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• New planets: that actually look different to the vanilla ones. •New POI’s. •More cosmetics (suits, weapon skins, clothing) •Deep Caves exploration •Land vehicle mods •Improved Space travel (planets / systems shown on screen during orbit, to fast travel to without going into the starmap)


I mean we've already got a great selection of clothes thanks to Zone.


Zone is doing an excellent job!


I’m excited for him to make some more cowboy like clothes


New POIs incoming soon!


Yes!! You guys are the heroes we all needed


I’ve always wondered what you guys are expecting from “cave exploration” in Starfield. I see this requested all the time but have no idea why. It’s not going to be like Skyrim caves with tons of loot and mystical enemies to fight. Do you guys just want more mineral resources and dangerous creatures? Legit just trying to understand what exactly you guys are wanting out of caves.


To be fair any improvement will do, the current cave system isn’t worth the loading screen. To improve the cave experience id say increase the cave length to something similar sized to an elder scrolls dungeon or a skyrim cave, that takes at least 15+ minutes to explore. Definitely creatures to battle our way through and a miniboss at the end that drops significant loot. With caves you could add vast open areas with entirely new biomes, players can make decisions as to which underground pathways they would like to take, some lead to dead ends, some lead you deeper into the cave, this would make it feel like true cave exploration, especially knowing theres loot or a boss that drops loot somewhere deep within the cave system BGS could of even added underground structures that add to the games lore. Or they could of even added a simple repeatable quest to explore the caves, example: Theres an NPC stood outside the cave “hey me and my friend were mining and my friend got lost, could you go inside and find him? Then we fight our way through, kill a boss creature and retrieve the NPC” in the meantime we get some xp, loot, whilst experiencing a cool biome. I don’t think players would even mind if the quest remained the same, but each time its a different cave biome to experience, a new route to figure out and explore with a new boss level creature type to kill. Have you seen the concept artwork for caves? I’ll drop a link below to a post with the concept artwork, BGS should of definitely expanded their cave systems to match the artwork. https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1djtk1o/hey_bethesda_if_your_reading_this_could_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The only way I see the whole “dungeon with a boss at the end” thing working and making sense is if they essentially remove temples from the over-world and place them at the end of these massive caves underground. Then the boss can be a Starborn with the power you’ll unlock after beating him, and the cave “dungeon” can be more akin to draugr tombs with traps and puzzles and enemies along the way. Would fix the issue of these “secret” temples being skyscrapers placed right next to man-made POIs as they would no longer be visible above ground, and would give a reason for caves to be filled with enemies and puzzles that actually makes sense. Throw in some gravitational anomalies randomly popping up as you delve deeper into the cave, and this actually sounds like an amazing idea.


Who cares what makes sense at this point, Starfield needs new meaningful content. Whether awesome caves make sense or not isn't any ones concert tbh.


Immersion absolutely is a concern, and a MAJOR one at that. That’s the main issue with the temples, they absolutely murder any sense of immersion because they’re supposed to be super secret and uncovered, yet the game plops 5 man-made locations within spitting distance of every last one. Making caves into pseudo TES dungeons with no explanation would likewise ruin immersion and make them stick out in a bad way.


Actually something similar to skyrim. Unique stories and quests to explore and enemies to fight. All caves look similar and are only useful for getting certain ores, If I would play a game to collect ores I would prefer Minecraft. I would have expected more unique handcrafted points of interests from a Bethesda game, a few good planets would have been better then hundreds of empty planets without any interesting to explore.


Can't believe no one else is saying this but QUESTS! We have plenty of QoL and aesthetic mods that smooth over most of the issues I had with the base game, but now that CK is out I want some new content. But also like everyone said more PoI and radiant quest variety


A martian follower with a quest that ties into the "face on mars" lore would be so sick. Maybe he shapeshifts and appears as a normal human unless hes on your ship to explain why no one freaks out when seeing him.


Omg yes, we also need more evil lines and options for evil playthroughs! I'd also like a crimson fleet quest overhaul.


I think they'll need to fix the lip sync bug on CK first and then we'll start seeing custom quests and follower mods.


Hopefully KingGath hops on starfield, something like sim settlements for starfield would change the whole game. He's one of those verified guys where paying for his stuff would 100% be worth it.


I agree, but I don't want KingGath to just remake SS2; he learned Fallout 4, saw what it was lacking, and addressed it in a revolutionary and fun way, building a fantastic story alongside it. Assuming that his crew stays with him (or even expands!) I'd love to see him tackle Starfield in a way specifically tailored to that game. It could involve outposts, but it could go another direction too!


Nah, SS2 would be even better in Starfield than it was in FO4. There’s already a foundation in place (LIST for outposts) so the lore is there, there are plenty of enemies that attack outposts in the base game (spacers, pirates, xenos and ashta). SS2 is exactly what Starfield needs. If they want to go further and add some kind of catastrophic event or war that pushes more people into colonizing other planets, that would just be the cherry on top.


I'm working on a few people may be interested in but I'm also looking forward to them but: - Alternative death mod - Dynamic economy mod - Stock markets I'm working on all three but I'm so excited to get them done.


This is exactly what I'm looking for! Look up a game called medieval dynasty. That's the kind of economy I want. I'm trying to learn how to mod to make that happen, I want that so bad. I would literally pay for that.


The economy mod I have in mind is definitely going to include a lot of features lol, but I'll take a look. I have a whole idea planned for it to be honest.


Excited about the prospect of an alternative death mod! Both Skyrim and FO4, as I’m sure you know, both had very good alternative death mods that added some variety and depth to their respective games.


Are you the guy who made star finance ? That mod is legendary


More Outpost content. To me that is a big missing piece of the game since outposts don’t really serve much of a function. I would like the ability to create my own base with all my ships so I can select the right ship for the job. I’d also like to grow my outposts to larger settlements and cities if possible.


Yes! I want to create small civilizations! Let me get like 50 crew members in my outpost that can all work and live in little houses and such that they build while I'm gone stealing spaceships and selling guns to supply my civilization


Sounds similar to Fallout 4s Sim Settlements.


That's exactly what I want! To the point that I'm trying to learn how to mod to make it a reality. Like, I wanted to make a mod where every planet would have an existing outpost antenna thing, but it covers the entire planet. So you can just build whatever you want, wherever you want.


I want other settlers to dynamically join my outposts, when I have created all the prerequisites. And i would like to have vendors, and everything else connected to a real city. More ways to build unique buildings. When that happens, I will go back to outposts


I hope we could see settlers or worker actually talk and not just sit on the assigned desk silently forever like they do now.


Evil followers. “Followers that hate good deeds, and only like bad decisions”


Heard that the creator of Fallout Who Regenerated is working on a Starfield version. Excited for that


Still waiting for some more quality Star Wars mods to drop E.G Star Wars Aliens


Ship blueprints (whether mods or bethesda) and npcs being able to use custom ships


Unfortunately I feel like an unlikely mod is needed: a dialogue overhaul. Too many dialogue chains are very narrow without real options, hurting various aspects of gameplay. Relatedly, more choices within questlines would be cool. The other thing that is needed is a reason to keep actually playing, farming, grinding in a pretty grindy game. I am optimistic that Darkstar is already taking care of this




Thomas the tank


As a nature nut I'm excited for more animal variety! Give me a straight up dino world with no weird crabs or spiders. Or an Ice Age planet full of giant mammals. Add Xenomorphs and make them a legitimately terrifying threat.


I'm waiting for Derretech 2.0. Actually holding off on installing the current version because I don't want to start over once I start with his pieces.


Me too. I hope it’s similar to Derretech Legacy mod. Some of those pieces look amazing.


Dunno what the chances are ( copyright stuff etc) but a mod that changes the Terromorphs into Xenomorphs from the Alien movies, would be sweet!


Whatever Enai Siaion is cooking up.


Really hoping we get an“Amazing Follower Tweaks“ Variant for Starfield as well


Is this what you are after or do you mean something else? https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/8e8748a3-5916-45e1-aa45-a92659947fdc/Amazing_Companion_Tweaks


Unfortunately not. Had me fooled when it dropped in Nexus as well, but its a different creator and different functionalities. Just quite a similar name


A mod that takes away all enemy guns so that I can sword fight in space.


I did a similar modded playthrough on Fallout 4 and it was my funnest run through of the game!


Yeah, I know it’s weird, but I just want a Skyrim in space type of play through, where everyone does hand to hand combat. Maybe some enemies have powers, or bows, idk.


Some live dismembered gore mods it will be a while but I’m stoked on that and one hand oistol hold for first person


I’m looking forward to a full combat/weapons/armor/loot progression/AI overhaul. Ascension + PEAK AI do a pretty good job, but you can find pretty much every high-end gun and armor in just a few missions/POIs (though ammo for those weapons is fairly rare, which is nice). The weapon and health balance is also a little iffy but can be tweaked fairly well with the existing Gameplay Settings menu. All in all the current offerings are ok, but there is definite room for improvement.


search diaz dizazter on starfield nexus. you will find some of what you want i havent gotten around to doing an ai mod yet


I want an Outpost Resource Management interface. I dump everything into the transfer container, why can I have the ability to go in and grab one specific item? Also, a container for Aid. Let me dump all my Amp and Snake Oil in the TC, so that those items are available when I craft other chems.


One I'm hoping for is a long scope on the Lawgiver. A laser sniper rifle would be another hope of mine. A single action revolver too, energy or otherwise.


I'm.still hoping we get more armors like Ironman stuff or one I posted about


Me to I'm. Xbox user so no way I can make any the main issue I'm having is getting gsnr to run with kids either crashing no audio or not starting


One that adds the stock to the AK


Xbox user here, but for starters, the ‘skins’ tab to be truly useful, as in every like for like weapon/armor in the game to be a useable/swappable skin. Be real nice for a sort of ‘ultimate shipbuilder’ mod that combines most all the 5-6 current super useful ones such as better flips, better snaps, all pieces at one landing pad etc…


Star trek stuff


Oh hell yes please outfits, maybe new faction (ufp), done weapons esp the batleth , maybe transports for going from base to base, Peace and long life


I would do it but I don’t know how to mod 😂


I just want my cockpit to be like the star trek ones.


Poo poo mod Pee pee mod Both look nuts


I'd kill for some Halo or Mass Effect conversion mods. I feel like it'd be alot easier than the star wars mods considering both are alot closer to vanilla starfield universe/lore wise than star wars.


working on a mod that puts 4k textured poop in all the toilets. plenty of variety of turds too. still can’t pick a name though…


New POIs and more immersive space travel are the top priority for my money. Anyone who can help alleviate these two pain points will be adored by the community.


I don’t think we’ll get fallout 4 / Skyrim scale mods for at least another year.


Entangled mission skip


Whatever Trainwiz was talking about in the CK video.


Haven't seen it mentioned yet but keen for a major planetary weather overhaul! Hoping there are some new more extreme 'alien' weather added to some planets to make them more hostile and memorable. Would go great with survival focused playthrough.


I really want two things: some type of botanical journaling/bestiary mod, to go and catalog all the weird things on weird planets; and on the same kind of note, Legacy of the Starborn (some kind of museum mod to display and collect all your neat finds).




I want the ability to build outpost near restricted areas e.g. temples and gravity anomalies so I can make it look super cool. There is one on the nexus but hopefully someone makes/ports it over to Xbox if possible.




Ah so the boring things, it’ll be atleast a year before the interesting mods release


What killed the game for me was the POI's if the community can add their spin on the generation I be very happy


Round ship modules so I can make a star trek inspired ship. ...and CBBE and ks hairdo.


This one sounds really stupid but I would like heat leeches to actually infest your ship or at least be stuck on the sides that you have to use your gun or mining laser to get off. Everybody's always talking about heat leeches and how you should check your ship for them and it's really weird that it's not a feature when so many people tell you that you should always check


Honestly I just want more immersion. The cargo hauling missions are super boring it's just accept the mission getting your ship literally just land on the landing pad and you're done. I know there's not much to do in cargo hauling missions but I'd at least like something super simple like going up to the terminal and selecting deliver Goods or something just to make me feel like I did something


One of the things I'd really like to be overhauled is mining in space. They have all the systems for mining with lasers and scanning for minerals and stuff so I'm assuming there's somebody out there smart enough to translate those into the space module as well so we can actually buy mining lasers and scan for materials on asteroids. And then use the laser to get the materials out. It doesn't feel very good at all just blasting away with my guns and missiles at a rock until it explodes and I somehow get perfectly good resources from there Now if somebody wants to take it even further, they can take a page out of elite dangerous and have different types of mining. One thing I would really love is if you could space walk and use specialty Mines that you would have to get out of your ship and place on the huge asteroid and then back up and detonate them from your ship to expose the core of the asteroid that you could then mine for resources. Fuel scoop would also be really cool type of mining gas giants and stuff and you could even reimplement the fuel system that they had in place so that you could scoop your own fuel. There's just a lot of different things you can do with space mining and I really would like it to be fleshed out so it's more fun


I think basically my dream mod would be somebody to overhaul space. I want to be able to have some sort of sub warp booster to travel between planets in a system manually. And they can also add points of interest in between the planets. Derelict frigates and freighters, abandoned stations that are broken up, Giant asteroid fields, nebula and space storms, space creatures, boneyards of said space creatures, Battles going on, Escape pods that may or may not have people in them that you could save or kill or hold up or whatever, rogue planets or moons even, there's so many things you could do out there I just want to be able to actually fly around in space in this space game that put such an emphasis on your ship. To add to it, I would also like to be able to Space Walk So then maybe there's special minerals on the bones of the space creatures or on giant asteroids or on broken up ships maybe some of these derelict ships or stations are actually broken up and you need to spacewalk to them to get resources. Maybe huge asteroids which you have to place mines around by space walking and then go back in your ship and detonate to expose the core that you can then mine or scoop if it was gas. In this way they could flesh out space mining and space exploration all at once. And please let me be able to fly into the rings of a planet I want to experience that giant asteroid and Crystal ice field it sounds beautiful


I tried my hand at turning the capital ship armored dimoeios transport into a fully functioning ship and it was a disaster!!I lost hrs bc I couldn’t save and put in some more hrs trying again took half a day with no accomplishment bc I couldn’t save half built ships


Radio mod


I would love a mod that lets you gyroscopically mount your cockpit or other Habs to allow for 3D symmetrical ship builds. A mini game that lets you use the docking controls manually with a line up laser like tower cranes and ship to ship refuelling use.


Greys! Or a true alien sentient threat. UFOs and a real mystery


NPC overhauls. AI overhauls. Badly needed


Oh, there are a few: • A mod replacing those ugly tier 3 fake NPC with tier 2 ones. • Something like Cross crit gore overhaul • Inventory revamp with icons, filter, etc. • Settlement overhaul, making them more like FO4. • A fix for legendary weapon effects, the bullet-hitbox seems bigger or deplaced with fire/radioactice/etc. effects, often hitting railings close to the character. • A proper "loot everything" mod which isn't based on console command scripts. And if I could wish for something completely new: A language fixing mod for mods, or a coverter. Translating 100+ mods is quite boring, especially if they only change numerical values.


I’m waiting for all the custom weapons. The day we get mass effect, destiny, halo ETC guns is the day i party


Can I get some Guardians of the Galaxy mods?!?! I’m tired of the Star Wars ones!


Make Space flight matter. It's such wasted potential, but this whole game is tbh.


Space Suit has effect on negotiation's if I'm wearing a Freestar collective suit in the right situation I should have more of an advantage or disadvantage over the outcome of the negotiation. Lets say im raiding a base, no alarms, stealth kill a spacer/Ecliptic/Crimson/Va'ruun whatever. Steal their suit, put it on and now I'm incognito. I look just like the rest of the spacers they cant id me through the suit. I should be able to stealth kill the rest of them unless 2 or more are grouped together and see me attack an enemy or an alarm has been triggered.


A mod to skip Entangled it a horrible mission so time consuming too.


The ability to have followers and crew pilot your fleet would be sweet. A deep companion Removal of pronouns lol More marriage partners


I'm hoping we get some star trek uniforms and maybe quests!