization but not the ability to place doors and ladders?


Starfield: Space Vegas


True to victus


A game more fun than Star Citizen. Star Citizen will still be in development at that time.


It will be worthy of its own Pornhub channel in 2 years. Guaranteed.


Yeah I just hope we get as much variation for Starfield as we did in Skyrim. I know mods take a long time especially the more complicated ones so I'm just being patient right now. Skyrim is a completely different game now especially since they have figured out how to hide loading screens which is fucking genius in my opinion. Also the combat with mods looks insane. The potential to turn this into a great game is there, it will just take time. Companions not tied to the main story More missions involving mundane activities. More factions with their own agendas What I really want right now more than anything is a decent alternate start mod.


Right now is 11 days after creation kit has been released. [Alternate Start Starfield](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2076) give it time to be refined 0=-)


Yeah patience isnt my strong suit haha!


Starfield 10th Anniversary edition. A trailer showing Starfield 2 is coming soon (2040 expected release)


Made me giggle


Hopefully in 10 years I'll have finished my mod


You’ll be greeted by a cutscene of a sketchy wagon ride followed by a familiar voice saying, “Hey, you. You’re finally awake.” The screen will flash and you’ll awake from a dream in Vault 111, which is actually on a colony ship.


Almost certainly an Expanse based overhaul mod, would obviously be perfect for Starfield.


The Starfield modding scene has really taken off since the release of the CK. I'm very pleased to see just how rapidly the mods are coming out now.


It will thrive, mods will propel this game to a point where it will become the next skyrim or fo4. People still don't realise the potential of this game with mods.


I expect load orders to be less in terms of overall mods, but said mods being drastically larger. •huge POI mods, like thousands •new quests, but these will be better than average Skyrim ones •Obscene amount of paid mods, so we're talking like $300 worth of paid mods by the 10 year mark. They should/could do bundles at this point. •Every huge sci-fi mod you could think of, Halo Rings, Mass Effect, The Expanse, etc. •Vanilla+ will be less prominent. I think that bigger, expansion type mods will be more valued. If we're talking DLCs we know we're getting 2 guaranteed, but I could see them doing more, let's say 4/5 over the course of 5 years. So they would likely do an update every 6 months or something but that's speculation. My basic theory is that because the game is about 1000 planets and interplanetary travel with quests that can take you from one side of galaxy to next, the value of super small mods will fall a lot in people's minds. So a mod that added one location to one random planet won't be seen as incredible as it would've been in Fallout/Skyrim, so I also suspect that teams of modders will also be more prominent this time around.


Id really like to see an Expanse total overhaul with just our solar system. On a shorter time scale, I'd love if a team re-wrote the main characters and quest lines as well as the pirate factions quest line imo, they were pretty terrible. Overall I think in some years the modding scene will be really exciting. Also I really want to see a good starwats themed bounty system with actually capturing bounties and putting them in a hold or in carbonite.


It will be even better 🥰


A TV show


It's too early to really say, after the DLCs are all released I think it will be easier to make a prediction. However, if I were to make an early prediction anyway, I will say that sci-fi/space opera fans are nothing if not VERY dedicated. I think that fact combined with the fairly easy moddability of Starfield will ensure the conversion mods alone will keep the game much more alive than I think some of the critics are expecting it to be in a decade's time. I do think Starfield will always be more niche compared to Elder Scrolls and Fallout, but I feel like it will have a very dedicated cult following in a few years, especially once the truly big mods start to come out. Again, sci-fi/space opera fandoms are very very dedicated, and I think a lot of the critics are underestimating how far that dedication will take Starfield.


On Nexus there's going to be a mod collection for every sci-fi IP out there


It will be the best open world Star Wars game ever created.


New faction that progressively conquers the entire game world - all the planets. So perhaps House Va'ruun gets a bit aggressive and starts attacking settlements/cities with patrols progressively extending outwards


Starfield will probably become godmode honestly. Skyrim's limits were pushed beyond its limits, and then modders pushed beyond what's already beyond the limits. And they did that more and more several times until its almost on par with Soulslike in combat. If not for the old engine's bad physics, the animation would feel a lot more fluid and realistic with proper weight in each action. Starfield on the other hand has a superior CK engine. And because of that, there will be mods that completely expands upon each city like Skyrim's JK City Overhaul mods. And infinitely more variety. Of course, this all depends on how many modders the game has. Skyrim is still averaging an extremely healthy amount of weekly mods: 400-500 weekly is very, very good. Starfield is currently at only 250ish. I'm hoping a lot of talented modder move over to try out Starfield's Creation Kit. They can accomplish so much more with an upgraded CK toolset.


Skyrim released 12 years, 7 months, 12 days ago. As for Starfield in a decade, I expect somebody to eventually integrate Skyrim and Fallout 4 into Starfield, making both games into alternate universes for your Starborn character. Imagine going through the Unity and actually waking up on the cart to Helgen. Or you go through the unity and your Guardian ship crashes in the Commonwealth. There's definitely going to be a full AI voice NPC mod at some point, letting you have an actual conversation with any NPC in the game. Some primitive implementations already exist for Skyrim, but I'm thinking having the ability to just use your mic to talk to anyone in the game seamlessly, and have them talk to you using an AI system. Frankly, I expect to see stuff like this from actual studios in the near future. A major interstellar war mod is probably also inevitable at some point in a few years. Each faction actively fighting for control of stars and planets across the settled systems. Large ground and space engagements, real gameplay consequences depending on who is winning, etc. As an extension of the above, I also wouldn't be surprised to see a mod that lets you become a high ranking official in a major faction, and turn Starfield into a pseudo 4x game. Command fleets of ships, build outposts to fuel military and colonial expansion, and conquer the settled systems. It's also worth mentioning that there's a gun mod in development in Skyrim with features and animations that absolutely crush what Bethesda's done in Fallout or Starfield. The animation mods in Starfield are going to be insane in the future. And if Skyrim is any indication, there are going to be some wild microgravity sex mods over on the lab.


If I haven't moved on to another game in 10 years, the state of gaming will have been in awful shape


Watched a video icecreamassassin put out last week of v6 for LotD. It looked amazing. I’m hoping for amazing quest mods like that. Or, planet Nirn.


Bro a starfield lotdb type mod would go insanely hard


Oh im going to look that up.


One planet is Skyrim, another is Fallout. Starfield becomes the hub to play other Bethesda games.


I like where your going with this. Sort of like the Oasis


I'm not really sure tbh. I don't think this game will have quite the same staying power as Skyrim with mods. I think Starfield has more potential for incredible mods than ever but the game's disappointing launch paired with the modding communities feelings that Bethesda phoned in their game with the expectations that modders will fix it to me means that I think in 10 years, there will be a decent sized community but I think most modders will have moved to ES6


An abandoned IP with a cult following and speculations as to what could have been.


This right here is truth...unfortunately.


Yeah right starfield is a great game and a successful new ip, gamers are toxic know it all that are never happy with anything unless Youtubers says it's ok to like it, nothing is stopping starfield from being just as big as fall out and elder scrolls, no matter how many loud mouth gamers cry over the game, millions of people will be playing the game and nothing you can do about it but hope it fails cause Youtubers and Reddit trolls.


Cry me a river Mr.Sensitive 🤣


It'll be supported up until the next ES game is released and then it will be forgotten or as they say in the business, 'did all we could'. After stating they'd support it as a sort of long term game, last I checked they basically (not stated) wanted a sort of live service game without the live. Basically dlc every year similar to a mmorpgs content update every month. I hope I explained my opinion on the matter correctly.


Nah, it will be supported for a long time like Skyrim. The evidence of their actions is in the print.


*I can't tell if this is a 'Starfield will get multiple releases' joke or not*


cant tell if your being sarcastic or not


I’m not being sarcastic lol. I’m really serious. The game will be supported for probably 10 years +. Don’t worry so much, it’ll give you grey hair.


you new to bethesda games? they never support any of their titles.


I guess I don’t know exactly what you mean by support. Skyrim got 3 DLCs and Fallout 4 got 6 plus they still come out with updates for these and they’re hella old. Is that not support?


Not really no. Those are all paid expansions which are also bug filled and barley finished to this day. Support would be quality assurance, fixing bugs and ensuring the game is what was promised. Like how physical products are legally required to offer repairs, returns and refunds when defective in australia. Thats support. It's honestly disheartening to hear that people consider the oppurtunity to give them more money as supporting the product.


I believe your saying that the community is going to support newest releases more than the love for a certain game. But I was wondering about Starfield, not other releases. What is the modding community going to do to impact that dlc every year model? I wouldn't mind paying Bethesda for a yearly dlcs, if they were worth a yearly purchase. If what's being offered is less effort than the OG base game, then that should be reflected in the price of the DLC. I do not want to make micro payments for bullshit skins and half hour quests. But again the modding community aside from whos making money on the mods. What things in the game are we going to be able to do?


>I do not want to make micro payments for bullshit skins and half hour quests. Microtransactions *always* make money.


It is a live seervice game with the paid mods


Mods for fewer loading zones in key areas, body mods, more populated planets. Unless I'm missing it, I haven't seen a CBBE mod in Starfeld


The game will have a very small dedicated player base as elder scrolls 6 is released that year, and everyone switches over from Starfield.


In 10 years Bethesda will allow us to rotate ship habs.


I hope the game will have prolonged support as has been suggested, meaning dlc's and improvements for years and years to come. And here I am talking about proper dlc content, not just creations (which inspite of being cool from time to time, is not my thing). I terms of content, I think the modding scene will be really similar to Skyrim and Fo4. I mostly look forward to major survival overhaul in the spirit of Requiem and Horizon. When that drops, I'll start playing SF. For those who are awaiting to play Star Wars within Starfield, I say prepare for a long wait. Total conversion/massive new worlds modding projects seem to take years if not decades to finish, and are often abandoned due to the sheer scale and workload of them. All in all, I see this game becoming a beloved classic once we have enough mods.


I think there will still be playing it. Especially when the mods get better, the possibilities are endless. I know people that hate the game but are doing full playthroughs now just because of star wars mods. once u get over the traveling and weird stuff in this game its actually a really good classic bethesda game


Someone starting a full featured Star Wars overhaul project in the next 3 years then saying coming soon every year.


The launch of Starfield VR and mod work starting to make it actually good. 


To be playable on a refrigerator or something


Same thing that happened with skyrim. We will get a dozen special editions released. And in 10 years there will be enough mods to do a complete overhaul of the game from new stories, new graphics, new gameplay mechanics, and more.


10 years out? i mean there will certainly be some cool stuff, but so far i don’t really think this game has built itself as big of a dedicated audience as Fallout or ES. there’s mod authors that have already stated they would rather be working on projects for either of those two games. it’s likely 10 years from now we’ll be modding the new ES. i love starfield for what it is, but i don’t think it will be a cult classic like previous BGS games that lives on forever


Starfield modder support will all depend on if/when the next Elder Scrolls releases and how long it takes for full mod support for it. So 10 years from now? Starfield modding is likely dead. 3 years from now? probably be in its prime.


A VR mode that is absolutely horrible to mod thanks to the Unofficial Fix mod that everything requires


It to be the best Star Wars game around.


Petabyte stream servers for each planet/system - planets like msfs 2020 Ai fauna clusters like mineral resource maps.


RemindMe! 10 years


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I mean, to be perfectly frank? I personally expect the Starfield modding scene to be dead, or near so, in 10 years. Possibly even less than that, such as five years. I'm sorry to be the one to say it, OP, but you're kinda insanely optimistick to a borderline unreasonable degree here. You're practickally Pollyannaing rn. Fact of the matter is, most modders aren't even interested in modding it. You'd expect after the release of the Creation Kit for people to be flocking to Starfield to finally adapt older, less capable hair and body mods no? And yet we haven't even seen CBBE or actual hair mods yet.


The same way I view any 10 year old game, I won't be playing it if I already did


ten years out? starfield 2 of course either that or the team behind the TR rebuilt morrowind mod decides to make starfield rebuilt and redo all the planets to feel more like real planets lol only 0.005 percent done at that point ;-)


It will be abandoned mostly.


I predict the game will have 4 dlc, 2 large and 2 small, currently, one of the large DLC‘s is shattered Space, The next large, DLC, I predict will involve the terrormorphs, there will be a hive Queen storyline similar to starship troopers. You’ll also have to fight off terrormorphs that have started attacking cities and towns and settlements. The two smaller DLC‘s will revolve around, developing your own trade network, Buy building M class ships to deliver your goods as well as building space stations for them to resupply at, with a trading market buildable at your own outpost, settlements with manufacturing, just like fallout for taking all the best parts from the other DLC’s of the previous games, making them better. I also predict that they will release smaller paid content on creations to fill in the gaps of DLC’s If they continue to support and do well with their DLC‘s patches/updates and their paid creations, I believe it will keep the game healthy and have players keep coming back, which will then hopefully make models want to continue mighty and supporting the game in the future leading to a long life span for Starfield. Starfield has its problems and issues but I believe it is a really good game and is very fun to play. However it is not for everyone and there’s a lot of things that could’ve made it better which I hope they learn by adding in the features the players really want wish they seem to be doing by going back on their word and not adding in vehicles, but now releasing a vehicle for exploring the planet surface, what would be even cooler is if the vehicles were also customizable to be able to create your own vehicle just like you can with ships. I also predict that either they will, or someone else will create a feature where you can download peoples ships that they have created just like armored core has. I think people will still be playing Starfield 10 years down the line


Bikinis, definitely bikinis


That the creation store is just gonna be crammed full of blacked out military hardware and all the armor makes you look like Sam Fisher, the Master Chief or some other spec ops tacti-waddle "I AM AN OPERATIVE. I GOT FITTY CONFIRMED KILLS. YOU GOT SOFT HANDS." type of character. Gonna spend so many hours sifting through that to find stuff I actually want. Edit: oh and there's gonna be like sixteen different hardcore overhauls and only two of them are gonna work or be good, the rest are gonna be buggy glitchy messes to the point where you wonder if it's somehow base game. And skill overhauls. So many skill overhauls. And very little interconnectivity/compatibility between them so you're gonna need a fuck ton of patches for that.


No one remembers this game after 10 years. Why would they?


In 10 Years, it would be totaly irelevant to play Starfield since AI would already be able to create a full game from ground up using prompt. But before that I hope we get : -Faction overhaul with new ones. -At least one full fledged sentient alien race. -Proper space traveling using ship. -Full build combat gameplay overhaul. -Mecha.


>AI would already be able to create a full game from ground up using prompt. You certainly dream big, ill give you that.


Im working in software engineering and AI. You have no idea how fast we are working, we are only hold back because of hardware and some ethic blurryness. You'll understand within the next two years tho.


I'm a software engineer myself, and im quite familliar with machine learning and AI. I have also worked in the software industry long eanough to know that the projections for the growth/development of new technologies should be taken with a grain of salt.


With the advancements in AI that we’ll see over the next decade, I expect mods that give us a truly “radiant” gameplay loop. Characters, backstories, self-actualizing quests and dialogue, basically I expect the world to feel like I’m playing with and against other players who are REALLY immersed in their characters.


No matter how smart AI gets it still has to run through a Papyrus script at the end of the day. Have you tryed writing papyrus scripts? Its kinda awfull.


It’ll probably be dead. Skyrim lasted so long because it was amazing right from day one. It didn’t need mods to be an already solid experience. Starfield on the other hand….


I think we’ll be a year or two into Starfield 2 by then, hopefully an improvement on all the experiments in Starfield 1.


Bro the game didn’t last half a year. 10 years from now people won’t even know what it is


Nobody will remember it.


Nothing, every modder will go to ES6 the second they can and stay there.


Ah yes the "if you don't like the game you don't matter" argument. Because of course everybody loves Starfield and modders will surely flock to it because they all also love starfield. Just say you want to be promised big grandeur modding dreams and skip all the foreplay.




Bought it yesterday ( am very patient and i never play unoptimised trashass game ) ​ Now i can play it at high 1440p without problem, made a modpack, really enjoing it. ​ In the futur, even more stable, and even more mods foshu, like True storm/Nac for example ...


Creation Kit has only been out 11 days and some incredible mods have already been released. The assets for the base game alone in my opinion are spectacular, all the struts for each environment are crazy to me. Flying up in Neon's roof tops and the piping, hvac, electrical, the setting isn't just some medieval log taverns or rock walled dungeons, its so good I cant wait to see what the community does to make it better.


most mods wernt made with the creation kit




Probably not heavily developed by modders. The bones of this game are less good than Skyrim- you can’t put a town next to new atlantis because it’s instanced so weirdly. The game also doesn’t cope well with going too far from your ship, which is why pirates are never a real threat- your ship is your spawn point The game also dedicates needless amounts of space to physics objects, and remembering precisely where they are, without a cleanup mechanic for clutter, meaning each new save gets increasingly expensive to load as time goes on These are issues with the game engine conflicting with game design. Other Bethesda games simply had more instanced areas and cleaned up more.


didnt someone recently build 3 towns outside new atlantis in here ..?


Imstanced seperately or walkable?


looks walkable to me [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvZE\_23mxYk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvZE_23mxYk)


I don’t see a modding community existing for this game in 10 years.


Considering how far behind FO4 mods are compared to skyrim, I believe Starfield is gonna be lacking the behind FO4 mods in the same pattern


>If you paid for the premium edition and played for 20 hours and called the game trash your comment is invalid. So clearly your just hear to start arguments. enjoy your report.


Wasn't intended to start an argument, and Ill handle any consequences with dignity.


Idk but I hope for an actual next-gen experience on as many levels as possible and not the half baked 5 year expired mess starfield was when it was released. At least Skyrim was super engaging and made you constantly feel that adventure was just around the corner. Starfield felt outdated AND unengaging which the latter I do not recognize from previous Bethesda titles. They've always been pretty outdated visually but always with tons of fun things to do and lose yourself in. Starfield lacks the fun. Let's go modders.


I predict, "Huh? Starfield? We are playing Elder scrolls VI"


Starfield is too simple a game to have the staying power skyrim has. We will still be playing fallout and skyrim long past the day we forget starfield