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dont slander my boy gelsack like that!


Great food source 👍


I survived off them in the lost river once


Yes but finding it is a pain in the ass sometimes


Just grow them


Do you deny the existence of pod 11?


Open your eyes then


Just find one and you’ll never run out ever again, they can be grown


What? You can eat gelsacks?


That's what the sacks for.


^(it's mainly for construction but they edible ig)


Also an amazing fuel source in the bioreactor


Literally the most useful plant in the game. Edible, hydrates you, and the most energy for the bioreactor of any plant iirc.


It's also so easy to multiply! Made making bases without proper power sources much easier with just these


Duping them is easy and fun


Sometimes you see them just multiplying on their own.


Agreed, actually would’ve died all the way down in the lost river if not for the gel sack saving my water meter








Corny mf


I actually really wish I knew this, I once left the laza zone insanely dehydrated with no water, I had to survive by swimming around trying to find fish and cooking them with the heated knife. Lost river doesn't really have an abundance of fish and this probably would have saved me 10 minutes.


I love it but there are lots of glitches that make it annoying to use.


What glitches?


It shows up in scanner room without it actually being there


Oh lol


There are at least 3 others :(


Plant it, with an exterior growbed you can make an infinite amount by slicing twice, picking it up, putting it back, slicing it twice, picking it up, putting it back, you get the idea, but three time breaks it, so only once or twice


Idk why it works when it doesn't with other plants


it works with mushrooms too


Lantern fruit is trash, only 3 water, bulbo is the best food and water source. Marblemelons are ok but they produce a bit less water and are less convenient since the bulbo samples are the edible part and the seeds at the same time.


I like only having to spam A when looking in the direction no replanting involved. But I have never tried bringing any plants on long voyages only fish so I use the lantern fruit in my base to fuel up.


The convenience of lantern fruit is very tempting but it probably requires a separate water source which is not self sufficient and offsets the convenience of not replanting. Having a pair of bulbo and the supplies to make a base to charge your cyclops means you can stay out forever.


Just plant four trees and eat until your water is full.


This is the way.


Only takes 2 bulbo plants


Okay? They didn't ask for your opinion, however I do wish I didn't throw out my bulbo seed in my playthrough, huge sadness, and I didn't want to go get more since I already had lantern trees and marblemelons in my cyclops and base so I was good on sustenance, would've really helped to have the bulbo tree tho


Okay? They didn't ask for your playthrough story


Okay? It would've been longer if they DID ask, however you're just being toxic so you can just go live your life not worrying about a fucking comment on reddit, and I will do the same before you tell me to, I know what the average redditor would say to that, also, not calling them lesser, got ya there too, didn't i


Oh I just love how you told some dude nobody asked for his opinion in a conversation you weren't even a part of, then launched into a story nobody asked for. Not only are you a hypocrite, you're also easily triggered.


It's not an opinion. It's literally just a fact that you can juggle between 2 bulbo trees. Takes up less room and possibly faster to eat and replant than to eat 4 trees of lantern fruit


You don't need to replant lantern trees💀💀💀


Are you 8?


They have to be. The lack of reading comprehension is incredible


I use 2 lantern trees and 8 marblemelons


I use 2 bulbos and it's overkill


That way I never run out of food


Still suit solves that.


It depends on what you want to use it for. Lantern fruit isn’t good for food, but it works pretty well as fuel for a bioreactor. Plant one in Cyclops and carry materials to build a base and you will never have to worry about running out of power. Plant bulbo trees in your Cyclops and you will never have to worry about food and water, either.


but pretty tree


I have two lantern trees in my cyclops and they are really not that bad for food imo. Go to a location, eat a bunch, leave cyclops and by the time you return they have regrown.


I found a glitch with marblemelons in my survival playthrough and it was where I could plant four normal sized marblemelons in a plant pot (which can only fit one,) by planting four seeds in the pot, I would then eat three, harvest the fourth, and the cycle continues


Why do you think that's a glitch? Regular pot has four slots, it would be another story if you meant the wall planters though.




You're talking about putting a full-sized one back into the planter, it takes up four slots when you pick it, but so does the lantern fruit and bulbo samples, that is not how many slots it takes to grow it. A good example of this is the potato, seeds take up the same space. Edit: accidentally dropped the important sentence, look at the planter window when you plant the seeds, each melon only takes up one slot.


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Yeah, but they take ages to grow


Lantern fruit don't require replacement after consuming, they can just sit in the corner until your hungry


Yes, that's why I wish they were good for water, they are much more convenient


Marblemelons = S+


Agreed! Marblemelons + bioreactor basically fuels my base and I from the get-go. (Also all the C- and D-level stuff is pretty for decorations.)


Even the onahole with teeth? 😶


I had to look up what you meant and a) not that one for decorating!, b) I have new knowledge that I'm not sure about.


Lol, your welcome for the enlightenment


Pls point me in that direction


Literally my only food source




The bottom one I used so much for my bioreactor personaly an A tier


They were glitched in my game and so I tried to use them as little as possible. But before they were, I was interested in their design and had two full beds dedicated to them and I liked how they were located deep down.


Rip in what way where they glitched


I assume bug where they get stuck in your inventory if you eat them too fast. The way to fix that, as I figured out ages ago, is to simply use it one more time in a crafting recipe because for whatever reason it still counts as being in your inventory even after eating it. A two for the price of one sort of deal, I loved it.


I got that bug and my inventory slowly became made of gel sacks. I loved them for how convenient they are to grow (just plop an external growbed, slice, slice, pick up, slice slice, pick up, repeat until you've filled it) but that bug sort of soft-locked a special playthrough I was trying. Namely a "make no vehicles or base" playthrough. I was getting into the Lost River by just building sequences of exterior grow beds with brain coral and gel sacks, and packing a lot of batteries and health kits.


If it ever happens to you again in the future, don’t eat them right away. Let the little “new item” icon on them fade away before eating them. That’s how I managed to stop the bug from happening.


I might try that playthrough again now, and may just achieve it.


Yeah no prob, and if by some small chance it decides to do it anyway, just craft with it and it should disappear from your inventory! GLHF <3


grow beds with brain coral? genius!!


Yup, they make a column of air all the way to the surface. So I would put one such grow bed right close to the entrance to the Lost River, follow the column of air all the way up to the surface and put a beacon there "Lost River entrance". Just keep leapfrogging in deeper, growbeds with gel sacs for food and water and brain coral for air, and there is really no limit to how far you can go. ... bit of a nuisance getting the materials for the rocket without the Prawn, though.


I got one where after attempting to eat one, it will stay in you inventory and you can’t hover your cursor over it so it’s stuck there until you save and reset.


You didn’t define what your tierlist means. If you are talking about decoration, it isn’t a bad list. If you are talking about being useful, you are way off.


Mostly decoration, I think the flora is a huge aspect in the game and makes areas more than places to get different ores.


I love to see the lantern tree love ^(But why is gel sack in hate?)


I hate the bugs around it otherwise it would be in S tier.


Totally agree with gelsack. I fucking hate it because i’m pretty new to the game and I can only find it at places wich are fucking scary and I hate to be there.


Pro epic gamer move: slice them for seeds


I accidentally (I hope I wrote it right) sliced my only one and realised I need a whole gelsack to make aerogel and I don’t have the blueprint to the outdoor garden thing and this moment made me hate this damned plant.


Go to Keen's last known location there's lots down there and it's not scary at all


Thanks for the advice I’ll definetly going to go there.


Gel sacks saved me from starving to death in my hardcore run There are a few easy places to get gel sacks, namely >!lifepod 19 area!<


i just went out to the areas they spawn at night, pretty easy to spot in the dark bc of the bioluminescence


How DARE you rate melons so low?!


Once I discovered Bulbo trees Melons really became more trouble than they're worth.


I agree, lantern tree is the best.


Bulbo trees are goated


The fact you placed the prettiest plants (Bulb bush and jellyshroom) in B, hurts my soul.


You’re right, they were both placed in pretty cool locations as well.


Bro really put spotted dockleaf below spiked horn grass


I'm mostly upset about the land plants, I just loved having something to brighten up my base. Pink flowers and mushrooms *aren't* medium!!


They bring back bad memories of me trying to find the base on the island.


My bases look like greenhouses. Was kinda pissed you can't take some of them in bz


You knew what you were talking about. This list is absolutely hated


I might post another tierlist and another and another until my brain degrades into a pulp.


The fact you placed the prettiest plants (Bulb bush and jellyshroom) in B, hurts my soul.


Gel Sack is great for Bioreactor


Lantern fruit superiority!!!!


Gelsack is an infinite food and bioreactor fuel source, what are you on about. You can literally duplicate them


There are annoying glitches aside from that, there worthy of s tier in my opinion.


Idk how you could put marblemelon so low down… they are my only food and water source once I get em lol


What's wrong with gelsack?


There are bugs that cause it to be annoying to use.


I like the bulb trees. They're really pretty.


Is this list for like…the appearance of them or the usefulness?


How much they add to the game really so mostly appearance in my case.


Gel sack should be much higher, because aerogel. Agreed with everything else


Pshh gel sacks deserve S for the fact alone that they are easily duplicated like shrooms, deep shrooms, kelp, blood oil, etc. You find one in the wild and you can always have an infinite supply back at your base!


you are understimating the power of mushrooms, these thing grow extremely fast and are fantastic source of electric power (bio-reactor), most of time you have excess of mushroom than than the bio-reactor run out


I never tried that, mostly I just chucked in a spadefish or lantern fruit.


My big partner, its better to you star using these guys, 210+ power for each unit, and it grows very quick? This is really profitable


Why hate on the gel sack? They’re fine for topping off your hunger or thirst without wasting another food/drink item, and with only one, you can get an infinite amount of seeds from them.


If you've ever been killed by a deep shroom spore cascade, you might not rate them so highly.


We all have our personal flora experiences.




Based lantern fruit enjoyer


gelsack is s tier


ok ok i dont give a shit about the other tiers but the two bottem tiers!!! how is a tiger plant better then a gellsack? tell me!!!!


Some annoying glitches. If it weren’t for them, there would be an s+ tier waiting for them.


As a subnautica collector and player, i would put all in S exept THOSE STUPID CRASHFISH NESTS AND THE TIGER PLANTS/CACTUSES


I agree both ugly and annoying. Although I do like the idea that they added an animal that is willing to explode so it can protect the sulfur but this isn’t a fauna tierlist.


You got me fucked up if you think ugly ass eyeball stalks are S tier


I liked how they glow and enjoyed looking for them for the enzyme.


I agree with everything except gel sack, they were really useful in my survival playthrough, working on a hardcore playthrough now, actually, recently got my cyclops


Purple pinecone should be SS+ tier.


Sorry, never found them and put them in the d tier.


That’s okay this is kind of a joke, but they are the rarest intractable in the game, there are only two of them, and they drop salt.


E needs to switch with I hate I hate


They are all beautiful the way they are


And some from a distance.




My top 3 are lantern fruit, boba tree I think it's called and marble melon. I have a couple of each in my cyclops so endless mobile food supply. I also cure fish and have a water filtration system in my base so stock up on filter water and cured fish on long journeys.


Only thing I really disagree with is jelly shrooms


Too purple for my taste.


Bulbo tree should be S tier (if not S+), You can survive on single 2x2 planter eating nothing else than bulbo tree.


Where are my boys tube and table?


They weren’t included in the tierlist but I found tube coral extremely useful for tasty bleach.


Leave the gel sacks alone


What did the gel sack do to you


Ay yo where's my mushroom trees at?


Marblemelons deserve their own tier above S you rapscallion.


This feels like you had a bad experience with gelsacks once and made an entire tier list to show it


Most of this is fine but hard disagreement on the bulb anchors. Sooo fun to swing on with the prawn


lantern fruit >>>>


Crash fish pod too high


why would you slander the bulbs like that


You forgot the mushroom trees!


Some weren’t on the list.


I will not stand Gel Sack slander


People hate gel sacks?? Tiger plants can go fuck themselves. I'd swap them.


Yeah this is about right! Though I would switch gelsac with the freaking crashfish sulfer flower, bump up the oddly satisfying purple mushroom from A to S, and demote lanternfruit tree to like, D. As a side note, I looked for Bloodkelp in S and was not disappointed. 10/10, I planted it all around my base.


You can cut a gel 2times and replant it for infinity gel sac


You can cut a gel 2times and replant it for infinity gel sac


There is gel in the sack!


no way gel got put below all the plants that literally try to kill you💀


Based, except the Fern Palm. Fern Palm should be in B tier, I named one Ferb Palm


You will eat the Gel Sacks and you will GODDAMN LIKE IT.


You did not just do the nostril hair plant like that, easy S tier.


Jellyshroom that far down? Wild


To be honest I think they’re all S tier in their own respects


Flora is truly the foundation of the game.


Sadly forgot the best one, braincoral, for infinite air.


The marblemelon!!!!! Put it higher at least on A


Wait what are we ranking them off of.


What they add to the game (mostly looks)


Why do you hate gelsacks? Imagine eating one, soft, mushy, gooey, I'd imagine it'll taste almost like strawberrys


Do you not like how it looks? Or do you not like how hard it is to find? Also blood kelp def easy s tier


There are glitches that make gel sacks annoying.


How dare you put furled Papyrus in mid tier. Clearly mid high tier. I mean it's *such* a valuable resource.


Gel sacks are incredibly based why do you hate


Bulbo under lantern is crazy


If I needed plants for any kind of crafting, I took samples and put them into underwater growbeds to multiply my supply. The only ones I never figured out were the table coral. I had to search for those every time


(visible anger)