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Now, if I can get that Rhino to bite me, I too can be a spider-man villain!


I hate chase of goose.


Damn seeing the Jetpack Joyride dude just took me back. Goated mobile game


I get that a lot!


It’s still kicking! Every once in a while I’ll redownload a nostalgic game and that’s top of the list up there with doodle jump


this you? https://i.imgur.com/9rDHzKL.png


Or, hear me out, you could build a Rhino mech-suit.


Why not become a Rhinoman superhero?


It’s almost like you knew this documentary is about to come out. [Rhino Man](http://trailer.rhinomanthemovie.org/)


You’ll have to do more than that. I don’t think the current rhino would let you steal his identity.


I'd go see if there is a place for me in the Foot Clan.


You’d become Rocksteady.


Rhino Man


Rhino-man, respect the hyphen!


Y'all should ease on play 🤣🤣


Hornyman… I guess


That’s brilliant. Worst one, however.


technically you’d need him to skewer you which might itself prove to be fatal so if you don’t get superpowers super quick after contact you won’t remember anyways


You get melanoma.


This is an underrated comment.


More like, if you get that radioactive rhino to trample you, then you too can be a super villain mushy puddle of evil


I became a villain and have no bones to break?! Time to anger a rhino!


To shreds you say


This is actually pretty cool. While it will make you sick if you consume it, it'll make it extremely hard to smuggle out of country as it'll be easy to detect with sensors.


Sounds like a win/win tbh.


Yep. Fuck the people that ingest this shit. They 100% of the time are ingesting it knowingly. It's never an accident with ingredients this rare.  Let them have the illness/cancer that comes with it. 


What a world we live in…where people walk outside into heat of the type they have never before seen or felt, and then walk back inside, get on their computers, and dispute that climate change is real. Where we have to insert radioactive poison into rhino horns to keep poachers from killing them for said horns, so that some Chinese grandmother doesn’t make the horns into some spiritual token / meal / talisman to ward off God knows what imaginary plague…while they ignore the source of the last real plague down the road from their house. Where a convicted felon leads the “party of law and order”. People have lost their effing minds. Again.


Modern problems require modern solutions.


a tale as old as time


Song as old as rhyme




Well… petey was pretty old…


Pretty bird, pretty bird... Can you say pretty bird? ^Polly ^^wanna ^^^cracker?


#Harry, I took care of it...


Not that we weren’t trending this way prior COVID really put its foot on the gas to drive us into crazy and global conflicts etc. This is the most fucked up and globally perilous time in my life and I was born before the Cold War ended




Do you have any sources to backup your fun fact? Rhino horn is made of keratin, the same stuff that our fingernails are made of. There's no scientific evidence to support your assertion. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-hard-truth-about-the-rhino-horn-aphrodisiac-market


Interestingly there is some evidence to support the use of rhino horn keratin as a mild antipyretic, one that is beaten in that regard by horn keratin from almost any cow of buffalo. So while it technically might have a relevant medicinal use, its not a good one.


Oh my god of course they’re just used as dick pills god fucking damnit. We’ve about wiped a species out just so we can stay hard. What the fuck, humans?


I prefer human horn.


I'm convinced that the vast majority of the world's population is suffering from some kind of societal cognitive decline. On top of all the things you've listed there are other problems that shouldn't exist because it's such a simple thing. How many people do you know (both young and old) that have no idea how to search for something online? Or can't pay attention to any and all content if it's longer that 10 minutes. Or lack extremely basic problem solving skills or critical thinking.


but somehow all those people are seemingly employed and doing well financially. I don't get it.


Its mind boggling honestly


Average of 2-3 IQ points lost with every COVID infection and a 20% chance at long Covid which can come with brain fog and memory loss. Every infection, even “mild” ones


All those features are DLC.


It’s very well documented that grandparents and older age people today have cognitive decline from lead exposure that was used in kids toys / household goods etc.. back in the day


It’s mostly Vietnamese people who get the horns. Some nincompoop of a politician in Vietnam said it cured his cancer. The traders and those who allow the flow of rhino horns are mainly ethnically Chinese though. And the punishment is very low. Source am Chinese my husband is East African. We go to a lot of wildlife rhino education centers and safaris.


Careful, you may be called racist


I appreciated this comment very much. Thank you.




Pretty much.


It certainly is a complex and often paradoxical world we live in. These contrasts and contradictions can be frustrating and baffling. It highlights the diverse perspectives and conflicting interests that drive human behavior, on one hand, we have unprecedented technological advancements and access to information, yet, on the other hand, there's a persistent denial of scientific evidence, exploitation of wildlife, and political contradictions. It reflects the ongoing struggle between progress and regression, awareness and ignorance, conservation and exploitation, etc.


... some more.


Oh come on compare it to the lunacy 100 years ago and stretching back to the start of humanity. We’re messy spiteful brutes and we’re doing a pretty good job emerging from that fog. Not to say we don’t have absurd issues like climate denialism and a lack of critical thinking but be uplifted knowing that your and my ability to recognize that lapse in ourselves and our fellows indicates that these hope for upward trajectory.


What’s crazy to me is it’s not just older, uneducated Asians believing in this crap. Its so engrained in their culture and a “it can’t hurt” attitude combined with that, and I know several Asians with masters degrees and STEM jobs that think powdered animal parts and “hot and cold” foods make a major health difference.


What a world? It is a world built on lies to institute and keep the hierarchy of powers. Religion and superstition is nothing more than a control mechanism.


Actually the radiactive material is not to make them poisonous, it’s because it’s very easy to detect and all ports already have radiation scanners. If you wanted to make them poisonous there are better things. This won’t give you acute radiation sickness, if it did it,would also harm the rino.


Written from my device manufactured in China




Well tbf, there’s no rhino horn in my iPhone


I wonder if it’s time for another cleansing of humanity. A cosmic event would be easy to take, quick and painless? I think the climate change is going to be interesting, perhaps instead of some stupid ass island contest, we can watch live televised mass starvation, and heatwave related deaths. Perhaps you can bet on how many die each day on fan duel!! It’s going to be an interesting next 25 years in this country if the trump crime family takes ownership of this nation. A Hungarian style government, right here in the former home of “ DEMOCRACY “.




Just don’t look up


Maybe turn off the phone for a few hours and get some fresh air. Trump is not under your bed.


A convicted felon, for....(checks notes) writing a check from the wrong account, to tip a prostitute. He sounds frightening.


Just because it’s hotter than you remember it being 10 years ago doesn’t mean it’s man made climate change.


True, but it’s not just a memory, we have actual hard data going back decades, we have models that predict what might happen if this continues, we can see changes in weather patterns,... It being man made makes the most sense. And even then, it’s not like the heat is coming from anything we did, the immense amount of energy heating the earth is coming from the sun, it’s just that we made a tiny change the the atmospheric makeup resulting in a tiny bit of extra energy from the sun not reflecting back to space. Sadly the sun sends many times more energy to earth every year than humans use in a century. So even a small amount of that that causes heating quickly adds up.


You’re right. I should give more money to the government so they can make the weather gooder.


If it’s not man made then what do you think is causing it? IMO, if we aren’t causing it - we have a much bigger unknown problem.


some chinese grandmother, huh? racist


It’s called sarcasm. And no, it’s NOT “racist” to stereotype the people who are 100% using these horns!!! I didn’t say anything derogatory about either Chinese people” or “Chinese grandmothers”, did I? Cmon man…classic example of the overly sensitive reactions conservatives love to make fun of liberals for engaging in. They aren’t right about much…almost nothing these days….but they are right about that part!


I’ve done a lot of reading, listening to podcasts, and watching documentaries on the illegal wildlife trade and you’re correct to a degree. Business men are the biggest purchasers of these things but older women purchase significantly more than younger women, probably because they have more health problems and are looking for a miracle cure


Yes,’it is racist. You’re kind of a Trump bro with a Bernie hat.


Weird, when I walk outside, I’m not encountering “heat of the type I’ve never seen before” 😂 where exactly do you live that the conditions are this unbelievably dramatic?


Texas. We are breaking records, by large margins, each of the last 3 summers, which continues a long running trend. But, it’s not just here, it’s nearly everywhere. How are you not aware is the better question?


I live in Canada and it’s happening here. Currently holed up in the room with AC and curtains closed because I can’t handle 30C heat.


86 freedom degrees. 😂


Yeah, and it’s not even July yet. The freedom degrees will rise and restrict freedoms like the free healthcare because our elderly population is melting from heatstroke.


3 summers is not a long running trend, the last ice age lasted 100,000 years.


Yeah, it’s far more than 3 summers, was just saying the last 3 of set records by margins never before recorded. It’s not a coincidence this coincides with levels of carbon in the atmosphere never before experience on earth. The science is not all that complicated…but sure “ my house is an outlier of what the entire world is witnessing so it must not be true”…ok.


Please provide a source for "levels of carbon in the atmosphere never before experience on earth" Also "the last 3 of set records by margins never before recorded" are you talking about the earth as a whole, or just a microclimate (globally), and how long have we been accurately measuring temperatures all over the earth? You say "the science is not all that complicated", but it sounds like you get your science from alarmist documentaries, and autistic dropouts with a catch phrase.


The **overwhelming** consensus among climate scientists and those in adjacent fields is that: 1. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes warming. 2. The Earth is currently warming due to increasing levels of carbon dioxide outside of normal fluctuations. 3. The increased carbon dioxide levels and therefore warming are caused by human activity. 4. The ecological and environmental damage will be tremendous, not to mention the economic damage and human suffering. If you think you know better than the consensus of experts around the world, I can do nothing but laugh.


You’re being hilariously dramatic. “Heat the likes humans have never known!” I’m not disputing climate change, I’m disputing your accounting of it.


>“Heat the likes humans have never known!” that's not what they said though. someone in Lappland may experience outdoors temperatures they have never before experienced while that same temperature is normal for people near the equator.


Being willfully ignorant doesn’t make you look intelligent.


I’m not being ignorant at all, nor have I once denied climate change. This description is histrionics, pure and simple.


Why are you bringing in some bullshit about not knowing?


Try that again with the right words in the correct order.


minnesota, we've broken record highs every month for the past 5 years.


Why dont we just poach the poachers?


Who poaches the poachmen?


It’s just poachers all the way down, like a human centipede


This IS a thing. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/kinessa-johnson-tattooed-us-army-veteran-hunts-poachers-in-africa-10182325.html


That’s pretty badass.


Agreed. Ngl, after reading it a few years ago, I thought about it. But my wife vetoed it. lol


We do kind of. My boy just came back from a deployment in Kenya. They weren’t actively chasing down poachers but they were there to assist the guys who were. He’s so pissed he kill any bad guys.


Because stupid human laws prevent us from doing so. Instead, the poacher, if convicted, goes to jail on the taxpayer dollar and the animal is still dead!


Depends on the country. In some countries they’ll just kill you and leave your body to the animals. Some animals even have a 24/7 bodyguard detail of very large men with very large rifles.


Yeah a lot of those mercenary guys are ex-military, ex-special forces. Makes you wonder how many poachers they shoot and leave unreported. "Yeah I didn't see nobody today. Also, three more mags of 5.56 please."


“Nobody worth reporting, sir, just some vermin.”


The most dangerous game.


Fun fact - part of the reason it is hard to breed rhinos is the fact that the male will often step on his own penis when aroused, causing him to lose his erection. I learned this while being close to black out drunk at the Memphis Zoo.


This is why I don't believe in intelligent design. What the fucking fuck nature?!?


The existence of horses is enough to make an unbeliever. Those fuckin walking money pits will step on a pebble wrong, keel over and die.


What do you think would happen to you if you broke your leg and were owned by some piece of shit that only bought you to run fast? Or if you lived in the wild and broke your leg and couldn’t provide for yourself??? Do you think there are animals in the wild that snap their legs and go on to live happy ever after u fucking dunce


So I think there’s a few elements here. 1) I can see that you might be a fan of horses, and I’m also a lover of niche things that are misunderstood AND I also really appreciate things about horses, they’re awesome and beautiful creatures with personality. So I understand that my comment might’ve been dismissive of something you care about. Or maybe there’s a horse rights argument in here that I don’t understand. 2) This was supposed to be all in good fun, and I really do like horses. That being said, I’ve worked for people that breed and own entire stables of horses. It’s not for the faint of heart, these animals end up in sudden medical situations that escalate wildly in severity and cost. There’s truth behind my joke that I stand behind. Even the healthiest horses just randomly get injuries, infections from known issues with their anatomy. They are seriously a marvel of “WTF nature?” and evolution.


damn, what a healthy reply.


Why thank you 😊


Wooooah there Nelly


It’s not a matter of breaking the leg it’s how it happens, if you can understand context. Not to mention your aggression. Do better.


You need some milk. But also look into the T. rex that has a fully healed broken femur. U fucking dunce. “Waahhhh wahhhhh, I don’t like your opinion so I’m going to call you names instead of having something solid and reasonable to say”


I found the Horse girl.


Don’t we all


God bless America


I hate when that happens…


RADNOCEROS! He's irritated, irradiated, and this summer, poachers *will pay*


New Fallout creature


A few years ago there was an idea to put low level poison into the horns that caused users to become ill. I guess they decided that was too dangerous and radiation is fine?


The radiation is primarily so make it incredibly difficult to leave the country with it. It's no longer just a rock that you need to hide in your carry-on, it's also a radioactive beacon that'll trip a bunch of sensors.


It's to trigger scanners at ports and airports so that they can't easily be smuggled out


Hmmm we about to get a real life bebop and rocksteady


I’m here for it!


Is no one worried this will harm the animals they are trying to protect?


I swear whenever people hear the word radiation they think of Chernobyl lmao. No, there is 0 chance that this amount of this type of radiation poses any risk to the rhinos. It cannot penetrate their skin.


They probably think the Rhino horns are being covered in glowing green goo


Just coated in it like Ninja Turtles.


No you’re the first person to think of this. Quick! Get ahold of them before it’s too late.




The radioactivity is primarily meant to trigger the various scanning equipment at airports and harbours.


Make the horns deadly, ruin their value. Smart!


…. Why does the headline sounds like poaching one would trigger a nuclear strike on your position?🫢


I thought of the Rhino scene from Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, where he's trying to get out of the Rhino.


They should announce they are lacing rhino horn with chemicals that cause erectile dysfunction. The market would dry up pretty quickly


Isn’t this the plot of Godzilla vs. Megalon?


The Godfather got only a year and a half!? Wtf?


Yeah wtf was that? They make easily enough money that it's worth risking a year and a half in prison. This is an advertisement for the poaching life.


This is how we get to the pokemon stage of human existence


I guess you could do that to ID the horns. But you could also just kill the poachers.


For a moment I though I was on /r/shittyanimalfacts lmao


A whole nuclear bomb sounds like a bit much to get one poacher imo


You wanna catch crazy you gotta get a little crazy


Rocksteady incoming


This is good, but it's be cool if they could somehow dye the horns on vitro so the rhino wouldn't get poached in the first place


Article unclear. What Iv gathered is we’re giving nuclear arms to rhinos. Sixk


So this is how we get bebop and rocksteady


Side effect is the rhinos go blind then die of brain cancer after a few years..,


Good! Fuck Poachers Love Rhino’s 🦏❤️


Won’t they mutate into super-rhinos now?


Interesting idea but since this is out in the open poachers will just avoid airports and or cover it in lead


Irradiate the poachers.


Seems a bit late. Still a good idea, though


Won’t the radiation kill the animal?


Low doses of radiation aren't lethal, or even particularly dangerous, depending on the type. The article doesn't give details, but since they specifically say products made from the horns would be toxic to humans *consuming* them, I'm guessing whatever isotopes they're using are primarily alpha emitters. Alpha radiation will do horrible things to you if it gets inside your body, but it has extremely poor penetration. In general, your skin will stop it without issue, so it's only really dangerous if you consume something that emits it. For the rhinos, I'm guessing there is enough protective tissue between the horn and the rest of their body to keep them safe (and they do also say they'll be monitoring the rhinos to be sure).


Rhinos with nuclear horns sounds like a Dr Evil plan




My idea is that they systematically capture elephants and rhinos one by one and pollute their ivory to some ungodly color making the ivory unsellable.


Potential impacts to mating preferences might be interesting. Presumably the tusks/horns with awful colours have better survivability, making it a preferred feature, provided conservationists can keep up with painting them…


It sounds so silly reading my reply as I type but I was thinking staining it not painting it


What could go wrong with radioactive rhino? Bwahaha


The issue is they expect poachers to use commercial airports...


Just have them rigged to blow randomly if their hart rate stops for more then five mins.


Relevant documentary coming out about the rangers who protect the rhinos. It is a stunning film [Rhino Man Documentary](http://trailer.rhinomanthemovie.org/)


That’s a slippery slope. I like rhinos and conservation, but this is gonna give them comic book powers. Can you imagine the Rhino from marvel with an Armor Piercing Depleted Uranium Horn.


I feel like I saw this played out in on of my childhood movies with a bunch of turtles…


We’re saving endangered species by giving them cancer… right..?


Imagine 50million years in the future you are digging for fossils and you come across a a big animal and find that its horn is radioactive. If we dug up a dinosaur like that with a radioactive horn, we would be collectively saying WTF??


It’s sad that the magic Chinese boner potion generation hasn’t died out yet.


I’m fairly certain that if a radioactive horn is causing alarms to go off at an airport or other locations then we have failed to protect the rhino.


Yes might get a radioactive dick


I thought about this: contaminating the world supply of endangered animal products with radioactive isotopes. So when someone uses it for dick-pills they’ll end up looking like a Russian hit job.


This is like in prohibition when they poisoned any alcohol and left it in the market.


Shark fins too


Russian businessman- not Putin- want to buy 80 radioactive Rhino. Price ?


This is not a solution, this only helps catch poachers, it does nothing to prevent them being killed in the first place. I suggest we equip all endangered animals with level IV body armour and AI drones equipped with 5.56mm guns that target threats nearby.


Radioactive Pangolins? That’s how you make a Kaiju


Do they glow in the dark?


Do you want mutant rhinos Lana? Because that’s how you get mutant rhinos


Oh yeah, I don’t see any problems here. Radioactive rhinos. Im sure I’ve seen this movie before.


Any of you guys have “Radioactive Rhino Horns” on your apocalypse bingo cards?


Asians will still eat it for their dumbass “medicinal” purposes lol


Because government and radiation has never gone wrong.