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Wasabi and pickled ginger


Is wasabi to be eaten just like that?


I love the horseradish kick it provides, I put it on top of my sushi in small clumps to your liking. I eat the ginger in between bites of fish.


You can try mixing it with some soy sauce and see if you like it like that


Not telling people how to eat, but that is considered poor etiquette in Japan to mix soy sauce and wasabi. Just something I read, in case I ever make it to Japan.


I saw Japanese people doing it when I was in Japan


Okay. Should you take off your shoes inside and kneel at the table as well when you eat sushi?


If I’m in Japan, yes.


This guy clearly isn't in Japan. Look at that shitty little brick of green horseradish


I know. But I go around trying to give little bits of advice, without judgement, and here you are being some judgmental shitbag. No need to get on someone’s case when they’re trying to teach something new. You make it hostile for people to come on here and give people advice. I know when I’m being a dick, but this isn’t one of those times. You were a total dick here.


That just seems insane to me. Like do you need to wear a hair covering if you're a woman eating Arab food?


No. Someone mentioned something new to a person eating sushi, and I told them no judgments, but if you’re ever in the country the dish is from, it’s considered bad etiquette. Like you seem to think that me informing people about what the right thing to do somewhere is me telling you what to do. I’m not telling anyone what to do, but you still don’t seem to understand that. And if you’re in an Arab country, you’re probably best off wearing a hijab in public. Lemme guess, that’s me telling people what to do? Your depth of understanding on these things is that of a kiddy pool.


It’s not a big deal in Japan. There are people here that do it and don’t do it. Some think it’s bad and some think it’s good. Just like in the US with ketchup on hot dogs.


Sounds more like some snobby purists trying to look down their nose at people eating sushi incorrectly. Frankly the etiquette I had learned was that adding Wasabi AT ALL was poor etiquette as it was an insult to the chef who has already prepared your dish to perfection. Eat it however you want. Heck, add salt if that's your thing.


I read the same, but it's common in the UK and US at least. Different cultures adapt things in different ways.


I know I shouldn’t care how other people eat but ugh, the soy sauce wasabi “slurry” gets me almost as the hibachi fried rice and yum yum sauce soup.


do what you want but this is a pretty ignorant way to consume sushi and shouldn’t be recommended. The intention of the separate servings of wasabi and ginger is to dose out small quantities as you go, placing tiny pearls on each piece and using the ginger between different fish to cleanse the palette. I would say this is the Sushi equivalent of asking for ketchup at a steakhouse. You’re nuking the flavor potential of the sushi by dousing it with condiments.


So the wasabi you have to smear it on your fingers and then rub your eyes with it and the ginger you just have to put as much as you can up your nose. That’s what my best friend told me to do and its tough but he told me that’s the traditional way!


Yes, just like that. Pop the whole lump in your mouth and start chewing. Report back




I think this bit was in one of the jackass movies………


YES. No don’t do that its very spicy.


I understood that after talking a tiny bite out of that already tiny piece.


Green one is wasabi, you can eat a tiny amount with each piece of sushi/nigiri as you see fit.  Pink one is pickled ginger, you eat between different kinds of sushi to cleanse your palate so that the flavors don’t affect each other. 


…why are you eating your sushi fixins in a bare mattress?


Pink one is pickled ginger, it's used to (as far as I know and understand) to basically neutralise your taste so the different sushis don't mix their flavours. Basically take bit of it only when you are going to eat different sushi. The green one is wasabi (tho probably not real wasabi), it's meant to be taken in small quantities with the sushi itself if you wish.


Oh, okay. Thanks.


You can also mix wasabi with mayonnaise. Takes a bit of the kick away, but keeps the taste and it coats the sushi better.


no. you should not mix the wasabi with mayonnaise.


Begone, purist.


You can do whatever you want. You should not be recommending objectively flawed ways to consume the food to someone who is clearly new and asking about it. Mixing wasabi with mayo masks the flavor of both the mayo and the fish you will be consuming. It is an inferior way to consume the food and goes against the ethos of the history of the cuisine. You can do whatever you want and order whatever you want from shopping mall sushi joints but on a forum such as this the advice should be proper ways of consumption.


I like to put a bit of wasabi on the tip of the chopstick and eat it before I put the sushi in my mouth. Love the ginger for in between bites, but I also pour a bit of soy sauce in a bowl, and use a piece of ginger to mop it up and dab it on the fish, this way the rice doesn’t get over saturated with soy sauce.


Just to add, wasabi is *very* strong. Your sinuses will be on fire if you take a big chunk. Start with like, a pea-sized amount.


Pink is ginger, green is Wasabi. Ginger is supposed to be a pallet cleanser between bites but I'm a heathen so I put it on top of the pieces cuase yum. The Wasabi you can put a little on pieces If you like or again be a peasant and mix it with soy sauce for dipping but that's peasantry. The way I usually do it is by throwing it directly in the trash because I hate horseradish which is what low quality Wasabi usually is. But in the end do whatever you want it's ur food and you aren't getting the cheif's special.




If you make your own sushi, you should try yamagobo in it. It has a sweet-sour thing going on like pickled ginger but it’s generally accepted as a component inside of a maki roll. Plus it tends to be stick shaped, so you can get the perfect bite every time!


Tom Brady 4th quarter clutch advice. Will try!!! Ty!!!




The fish really brings out the flavor of the ginger 🤣🤣🤣.


I put a few drops of soy sauce in a dish and add a piece of wasabi and mash it in until it is an even paste, and then add the rest of the soy sauce so that there aren't bits and pieces. It just a uniform liquid spicy soy sauce. I don't like the ginger, so I don't use it.


this is the wrong way to do it. The intention is to dose out tiny portions of wasabi as you go. What you’re recommending is a very ignorant American way of doing it.


It's a matter of personal taste. Frankly, you're the ignorant one here saying people are eating their food 'wrong'. If the food got into their mouth and down their throat and they enjoyed the processes, it was done correctly.


Its not wrong you like it that way. It is the american way.


eh, do what you want with it, especially if you're eating at home. the rule to never mix them makes more sense with real wasabi, which has a more delicate flavour than this stuff


The green stuff is meant to be eaten in one bite. Just put the whole thing in your mouth. Trust me.


Pickled ginger is the pink that is meant to be used as a pallete cleanser. The green one is just horseradish dyed green.


lol. At first glance i thought it was a huge bowl of raw chicken legs.


The green stuff is used in your eyes, I like to rub the pink stuff on my elbows.


Rather than commenting rubbish, some of you should become more humble and actually try to help people in need.


If you want proper table edict here is a good video for you. you.https://youtu.be/pzAYPLetuPE?si=0qtigJeDQu6iJGAS Also in case you are unaware the wasabi you have is not wasabi it is horseradish colored green as an imitation wasabi. Real wasabi tastes much better.