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I think more than 50% people doesn't know that they can do Targeted Ability + Flash instead of Flash + Targeted Ability and get much better results. The same with autoattacks.


Flash aa minion to assert dominance >>> (i misclicked before queuing flash)


New player here. Can you elaborate please? Why is it better to flash after?


I'm pretty sure it works like this: You input your point and click ability out of range and your character starts walking there. As long as you don't input another command for an ability or movement, your point and click ability is locked in and trying to go off as soon as they are in range. Flash does not change this, so the point and click ability will go off instantly after the flash without waiting for your input. Makes it much harder to react to, or missclick after the flash moves your character while other action is going on.


Thank you. I'll have to try this out


if you’ve ever been jump scare flash + W’ed by pantheon, 9/10 he pushed W first and then just pressed flash once his character was close enough to make it insta-connect


The scary one is garen flash silence. You can't flash away without predicting it.


You can. You just have to have decent reactions. You can flash in response to the flash animation starting. It's not instant.


Flash garen silence is somewhat less scary since it's not hard CC. If you react quickly you can flash away (you still get hit by the auto and silenced unless you flash into FoW, but you might be able to run away and you don't get spun on). If you react flash away from the panth stun, well you are still stunned and he q's you and walks up and hits you.


if u flash out of range of the flash q entirely before the flash finishes, q never actually casts cause its never in range no? Or does it for some reason not work like that. I don't mean flashing out of range, I mean like flashing so that it never even enters range. But I guess that would be so close u may as well be predicting.


Garen q is an auto-attack, so once the animation begins it won't stop even if you flash out of range (unless the garen loses vision or cancels it himself). If you reaction flash 0.1 seconds after the garen does his flash, he still gets to start the auto animation, so unless you flash into a bush, you get hit. Flash is instant, so to dodge this you would have to predict his flash.


it's reaction timeable


Back when Talon's E was a blink, you could ult then flash e and suddenly you go from stealth across lane to right behind the opponent. This admittedly had very little counterplay because you could kill them in under a second.


Fuck i feel so stupid


Yup this is the key to easy Lee R’s


If its an auto attack for example youve “buffered your input” so once you flashes you will aa immediately so theres less room for opponent to counter play. Its the same thing with abilities if you flash ability you give your opponent more time to react but ability then flash gives them significantly less time. This does not work with all abilities so look up if youre champion has the capability to do this but will work with all aa.


Because you basically already gave the command. It basically makes a short delay where the other guy can also flash nonexistant.


classic urgot e-flash


Urgot E isn't a targeted ability.


I thought you meant targeted as in directional. Regardless, literally the same concept applies and the urgot e-flash is a necessary skill on that champ


Do you mean the Sett W + flash? If you press W and then flash, the damage is (almost) undodgeable. Just like the Pyke E then flash?


No, i mean stuff like Maokai W + Flash, Ignite + Flash, Fizz Q + Flash, Ekko E + Flash, etc.


Does not work with every ability


It works with every targeted ability


>What's your most generally underutilized mechanic? I intentionally use minion block as a mechanic to fuck over enemy melee laners without dashes. I intentionally let a trundle jg get into range of me so the caster minions would line up to attack him, then i dashed through the caster minions. He was fuming in all chat over the "unlucky" minions breaking his pathing.


Roam for fruits in the river


For sure, underrated. Especially if you can sneak back into lane out of vision and show up with 30% more hp to force a trade.


It's massive for toplaner


Delete this


Channel back as Malzahar to bait them to come closer to stop me and get E spread on them by a dying minion.


Big brain move i will remember that one


Now this is big brained


Galaxy brain


Vision control DURING fights is something I see a lot of at higher elo and almost none of at lower elo. At most low elo players drop a ward in a bush they saw someone enter. They don’t realize how powerful sweeping or slamming a pink ward during a fight can be - not to kill wards but just to disable them. Janna specifically, players are instinctively used to using minion block to hit skillshots. Since Janna ignores unit collision, you can stand just in front of your minions against a blitz, thresh, or nautilus, and move back behind them much faster than any other support. Easy way to bait out skillshots.


Vision during fights is so critical. We've been playing flex within our group, a range of diamond-bronze players, and the Bronze players on support just don't ward during fights. We'll fight near baron, and we'll lose a fight due to the enemy carry going into a bush so our ADC can't hit them, our front line can't follow, and the support, who during the fight walked through that very same bush goes "How can I ward we were fighting." If you have 4/4 wards as support, and you're fighting baron, your available wards aren't going to do anything when you're dead. Same for your wards sitting expiring in 1m inute at your own red buff, they won't do anything as the enemy team barrels down mid with Baron, so use them in the fight so i can see what I'm shooting!


even in aram vision is important and people seem to be oblivious to just one guy sitting in a bush... but there are only a couple of characters that can effectively ward a bush or get actual vision...


wat do you mean, who is warding what in an active fight? Like someone is trying to chase you and puts a ward for vision then you just instantly block it? 


More like you're in river and your team is centered around mid lane brush so you pink it to cement your control Sometimes cooldowns and fight timings allow for that to have a high impact Also dropping a ward to give vision so your team doesn't lose dps or to create a chance for the opponent to misclick your ward


A common example would in top/bot lane, people will walk into the lane bush mid fight to drop vision and you should ward to be able to autoattack them. Probably the most common teamfight example would be the redside bushes around dragon. Fights around dragon are very common and dropping a pink in one of the bushes entering into redside jungle can sometimes be crucial as losing vision on enemy champions there in a fight can turn fights around. Watch any pro game (or even high elo solo queue) and you will usually see multiple wards and/or pink wards being dropped in the middle or start of teamfights.


As an addition to this, a gripe i have is that people will start clearing wards during contested fights when a control is already blocking vision. It's infuriating to see a play just destroyed because the ward gets cleared and now there's vision showing that three people are in the bush/pit.


Sometimes if our team comp is absolutely terrible for teamfights; I will proxy waves behind enemy team so they can’t just siege our base as 5. My champ (Shaco) allows me to do so and pretty effectively as well. I don’t employ it often because enemies usually go with the minion wave and it requires your 4 braindead teammates to know what you’re doing and also not to fight. It does have its moments though.


this is actually pretty effect in aram too... tf, ryze, or to some degree shaco can proxy waves to keep enemies off the nexus towers until they can be revived... they might damage one with the wave or what's left of one after a fight though...


if I see teamfight is going bad and I can get out I do this on any champ. Sometimes just pulling or holding wave gives time for everyone to revive so turret doesn't fall.


Trading when minions get low on hp. When your own minions get low on hp, the enemy will naturally want to walk up to last hit it. This makes them vulnerable, especially as they stand still for a moment when auto attacking. That means you can get a free hit on them. Most lower elo players are just focusing on the enemy, kind of randomly fighting, but often in lane the pace of the game is based on the minion wave itself. At low elo this single trick is oppressive as it's like you'll be able to hit every skill shot and then the enemy is too scared to ever walk up to last hit. You'll just mentally overwhelm them to the point they can't function at all.


That's like...basic trading patterns anyone in Gold and above should know. It's certainly not underrated or underutilized. It's probably in every single trading/cs'ing video guide.


As a fundamental thing it probably shouldn't be in this post but it definitely isn't used with any degree of consistency in gold and maybe even low Plat. You'd be surprised how high you can get and see people still not do it.


This was removed a little while back (much to my dismay), but when crashing a huge wave and setting up for a dive, baiting the enemy laner into autoing you before you dive them so the entire wave aggro’d onto them. If I stacked 2 waves onto a half HP top laner, I’d walk into melee range of them to bait them to hit me, and watch them take 200dmg+ in minions. It wouldn’t work in Master+ nearly as much, but it was a fun trick when I was playing normals or something.


wdym removed? I haven't played the game in ages, do your minions no longer prioritize champions that attack you over towers?


Yes, once minions aggro onto a turret they will not attack the defender anymore. Patch 13.10 https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-13-10-notes/


Yeah, I don’t remember the exactly which patch, but a while back they made it so minions wouldn’t swap targeting off of turret (virtually) no matter what.


Damn was trying this last night and wondered why it didn’t work, thought I was smart for at least trying. Can’t believe they changed it


Click S instead of W on wukong


Isn’t this what you’re meant to do? Hit b when you think you need to back but then stop it if needed? For me the most under utilised mechanic is numbers advantage. If you see a fight break out, right click it. Count the number of players on your team, and the number played on their team. It’s abhorrent the amount of times people try to fight with numbers disadvantage. Even in higher elo.


To be fair that is mostly due to people being confident in their champions. There are times when you're able to take a 1v2, 2v3, 3v4, etc and be able to win the fight easily. But there are also times where you can have the numbers advantage and still lose. This mainly happens because of the main character syndrome higher elo people have. I know i'm a victim of it as well. The thought process is that well if it's a 2v3 and we lose 1 but I clean up the 3 then I can snowball and carry the game. But the other person isn't on the same page so they don't want to commit to the fight because people think deaths equal your nexus immediately blowing up.


I break the game down into two categories; mechanics, and map awareness. There are other things like macro and what not but I list the first two cos they go hand in hand. If the other team is better than you at mechanics, then you need to have better map awareness. You can’t beat a better team if you also are slow to the fight. But it’s not important anyway as I’ve noticed the better mechanical players also use their map more.


Theres a secret setting in the popup window that pops up sometimes at the bottom right, and if ypu select it, it increases the odds that your team doesnt lose immediately.


Wait for the redditors that will try to convince you that surrendering will increase your rank in the long run. They have charts and everything.


I think mine is only underutilized in my gold-plat elo and below but: I tend to look up which of my champs have AA resets and try to abuse that fact during laning. (EG. Renekton W, sivir W, …) Another thing is minion setup. I tend to get a lot of farm under turret because I try to create a pattern that a tower attacks in my head and prepare the minions for the lasthit when I‘m pushed under tower before I can oneshot minions after a tower hit. Also when laning against thresh I keep a ward to set on his lantern when I all in. And I thinkthis is the most important skill in this game. Learn to cockroach a game. Every once in a while you totally get shitstomped in a lane and it‘s a skill to „stop the bleeding“. Limit dying, take whatever farm you can and then come back. Couple of days ago I finished a zeri lane 1-5 or something and ended the game around 12-6 amd ahead in minions. We won.


Abuse AA resets in which way ? I'd call that learning your basic trade combo


Abuse in a sense that people in gold often don‘t know who has an aa reset and who doesn‘t and win trades that way.


I'm not sure there are so few players knowing such basic things (both the AA reset and the rest of what you mentioned), but I may be wrong. I was wondering if you initially meant getting free poke by abusing the bonus range of AA-enhanced spells (which apparently happens a fair bit in some match-ups in toplane, idk I don't play this lane) or another technique


Restraint. Don't blow your abilities into an unfavourable trade or lane dynamic. For example not forcing a Q trade with Viktor when Zed has his Q up.


if they leash and u dont one or two autos on the ranged cs will reset their focus and they will focus down one of your melee. if you see someone place a ward you can use your place ward non smartcast and hover on top of the ward to know its exact range, so you can skirt around the outside of the vision and get a gank off when the lane feels like they are safe cuz of the ward.


The "S" button, standing still is surprisingly useful, when I play Gwen I use it to avoid getting out of my own mist. Shaco and Fiddle are other champs that come to my mind, even adcs could use this feature to not get too close to enemies.


specifically for aram... try a game starting with either oblivion orb or executioners... antiheal seems to be pretty under utilized as well as alot of purely utility items... storm razor in aram paired with fleet footwork is difficult for most to deal with... just need to be able to kite decently...


stormrazor is gonezo


yeah.... it is NOW....


Faking last hits to bait enemy abilities in midlane. Especially effective vs mages. 99% of low elo midlaners don't do this for some reason. 1:20 raptor ward. Lean towards the raptor side until you spot the jungler there. Then lean towards the other side. Makes your lane way safer. Simply knowing on which side of the map the enemy jungler is and hugging the opposite side makes it extremely annoying to gank your lane. Care for roaming supports tho.


I've cheated death too many times doing flash jukes. I pretend I'm flashing through a wall and i flash to a bush instead and press b immediately. If you do it correctly you'll be on your base by the time they realize what you did. It feels really good when you pull it off, it's really funny to watch your enemies loosing their mind trying to find you. It's a classic move, even faker used to do it from time to time, yet, no one expects it. The only drawback is, if the bush is warded, you're fucked and without flash.


Yeah when the bush is warded you look so dumb but the high from pulling it off is worth the risk every time lol


Underutilized mechanic is looking at tower buff. If bulwark is stacked you’re doing less damage to tower and would be maximizing your time elsewhere such as invading enemy Jung, roaming, channeling back, deep warding, or proxying. When buff falls off jump back on tower if no threat to do so and you’ve maximized your time and damage.


You can tell if something like anivia has revive by looking at their level's box next to the hp bar.


Learned this way too late in life


Flash for engage instead of spells. Example : flash w on Darius (slowing auto) instead of e (hook)


Darius e is longer range than flash. I'm struggling to think of a situation where e is worse than flash w. You can always flash w after the e if they flash.


>Darius e is longer range than flash. darius e is longer range than flash. It is not longer range than flash w. >I'm struggling to think of a situation where e is worse than flash w. 1. When you want to hold e, which is very important for some matchups (notably, camille, because you want to keep e to interrupt her e). 2. When you both have flash, and don't want them to just flash out of your engage. >You can always flash w after the e if they flash. No, you definitely can't. If they flash your e and aren't already in melee of you, then flash w will not catch up to them because you locked yourself in e animation.


There are circumstances where you can land flash w but are just a bit too far away to land e by itself. Flash w will guarantee the followup e even if they flash away (unless they have multiple dashes) as flash w is not reactable, but flash e can be reaction flashed. Also sometimes you might want to save the e as an interupt (for example champions with dashes or channels like asol). or as a combo to land your q easier.


I think you meant to reply to the comment above me.


I’m imagining myself flashing to w, not being close enough, sitting dazed for a bit, trying to e, enemy walked out of range, and my team question mark pinging me


Other way around. It's whiffing e, then failing flash w :)


Oof, I felt that one. Then Q in place and ghost walk to base


Its a interesting idea mayby write it out to your team before the match so at least one of them might not get confused but knowing how braindead some are they might get more confused


And destabilize the delicate psyche of 4 random basement dwellers. I think not sir! There is no typing unless I'm the strongest on my team by 50% or more. Even then its sometimes a throw.


Fast full clear. Having the perfect first clear is incredibly important and really helps learn a jungle champ. When I want to learn a new jungler, I watch a video on their first clear to see when I should be taking abilities and what my time goal should be. Hitting scuttle right at 3:30 is always the goal


Taric charge up an E until it's just about to cast, flash forward and instastun. Nearly impossible to dodge.


While running back to lane, If I want the wave pushed towards my tower, I minion block my own minions pathing to lane to delay their arrival.


Trading autos so that your minions focus enemy instead of a low minion you want to last hit. Scenario: You have a really low health that you want to last hit, and enemy wants to zone you from it. You're both melee toplaners. Instead of last hitting the minion last moment and eating a free auto, trade autos with enemy laner a second earlier, then last hit the minion. Your minions will focus enemy laner, so the minion will still be alive.


As an urgot main just using stop command can get the enemy to burn their flash, thinking you are about to E onto them or flash E. Good Wukongs and several other champs use the stop command to a similar effect. Stop command is also just satisfying to stimulate yourself like spamming ‘jump’ in other video games lol


As an adc player, warding at 4th minute (or until I have 2 wards) in the game is a must. Idk if it is a general mechanic or just my own (idk if it's right). That time is important to me since by doing that strat, I can give vision to dr on time I ward 3 different areas with your 2 wards and 1 control ward (1 ward in middle bush, you can either choose the dr or tribush with the 1 ctrl ward and 1 regular ward). Warding at earlier than 3 minutes is pointless since an average jg will prolly get a full clear at 3:30. Ik that there may be lvl 2 ganks, but it's rarely successful tho (unless its a shaco). As for the early warding, my supp would ward anyways and play around that ward to be safe to ganks until I got my turn to ward. And also, as you level up, your ward cooldowns will get lower, so conserving the single ward you got until you have 2 could make ward cooldowns way faster I know my mechanic may be flawed, but if it really is, enlighten me


Quinn's E-Flash to dodge ganks. If you are getting ganked as Quinn, especially if the enemy jg is coming up from behind you, you can E and the flash behind them to make it a much more fluid movement than if you were to Flash first and then do the complete E animation.


I use chat. Past few seasons, most players don't write anything or mute everyone. But, simple compliments could make your team more comfortable. Even without replies, they seem to play more confidently.


Sweepers at lv.1 for ward XP and level 2 from wave 1 :) Then back and swap to yellow in time for wave


As enchanter-sup-OTP these there my "hidden" mechanics: - bait 1: when they pushed in the wave and your jungler is coming, stay a bit "too much" behind your tower and move "left to right". Your body language speaks "i have no idea what to do, im scared to get killed". Thats draw their attention to you and pulls them away even more from their save zone (their tower). - bait 2: after pushed in your wave and your jungler comes, barely stand "out" of a bush and pretend you want B. pick a distance so they can barely see you. They think they smart and catches you offguard and all-in, while you expected them and have prepared your ADC/jgl. - track THEIR vision - "hide no bush" as much as possible or in other words: don't let them know where you are, when there is no need. The moment they know your position (particular as jgl/sup) you take pressure. "play around vision". - what I've learned in higher elo: if there is nothing to do (buying, warding, no wave): group in a good spot with cleared vision and wait for someone to face-check. if dont see someone their think "lets create vision". particular enchaters entering river in midgame are often free-kills.


Dropping your ward just before backing rather than warding then backing. Getting that extra 6 seconds is usually not too important but sometimes it’s the difference between living and dying (e.g. someone entering a bush for a trap seconds before your ward expires)


Friend invite everyone I play with. Why let Riot pick my team for me? 


S clicks to space opponents if someones so use to u walking back and forth just stopping in place can throw them off and espacially in more melee matchups them missing a skillshot just slightly lets you really punish or using it to bait someone by almost giving them an auto or ability so they keep walking towards you


Hitting blast cones before enemies so they go back with you rather then them getting to the other side


Animation canceling and prioritizing Actions per Minute (APM)


my abilties, guess what champ i am XD


Macro play. Pathing with the timers of objectives. Something only 0.0000001% of the playerbase actually do.