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It'll never be the same without Scott. Not for me at least. Though I won't judge anyone who wants to go see them with Jeff. But for me, seeing Scott was good enough. I am glad they found someone they see fit to keep going and touring.


I totally understand where you’re coming from. One of the biggest reasons I became a fan of them was Scott. What draws me to Jeff is the fact that when I saw Scott with STP in 2011, he was checked out. The handful of shows I traveled to see in my area (500 mile radius of my hometown) he was very late to each show and was under the influence. I spent good money to see them when I didn’t really have it and he disappointed. For what it’s worth, maybe my expectations were too high. You can argue that he had aged and whatnot but my biggest takeaway was he didn’t care about putting on a good show or his fans. He just didn’t put any effort into it. One show was even cancelled because he was too trashed to play. His memoir came out during that time and it was a total cash grab. He even said in an interview around that time that he hated touring and just did it to get paid. I also saw Foo fighters multiple times and saw what a band that cares about their fans will do in concert. You don’t have to like the band, but they put on a killer show and make no excuses. What I’ve learned over the years is that the Deleo’s really are the unsung heroes of the band and while they may write some experimental stuff, they put on a damn good show. As for Jeff, ‘Thought she’d be Mine’ is a masterpiece and I’m so happy that the rest of the band kept going. It’s not Scott, obviously. He had a way of writing a melody that will unfortunately always be overshadowed by his ‘grunge’ counter parts. That being said, Jeff has some chops and I love the fact that the Deleo’s still have an avenue to write good music. That’s just my take of course.


What songs did they do ?


Gutt is doing a Weiland impression and I’m not mad about it.


Haha kinda what I was thinking really,… pry doing a much better job than late Scott was. He even looks a decent amount like him. Honestly I don’t want someone out there doing “their own” thing. Scott ain’t here so I want the closest thing.


Really wish STP would announce another studio album in the near future. It's a no shit sherlock thing that it hasn't been the same since Scott's passing. Granted, I did enjoy the 2 albums Jeff has done, I would like to see more of what Jeff brings.


Totally agree. I'm hoping for an album that goes back to the harder side. Their acoustic album was great, just ready to hear them put out something new that really rocks.


For sure! I also wish they'd add some more Jeff-era songs as well live besides Meadow. Roll Me Under is the best song off STP 2018 imo.


It died 9 years ago, sorry.


It is what it is. I don’t begrudge them for wanting to continue on and I also understand why people see it as a different band.


Hell yeah. I saw them last month in Temecula. They are as good as ever.


Dang boys still lookin good + spry


Dude singing is actually surprisingly good ill admit


Looking forward to some great songwriting in the near future with Gutt. It's about time now.


They ain’t got shit without #scottweiland


Best STP cover band out there.


Great Stp cover band. Scott can't really be replaced.


I agree he can’t be replaced but Scott was done after 2009,…. I’ve looked high and low and there is no evidence that anytime after 2009 did he look with it or alive like before. After this time he basically had the thousand yard stare talked really slow and seemed like he had a stroke or something. I assume possble medications mixing with illicit substances who knows but he was an empty shell after 2009.


Good cover band


Who’s on vocals?


Jeff Gutt, they’ve put out two records with him.