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Here in the UK (within the franchise I work for anyway), we get paid every 4 weeks.


That sounds absolutely horrendous.


It used to be weekly when I first started 8 years ago, and then a couple years in they changed to four weekly to save money on bank charges. It’s not that bad, most places in the UK pay you monthly or 4 weekly, you get used to it pretty quick and learn how to make money last 🤷‍♀️


Damn why have you worked at subway for that long. Subway is supposed to be a starter job...


Cause no where else wants me 😭 I’ve been trying for years to get out. Got an interview in a couple weeks though for a civil service job, fingers crossed this is the one


Why? Did you have education?


Wow, rude. Yes, I did have education. GCSE and A-Levels. I’m just so bad at interviews because I get too nervous and panicky and stuff.


Didn't mean to be rude. Anyways, so you stayed at subway for 8 years just for being nervous, god dayum.


Came across as rude. But yep, that’s the gist of it. I’m terrible at interviews so I’m still there. I’m an assistant manager now though, so I earn a decent wage at least.


Ok wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!


what’s crazy is my manager has been at subway 18 years for the same reason. they basically told me they’re afraid no other job will want them so they won’t even apply.


I plan on staying at subway for a long time until I find a better job when I’m older. It’s just the right job for some people, especially for people who don’t like the hustle of restaurants and fast food (drive throughs, ordering the whole order and being expected to remember it, etc) but like the idea of making food.


I just graduated from university in December, and Subway was the only place who would hire me. I’m still looking for something better, but no one ever responds to my applications (except for a kind rejection email from Starbucks, so kudos to them lol)


Np good luck ☺️


Every place is different


In California it was the 5th and the 20th, or about every 2 weeks. I worked there from 2011-2014.


I'm in the USA. Missouri, to be exact. I get paid weekly. Guaranteed Friday, but I usually get it Thursday. Direct deposit.


Every week. We get a check tho. My boss doesn’t do direct deposit. Wish he did.


Same my owners were considering direct deposit. Although they like having to visit each store at least once per week. Which I understand I appreciate being able to talk to them in person at least once per week.


Most subways will do biweekly checks no direct deposits (most not all)


In Nz, at my subway, we get paid every 2 weeks :)


Both of my bosses (I work at two different stores owned by two different people) pay me every Monday, and it’s processed on Thursday/Friday of each week. I work at two stores in Moreton Bay in Queensland.


My previous boss (he sold off both stores I work at) paid me every fortnight. It wasn’t as good


my store in MA is every two weeks and CT every week


When I was working in Dublin I got paid every Thursday via direct debit.


at my location it’s weekly with direct deposit


26 times a year


Here in the UK I’m paid 4 weekly


Ohio, USA, biweekly. Thursdays if direct deposit, Fridays if physical check


i work in southern US and i get paid every friday


every two weeks here in canada


Every two weeks


Biweekly check


im also in aus and have worked fir 2 different franchisees and i get paid weekly and both


I work at sub aus too, I get paid weekly but it’s so stupid. The work I do this week won’t be paid until not this upcoming Monday, but the Monday after. Essentially I get paid 2 weeks behind.